Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Katherine Jenkins Keeps Talking About David Beckham

Back in August no one could figure out why former DWTS contestant and current opera singer, Katherine Jenkins went on her Twitter to deny that she had ever had an affair with David Beckham and that she wasn't dating him behind Victoria Beckham's back. It was so strange that Victoria said that she wanted to do what she could to make sure Katherine never wore any of Victoria's fashion line in the future. No one had seen a rumor or heard anything that Katherine and David were a couple and she did it all on her own. Now, two months later she is back at it again and wants to remind people that she is not having an affair with David and that she did what she did in August because people were giving her a hard time and making death threats about her possible affair with David. Huh?


  1. I've never understood the appeal of David Beckham. He's just kind of...eh.

  2. The IDIOT was never paid that much attention before, she's hooked.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. File under: Fame Whore FAIL.

  5. Focus on your career, Katherine. We heard you two months ago and didn't care; no need to repeat yourself.

  6. Urgh, I can't stand her.

  7. Not to be mean but I wish she would get her cross-eyes fixed. Let Posh know that David Beckham didn't sleep with me, either.

  8. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Yes, Becks is hot, but as soon as he speaks I'm done. I need a man that sounds like a man. His voice is too high for me, period.

  9. I would like to go on record that I didn't have an affair with Christian Slater. However, if he wants to make a liar out of me, well, so be it. :)

  10. Anonymous8:10 AM

    How does an adult get crossed eyes fixed? Legit question. I thought those surgeries had to be done during childhood.

  11. David, did not sleep with me either! But I am still willing to:) David, call me!!!

  12. Layna, I have a friend who had his fixed in his late 30s but the doc also told him he'd have to have it done again in a few years and forever after. Don't know why. But, so far, it's worked.

    As for the diva, she should stick to opera and leave us alone.

  13. My take on this...
    She came on to David, hard, and he rejected her. Cold. So now she denies, even though nothing happened, which causes people to question if it did.

  14. Katherine is lovely in person. Very gracious and kind. My husband worked with her for months on tour, doing lights. When she came to my home town she gave my Grandma front row tickets to the show, signed CD's and sang a song dedicated to her for her birthday.
    She also gave me a bottle of Champagne that Christmas ,and all the rest of the crew too, because they all worked right up til Christmas Eve night.
    I am very fond of her. She is stunning in real life and does a lot of work for the soldiers away from their families.
    Not that any of that means she wouldn't have an affair bit from my experience I hope not. I am very fond of her.

  15. And I didn't sleep with him either. Despite the silence to the contrary!

    On the crossed eyes situation. I think it may be similar to braces as an adult. A child's teeth are more easy to manipulate into correct position. They haven't been wrong for too long. As an adult (and I speak from experience) the orthodontist told me it takes more time to fix as the teeth are used to being a certain way for a very long time. That, and lifetime retainer. It may be the same with eyes.

  16. They should invent a new foghorn called a Famewhorn. Whenever tricks pulls shit like this you hear "Faaaaaaaaaaaaamewhoooooooooooooore"

  17. Actually, I heard the rumor well before she revealed it on Twitter, but it was a rather obscure rumor here in the U.S., not widely discussed, and I also know it wasn't being discussed AT ALL in the UK where she is from and where she is considered a celebrity because I was living there and was surprised that absolutely no tabloid was whispering a syllable about it. The UK tabs only mentioned it after she publicized the rumor. Methinks someone just wants attention ...

  18. I did not have an affair with Ryan Reynolds...no stop asking me about it.

  19. I didnt sleep with David either! So glad I got that off my chest. Now I can sleep with a clear conscience. ROFL!

  20. I had also heard the rumour back in the summer, but only briefly and I didn't really think much of it since he's allegedly slept with EVERYONE he's ever met. Yeah, I think girlfriend just needs to shut up since the only one still talking is her.

  21. She got a taste of fame in America when she went on DWTS now she wants to extend her 15 minutes. She seemed lovely on the show but this "I didn't do David Beckham" screams famehoishness.

    BTW, I am not Clooney's sidepiece as has been rumored in the Italian press. Just puttin' that out there.

  22. It's funny how everyone wants their 15 min of fame in USA - cause once they get it, everyone trashes them and rakes them through the coals on the internet! The money must be really good to want to have your business out there for all to see and judge??

  23. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I don't get David Beckham's appeal either. All those tattoos are just gross. And I do think this woman is doing this to get attention. People will do anything nowadays to get their name out there. Look at the guy who's saying he's Lindsay Lohan's boyfriend. That's called desperation.

  24. Anonymous10:33 AM

    @ Patty: what you're saying makes sense. That could be.

    As for Mark Sanchez? I TOTALLY slept with him. Rode him senseless. Please tell Eva, LOL!

  25. I feel embarrassed for her. It's like watching that show FriendZone. So incredibly awkward that I have to actually jump up and down and squeal like a little girl to get my awkward out, yet I still hit "record series" on my DVR. Except I don't actually care about this Jenkins chick.

  26. People say all kinds of stupid crap just to feel relevant. Talking about it only encourages their stupid behavior.

  27. Lindsay Lohans face probably wished it looked like hers when she was blonde and at her puffiest a couple of months ago when she was at the height of her Restylane/filler injection addiction.. But as with everything Lindsay, you know shes dead sober right now! Always sober, never off the wagon. Poor Katherine to have the face that reminds someone who is infamous for losing their looks..

  28. There WAS a rumor going around all summer about her and David Beckham so I don't blame her for responding to it.

    Regarding David, his arms are way too skinny (bordering on bicyclist-skinny) and his voice is ridiculous. I think he tries to make up for the skinny arms by getting lots of tats, which is pathetic in my book.

  29. Beckham is pretty easy on the eyes but at some point he's going to talk to you. The first time I heard him talk I laughed.

  30. I think she's waiting for Victoria to have her banished from Hollywood and the runway.
    Victoria can make your life an absolute nightmare if you make her mad.

  31. I heard the rumors before she went on record, too. Perhaps the rumors would feel bigger if they're about you and the most famous couple in your home country.
    It's hard to say if people are giving her a hard time in England.

  32. Look, I'm tired of all the accusations, so I just want to confirm, I too am not having an affair with David Beckham.

    That is all.

  33. I too used to sing opera and I want to go on record as saying that I have never had an affair with Mr. Beckham. Hell, Victoria is sexier anyway...
