Thursday, November 15, 2012

Blind Item #2

This B list actor always seems nice and friendly. He isn't. Any gay man will tell you he is vicious to them when he dates them. A lot of anger built up inside him, especially now because for the next year or so while he promotes his latest A++ popcorn movie he will have to pretend he is with women. He hates that. Everyone assumes he is gay but he loves to pretend he isn't for the press.


  1. Vicki beat me to it...Renner.

  2. Renner has never hidden that he'd gay ..he has a long time live-in boyfriend

  3. They're "business partners".

  4. A++ popcorn movie over the next year...the Hobbit movies?

  5. And MISCH, he's flat out denied being gay in an interview.

  6. Betty White for the center square...

  7. And he has M:I5 and the second Avengers movie in the works.

  8. What is the A++ popcorn movie? Hansel and Gretal?

  9. Ben Affleck! For the bottom square! And we have a game winner ;)

    ...and I think this is Renner too.

  10. I'm excited to see him on SNL. He is a very good actor. Vicki, have you ever seen Dahmer? He was fantastic in that.

  11. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Has Renner have been connected to a woman on any level? He may not be shouting his sexual orientation from the rooftops, but he doesn't seem to play the bearding game, either.

  12. I agree that this is Renner, but I never thought he really came across as particularly nice or friendly.

  13. Bradley Cooper? ???

  14. Isn't Renner above B-status? Also he doesn't seem nice and friendly and I can't recall seeing him with any pretend dates...

  15. I'm going to take a wild guess and say Andrew Garfield, with the popcorn movie being Spiderman 2.

    He just seems gay to me.

  16. Tom Cruise?

    I know it says B list but I'm choosing to ignore it.

  17. I I think Katiefox has it right with The Hobbit being the only A++ movie that is coming out his season. And I also agree with those above who have stated that Renner has never seemed particularly nice or into the ladies (I believe he is closeted but we haven't seen him with a beard have we?)

  18. I think its Bradley Cooper, he always seems friendly. And his movies are comedies.

  19. I think this is B Coop. Jeremy Renner just doesn't fit the clues, but Bradley Cooper has the charming nice guy persona. Many people would find it surprising if he turned out to be a self-loathing gay man, and he dates women that should really be out of his league.

    1. I would not find it surprising lol

  20. Always a lurker and now a first time poster. Hello Crazy Days crew, you always keep me entertained. Thanks! My guess is Elijah Wood. He gives off the impression that he is really nice and I think everyone assumes he is gay.

  21. 2nd the Elijah Wood guess.

  22. I like the Bradley Cooper and Elijah Wood guesses. Hmmmm which way to go....I'll go with Bradley! Just because of that recent post directed at Zoe Saldana about staying away from BCoop

  23. while the last sentence is really ambiguously written, i think it's a big clue. this is an actor with tom cruise-level of playing for the cameras.

    maybe tc rubbed off on renner? maybe this is why bradley cooper goes out with high profile women?

  24. Renner doesn't fit, he doesn't have an A++ popcorn movie coming out this year, plus I think he's above a B. That Hansel and Gretel movie is not A++. Bradley Cooper, like it or not is at worst an A- these days, so it's not him. Elijah Wood makes sense, haven't there been blinds/hints like this dropped before?

  25. Welcome Bogor! Elijah Wood is a great guess!

  26. Wow Vicki thats new to me, wonder how his boyfriend feels about that ?

  27. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Daniel Craig for the win!

  28. Oh, those vicious gays!

  29. I was totally being sarcastic when I suggested that Hansel & Gretal movie by the way.
    Anywho you guys are good, Elijah Wood is the best guess IMO. there's an article in the DM about his new lady friend.

  30. @Layna, the only one I can think of is when Pimpa Joe was telling everyone that Jessica and Jeremy were a thing. I think he denied it very quickly.

  31. Popcorn movie makes me think action/silly picture... well, it makes me also think about lunch.. damn this diet.

    Taylor L. BD2?

  32. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Shia the poof!

  33. Henry Cavill? Since Superman doesn't come out until next summer, he's got a long time ahead of promoting.

  34. When is Hangover 3 coming out? I like the Bradley Cooper guess. He always seems charming in interviews but there are a lot of rumors online of him being abusive.

  35. Does anyone else think that Jeremy Renner's face looks like one of those old people carvings they used to make out of shriveled up apples at the 4-H barn of the county fair?

    *sound of crickets*

    1. I have lurked for years, literally, and I'm posting for the first time to say yes, Renner totally looks like a shriveled-apple doll head.

      He's also the spitting image of Lady Elaine from Mister Rogers. We watched MI:4 the other night and I can't bear to look at the guy.

      Love you CDANers! Looking forward to 1/1/13!!

  36. Thanks for the hellos!

  37. Theater people say Elijah is not gay, and they would know. I like the Cooper guess. And for that movie with Jennifer Lawrence which is getting rave reviews, altho I wouldn't call is a popcorn movie...could be a slight fudge since that movie will do well.

  38. James Franco. New "Oz" movie. I've noticed a few pics of him with random girls lately.

  39. I think Enty has referred to B.Coop as A list. OT Did anyone see Lainey's article yesterday about why David O Russell chose Bradley Cooper for the Silver Lining Playbook?

    “I saw him in Wedding Crashers, and he seemed like an angry person to me. Not just the role, but the person. And he was large. He was probably 50 pounds heavier than he is right now. Whenever I'd see him around socially, I'd think, He seems scary to me. As much as I love the Hangover movies, I knew he wasn't just a glib, handsome guy. He seemed angry, and anger is interesting to me. But that was only the tip of the iceberg. I had to know what else was under the hood — I'm mixing all my metaphors. So I said to him, "You seem angry." And he said it was something that he used as a defense. Who admits that in an early conversation? I love that kind of forthrightness because, you know, to my great detriment, I wear everything on my sleeve. I thought, Oh, my God, this is really interesting. He had this defense, and he was actually sort of the opposite of angry. He was scared or vulnerable.”

    Kinda sounds in line with the blinds he has been guessed for.

  40. Mac - GREAT quote, now I'm convinced.

  41. Well I'm not sure about him for this blind because of the A list/B list factor, but I definitely feel like we were on track with some of the other blinds.

  42. Just about to say Franco too.

    He just bugs me with his smarter than thou 'tude, I actually hope it's not him but the clues fit.

    Then again I just hope the blind is a fake because I hate the idea of a self hating violent gay man. I know they exist but damn if it ain't a horrible way to live and treat people.

  43. Tom Cruise and the Reacher movies. (ha! that's a good one, Cruise the Reacher)

  44. A gay man being bitchy in Hollywood .. Weird.

    Off topic :
    But The Hobbit!!! The only two movies I wanted to see this year was this and Man With The Iron Fists! MWTIF was bad ass and totally deserves another big screen viewing but The Hobbit.. Oy vay I'm going to die. The cast is sick and the voice of Smaug ( Benjamin Cumberwhatever who kills it in Sherlock ) is also the voice of The Necromamcer according to IMBD credits.. I get chills thinking about it .. I read The Hobbit and the trilogy about every 18 months do yah.. I'm nerding out big time.

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  47. Hmm Franco is an excellent guess. Another major douche. But we don't see him with women do we?

  48. I guess I am waaay off. My first thought was Taylor Lautner (or however you spell it), but I guess Twilight isn’t A++.

    I could see this as being Franco (although I happen to enjoy him) I can see him being a big douche and also gay. That OZ movie fits the popcorn description...

    Please not Elijiah.. I really don’t want him to be the douche people seem to say he is on these types of blinds.. but Maybe the douchness of Frodo stayed with him...

  49. although it pains me to say this, Joseph Gordon-Levitt came to mind. Promoting Lincoln right now and I don't know if you can get more A++ than that.

  50. I'm sincerely hoping it's not Jeremy, & I think the A++ popcorn movie excludes him. I will say regarding Jeremy that he's talked about one girlfriend in the past. When he was promoting "The Hurt Locker" he talked about breaking up with his girlfriend of 4 1/2 years shortly before award season. She's an actress named Jes Macallan. He said they were in different places in their lives, & another report said she was mad about his close friendship with Charlize Theron. Unless he was bearding back in 2006?

  51. @smokey, I think that JGL is very out, isn't he?

    I was thinking Elijah but the Franco guess fits too...only problem with that is do people really think he is nice?

  52. JGL is bisexual.

    I ont think is franco he's already know as a douche.

    I guess Elijah thats the only A++ i can think of is the hobbit.

  53. JGL isn't even slightly out as far as I know.

  54. Oh, thanks for setting me straight...I totally misread an article on JGL!

    1. Actually, I just went back and re-read (only one I have ever read on him) and it turns out I did not clue where I got the idea he was out

  55. LMAO - g.strathmore, Dried Apple Heads crack me up! I've only ever heard of them in an MST3k reference.

  56. My husband worked with Jeremy renner when he was on the Unusuals. He's a quiet shy guy with a wicked sense if humor , and treated everyone nicely. And he is definitely straight. The show died because him an Harold Perrineau hated each other.

    I think it's b. Cooper

  57. The next Star Trek movie is coming out. That is definitely an A++ popcorn movie. Zach Quinto is out, anyone else in that cast we should consider?

  58. What about Chris Pine--isn't there a new Star Trek movie coming out soon?

  59. @bored soccer mom - Oh please share more! I loved Jeremy before "The Unusuals" so I watched it of course & was disappointed when it was canceled. I guess that worked out better for him in the long run, but I was happy to be able to see him on TV every week.

    1. I liked that show a lot. Amber Tamblyn is very nice, but her then fiancé-now hubby David cross is kind of a tool. Adam Goldberg is just as weird as he portrays in a lot of his characters. Harold Perrineau is nice, but he can be a bit pretentious. He called it his "craft" constantly and was always asking the director what his "motivation" was. Which drove Renner crazy. I could also tell about the time my hubs inadvertently bought Kirsten Dunst booze when people were told specifically not to get her anything. Lol!

  60. I think this is Bradley Cooper (who is always "with" women), who seems always seems so fake and smarmy he must be covering up his true douchiness. I think it's common knowledge that he got a leg up (heh) in the business due to a relationship with Victor Garber.

    Don't think it's Renner because can anyone remember ever seeing him in public with a woman? I think he's this year's Zachary Quinto, another gay man who refused to beard up. At least the two of them are/were somewhat honest, by never trying to pretend that they were something other than what they are.

  61. I don't think this is Renner for a number of reasons: (1) after Avengers, The Bourne Legacy, and MI:GP, I'm thinking he's more likely A- by now, perhaps getting perilously close to A in terms of actually being able to open movies; (2) I really don't see the Hansel & Gretel movie as being a "A++ popcorn movie", seeing as A++ popcorn movies tend to have a LOT of tie-in merchandise, and somehow I don't think we'll be seeing action figures and cups at Burger King for this particular flick; and (3) I'm just not reading him as either strictly gay or an abusive asshole. Bi I could see (heck, isn't most of Hollywood bi?), gay not necessarily; besides, at the point he's hit career-wise, wouldn't he be much more inclined to either have a steady beard or at least be seen w/numerous women over a period of time if he were actually gay? Also, while I suspect he could have a serious temper, my gut instincts say he's not a violent asshole; while I have no doubt he'd defend himself or others when necessary (and apparently has on several occasions), I don't see him picking the fight in the first place. In addition, Charlize has been a good friend of his for long enough (since filming North Country, IIRC) that I would assume she knows him pretty well, and frankly I just don't see her being willing to break bread with him if he were as big of a dick as the subject of the blind apparently is--she doesn't strike me as a woman who suffers fools or raging assholes, and I'm guessing she could suss them out fairly quickly, especially in light of her unfortunate youth.

    (Hmmm...speaking of someone who just might know... *runs up to roof, climbs water tower, flips on Iron Man beacon* Oh, to come defend the honor of your once & future co-worker? I hear tell all of you got along wonderfully on the Avengers set, so you'd probably have an opinion on the matter; gay isn't the problem, mind you--although I still have my doubts--but being a vicious asshole would be, so if you'd like to put in your $.02 worth, go for it--there might even be some brownies in it for you! ;-) Oh, and mind the landing--I've put out some nice thick gymnastic mats for cushioning, but they won't do you a bit of good if you miss...)

    Bradley Cooper seems to be everyone's favorite go-to asshole closet case these days, but he seems like more of an A/A- actor at this point, and I don't recall if he has a big project to promote in the near future; James Franco has the Oz movie, but again, I think he's higher than a B. I hate to say it, and I hope it's not true, but I do have to wonder about Elijah Wood; the Hobbit movies will have a metric assload of tie-ins and definitely qualify as big popcorn flicks, plus he's apparently in the Daily Mail, although I have a hard time seeing him as that kind of hateful person. Then again, this could be either someone we're all totally missing, or a trick BI in the first place. We shall see, I suppose...

  62. @alicia...lots of us fellow nerds out there...soooo excited about these movies....

  63. To me, B.Coop, Franco, and Renner are A list. I think Elijah Wood is total B list. I know his name, know that he has starred in LOTR, but can't picture him. I don't think he has really headlined his own movie has he?

  64. @boredsoccermom, thank you. Was Harold a jerk or did they just have a personality clash?

    1. It was just two different styles. Harold is very method.

  65. Benedict Cumberbatch

  66. @bored soccer mom - Oops on the Kirsten Dunst thing. I hope he didn't get a slap on the wrist for that.

  67. Lol!@Erin. No, but he realized what happened after he got her stuff. But she was nice, and gave my hubby autographed pics to give my kids, and she had hats made up for all the cast and crew with a heart and KD embroidered on the back as a thank you to all after shooting stopped.

  68. I was going with Renner, but on second thought, I think it's Elijah W.

  69. @Bored Soccer Mom, thanks for clarifying about Harold P. because I loved him on Lost and would be disappointed if he was a douche in real life.

  70. Henry Cavill has been married for a while... as sad as my Tudors fangirl heart is to admit that.

    Wasn't Cooper just the BI for beating up Jennifer Esposito? How he slept with a ton of women and men? Also, he just had The Words out, had Limitless last year and the Hangover... i don't buy him for B-List

    I like Elijah for this.... you could see some anger starting to leak out from him in Green Street Hooligans.

  71. @Ingrid, I'm glad someone knows what I'm talking about. :)

  72. I really liked The Unusuals. I always thought that Renner wanted to do big movies, so he wouldn't sign on to continue the show. How disappointing that they couldn't all just get along.

  73. This may not be the answer to this particular blind item...but it is another viable answer. I'm gay and have lots of gay friends in the film industry. I've heard LOTS of stories about Edward Norton being physically abusive to dates and casual sex partners...throwing them up against the wall, then calling the next day to write a check so it doesn't get in the press. One story is just a rumor but I've heard this one at least 5 or 6 times from different people.

  74. I'm totally not surprised that David Cross is a tool! Loved him in Arrested Development, but any interview I've ever seen of him has been just about insufferable! He is friends with a lot of comedy people and I've heard great things about Amber Tamblyn so I wonder if he's just uncomfortable in the spotlight? Bad career to be in if that's the case!

  75. I'm going with Taylor Lautner for this one.

  76. Franco is a total p*ssy hound from way back. Truth.

  77. dia: I'm sorry to disappoint you, but considering that it's been over 6 hours since I turned on the Iron Man signal, it's probably safe to say that I don't have the magic touch in terms of getting Himmmm to pop up and post. I know, I know, you thought I did, but I guess brownies (no matter how ass-kickingly-good) only go so far. Sorry about that...

  78. @unknown Edward looks like he would do that. Douche. I belive u!

  79. @unknown i had no idea that ed norton was gay or bi...(not sure if this was common knowledge or not?)

    could he be the answer to blind about the angry guy who was stuffed in the closet and had a surprising thing for asians? anyone? bueller?

  80. The guys need to check out on You Tube the Air New Zealand in-flight safety video.....AWESOME!!

  81. Taylor Lautner with Breaking Dawn?

  82. JGL gets my vote, but I would really have a better option because I love him so

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