Monday, October 22, 2012

The Best Five Minutes Of Your Day


  1. Sounds like the guy with the trains is having an orgasm...

  2. It was mildly funny until the red bridge. Then I was like WTholyF?!?!

  3. ROFL OMG WTH is up with the Asian kid?!!? WHo was he so excited to see?!?!

  4. @Montana...I totally wanted to know what was so exciting too!

  5. I would be really pissed if its KK or Justin Beiber @lola

  6. Haha my favourite is the drummer at the end

  7. The last guy on the drums was awesome.

    I didnt understand why the iphone being swallowed by something that looks like an intestine was so interesting?

    I also didnt understand the one with the guy on the bicycle with the stuff on his head - that sh*t happens all the time in rural Asia and Sub Saharan Africa, so not that unique (but maybe Im just 'not that impressed' like the gymnast)

  8. I will have to watch this later with sound, but I can say I was already highly amused without sound.

    And seriously WHAT was that on the brige?

  9. Dammit I always get sucked into Youtube land with the video links at the end of the clip.I might as well say goodbye to two hours of my life right now...

  10. That drummer defintately did it his way. LOL.

    And yeah, what was going on at that red bridge???

    Personally, my favorite WTF moment was when I was driving into Houston on I-45. I glance over and see this junky old car, driven by a fully dressed clown. Makeup and wig and nose and all, and smoking a cigarette. Gave me a good laugh.

  11. I want to hire the drummer to play my next party. No band, just him alone up there. No guests necessary, either. That dude is a one-man party.
    Also, I was worried about the crazy guy on the shopping cart in the middle of the highway (in Russia?) Did he get out alive?!

  12. Was that the mad drummer?
    I couldn't really tell... My boyfriend showed me videos of him though, HILARIOUS!

  13. Thanks Enty that was absolutely worth those 5 mins! Wow so many comments to make so I'll just say my favourites was the dude speed moon walking down that huge street and also the super passionate drummer at the end :)

  14. Lounge drummer for the win, hands down. They don't pay him enough.

    On a side note, the reaction of the young asian guy is more or less identical to mine when I see a Christina Hendricks pic on this site.

  15. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the red bridge is covered with f*cking idiots.

    The drummer really wanted to be singing, lol

  16. Ha! Loved the teeny bicycle. LOL

  17. WTF was that skin-colored thing attaced to the cell phone? Loved the dudes getting off on the bridge...guys will be guys!

  18. Oh my god, that was awesome. Thanks, Enty!

  19. holy f-ing sh-t I am crying lauging
    thank you ENTY I love you.

  20. I couldn't stop laughing. WTF is right.
