Friday, October 19, 2012

Your Turn

Do you believe in Horoscopes? Fortune telling? Bio-rhythms?


  1. I believe that our zodiac signs can predict personalities to some extent, but that's about it.

  2. Bunch of hogwash.

  3. When I was younger I always thought I would find the man of dreams if our astrology signs were compatible and after years of cheaters I finally stopped using astrology but ironically my husband is compatible with my sign even though I didn't start dating him for his astrology compatibility. A relationship should not start by zodiac stuff. Its too much of a headache and involves too much research.

  4. I didn't believe it until I played The Sims on pc. You make your character so I made one like me and made it a capricorn which then automatically gave it personality traits, all things that are really me. Then I did other people I knew and I'm like I think they're onto something. Now every time I meet a new guy I look up his traits and decide if we have potential. It's fascinating!

  5. I have seen some similar characteristics amongst folks who share the same astrological sign but do not believe wholeheartedly in horoscopes.

    Fortune telling, so far every reading I have ever gotten has been full of it so until someone proves it to me otherwise not a believer

  6. In college, there was a woman in town that was a "fortune teller". She never advertised, it was all through word of mouth. Her sessions were an hour or so, and she would let you record them (in those days with cassettes). I went to her twice and a lot of what she said about my current situation was true and a lot of what she predicted has come true.

    There are a lot of phonies out there, but I' agnostic. I believe we don't know the true extent of the power of our mind or life energy.

  7. I used to believe in it. I was really into that stuff. Had binders of information I'd printed off various websites and "research" I had done. But I was 15 at the time, so when I developed a crush on someone whose sign wasn't compatible with mine, I discarded the whole lot.

  8. Yes. But not all "fortune tellers" are created equal. You have to find a good one. Let your gut be your guide! And I prefer to call them intuitives or sensitives. Psychic has a yucky stigma these days.

    Astrology is very powerful stuff and it's really just math at the core.

  9. I think everyone should have a real horoscope cast, just for fun. A real horoscope shows all the planets ("planets" in astrology means also the sun and moon) and their placement in houses and signs. You'll need time of birth, city of birth, and that's about it -- the conjunctions, oppositions, trines, etc., all sound so scientific that it's hard not to believe! I am skeptical, but ... I still cast horoscopes when friends have children. Jung was a big believer in the usefulness of loking at one's own chart as a tool for self-analysis.

  10. Yes, sorta and no (don't know much about it).

  11. The woman from college used all kinds of philosophies in her practice: Christian prayers, astrology (a full reading), palm reading and just holding my hands and breathing.

    She was a lovely woman and used her gift in positive ways.

  12. No. I believe in science, not hogwash.

  13. Don't believe in Western astrology but, oddly, believe in Chinese astrology, which I have found to be very accurate.

  14. Not really sold on astrology, although some personality traits often DO apply to some folks.

    On the fence about "fortune telling" (about which, I agree with it "intuition" or simply just a "reading." "Psychic" is okay to me, but I can see how it might annoy those who do have the abilities.) I say "on the fence" because I've known some people who were the real deal on some things.

    Another thing I liked was that those with The Gift tend to be good at actual counseling, in a way. They could sense issues that I wanted to work on or should work on, and they'd make great suggestions about how to bring in more positivity, health, good vibrations...whatever I needed. Most are wonderful people with a true gift to help others. And I think some are frauds, which ruins it for everyone, sadly.

    (dia, I wish you could give me some ideas/advice or tell me whatever you might be able to see about me at times!)

    Bio-rhythms I never did fully understand.

  15. For the most part, no.

  16. Yes to astrology. I can't get enough!

  17. My first reaction is to say no. I guess I do believe there are psychics, but I think they are very few and far between, and I don't think anybody who advertises themselves as one is legit.
    A few years ago I went to Cassadaga, FL, which is a "city of psychics." Not sure any of them were for real, but the feeling of complete peacefulness and calmness that washed over me when I got there made me think there's something to it.

  18. Barton - I had someone do my full chart for me this year. It was so accurate! That Jung was a very wise man!

    Horoscopes in the paper are BS. Real astrology takes into account a lot of other variables, that's why you can't just look at the top layer.

    Always find good people thru word of mouth recommendations. In my quest to figure out my own witchy powers I came across a lot a fakers and money stealers. I figured out what worked through trial and error, but that sucked. Don't recommend.

    Lastly, a good reader picks up on what's out there in the field and reads back to you (without their two cents or ego interfering!) Things are always changing. So what may be true today could change tomorrow. Life is that flexible.

  19. oh hell yes. Andoid's Daily Horoscope is DEAD ON almost everyday. Bizarre.

  20. Astrology, yes, and runes. Would try a palmist if they were reputable. I believe our energy is a give and take to others, and we can positively influence our outcomes. For instance: GO CARDINALS! 12in12!!!!!

    1. And tarot. I'd like to learn to read them for myself but I hear its a devotion to learn the interpretations. I don't know that I could devote that much time.

  21. You're kidding, right?
    "I'm a cauldron stirring, broom riding, spell casting Witch".
    (I always loved that line from "Bewitched"... never had an opportunity to use it before, so thanks Enty!!)
    But seriously, I'm Wiccan...and widely regarded within the community as one of the 10 best Tarot readers in the city.
    I've been reading the cards for over 35 years now. I also dabble in palmistry, psychometry, and the occasional spook work.
    So horoscopes aside (I believe the stars impel, they don't compel) ... the rest is a resounding yes.
    And to further clarify a point, whatever a psychic tells you isn't an absolute. It's merely the most likely progression of events if you make no changes.

    1. Ita with the last paragraph, and same goes for Tarot. If i lived near u, id try to learn at ur side!! Props!!

  22. Sorry this is OT

    Does anyone after reading CDaN on a pc where it's white letters on black background feel like theyre getting a migraine? I can't tell if the aura is starting and I need to take medicine or the website colors just messed up my eyes!

    1. Itu. Read it on your phonr if u can, diff graphics.

  23. When I was 18 I had my palm read and she said I would have twins or two children very close together. At 28 I had twins. Completely forgot about it till then.

    She also said I would have an affair with a professor. That didn't happen.

  24. I do follow astrology and a lot of times the traits they say for certain signs are absolutely spot on! I also believe in Physic's (sp), or as dia likes to call them (herself) sensitives:) I admit that I read a monthly horoscope and a daily not that it is accurate it is just a habit I formed because my mother was a fanatic for them. I am too scared to have a reading because I don't want to know about things that haven't happened yet.....

  25. My mom's BF was a cop, and he always had to work overtime when there was a full moon. As an engineer, I did some work on coastal management projects. I feel that if the moon can exert such an enormous force on the earth, that perhaps the other planets, when aligned in certain ways, can influence events on earth, much like tides. So I believe that astrology might have some actual basis in physics.

    Some people have psychic abilities. My hubs can always read my mind. Scary.

    I dunno about biorhythms.

  26. Lets see if my theory works? I say Enty is a Leo. dia I am going to say that you are a scorpio. and who else let's see how about katsm0711 is a sagitarius! Ok people let me know - if I am wrong i am never reading a horoscope again:)

    1. Close @roman! I'm a Capricorn :) and what are you?

  27. I dont run my life according to stars or oredictions, but there is def something to it. I myself read tarit cards for fun- not much anymore- but one night we were out with few couples inc some i didnt know. So i was reading cards for everyone, and came to yhis man who had been in high school with the divirced woman he was now dating. Everyone thought him charming and well to fo. Well that reading was awful!!! He had something with running iff with kids, fraud, stealing money, untruthful- seriously, i started lying it was do terrible. He didnt say much tho. Coupla months later, my friend call me to say that this guy has defrauded oeople out of money, ditched the girlfriend, stolen her car, taken money from her father fir bogus investments, and kidnapped hus children in a custody fight!!!!!!! And im not even that great at reading, lol. I wished had that sroead in front of me when i found out to recheck! So there must be something to it.

  28. not really... barely read horoscopes, but was once told that it was unlucky to read old horoscopes, so in doctors offices I scramble by months old horoscopes, whereas in day to day don't even notice them! I suppose we all have some superstitions we follow!

  29. People hear and believe what they want to believe. A good scam artist reads people well, figures out what they want to hear, and then tells them that. Voila, belief!

    Like notice how all the astrology signs have positive and negative characteristics but mainly positive. And the characteristics are very general ones that everyone has at least to some degree. It's always like, well you're stubborn but passionate or you're prideful but affectionate. OMG, gasp, that's SO TRUE. There isn't the one sign that is like the loser sign and everyone born in that sign or on that date is automatically a loser. Might lose valuable customers that way!

    1. I myself, hv some 'loser' signs. Or thats as u think if them. Ie, scorpio, deep dark thinkers, heavey personality. Id rather not. Too much work. Not a fan if taurus either, literally bull headed. Meanwhile, my dad was a scorpio, and best male friend a taurus! Lol

  30. I do somewhat. I'm a Cancer, ruled by the moon which rules the tides. We're mostly water, so the idea is not farfetched.

    I, my husband and my mom all had separate readings from a lady in WA. state. Everything she said to me came true.Big things, little things.
    They did as well for my husband and my mom. Wish she was in Vegas!!!!!

  31. don't believe in horoscopes. If by fortune telling you mean the gypsys with the crystal balls, no. But I do think there are some people who can sense the future but not necessarily understand what they're seeing. I also think there MAY be some people who can communicate with the dead, but they're not usually on TV.

    Last night before each ballgame started, I predicted in what inning Sabathia and Lincecum (sp?) would be pulled. Just had a feeling.

  32. For April Fool's I switched around everybody's horoscope at work. All day they were so sure their horoscope was right on target. At the end of the day I told them what I had done. Instead of laughing it off, they just harrumphed and thought I was a meanie. Who was it who said: "it's a wise person who rules the stars, a fool who is ruled by them"?

    1. They may thought it was mean because you tried to make fools of them. No one likes that.


  33. @ Amartel, I beg to differ there are certain signs that I think are really no good - personal experience! I say you are a Taurus??

    @ katsm0711 - wow and that is just from reading stuff that you write:) close but no cigar:)
    Can you take a guess at mine??

  34. @roman are u Pisces?

  35. No sorry! close though:) Oh and I love your avatar - I thought it was Gladys Kravitz, until I took a closer look - hilarious!!!!

    1. Aquarius? U don't seem like a Taurus...

  36. I'm a hardcore skeptic, I don't believe in any of that

  37. It's occult and I avoid everything to do with the occult.

  38. horoscopes? no, but there is something to natal astrology and how it reflects nuances of our personalities. I find it rather fascinating and insightful but I do not rely on it for life decisions.

    fortune telling? eh, not sure. I am a psychic medium but I don't use it for money making purposes, it's in conjunct with my career and is an asset in helping people I work with. I've heard and seen things since I was very young but medicated the fuck out of myself until I was in my 30's to stop it. In the last 5 years I've learned to embrace it and it's been great to be able to help people.

    biorhythms-I don't really know enough about it, never grabbed my attention

  39. I am actually an astrologer, so yea

  40. Yes, yes and yes. Add palm reading channeling to the list.

    But not Tarot Cards. They're bullshit.

  41. @katsm0711 yes, I am a Taurus, but my friend is an Aquarius so maybe her vibes are rubbing off on me:)

  42. I have seen 2 true sensitives in my life. The first charged $5.00 and told me things that she had no way of knowing. The 2nd was only partly right. Both, my Grandfathers had abilities to see beyond what most see. Horoscopes no.

  43. I have set of Rune stones and I used to be REALLY good at reading them. I put them away after a couple of weird readings for others but I've been feeling pulled back to them. It will be a month of touching them, the book and all around 'connecting' with them before I'll feel like I'm accurate with them though.

    I've got a friend who does tarot. It's easy to follow facial reactions, general 'tells' to figure out how to interpret the cards to someone's questions. He's got a gift to those he's close to though, which is why he doesn't do it often.

  44. Yes, I grew up with Mum and Nano who believed in astrology and more often than not they were right about people.

    I know I am very true to my sign (Taurus), both the good (loyal) and bad (stubborn).

    Enty doesn't strike me as a Leo. I'm thinking something a little more sensitive, like Pisces?

    I went to a psychic 40+ years ago and it's amazing how right she was about my life.

  45. Do you even need me to answer this? I'm obsessed with Faeries and my first name is an herb. If you can't figure it out within the first 5 minutes of meeting/talking with me, then you're probably one of those people who would make fun of me for being me.

  46. Also, my bets on Entward being a Sagittarius.

  47. Merlin D Bear, Stefa-fa, and Cecilia00 - good to hear from some fellow psychic, intuitive, witchy friends.

    Stefa-fa: I also did not want my Gift and fought it forever! I finally accepted it and came out of the psychic closet a year ago. I am SO much happier! I don't feel crazy anymore AND I get to help people everyday.

    Roman - I am a perfect example of why you can't just go by the sun signs in regular horoscopes. My sun sign is Sagittarius, but my moon (and lots of others) are in Scorpio. I'm also on the cusp btwn Scorpio and Sag. I think Ms. Cecilia00 could explain this better.

  48. Well I guess we will never know??

    Now this is going to bug me forever!!!!!!

  49. We Sagittarii (sp?) like to party!

    Notice the fruity dia papaya drink, complete with umbrella!

  50. @ dia, so both my guesses were off but not by much?? I usually can get a vibe from people - but people on the internet are a whole new realm for me, I can only tell by what they say and how they say it and that is not very accurate as you can all tell LOL!!!!

    I hope that I am right about Enty at least........

  51. My sister does readings. she has told me things before that happened (new baby, move). she has also been spot on with my kids (personality, intelligence, relations). If I'm ever worried or wondering she will look at my chart. I know it sounds kooky but she is always right!

  52. i went to a fortune teller once. it was all taped on a cassette. i wanted to know who i'd marry. she said he'd play guitar and was a doctor of sorts, but not medical.
    i married a fiddle playing tree surgeon.

  53. oh and she said he'd have looong curly reddish brown hair, which he does.
    and i forgot all about the session until i found the tape a year ag.

    1. Tamarind! Fabulous for you! :) he sounds awesome. I love the trees

  54. No, Roman Holiday, I'm not a Taurus. My comment impliedly suggested that, though, and that's clearly something you want to believe.

  55. Yes, at Amartel, I only go by what I read.......

  56. @NapAssassin - 12 in 12! We're THERE. It's as good as done. Repeat of '06, kids.

    @katsm0711 - The entire black-and-white site gives me a headache! It's so hard to read. I'll never understand why Enty thinks it must be reader-friendly, because it isn't at all.

  57. I've been to some tarot card readers who were far off the mark, I had to smile at their obvious attempts to read me. Not to long ago co-workers told me about one who was very accurate had a shop near where I lived, I stopped in not one hit. So, I'd have to say nope don't believe..even if I am a scorpio..

  58. I 100% agree with Barton. Your planets and moon placement play a role in your personality. I definitely believe that some people truly have the gift of fortune telling. My grandfather had it and he passed some of it on to me.

  59. 1. To a degree 2. I think some people do have the gift, yes. 3. No clue what that is.

  60. @shopgirl: I was just about to ask if anyone here remembers Daryl Martini, The Cosmic Muffin, on Boston radio (and maybe other cities) who would give ratings for the day, Mercury in retrograde warnings, etc., and always closed with that phrase.
    Considering our bodies are somewhere between 50-65% water and the moon influences the tides, wouldn't it stand to reason it would have an effect on our physiology/psychology as well?
    I believe in astrology (tempered with other influences,) tarot cards (as a method of intuition) as well as psychic and "sensitive" abilities--there's a touch of it in my family, so I've seen a little bit first hand.

  61. I had my palm read once, and she told me a lot of highly specific things about my past and future that she couldn't possibly know. Also been to a sort of psychic counselor once, because I'm rather highly sensitive, which can be very tiring - she helped me with a number of things, real psychic or not. When I was a child, I broke my thumb and my mother took me to a guy who could take away pain. He held his hand above mine, and my hand got very warm. It did not hurt again after that.

  62. I like to get my cards read. I have met two psychics in my life who are really. REALLY. good. But there is a lot of BS out there.

  63. I'm a Cancer and I think the description fits me pretty well also my bf is a Leo and that fits him to tee so I would be inclined to say yes but I haven't read my horoscope in like a year. And I would say I believe in psychics but I've never seen one...only watched shows on tv about them.

  64. I really would love to try Runes. Everytime I go into a store with stone I have to touch them. It is an urge I can't resist. Even though I am pretty atheist I feel very connected to nature and the universe. It is like a pulsing body that has been studied for years through telescopes. I love space and the stars. I am very thankful to be with a Gemini he is very grounded and centered when I am out of control.

    Love the guessing eachothers signs! You guys and gals are cute as pie! :)

  65. Don’t believe in any of that stuff. BUT, I think some people are psychics. I love "Long Island Medium", and think she is the real deal. Numerology seems really dumb to me. The rest of the stuff I don't think much of if people are into it. But with that it’s like, REALLY???

  66. Yes, I'be had my birth chart done by a brilliant astrologer. Its scary how accurate she has been about my past and future. Every time I see her, she has been on point with predictions. She says that horoscopes in magazines and newspapers are rubbish......too general. A birth chart provides all the info you need. She has proven to me that astrology and tarot combined is the key.

  67. No, but I read them anyway. :(

  68. Roman: You were really close! Pretty good guesses.

    Smash: I feel the same way about stones and rocks. I am always collecting them. Everytime I go to the ocean I collect some. I have so many from when I lived on Lake Michigan. I think I like them bc they ground me. I like how they feel in my hands.

  69. @dia papaya: yay! love to find other intuitive witchy types! I'm seeing tons of people being fast tracked into working with their heightened intuition over the last year or so.

  70. I have been "sensitive" since birth, in many spiritual/metaphysical degrees. I come from a family that I humourously call "weird magnets". My family's paranormal resume would read like something from the movie Practical Magic. To top it all off, I was born on Halloween.

    -Now, did my birthday influence my inclinations or encourage my path into accepting the Unknown, I can honestly not say. An infant does not understand the differences of out of bodies beings from flesh beings, nor does it comprehend the dramatics behind an Oct. 31st birthday. I have always been told that I was/am different, (a walker between worlds) which I acknowledged as an unconditional title, more or less for the purpose of preparing those who accidentally crossed my path with no prior expectations.

    I read cards, signs and omens, palms, dreams,tea leaves, etc. Tried my hand at the whole professional side, reading the general public (25 yrs) for a deeper embracing of this "ability". I have been unknowingly tested, and informed of my passing grade. I have had visions that have scared the Sh*t out of me, (even about my own life path). I have predicted births, deaths, good things and not so good. I located a lost person, which everyone assumed (law enforcement) was dead. I was on tv, (muted because the reading was "too dead on" for the reporter)...even though I asked to not be. I have even been investigated by the military, because of this path that I was born into.

    Through my life experiences, I can honestly say that it isn't really a "blessing", it is more like a heavy responsibility. People seek you out; become dependent on your words, and hostile if you tell them that they must LIVE their lives, and that you are only there to assist in a loving way, when great choices occur in their life path. When one does foresee extreme detail of a future reality, that person has the capability of accidentally creating an enemy. Humans fear what they do not know, and then destroy what they fear.

    I have had too many paranormal experiences in my life that I now say..."If you hang around to closely to me, the association will change your perspective."

    Light and Love....

  71. Rowan! I completely understand. Heavy responsibility is a very accurate description. I often feel like Frodo when he says he will carry the ring.

    I just wanted to be normal and blend in. Wasted a lot of my life by tyring to hide and it made me physically sick to deny who I was. We can't hide! We are too bright!

    The hardest part is getting people to understand that just because I can see things doesn't mean I have all the answers. Ultimately, each person has to make their own decisions and take full responsibility for those decisions. The psychic only shows you possibilities - you have to make them your reality!

    Stefa-fa: Yes many of us are being called to increase frequency really fast. What was a slow journey for me has become a sprint. Us lightworkers have to shine bright and light the way so the others can follow.

    This has been a crazy freaking year. So many changes, so many openings. Good to know there are more of us warriors out and about. I primarily do healing work, helping people find their true calling and getting back on their path. I can do other stuff, but this is what I do best.

    Hugs to all my witchy friends.

  72. Anonymous9:47 PM

    @dia Is there a private way to message you? More to the point, are you willing to help someone out over the internet? No pressure, just curious.

  73. Horoscopes: yes.
    Fortune telling: it depends.
    Bio-rhythms: don't know.

    BTW: I was just perusing the National Enquirer Blind Item about the film actress who's having rough sledding on the detective drama, and noticed that Jean T is an air sign surrounded by water signs on her new gig, so I think it's her. : -)

  74. I took an astrology class and then had a private reading done by the instructor, it was pretty accurate although I'm still waiting for the fame that's coming my way.

    I had a reading done by an intuitive friend that was pretty good. So did my grandma, however she was pretty pissed to hear that her former mother-in-law was now one of her guides.

    The most accurate prediction I had was from the gypsy-fortune teller machine at disneyland! It told me to stay away from the gray haired older man (ex) and accept the invitation of a younger man whose name would start with "M" and we would meet in a place of entertainment. 2 months later I met my future husband, Mike, in the college computer lab. Freaky! I saved the fortune because it was so weird and specific and now carry it in my wallet. Been back to the machine numerous times and all the fortunes are one sentence of general advice.
    Dia-Thank you for the book recs about kids and intuition. Ordered some from amazon and am liking them!

  75. Thanks lakeuniongirl! I hope they help!!!

    Dagny: I'm not really doing that right now. I plan to have a blog or something eventually. If you want to ask something here I can try to help or recommend some books. Remember that your upstairs peeps want to help and are always there for you. Just ask for help and guidance! Being clear about what you need and setting positive intentions are a plus!

  76. I like Eastern and Western astrology, not the sun signs, but entire charts done. Mine were very accurate. I'm a true Leo/Dog. My hubs was WAY off. I still say he has the wrong birth date.

    I've met good psychics in the past, but most are just guessing. People can become addicted to getting readings too.

  77. you allll are amazing! yes yes yes fortune telling..nope but everything stefani and all you believers and lightworks! love and light

  78. Nope, nope, and nope. I believe in nothing. And I'm always a little shocked when I am reminded that other people do, because I'm just THAT far from believing in anything like that myself.

  79. No. The descriptions of a Libra do sound like me but who doesn't believe the positive things about their signs?

  80. "Remember that your upstairs peeps want to help and are always there for you. Just ask for help and guidance! Being clear about what you need and setting positive intentions are a plus!"

    dia, do you mean asking for help and guidance from our loved ones who are on the other side? I've tried that and gotten nothing. NOTHING! That's part of the reason I think I'm agnostic now...years of prayer to a God and loved ones who don't seem to be even listening! Am I "doing" it wrong, perhaps?

  81. Yes, sometimes, and maybe. I'm a Cancer w/moon in Leo & Libra rising, Mercury in Cancer, Venus in Gemini, Mars in Virgo, Jupiter in Aquarius, Saturn in Capricorn, Uranus in Leo, Neptune in Scorpio & Pluto in Virgo; my Moon & Uranus in Leo are conjunct, as are Mars & Pluto in Virgo (all in my 11th house), and Jupiter & Saturn are conjunct in my 4th house due to being within 8 degrees of each other. Oh, yeah, and Jupiter, Saturn & Neptune are all retrograde IIRC, and I'm a void-of-course Moon. The astrologically inclined are cheerfully invited to have at it! ;-) (Birth info available privately on request.)

    My mom is very good at sensing things sometimes--when I was a toddler, she had the inexplicable urge to not fold the laundry, but just to toss it into the basket & then put the basket at the foot of the stairs; yours truly came tumbling down the stairs & landed safely in the basket about 5 minutes later--and I may have a touch of that myself. (I literally had to flee one of the voodoo gift shops in New Orleans because I was picking up so many weird vibes telling me to get the hell out NOW that I couldn't take it.) I've also had a number of tarot & I Ching readings, some of which were surprisingly on the money.

    One really odd episode happened around 20 years ago at one of the "tea rooms" in Boston (not the Tremont); I went to get my tea leaves read out of curiosity, and ended up with an older black woman who, instead of reading leaves, insisted on putting a piece of white paper against the sole of my shoe, while my foot was in her lap, and scribbling on the paper w/a ball-point pen to get impressions. The one thing I distinctly remember was her saying that my paternal grandmother, who'd passed around 7 years earlier, was looking out for me. For some unknown reason, about 12 years later I happened to mention that to my mom when I was back home for my other grandmother's funeral service, and she got a very odd expression on her face. "You know, you always were her favorite grandchild..." *cue Twilight Zone theme*

    I'd love to get another reading from a good, perceptive psychic to get some fresh perspective on my life. Considering that a psychic/card reader I saw back in Georgia is now doing life for her part in a murder, perhaps I should emphasize "good" and "perceptive" here. (Yes, this is ironic to an extreme. You just can't make this shit up, folks...)

  82. AKM, I hope you don't mind if I answer this in lieu of Dia. I actually dreamt about your comment last night so I suppose that's the Universe's way of saying "Hey stop being shy and help her." Lol.

    Completely putting aside schizophrenia (which is its own beast), to "hear" voices of those you love it's easiest if you think about your body as a radio and the people you wish to contact like different stations. Everyone operates on their own frequency, when we die, we drop the meat suit but keep the frequency. So the idea is to learn how to tune into our loved ones like we tune into radio stations.

    Human beings can do this in their heart chakra as well as in their head. You can use the metaphor that the heart chakras (there are two) are like satellite radio and using your brain (at first) is like using your regular car radio, in that you can only pick up what's in the area at the time. I always suggest that people who have never done this before listen through the heart (as cliche as it sounds lol). There are lots of nasties in sheep's clothing in the spiritual world, not only does listening through your heart circumvent all that nonsense but it also rules out the fear of schizophrenia as that condition is based in your brain. In addition, especially for beginners, the ego may sometimes "make up" a voice to make you happy kind of in the same way that the brain fills in memories with holes with information that isn't always correct. 

    So listening through your heart chakras is the way to go at first. :) Chakra means energy center of the body.

    Every human has 2 heart chakras- the main heart chakra is the one between your boobs on your ribcage (men- between your manboobs). This sounds silly but it's usually located if you draw an imaginary line from your nippies to the middle of your chest. For some it is shaped like a straight line or very small triangle, for others the triangle shape will be more prominent, depending on your weight and body shape. The 2nd heart chakra, the higher heart chakra, is located right above your breast bone and right below your clavicle. You can use either one of these to tune into your loved ones, whichever is the most comfortable.

    You know those pretty whirligigs the wind makes when it catches leaves up in a little spiral? Well, when you're ready to try to contact your loved ones, find somewhere comfortable and quiet. Think about the way those whirligigs look and how gentle they are. Then imagine there is a whirligig (sans leaves lol) in the area on your body where your heart chakra (whichever one) is. It is usually green colored. Imagining this opens you up safely and gently and clears all the "human clutter" out of the way so you can hear more clearly. Imagine that until you feel ready, your instincts will let you know. You might feel physical sensations, you might cry. It depends on a lot of things but it's all ok. Just move through it.

    It helps to have some memento around that reminds you of that person but just thinking about them and remembering the way they looked works to. When you're ready, ask your questions (doesn't matter whether you say it out loud or inwardly) and pay attention. Your loved ones might speak through coincidence at first. They might speak right away. It all depends on so many minute circumstances that would bore the poop out of you if I listed them, lol. But eventually you will hear something, just always make sure to listen through one or both of your Heart chakras. They work very well as bullshit filters and you can trust what you hear there. :)

    Hope this helps, even though it's a novel! LOL. ;)

  83. Wow, thanks so much, Coriander! I need to sit and reread all of this, but at first glance, it makes sense. I've also tried to do chakra work before and I can't quite "get" it. I'll try to practice what you've explained here.

    Again, thanks for the kindness.
