Thursday, October 25, 2012

Axl Rose Actually Gave An Interview

For the first time in 20 years, Axl Rose gave a live interview when he showed up to Jimmy Kimmel Live. Axl did give an interview last year that was televised, which was the first in a decade for him, but this was the first live interview in 20 years. Jimmy was not allowed to talk about or ask about Slash. He was not allowed to ask about or talk about the Rock And Roll Hall of fame rejection. Oh, no questions about the whole Guitar Hero thing where he is suing because he is in the same virtual world as Slash. I'm not even sure they are allowed to be in the same paragraph together so that might get me sued. So, basically it was just Axl getting to do whatever he wanted.


  1. Dude just needs to go away. No one cares anymore.

  2. Anonymous8:04 AM

    There was once I time I thought he was pretty good looking (November Rain era). Now- not so much.

  3. I only see his name as Oral Sex.

  4. @rejectedcarebear OMG, that is amazing! I never realized that before!

    Also, whoever put the link to in the comments a few weeks ago, THANK YOU!!!! Best. Website. Ever.

  5. I love Jimmy Kimmell but when I saw who his guest was going to be I wound up watching an old repeat of Wizards of Waverly Place. That's how much I hate Axl Rose.

  6. Hard to watch so many audience members and Jimmy getting all "we're not worthy" about a guy that's beaten the crap out of so many women. He should be in jail, not getting a standing O.

  7. I grew up LOVING GnR n still do. As I'm watching this I'm going who does this guy think he is? He made 3 INCREDIBLE albums. That's it. Led Zeppelin made 10 and combined they aren't half the assholes that Axl is. They do t even get along but they can do press conferences and projects here and there. We waited how long for Chinese Democracy and i only listen to 2 songs off it. He doesn't have the resume to be such a dick.

  8. Most overrated rock singer ever. Never liked him.

  9. It's as if the film character Joe Dirt got lucky & became a rock star.

  10. I liked G'nR but never liked him. What a douche he is. TEAM SLASH!

    1. HELL YEAH @ALL!!! Isn't Slash just the coolest guy ever???

    2. Slash has a devoted wife, a nice family and still plays to enthusiastic rock audiences all over the world. Axl has none of the above. There might be a wee jealousy angle to this one-sided 'feud.'

  11. @lazyday: "Old repeat of Wizards of Waverly Place" made me laugh hard.

  12. Maybe he & Slash could be on Couples Therapy.

  13. Love Slash, hate Axl. Still a GNR classic fan though.

  14. *sighs*

    What happened to you, Axl?

    He's gone the way of Mickey Rourke. He used to be a damn sexy frontman.

    *sighs again*

  15. Is there a reason we are supposed to care about him?

  16. Was Jimmy also forbidden to ask about Axl's 3 inch peen?

  17. Slash also has what seems to be his real hair, unlike Axl. Basically Axl tried to screw everyone else by getting legal possession of the name Guns n' Roses, and he's done very little with it. Even Duff the bassist has had a more impressive post-1992 career than Axl.

  18. Slash also hangs with Robert Evans. Mucho cool points there. Axl probably just stares at his gut all day.

  19. Team Slash here too. Axl really isn't worth the time anyone would spend to interview him, who cares?

  20. Lol @Amber.

    Succinctly put.

  21. I totally agree with the previous poster who mentioned jealousy. Slash has cleaned up tremendously in order to be a good father and husband.

  22. He looks like such a creepy little man

  23. I have never, EVER found Axl Rose remotely attractive and always hated his voice. Stephanie Seymour must have been stoned out of her mind to have slept with this troll.

  24. I don't think Axl's ego can physically allow him to feel the emotion of jealousy. I think he's just an egotistical asshole who thinks he's better than everyone. He needs to make more November Rain's or he's going to lose what fan support he still has left. I'll admit, I hate him but I'd be very excited if he announced a new album release. I find it a very tricky line when to boycott really good work just because of the artists personal life.

  25. He's such a tool he doesn't even realize what's great about G'N'R was not his voice, but Slash's increduble guitar work...or maybe he does realize it, which woukd explain why he's such a prick...

  26. You're right @Rick, Slash's riffs are what stand out to me the most! But I do love 2 songs on Chinese Democracy, and I'd probably like a few more if I ever gave them another chance

  27. I used to worship this man back in the day. Now.... Hmmm. Surgery, ego, wife beating, boated freakin MESS! Ps. Stop doing that thing eith your hands.
    Ps saw slash 2 wks ago in concert... Was great.
