Friday, November 02, 2012

Amanda Bynes Says She Wasn't Naked In Tanning Salon Lobby

If you have not seen the latest issue of In Touch they claim that Amanda Bynes did something very Amanda Bynes-ish. They claim that she was at a tanning salon when she decided to wander through the lobby of the salon stark naked. I could see her doing that. She says that the story is not true and is going to sue In Touch. First of all, with as much as Bauer Publishing has been sued lately, I'm pretty sure they have multiple sources that will back up their story. There might even be security camera video which would probably make its way to the internet. Amanda might also think think that wearing bracelets or rings counts as a piece of clothing. Maybe she thinks you have to be completely naked to be completely naked. It is also possible she can't remember any of it because of all the pot she smokes.


  1. Maybe she was having a "Kings new clothes" moment and some green smoke tailor dressed her. On another note, Good Morning CDANers!!

  2. I think I just lost IQ points.

  3. I've smoked a lot in my time, but I think I'd remember doing something like that.

  4. I think eris is right. I'm not a pot smoker, but I don't think it makes you black out like booze.

  5. No, pot does not make you forget walking around in public while nude. Trust me on this, I get stoned a lot. Happy Friday!

  6. That's not God's natural herb at work! Apparently, there were many customers at the salon who witnessed this.

  7. My professional opinion (I'm totally qualified to diagnose based on years of watching Oprah and Phil, ok?): this poor girl suffers from mental illness, and complicates her situation by self- medicating.

    The doctor is in: 5 cents, please!

  8. Weed does not make you black out and if it does - that is some good shit!!!!

  9. Not going to lie, I REALLY hope there is a tape and it finds its way to the internet. Just for posterity and research of course :)

  10. There is absolutely no way that this is a weed induced blackout. You don't forget things like that from weed.

  11. Hahahaha @FSP. I LOVE the word "turd"!

  12. The weed slander pissed me off too!

  13. Didn't she used to walk around naked in front of Jennie Garth's husband when they did that show together?

  14. it had to be something way worse than pot. pot's such a harmless drug, really. i don't believe anyone could do something like not know if they had clothes on while high on pot.

  15. Is she still driving herself everywhere? Gosh I really hope not

  16. Interesting to see so many weed fans here. I knew I belonged in this community! LOL

  17. Perhaps it's not weed - I've noticed a lot of people arrested for going crazy on bath salts tend to be naked. Just a thought.

  18. The only time I blacked out from smoking, it was hash, and quite a lot of it.
    I agree with whoever said Amanda is unraveling and self medicating. She's also cut off anyone who would advise her to get help, she only keeps "yes" people around now.

  19. I want was she's smoking.
    Really. I've been sober since Sunday. It isn't by choice and I am all kinds of wound up.

  20. Quit lumping pot in with alcohol, bath salts, pcp, cocaine, etc., Enty. You know better than that.

    Plus you make a whole crew of your readers feel like you view them as insane addicts who run around naked in tanning salons after being involved in a hit and run accident on our way to make a terrible backyard sessions album.

  21. I was trying to imagine getting high and going to a tanning bed. I might climb out naked too! I think the lights and being enclosed would freak me out. Lol

  22. Enty, no. I smoke A LOT of pot, in fact I have a bowl right here. (Prop 215 patient) and I've smoked a lot of hash too. Never have I ever even once blacked out, forgotten my clothes, or not remember what I've done. Come on.

  23. I love you guys. :)

  24. This girl is clearly a dumpster fire. But where is all the smoke? Where are the sex videos we keep hearing about? Why didn't the people in the lobby start shooting with their cell phones? I feel like Eliza Doolittle here. Show me!

  25. Seriously, what a bunch of pot heads!
    You got me scraping keef out of my box.

  26. Goes in circles, you have me cracking up today!

  27. I think that there are a lot of undercover stoners out there. Theres a huge stigma attached to it, so I know a lot of people who try to hide it.

  28. this is sad. I really liked her as an actress, mostly because I love dumb sitcoms set in New York.

  29. The Medical Marijuana bill is on the ballot this Tuesday coming up and I am pretty sure it is going to get passed! I believe more than half the population smokes the ganja:)

    Re: Amanda - I just want to know where are the photos? Shit like that doesn't happen without someone recording it........

  30. Did anybody watch the National Press Club dinner earlier this year? Jimmy Kimmel hosted & he really ripped into President Obama about the national marijuana laws. And he wasn't joking. The President was trying to laugh but there was no punch line. Kimmel was pissed & calling him out. At this point anybody under the age of 70 grew up around it. What's the big deal?

  31. There MUST be some cell phone photos of her wandering around nekkid if it actually happened.

  32. 'Nother Pot Smoker here! To be fair I did smoke yesterday and tried to eat my whole neighborhoods face off.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. @Ingrid I hate it when I get stoned and get the craving for Face a la Florida.

  35. I want to marry this woman.

  36. @rejectedcarebear
    I knew there was a reason I liked you!

  37. I am with y'all - pot does NOT make one forget anything except one's plan to eat light!

  38. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I knew I was in good company with you all! I'm a huge stoner, first thing I do when I get home is pack a fatty in the bong. It's harmless. Sure my short term memory isn't amazing, but why would I need that anyways? It's not like I'm a waitress and have to remember what someone mumbled to me two minutes ago to make my living. Viva La Ganga!!! And no there's no way any amount of pot would make you wander around unknowingly naked. Knowingly wandering around naked in the privacy of your own home yes, in public unknowingly no.

  39. Her comment to them was: "I don't get naked in public. I'm 26, a multi-millionaire, retired. Please respect my privacy."

    She is VERY rich.

  40. @cinepfreak yes the stigma is huge particularly in australia its like hardly anyone smokes weed out here (or choof as we like to call it) @carmelite - i love you!!!

    i have a very random bong question - in australia we chop our green with tobacco. ive heard americans and canadians dont - that true? random i know but its omething that ive always wondered and wouldnt ya know it CDAN is the place where i found my fellow smokers.

    Australia is so far behind the US in regard to medical marijuana OT but my best friend is 26 and going through breast cancer and the only thing that helped her during chemo were pot cookies and brownies etc. pisses me right off that she cant get easy leagal access to a natural herb. //rant over//
