Friday, September 28, 2012

Russell Brand Buys Breakfast For The Homeless

Despite the fact he looks homeless most of the time himself, Russell Brand is not homeless, just enjoys wearing the same clothes and shoes everyday. Yesterday morning, Russell stopped to talk to the group of homeless people that hang out by his place hoping for one of his generous handouts when he decided to take them all to breakfast. That was pretty decent of him. It is one thing to give money to someone and walk away and then feel good about your good deed while forgetting the person almost the instant you pass them by, but to actually interact with homeless people and take them to breakfast and converse with them. That is the next level and as much as Russell can rub me the wrong way for lots of things, I admit he is very very generous to homeless people on a regular basis and if I was homeless I would go camp out in front of his place too.


  1. I can't help it; I heart Russell Brand

  2. Bravo Russel! And there's nothing wrong with wearing the same shoes everyday, I do that but that's cause I'm poor. I do wear different clean clothes everyday.

  3. I love Russell too! There is something charming about him, despite his disheveled wimsy.

    LOL Carebear. Same shoes different clothes!

  4. I hope his haters read this. I have been a Russell Brand fan for years and love him to bits.

  5. I like Russell. I had to learn to like him, because I thought he was gross at first. Despite any of his flaws, I think he truly has a good heart, and he can be uproariously funny. Not exactly stupid, either.

  6. I'd much rather buy the homeless/near homeless a meal or pay for a bill/service for them. That way I know my money is being used to help their overall well being, and not going into your friendly neighborhood crack dealers pockets.

  7. kudos to Brand for this -- and I'll scale back the hating a notch temporarily

  8. It's so's 'easy' to just hand out money if you have it, but to spend time with people - actually interacting and giving of yourself is a whole other level of awesomeness. That gives me some food for thought today.

  9. So awesome. Sad to admit but he's completely shaggable. He's got a great heart. Considering so many homeless are afflicted with addiction and mental health issues I can see why he is so compassionate. He's a champion of recovery!

  10. Good for Russell! He can be annoying at times but I'm starting to like him more

  11. I'd take him over Katy perry any day. He maybe be a little burning a man whore, but his heart is I'm the right place in other aspects. Kudos to him for actually getting to know these ppl and not just throwing cash at them. I bet it made their year. Hopefully ppl won't start to take advantage of this though. Like abuse his kindness

  12. I love Russell Brand too he's got a great heart and is so witty.

  13. How can I not adore this man who has obviously never forgotton his roots. Recently a poster here said that homeless people are our guardian angels, sent to us for a purpose. My snooty nephew was with me shopping one day and said “Look at that homeless bum” about a young man who was begging . Silly boy, because I was going to give my nephew twenty pouds but I gave it to the homeless man. And also, I told my nephew that the man started out in life just like the rest of us, and it could happen to my nephew. He never bitched about homelessness after that. Hahahaha.

  14. That is awesome he took them for food rather then just handing them money, because sadly they probably wouldn't have bought just food. Good on you Mr. B

  15. I saw him on tmz doing this he was wearing something else btw and it was worse but at least it looked comfy lol :) I do remember recently him helping out a drug addict, as in convinced and took him to rehab.....

  16. I gave two dollars to a blind panhandler last night.

  17. Thats nice. The larger question is, where did russel brand even come from? From nowhere to marrying katy perry, making a movie, now pics of him every day. Wassup?

  18. auntliddy. I think he's always been kinda big in the UK - as a comedian and goof ball lady chaser. He crossed over when he did Forgeting Sarah Marshall. Or at least that's when I first knew of him.

  19. He seems to take a bad rap for being a man and acting like one. He's never been shy about his desire for sex, his love of women and that he had some substance abuse issues. Clearly he still has vices but who doesn't? He's funny, a bit off kilter and kind of honest about his life. He's a comedian, not Socrates. And I love him as Aldous Snow, fuzzy wall just really makes me laugh.

  20. He seems to take a bad rap for being a man and acting like one. He's never been shy about his desire for sex, his love of women and that he had some substance abuse issues. Clearly he still has vices but who doesn't? He's funny, a bit off kilter and kind of honest about his life. He's a comedian, not Socrates. And I love him as Aldous Snow, fuzzy wall just really makes me laugh.

  21. @Bunny Warren - Awesomeness

  22. I have always loved Russel Brand and I don't care what anyone says.
    Something about his homeless/80's hair band/bohemian look is totally sexy to me.

  23. Kind of OT but recently I was going into a 711 and due to several bottles of champagne I was feeling very bubbly and enlightened, so I asked the homeless man outside if he wanted anything. After overdrawing my bank account to buy him cigarettes and a lighter he then got mad at me because I refused to go back inside and buy him an icecream and give him my phone number. Some people can be so ungrateful.

  24. Man. I love Russell. Always have , always will. Like another poster said I'd take him over Katy Perry any day! I find him strangely hot (it could be the quirky sense of humor too) and I keep rooting for him to keep his life together & not fall back into his addictions. I just can't bring myself to dislike the guy!

  25. why doesn't he buy a house to place them in, and thus eliminate at least one of the problems plaguing them, and offer rehab, you know, help them get their lives back on track as opposed to just breakfast. Because as a former homeless person, this action of his comes off to me as he is simply someone who deems himself gritty, and this is how he tells himself he is, "keeping it real."

  26. ***and I don't mean a house for each of them, but finding a safe and stable place is the first step to getting off the streets, b/c seriously, if you're sleeping on a street why wouldn't you want to get high or drunk to forget that reality. He certainly could afford it, and those on the street are only looking for a simple break. Once you get a safe and stable home, you can work on sobriety, then how to manage in the real world, like with a job, etc. Then continue the rotation. Not to mention, he could start a non-prof and raise money to help with this , house of his. F*ck, that's what I would do if I had money.

  27. The first time I heard Russell Brand, he was on the radio being interviewed by Steve Jones of the Sex Pistols on Jonsey's Jukebox. I almost had an accident I was laughing so much and after that made it a point to find out more about this guy. I thought he would be blond and nebbishy so imagine my surprise when I saw what he really looked like.
    Unfortunately, he's never been as funny to me as he was in that interview, but I keep watching him in hopes that eventually he will be.

    I also think that, despite everything, he is a very spiritual man, most likely a Buddhist.

  28. Oops! Lest my "accident" be misinterpreted, I was driving at the time!

  29. Just want to thank Enty for this positive Russell post :D

  30. I heart Russell. He's only said nice things about his ex-wife. He's been a gentleman in that regard. I believe he wanted to lead a fairly normal life and she wanted to party. But that's their biz...

  31. Love you, Russell. You're a good bloke. When people say they hate him, I feel bad for them, not him. Glad to see many other fans here! Usually I'm among only one or two that are fangirling him in a comments thread.

  32. @Bunny Warran - I've always believed this! I am an atheist, but never forgot the Bible scripture about there being angels among us, so be careful how you treat those who are less fortunate.

  33. A large percentage of homeless people are mentally ill. Back in the day you didn't really see a lot of homeless people because many of them were in group homes and such. Ronald Reagan cut a lot of mental health benefits to Americans, and surprise! The homeless rate went up also. For Russell Brand to start a "halfway house" sort of thing for the homeless....that would take some real dedication. Who knows what the laws regarding running a home are? A lot of rules, I'm sure. And if he just buys a house and lets them move in, it'll only take a day or so and it'll be the neighborhood crack house.

  34. Hard to say anything bad about Russell after watching this documentary -
