Friday, November 02, 2012

Sexual Assault Claims Against Cee Loo Green Just Got Way Worse

When the first reports of Cee Lo Green being accused of sexual battery came out, it was reported that the incident happened at a restaurant which led me and others to assume that he groped someone or did something inappropriate inside the restaurant. Turns out the sexual assault started at the restaurant, but continued later into the night and got way worse for the victim. TMZ is reporting there is an audio tape on which Cee Lo admits giving a drug to a woman and then having sex with her. The woman says she remembers going to a restaurant with Cee Lo and the next thing she remembered was being in a hotel room naked with Cee Lo. There are differing reports about whether the woman went to the police first or got a lawyer first and the reason why she got a lawyer. Cee Lo's people say she got a lawyer to try and get money from him. The woman's people say she hired a lawyer to find out whether Cee Lo has any STD's. The woman does not live in California which has been the cause of the delay but the LAPD is referring the case to the DA this week.


  1. I am totally disguted at the thought of sex with CeeLo but there are plenty of money-grubbing women that would love to have sex with someone "famous" that there is no need for drugging unless he gets his kicks that was. Ick, gross, barf.

  2. This guy has a huge hit where he tells a beautiful woman F-you because she didn't have sex with him in high school. Of course he's a jerk to women.

  3. He always skeezed me out. I told my husband that if I was on the Voice that I'd hope to God he wasn't the only one who chose me, because they always hug the mentors. Ewww.

  4. I wonder how this is going to affect his reality show deal.

  5. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Whether Cee-Lo did this remains to be seen. But the alleged victim may run into some problems. Supposedly, she didn't report until months after it happened. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but that is going to raise doubts.

    As tough as it may be, if we feel someone has assaulted us, we need to turn it into the police ASAP. It strengthens our position and possibly prevent others from being abused.

  6. As a rape victim myself, I would strongly encourage anyone in this situation to call the police as soon as you possibly can.

    I was drugged and came to at 5 in the morning and thankfully he had passed out. I was able to dress, leave, and walked 5 miles home in the freezing cold in a light jacket without enough money to buy a cup of coffee at 7-11 because my wallet was not in my purse. As soon as I got home, I called the police.

    I filed a report, had a rape kit done, and the guy was arrested within 2 weeks. It was helpful that I knew his name and had an idea of where he lived.

    Even if you don't have that information- CALL THE POLICE. Please, please, please - don't be ashamed. No matter what the circumstances were leading up to it, there is no excuse for a man to force himself on you. Get to a safe place as fast as you can and call the police immediately.

  7. I think if I was assaulted I would get a lawyer too. Mainly to protect my rights. He's a celebrity, a lot of people will think you're just out for money.

    I wish there wasn't a stigma for assault victims and they would go to the police right away. Like Layna said it would help their case. I think a lot of people don't go right way because they just want it to go away or act like it never happened.

  8. Gross, if I woke up naked next to CeeLo...

    F him,(if this is true) people like him think that they are untouchable and have the power to get away with this kind of stuff. On the other hand like discoflux said, report ASAP. You don't want someone like that out on the street. If it happened to you how many other people has it already happened to, or will happen to.

  9. Rats, and here I was kinda liking him the one time I watched The Voice.

  10. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Hugs to discoflux. Hopefully, your attacker was convicted.

  11. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Hugs to discoflux.

  12. So sorry you had to go through that discoflux. How brave of you to speak out!

  13. Creepy McCreepster........

  14. If true, he's evil and horrible. If not true, he's stupid and gullible for sleeping with fame stalkers. Even if the charges are unfounded, he comes across poorly in this.

  15. Ewwwwwww. Any my sympathy to the woman.

  16. He's a disgusting little troll. Seriously, he reminds me of those troll dolls from the 80s (little arms, big belly, a face only a mother could love. He just needs hair.) I'll be calling him Nasty Troll from here on out.

  17. Best wishes to discoflux!

  18. @disco - thank you for sharing your story. Sometimes people who are raped will rationalize it away into something that isn't rape, I'm guessing because it's very difficult to face. When people like you share their stories, it helps others come to terms with and deal with what has happened to them. Thank you for being strong!

  19. Discoflux: I'm so sorry you had to experience something as horrible as that!! Thank goodness that bastard was arrested. Please continue to share your story so that other women can be helped. Sending you tons of love.

  20. Thanks for the love, everyone.

    It was 11 years ago and I've dealt with it through therapy and through the fact that I didn't let him get away with it. The path I took turned it from trauma into empowerment through the process. He didn't receive jail time, but I promise you that musical career of his stopped in its tracks, his friends and family shunned him, and now he's just some jackhole who never really did anything with his life.

    I, however, am a complete and total badass.

  21. Here's the thing, guys like this want money so they can sleep with hot women, but hot women don't like guys like him. They only like money.
    Whether or not the charges are true, he will keep trying to sleep with women that are only interested in his money. He will never want any woman that would want him. It's a set up for failure, these girls are going to try to get a piece one way or another.
    I'm not saying he didn't assault her, I just think that the whole situation is so dirty already without that, when everyone is with everyone for the wrong reasons.

  22. This season he's been way more creepy and sexual on The Voice. And notice how nobody wanted to be on his team? IDK. I wish that someone would spill some good BHehind the scenes dirt on The Vice and their coaches... One of my good friends is friends with Lindsey Pavao, she lived in my town and went to our high school, but I don't think she talks about it much :/

    I've always wondered if there was hanky panky going on with Cee Lo or Adam.

  23. The guy is a sociopath. He just hides it with charm.
    He has admitted to torturing animals when he was younger. That is a tell-tale sign.

  24. Disco! You ARE a badass!

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. It's only when we speak out, let the truth out, that healing happens and shaming stops!

    Glad his life is ruined! Ya, I said it. Harsh but that's how I feel today. Hopefully you stopped him from hurting more women!

  25. He has always looked clearly disturbed to me.

  26. Here's a <3 for you, Smash - brilliant!

    1. Thanks frufra! :) agent kept the ball running.

  27. also, something that rape victims often forget (or dont know about)is the need for post exposure prophylaxis (PEP). It's basically a 28 day course of antiretrovirals which (when taken within 72 hours of exposure) have been shown to be 81% effective at preventing HIV contraction. This is especially effective when taken within 24 hours and is suggested when there is penetration and the abuser is unknown, or HIV status is unknown.

  28. ((hugs)) disco- thank you for sharing your story.

  29. Definite bad ass Disco! And brave for handling it the way you did and sharing your story here

  30. @ Disco... Thank you for having the courage I did not. I was raped by someone I thought was a friend in college and, although I did go to the hospital and get treated, I never followed through with any charges. I felt too guilty, ashamed, and scared to. It's something that I regret to this day...especially when I'm watching the sports channel and they decide to air an interview with him.

  31. Why are some of you saying she did not go to the police right away? That was said in yesterday's report. Today's report said she almost immediately went to police but she went in her city of residence which is why it took some time to come out because it had to be referred over to California. She did not report it in California, she reported it when she got to her state of residence. It is Cee Lo's people who are claiming she didn't go to police right away.

    For the prson who asked how this will play out for his job on The Voice, it was stated about a month or so ago that both Cee Lo & Christina Aguilera would not be back for the next season, but are welcome back in the future anytime they wanted.

  32. @Disco and @Mel, I'm so sorry both of you had to go through that kind of violence. Thank you for sharing!
    And Mel, even if it's through a blog, just the fact that you shared your story with us, to me already makes you a stronger woman than you may think!
    Love to both of you and all other women here that may have gone through the same experience but don't feel confortable sharing!

    1. Thank you White Lilly, it means a lot to hear that :)

  33. I've only seen The Voice a couple of times and only for a few minutes. One of those times an absolutely gorgeous girl with a very high voice was on and Cee Lo(w) was literally DROOLING over her. He was pushing hard to mentor her. I flipped stations because although she was staggeringly lovely she had a novelty voice - good for one hit but aurally it would grow old FAST.

    That said, put on a shirt, Cee. Those T Rex arms are doing you no favors.

  34. @Disco- you ARE a badass and a hero!
    @Mel- I'm so sorry :(

  35. Disco & Mel = rock stars in my book.

  36. Disco, you are an awesome badass!
    Mel, you did what you were capable of at the time, and the most important thing, you got yourself looked after medically. Any and all negative feelings belong to the rapist.
    I admire the courage it took for both of you to share.


    Ladies - NEVER be afraid to report sexual assault! Even if you think there is no way he'll be caught, or you don't know him, or WHATEVER the reason. I did, over 10 years ago, and am finally NOW getting justice.

  38. Wow. My Gaydar must be way off, because I've always gotten the closet-gay vibe from him.

  39. I'm too lazy to look up the specifics, but I remember reading a story about a female reporter who went to interview Cee-Lo and he was high on E and basically masturbating through the whole thing. Ewwww! That doesn't prove guilt, but it sure doesn't help his case.

  40. Juicy! I'm sorry about what you went through but I am *SO* glad you reported and that you're getting your turn at justice!

    Thank you to everyone for the love and support. I super heart you all!

  41. Mel - You've done so much by stepping forward and saying something now. I'm so very sorry for what you experienced. You don't ever have to name him but don't let yourself feel like it's you who should be ashamed. It is 100%, completely, and totally on that sack of shit that like to pretend it's a man.

  42. disco, Mel & juicy--I'm so sorry you all (and so many other women) had to go through such an awful experience. You definitely all qualify as badasses now, though--living well is almost always the best revenge!

  43. Thank you ladies for sharing your heart breaking stories. You are strong and everyday you are an amazing person!

  44. I served as a juror this week on a rape trial. Was fired up and ready to declare guilty (despite the warnings of innocence until proven, etc.) until the truth unfolded. The defendant had rejected the advances of the victim and the whole case unraveled as it became clear that this was a case of revenge.

    I was shocked. While we know it happens, it's rare to hear about these situations.

    Please don't think that I'm marginalizing some of your painful stories, this just seems to be a side of rape so seldom seen. And, for the record, I don't think it's the case for Cee Lo.

  45. I just want to say thank you to everyone for their support! This is why I love the CDAN community, we may not know each other or always agree with each other, but the support is always there! Disco and Juicy, you guys have an amazing amount of strength and I wanted to reiterate what everyone else said... You guys are badasses for taking those fucknuts down! Thanks again guys! Much love to you all, Mel

  46. I was watching The Voice on Tuesday w/my roommate & I literally said that something about CeeLo just weirds me out. Its something about how he says things to the women singers. Don't get me wrong I'm no prude I have no problem when a man flirts or makes an innuendo BUT CeeLo just goes too far. He crosses that line and its creepy. Then the next day this came out. It gave me the chills

  47. @ceekay
    I still have my "trolls"...they were called wishniks back then...and I still love them...even the one with two heads!

  48. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Holy God! This woman did the right thing. He needs to be held accountable. His voice is so pretty, but good Lord, that's a face only a mother could love. If he's doing this it's not because he can't get women other ways. If this is true then he's just sick. Hasn't he been in trouble for domestic violence too?
    Good for you Disco, you did the right thing. I'm sorry that you had to go through that.

  49. He's a skeevy little troll that's always making awkward creepy comments to the female contestants on the show. This news doesn't surprise me. I hope they prosecute him to the fullest, if it turns out she's telling the truth.
