Saturday, October 27, 2012

Seizures On Private Jets - Rick Ross & Lil Wayne

Almost a year ago to the day, Rick Ross suffered multiple seizures while flying on a private jet. This happened around October 14, 2011. Now, this week, Lil' Wayne had the same type of thing happen to him. Is this a private jet thing? I think it is more of a there are no security checks and no TSA guys thing so lets see how many drugs we can take in one flight kind of thing. Regular pot is probably not going to cause a seizure. That synthetic stuff can though and I wonder if that is what is going on here. Lil Wayne had never had seizures before and suddenly he gets a cluster of them. I don't think Rick Ross had any previously either and then he gets a cluster of them. Who knows how drugs and altitude and flying all mix? Throw in some sex or Viagra or something that races your heart and you could be looking at trouble. Purple drank can also cause seizures and I know Lil Wayne has said he is a fan of the purple drank. I just think it is too much of a coincidence that these multiple seizures happened like this. I think it is also weird that Rick and Lil Wayne are so close and that they both had this happen to them.


  1. "Seizures On Private Jets" would be a great band name or record title.

  2. Can someone tell me what the heck purple drank is? Is it that vodka and grape juice drink that was called Purple Jesus back when I was in high school?

    As for this Wayne person, it IS very odd that in the space of a couple of days he has had seizures. I wonder if he was doing poppers.

    1. It's prescription-strength (codeine & promethazine) cough syrup with sprite/mountain dew & jolly ranchers.

    2. That sounds vile.

    3. ORAWESOME! !!! (Just kidding)

  3. Actually, there is such a thing as adult-onset epilepsy. I got it at 39 and had never had seizures before. Both had their first time seizure and should have stayed hospitalized for the remainder of the day, so that your brain and body can recover. Instead, they chose to get back onto their jets and proceeded to have another 1. It's not uncommon to have 2 grand maul seizures in 1 day. I suspect they'll continue to have seizures for the rest of their lives. Drugs and alcohol, lack of sleep, etc. can contribute to getting seizures.

  4. Cough syrit, sprite & jolly ranchers? Eww...

  5. It may not be anything new that they're taking. The body just wears down after so much repeated abuse. No one thinks all of those chemicals are doing anything bad to them until it's too late.

  6. Jolly Ranchers? Seriously? Gross.

  7. Strange. A friend of mine, a guy in his 40s, had a grand mal seizure a couple of weeks ago. His sister let everyone know it happened because of alcohol withdrawal. Nobody knew he was drinking to that kind of excess. He was in the hospital for about a week and then went right to rehab, where he had another seizure. I had no idea that could happen.

  8. I watched lil Waynes documentary and he never mentioned adding jolly ranchers in his purple drink. Its just Sprite and codeine cough syrup. The cough syrup is a purple color. These two need to to take it easy. Seizures are no joke.

  9. This is not a fat joke but How scary to be next to a guy of Rick Ross' size having a seizure! I wonder how many guys it took to hold him down.

  10. I'm from Houston and have always heard of purple stuff containing jolly ranchers.

  11. when someone is seizing you shouldn't hold them down. hold their head to prevent them from injuring themselves. and NEVER NEVER NEVER stick something in a seizing persons mouth. they can bite down on it and choke to death. just turn them on their side.
    My fiance suffers from epilepsy. so i've been around seizure first hand. to see someone go through it is traumatizing. its awful.

  12. and that being said, I think "seizure" is code for overdose. Just like "exhaustion" is code for drug/alcohol abuse when folks check into rehab.

  13. oh wow thanks @holly I've never actually seen someone in a seizure and I pictured their arms and legs flailing around. Now I know what to do

  14. Better luck next time, Death.

  15. They probably od'd. I had a seizure from a pill
    overdose. Wasn't trying to take my life, just took too many because my body was used to large doses. It was definitely recreational. Almost a year clean.
    Seizures definitely take a toll on your body.

    1. Congrats on kicking the habit

    2. Thanks, lots of relapses but that seizure wised me the f up real quick. That was MY bottom. And the fact that it happened at my sons birthday party in front of the hubs family definitely made me reevaluate my priorities.

    3. Congrats on being sober!

  16. I always wondered what exactly was in Purple Drank after my T.I. got busted right outta jail drinking and driving with it. From Wicki:
    Purple drank is a slang term for a recreational drug popular in the hip hop community in the southern United States, originating in Houston, Texas. Its main ingredient is prescription-strength cough syrup containing codeine and promethazine.[2] Cough syrup is typically mixed with ingredients such as Sprite soft drink or Mountain Dew and pieces of Jolly Rancher candy. The purplish hue of purple drank comes from dyes in the cough syrup.

  17. Ugh, they just look so greasy.

  18. Codeine addiction is very middle class in the uk. Housewives necking 50 nurofen pills a day. Scary stuff! The packs u get from the pharmacy now say ONLY USE FOR THREE DAYS.

  19. I dont see either of these two getting old tbh! Even without the drugs theyd die of diabetes! How much sugar?!?

  20. I think I was happier not knowing what "purple drank" is. Seriously, why add the pieces of Jolly Rancher? Do they melt first?
    Never mind. I don't need to know.
    Seizures are scary business - the brain essentially short-circuits. Which should be a huge sign that it's time to see a doctor and quit behaviors that can cause them to occur. Even if this is adult-onset epilepsy? Quit the recreational drugs dude.

  21. Thetruth - Russia has a problem similar due to codeine, which is sold over-the-counter there. When opiate abusers can't find their normal drug, they get something made with the OTC codeine called "krokodil." It's waaay worse than heroin, so full of toxins it makes your skin break down. The good news and bad news is people don't use it more than a year.

  22. Time ran a solid piece on "krokodil" in June and it is scary, scary stuff:

    "The Curse of the Crocodile: Russia's Deadly Designer Drug"

  23. I want that purple stuff...

  24. I read about krokodil. Scary stuff indeed! Kept me off Google for quite awhile. Wish I never saw those pics.

  25. @Lola Well, at least he doesn't have to rely on looks alone, like some celebrities...He's very talented.

  26. Talented? That's not the word(s) I would use ...

  27. @bonnie blue-blade That's just my opinion...Do you like hiphop?

  28. I love all music ... just today I was listening to adele, arcade fire, florence and the machine, dmx, eminem....blah blah blah...don't get the weezy love, though my niece loves him offense.

  29. OOh, a close friend of mine just recently started having bad seizures. She had a couple in the last few years, but now they are every month at least. I worry about her alot, and I gotta throw this out there since Enty mentiioned it:

    She used to be a chronic (several times a day) pot smoker, but she switched to sythetic pots about 1 1/2 years ago. Has anyone else seen chronic synthetic pot cause a rise in seizures?

    She tells me it's not the cause, but she also refuses to stop smoking, so I worry. Her condition is worse when she doesn't eat enough and/or she is dehydrated, and she has problems making herself eat sometimes, possibly from the after affects of the seizures, and sometimes maybe even from the meds she takes for her epilepsy.

    Also, she seems to get really, really depressed after a bad seizure...for like at least a week. Wondered if that was common?

    If anyone has any advice, please share!

  30. @sparklynan...your friend is better off smoking REAL pot. That synthetic stuff is really horrible. It can make people delusional among other things. I don't know about seizures, but the timeline suggests that synthetic pot is causing it. I think it's common for depression to follow seizures.

    See if she can get some help (or even switch back to real pot) because it sounds like she's in denial about the sythetic.
