Friday, October 26, 2012

Former Bengals Cheerleader Who Had Sex With Her Student Gets A Reality Show

It turns out that you don't have to follow the Kim Kardashian model to become famous anymore or be a 16 year old and get pregnant. Nope. You can also be a teacher and break the law and have sex with your students and you will be rewarded with a reality show. The producers of Jersey Shore have signed her up and are shopping the show which will be about Sarah Jones and her teen boyfriend. Yes, the one she cheated on her husband with and broke the law with and got her mother arrested for. Why not be rewarded? So, when do all the other teachers who have sex with their students get a show? How about that 30 year old guy who is having sex with his 17 year old student? Is he getting a show? No, he is getting jail time. Apparently when it goes the other way though, it is fine and you should be able to makes bucks off it too.


  1. They give anyone a show these days!!

  2. "How about that 30 year old guy who is having sex with his 17 year old student? Is he getting a show? No, he is getting jail time. Apparently when it goes the other way though, it is fine and you should be able to makes bucks off it too." - Exactly.

    This is freaking pathetic.

  3. HOW CAN THEY JUSTIFY REWARDING THIS. Nevermind, we live in a land where Courtney Stodden has a sliver of fame.

  4. Hollywood is destroying our youth and our country. It'a all about the bucks. No decency left.

  5. NOT FAIR! Where the fuck is my Mary Kay/Villi show???

  6. Please let the Mayans have been right.

  7. What the fuck is her show supposed to be about? All the drama about being a sassy and independent registered sex offender just trying make it in this world? Crusin by the local high school for guys? Applying grease to her skin so it looks worse than a leather bag? UGHHHH

  8. I HATE that double standard. I really, really do.

    At the end of the day she is in a position of power and besides, someone around 30 is oceans apart mentally for someone in their teens.

    Whenever this topic gets brought up and people are flippant i always say:
    "what if it was your son or brother?"

    "That's different" is usually the answer.


  9. Enty please say April Fool

  10. Another show I won't watch and will write the sponsors to complain.

    And yeah, the double standard on this is sickening. Especially like dee123 said - when it's your own family, it's different. Just because it's not your family doesn't mean it's not somebody else's family. She should be in jail.

  11. This is pathetic. I hope someone sues. Is his family supporting this 'relationship'? Where are the child advocates?! They should be all over this shit. I can't believe there is going to be a reality show about her....pathetic.

  12. Yep, there is a bad double-standard here. When an older male teacher sleeps with a younger female student, most of us, justifiably so, find it creepy and wrong. But when an older female teacher, especially if she is hot, sleeps with a younger male student, it is not considered as harmful as the former. I especially notice this attitude with many (not all) men, who often proceed to make comments like, "I wish I had a teacher like that when I was in school" accompanied by winking and leering. It skeeves me.

  13. I'm 36 and currently bartending in Cincinnati. I toyed with the idea of going as her to work for Halloween and having one of the underage hosts be my "boyfriend". But it's too sick and too much explaining.

  14. This is just too much.

  15. Who the hell is going to watch this??!!

  16. Maybe she's starting a cupcake business and that's what got the tv execs all excited

  17. No morals. Its the only requirement for getting a reality show nowadays.

    Totally ot: but has anyone been following the news about the nanny that stabbed those two beautiful children? I can't even begin to imagine...

  18. This is despicable! The people who are behind the creation of this trash are truly destroying the fabric of society. People--please don't watch this! This woman is a predator, just like they would label a man if the position had been reversed (I am a woman, by the way). Her behavior cannot be condoned in this makes our kids so much less safe from people like her.

  19. Enty, way to call out the gendered double standard while repeatedly referring to what happened as "sex." It was rape. She is a rapist.

  20. @Gtzisshe - yea, saw the story. It just makes me so sad. If you read Dear Margo (I think it was her column) from yesterday or today, it just makes it worse (not listening to references for a nanny). My heart just breaks for those kids and the family.

  21. Gtzisshe, I saw that too along with another story about the nanny who got acquitted for the infant she allegedly shook to death. Both are very, very sad. I am a former nanny and still work with them in a different capacity now and it's horrifying to all. Can't imagine the family's pain.

    As far as this teacher, she has the maturity level of an 18 year old. She said on TV that she knows its love with her bf because he said something like how great and beautiful she looks in her mug shot! Now THAT'S love!

  22. Courtney Stodden, Honey Boo Boo, Rapist Cheerleader Teacher... who's the fourth horseman?

  23. rape? come on now. that's a fucking insult to actual rape victims. He's 18 and both families support their relationship. Get a grip.

    There are 14 yo girls being married off to 60yo men all in the name of god in America, save your outrage for them.

  24. If he was 17 in a state with 18+ consent, then it was literally the definition of rape. Especially since she was in a position of authority over him. I know you love to stir shit Jax but sympathy for rape victims is not a finite resource. I can point out her illegal sexual conduct and still feel sad for 14 year old rape victims too.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I will probably get slaughtered for this but I really don't see the big deal with what happened here. Except the TV show, THAT is a stupid idea.

    She was 26, he was 17. Yes that is a huge age gap and you are two totally different people at those ages. Yes he was her student and no teacher should ever have a relationship with their student. But this is not a case of rape, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, or anything perverted and twisted like a lot of these cases turn out to be.

    Both families support the relationship and it is a consenting relationship.The only problem here is the issue people have with dating age gaps. And she should have just stuck it out until he turned 18.
    If the situation were reversed and it was a male 26 year old teacher with a 17 year old student, in a consenting relationship that both families were aware of and supported, I would feel the same way. It would probably be better if you found someone your own age, but who I am to judge you, a person that I didn't even know existed until a few days ago.

    That being said I still think that anyone in that situation should be punished for violating all sorts of legal laws and destroying the trust of your school, your peers, and your students. But this is not a high school horror story, we shouldn't be treating it as such. It is simply a story of a woman in her 20's who couldn't keep it in her pants until he was 18 and out of school in a few months.

    1. The part about the male 20-something teacher and teen student is actually a plot in Pretty Little Liars. The parents have found out by now and slowly begin to accept it.

  27. You guys! Relax a little with the rape and victim talk here. Seriously. #1: Her parents and his parents are good friends and she's known the guy pretty much her whole life so there was already an established "relationship" there. When she got a job at the high school he went to, the line between teacher and student was already gray because he thought of her as a "hot" older friend and not as Ms. Whateverherlastnameis. #2: 17y.o. guys have been horny for a LONG time before they turn 17 and he was no virgin when they first started hooking up. And #3: Yes, she was married, but she was married for like 3-weeks before she moved out and back in with her parents. They had been legally separated for awhile when she started sleeping with the younger guy. I can understand the whole 9-year age difference makes some people squirm because they are young, but 16 is the legal age of consent in Kentucky and if she had been a teacher at a different school, she would have been labeled a "cradle-robber" rather than a rapist. They got her on a technicality, not on a statutory rape charge. I agree with jax that the outrage aimed at these 2 should be re-directed at the victims of real crimes, not at some immature 26yo that got horny for a tall, handsome 17-18yo dude. I guarantee the things he was sexting her were plenty adult and it would be hard to make a case that he was some innocent kid who got taken advantage of. They were both WILLING participants in this, get over it!

  28. @nova It is incredibly disrespectful to say that their relationship was based off of rape and that every relationship where one partner is under the age of consent is rape. It is not one of those words that can be thrown around to add weight and credibility to your statement or to add an air of moral superiority to all of your comments.
    Rape is an extremely painful, scarring, and life changing experience that should not be trivialized in any way. Doing so belittles the survivors and turns them into victims.

    I am not trying to attack you or put you down, I think you just need to think twice before throwing around such heavy words in a discussion in which is has no place, or meaning.

  29. Daily mail is definitely going to give me a heart attack. But it is addicting.

  30. "There are 14 yo girls being married off to 60yo men all in the name of god in America, save your outrage for them"

    Too bad the 60yo women marrying the 14yo boys are getting a show on TLC this summer. Damn double standard...

  31. WXIX in Cincinnati is reporting this as false, her mother is on the comment section saying it's not true. I however wouldn't put it past this trick for trying it.

  32. And the women on this site persist in complaining about a double gender standard? WTF?

  33. For me, it is not about the age gap or even the fact that he was 17. It is the fact that she was his teacher and held a position of authority over him. There is a reason that many businesses forbid relationships between employees of unequal power and that colleges forbid relationships between students and professors. Even if a relationship is strictly consensual, an unequal power structure calls into question how freely the person in a position of less power is able to "consent".

    I would also point out that no matter how you, or I, feel about an adult with a 17 year old, if the law in that state IS 18, it IS rape. You may not like it. You may not agree with it. Nonetheless, it is what it is. We don't get to pick and choose which laws we like to follow and which ones we don't. In that regard, she should have been punished in accordance with the law.

    Insofar as the bullshit reality show...I point you to my post in yesterday's "My Turn":

    I weep for humanity.

  34. Sh*t and there was a teacher in my area who just got sent to the clink for 40 yrs for the same, exact thing. Now if I were her, I'd be pissed as hell.

    (and I abhor pedophiles)

  35. Screw the actualy dynamics of this case the real crime is another crap ass reality show and people getting paid unreal sums of money when most the intelligent, moral people who contribute here struggle with real life pay. Let the world end in Decmember..There's obviously no God so don't anyone worry about hell.

  36. There is absolutely no reason for a reality show here, but this whole romance doesn't bother me like Courtney Stodden's pedophile husband relationship does. Why is their 30-year age gap (with one of them being underage) OK, but this one is not?

    It's all gross.

  37. Actually he was over the age of consent, which is why she was not charged with rape. So no, it is not rape. The issue was with the fact that he was a student at the school where she taught. (though hadn't been her student for 3 years) so she was considered to be in a position of authority over him. And by the terms of her plea agreement, she is NOT a registered sex offender.

    The two families have been friends since they were both children and the two knew each other their whole lives. The families are still supportive of their relationship. (BOTH families). No I don't think what she did was right or ok, and I don't think she should get a reality show and I would not watch.

    But if you want to get yourselves all up in arms about child exploitation and child rape, there are certainly some cases that are much more worth your attention than this one.

  38. I wonder what Nik Richie(sp?) has to say about this.

  39. My concern is that there is an unequal power relationship here, and it has gone on his whole life. Hopefully he ends up being very happy & does not miss out on experiences by being with someone so much older. Even if it isn't rape, I still think it is wrong. She could have waited a few more years, let him go to college. If they were meant to be it could have happened without any controversy.

  40. I'll admit that I would tune in to that show just to see the dynamic between the two, and see if it gives any clue as to the nature of their relationship.

    I don't know any of the details of this case - except what I have read here in the comments - and I feel like it IS somehow different from the other similar cases out there. Interesting reading everyone's insights anyway!

  41. well, I for one will not watch this smut.

    And although I haven't had my nose in this case, an wasn't aware the child was of consent age, I still am appalled whenever a teacher crosses that line. It should not ever be glorified.

  42. I really hope this is a hoax. Reality TV goes on a high-horse about not giving Nadja Suleman a show, but put THIS on? Ewwww. (Not that I want Suleman to have a show, or would ever watch it.)

    Like said above, the problem isn't 17 and 26, it's teacher-student. You don't have sexual relations with a student.

    There is a difference, though between the male teacher and female student, and this. The male teachers are generally predators. They groom their victims and look for vulnerable kids; they don't fall in love with their victims and usually have several . A female teacher deludes herself. She sees the teenage boy as an equal, and believe it's true love. They usually have a relationship with one student. Of course, every one doesn't fall into those categories, but most of what we see is like that. Moreover, it doesn't make any of it right!

  43. LOL, they talked about this "Anderson." He just said that it was gonna be on Oxygen, but then talked about Courtney Stodden. He showed a clip from "Good Morning America" where she was doing some weird lip/mouth movements while her husband Pedobear talked. His quote was "I'm not judging the age difference, I'm judging her ridiculousness!"

  44. Hopefully it will be a web-based show.

    @ jax - I can't remember the last time you posted something when you weren't angry.

  45. @gtzisshe
    I saw it on the Daily Mail yesterday, and just when I thought I couldn't be any sadder I saw on FB that my close friend was close friends with the father (they went to high school together and he was best friends with her hs boyfriend). Seeing all the tributes and condolences come through all day on my FB feed was devastating.
    My husband doesn't get why I am so nuts about hiring a babysitter. Sadly, we rarely go out because I don't trust anyone unless they have watched my friends kids for a length of time. And even then there are no guarantees. Sorry for the sad sack post. I am sick for this family you brought up

  46. Ok here is the other side of the coin. When I was 17 and I wanted to have sex, I didn't want a crappy sloppy grope with a mere boy, I wanted experience.

    I deliberately and painstakingly went after a young hot teacher. Yes he relented in the end, yes it was fantastic and no I don't regret it. I will always cherish the memory, it was the best first time you wish for, it was sweet, slow, romantic and delicious.
