Friday, October 19, 2012

Sandusky Victim #1 Speaks

Tonight on 20/20, there is a full length interview with Aaron Fisher who used to be known as Victim #1 in the Jerry Sandusky investigation. To listen to his story is heartbreaking and shows you not only what a monster Sandusky is and was, but what he was able to get away with because he was part of the Penn State football program. It is shocking that a principal in a school would tell a mother of a sexually assaulted young boy to really think about whether she wants to pursue something against such a nice man with a  heart of gold.  Those people belong in jail as much as Sandusky for enabling it all to happen.


  1. There's a special place in hell for Sandusky.

  2. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I've heard numerous times that there were more people involved, not just Sandusky. Specifically, boosters giving money for the same sorts of access to young boys. Supposedly that's why Penn State took the NCAA sanctions without appeal.
    As for Sandusky and all child molesters, there is a special place in hell for you and I hope it includes a hot poker up the ass.

  3. Anonymous7:06 AM

    God bless Aaron Fisher for having the courage to speak out

  4. When people in power lie, cheat, and manipulate to serve their own twisted purpose this is the outcome - ruined lives. And not just the victims. It's a ripple effect to everyone that only started with the victims. A wave of toxic evil that spreads like a cancer. Those poor children! No one gave a shit!! They only cared about the magic of the Lions. The power and legacy of that team ruined lives.

    This is why I'm so upset about Lance. He abused his power in the world of sports for money and his ego. Ok people. Stop the liars!

  5. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Heart breaking and sickening. That principal should be ashamed of her behavior.

  6. I, too, have heard that the next big story in this case is about the high profile boosters, etc. who were also pedophiles who paid Sandusky for access to these boys. I saw a brief blurb on it recently and think they are investigating it right now. I don't know if they will be able to gather enough evidence to prosecute people, but after all the evil this man has done, I don't doubt the significant probability that this is true. It's a mad world.

  7. I am in awe of Aaron Fisher and his courage. What an incredible human being.

  8. I've also heard the rumors about the other pedophiles. If true, I hope they catch them, publicize them and put them in jail for life.

  9. That boy has lived through some shit. Hevlooks much older than 18. What a tragedy. How could these adults allow harm to come tp children? As a mother this makes me so ill. My heart and admiration goes out to Aaron and the other boys.

  10. help! is something wrong with subscribing to comments today? For one, I can't subscribe from my iphone which means I have to use my pc, and then I HAVE to leave a comments even if I have nothing to say so I'm offered the thing to subscribe. Now it asks how I want to subscribe, My Yahoo, Google, bloglines, my bookmarks and I have no idea what this is. I used to just get them all sent to my email. Did Enty change something?

  11. If I were to believe in hell I'd hope it's a place where all these monsters go to rot and spend an eternity feeling the pain they have all placed upon the innocents they abused.

    My heart breaks for anyone who has suffered at the hands of a delusional sociopathic POS child abuser. I can only hope this is the beginning of a full investigation and that the media attention brings more 'victims' No, survivors the courage to stand up and speak.

  12. The only punishment that seems adequate is the one i saw the devil give hitler in little nicky

  13. Ita with all above lauding aron. All this misery and abuse for a fucking football game?????? These people better rethink their priorities, they r sick.

  14. the best though, you know how the whole issue of locals covering for the ped's in the boy scouts, well I have a newspaper from (I think 2004) from my area (lancaster county, pa) which states, "Boy Scouts of America Dinner w/guest speaker, Jerry Sandusky!" I had it on my blog (the pic) but have since taken it down (the blog per, I'm a sensitive soul and can't handle the unkind words which seemingly have come from sandusky type perv's).

  15. p,s, sandusky's lawyers filed appeals yesterday. AND, locals are pissed b/c a former hs teacher (a woman) had sex with two male students and was just sentenced to 20 to 40 yrs, and sandusky only received 30. I told one lady, be thankful at that b/c around here, if you are in the know with someone of importance, the da won't even charge you when you rape a child. 'Tis what happened with sandusky.

    1. he didn't receive only 30 years he got 30-60, minimum 30 maximum 60. and he's like what close to 70? he's going to spend the rest of his life in prison

  16. @ OMAMA - that Boy Scout thing is incredible. There have been between 6 -8 guys in Palm Beach County alone named in this scandal. Be interesting to see how many lawsuits start up against the BSA because of this.

  17. This just makes me sick. I have heard the rumors about boosters also. Please get them, make them public, and prosecute. There is so much wrong with this, a children's charity that is supposed to be helping and they get this in return. Disgusting, heartbreaking, get everyone of these fuc***s and lock them up, forever.

  18. ppl are pissed b/c the 30 (to 60) means for each count he was given less then the min man for the offence.

    He must be a freemason or something.

  19. I can't wait til we hear Sandusky trying to get sympathy in prison, like ol' Conrad Murray tried to.
    Waaa! I don't like prison!

  20. I know a lot of people who attended Penn State as well as several other "big" football schools. Here's the thing. These people believe those football programs are bigger than anything or anyone and must be protected at all costs. It's not even that they can't see that something very wrong has happened--they'll just do whatever it takes to protect the football program. It's a sick obsession.

    I remember a few years ago a story about a young woman in...Nebraska, I think it was, who was dating a football player at the university. He was a star player on the team. A week or so before one of the team's biggest games, this player violently attacked the girl and then threw her down a flight of stairs and left her for dead. When she pressed charges, she got inundated with hate mail and hate calls and DEATH THREATS from football fans who were incensed that the ex-boyfriend wasn't going to be able to play in the big game "because of her." The university showed her no support at all.

    It is a weird, sad world when people will sell their souls to support rapists just so a football program can keep going.

  21. @redheadmed....I know some specifics about some of the high profile people who were providing children and barely adults to these pervs in the area, and I can assure you, they ARE well connected (if a judge or head of judges is involved....what can anyone do?). And yes, I too have heard from reliable sources that investigations are going on, but with what I know, I can honestly say, I do fear that because of the who's who of who's involved, I fear nothing will come to light, and they will once again be able to continue the pimping of poor children to these types (because I can also assure you, children of the wealthy are not the ones farmed out...they may be abused in private but their parents aren't put into a stronghold, with rights taken away etc as poor families are).

    //p.s. ever notice how so much of the filth persists in places where they (the majority) deem themselves so pious?

  22. Enty's last sentence sums it up perfectly. Throw all those f@ckers in jail...hell under the jail.

  23. Yes Omama! I believe there was a pedo ring n the spectrum of influential people involved is very far reaching! I do hope some zealous person is able to buck the shield n expose every single person involved. And I hope Ryan gets the therapy he will surely need!

  24. Victims of abuse, sexual and otherwise, male and female, need to talk openly about their experiences. It is soooo great that men like Aaron speak up. Taking away the stigma and shame puts these victims back in control! Go victims!! Get your power BACK!

  25. Pedophile rings are very well protected, if you wonder why the penalties are not more severe it's because the guys who are making the laws are involved in these rings. Politicians, judges, cops, lawyers, community leaders, priests - many are part of pedophile rings. They lie under oath to protect one another, I guess it's part of the code because no matter what country they all seem to operate the same way.
    This is much bigger than the abortion debate or even the economy but none of the politicians talk about how to deal with the pedophile situation.

  26. What do u do if you suspect someone of doing these things bc you saw potentially underage teen/boy porn on his pc and a search asking if Justin beiber is gay? And a hunch.

  27. You can only do what your conscience tells you. Google Terry Dunlop. he did what he thought was right and look what happened to him.

  28. That's no help. Im asking what the correct place to contact is.
