Thursday, September 13, 2012

Selma Blair And Her Baby Daddy Split

The relationship was in trouble before Selma Blair got pregnant, but when she did, she and Jason Bleick held it together and thought the baby would change everything about their relationship and that things would be amazing. Nope. Just a little over a year after their son was born, the couple announced they have split, but of course remain the best of friends and will work together to support their son. Selma and her son moved out and Jason has tried to see his son but has not been very consistent in doing so and I think that was one of the issues that plagued the couple. The other was they don't really like each other anymore and Selma has also made it known that she needs to work and make money and the baby/work thing is stressing her out. Welcome to the real world of most families. She should imagine having to work a real job or two of them and then come home and take care of the kids that some stranger has been watching for the past 12 hours while you and your partner worked.


  1. Matching with the baby is so tacky, but so cute! If I have kids, I'll totally be that mother!

  2. It's easy to be the judgement mommy, because I did the working divorced mom with two kids thing, but I won't. It's hard for every mom to leave their baby, for whatever time they must. It's all relative, her schedule is different.

  3. I agree it's very stressful being a mom.

  4. Mom's are damned if they go to work and damned if they stay home.

    I feel that if she's wearing a matching outfit with her baby she going to have a terrible time leaving the baby and going to work. As much as I hate any two people in matching outfits (twins too) I'd rather see a mom like this than one on bath salts in Florida who keeps getting knocked up and the kids being taken away. Or worse, NOT taken away. I feel it's better to split amicably than think passive aggressive fighting in front of the kids is somehow healthier.

  5. I'm not really sure why she's being put in her place in the last two sentences. She's allowed to be stressed out by learning how to balance her time. Just because she collects a bigger pay check than most of us, doesn't mean she has magical powers. Plus, I'm sure it's tough when she's expecting that the father is going to be involved and he's not really living up to his end of the bargain.

  6. I would argue that the 'work' she does, without the help of a nanny, chef, housekeeper, etc, is the same as the 'work' the rest of us do. It's just different. Very different than those who have nannies and work out for 4 hours per day to try to lose the baby weight AND complain that it's tough.
    I applaud her for separating if it's not working out. Raising a child is tough enough. Doing it with a spouse/partner who isn't contributing is much more difficult.

  7. It's hard work being any mom. If you have to work outside the home, no matter the paycheck, it is just that much tougher.

  8. First of all, the people that we as parents rely on to help raise our children are NOT strangers by any stretch of the imagination. When my child left her preschool for kindergarten I cried. These people had been like family (she still goes there for holidays and winter, string and summer breaks). Secondly, it doesn't matter what your occupation is, as a woman raising a child, especially as a first time mom is hard ass work. It's difficult to have to leave your baby to go make money for the family.

    I really wish clueless people would stop commenting and assuming what it's like to be a mother and parent.

  9. It takes courage to leave an unhappy situation, especially when you have little ones involved. Good for her!

    That said, when I saw the image the words 'accessory baby' instantly came to mind. But she's probably just an eager FTM and I can't fault her for that.

  10. ITA with everything that's been said. Being a mom is tough. At least she's actively parenting and not pawning her child off.

    I do miss her short hair though.

  11. In some ways it's probably less stressful for her to get out of the relationship, be on her own, and have control of how she plans her day, week, year with regards to working and child care, than to be in a relationship where she *supposedly* has someone helping her but in reality isn't able to rely on the other person. That would make it really hard for her to make plans and decisions.

  12. I always liked Selma but it doesn't seem as though Enty does.

  13. I've always found her so blah and uninteresting but the fact that she's on Charlie Sheen's show makes me dislike her. I thought better of her.

  14. I thought she was perfect in Hellboy, and I loved her in John Waters' Dirty Shame. Everyone in that movie gets major points from me: Tracey Ullman, Chris Isaak, Johnny Knoxville. Such a funny movie.

  15. While I totally agree with putting your best face forward
    For the kids, I would love it if one day one of these couples split and say "Hey I hate that bastard. He is a total douche and I will never talk to him again. Good day."

  16. I heard a story today, @bobbi, that is exactly about that! This woman hated her ex husband SO much, she laminated his obit and carried it around with her AT ALL TIMES! It was in her wallet. My client finally told her she needed to see a shrink because it was a bit much. CRAZY!!

  17. I'm sick of all this comparing celebrities to the average woman shit. Why don't we start comparing the average western mom's problems to that of the average mom in Somalia? Haiti? Everyone has problems, they're all different but they're still problems. Don't berate one person because you think someone, somewhere, has it worse.

  18. So, is she the overbearing new mom with a new sitcom (Anger Management) from the blind from a couple of weeks ago?

    I wanna be right at least once on this website xD

  19. @Shit - I think so. That was the first thing I thought of...blind reveal.

  20. People used to say the first year of marriage is the toughest. I'd say the first year of a baby's life is the toughest on a relationship.

  21. Why make babies with people you don't even like? These are just selfish women!

    Ultimately it's not about mommy and her stress, it's really about the child and the unhappy, dysfunctional childhood that he will suffer that was brought on by a stressed and unhappy mother and no loving father in the house.

  22. WOW. Does anyone else remember how it seemed like she was pregnant simply FOREVER? And now it's been a YEAR already? The days before the birth crawled along but the days since the birth went warp speed. Wow.

    I love matchy outfits. The daddy doesn't fit in so it's byebyebye.

  23. THAT, is a cute baby!!! didn't even know she was withe the dad.

  24. She slept with that guy?
