Thursday, November 15, 2012

Two Kids Get A Cat

By now, every adult with an internet connection should know that the entire internet is made up of cat videos and people who love cats. So, when a dad told his two kids they could have a kitten if they managed to get 1,000 likes of a photo, he should have known it would not take very long for his kids to accomplish their goal. In fact, the kids got 100,000 likes. Does that mean they can get 100 cats? They named their cat Hairy Pawturr. Love it.


  1. I thought the cats name was Henrietta F. Pawturr. He turned out to be a she so they changed the name.

  2. Those kids are to cute for words. And the kitten's name is pronounced like Harry Potter, isn't that clever?

  3. Either the dad doesn't know how to turn on a computer, or he just thought it was a fun way to make his kids wait for something he was going to do anyway. Regardless, that baby girl is the cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutest OMG. Even her little drooly chin isn't freaking me out!

  4. Thanks for the Thursday Happy Moment, Mr. Enty!

    These kids are freaking adorable! I love that the little one is already rocking the top knot!

    Internets power plus kitty power = a whole lotta cuteness!

  5. @Amber He thought by the time the photo reached 1,000 likes his son would forget about wanting a cat. HA! I love this story.

  6. @Holly - LOL TEH INTERNETZ SHOWED HIM. Also, kids never forget that they want something. They only forget about the thing after they've gotten it and find a new thing they want!

  7. I'm not a kid person AT ALL, but I love, love, love, love, love this photo. I want to see a follow up photo of them with their kitty!

  8. Could that little girl look any more excited? Love it.

  9. Too cute for words.

  10. Great. Now I want kids. Thanks Enty...

  11. I read some article the other day that said facebook pages like that (maybe not this one for sure), but where the pictures get passed around and it has hundreds of thousands of likes and comments are fake. Like the picture of guy on the edge of a cliff and it asks you to type "jump" in the comments. People build up all of those page hits and then sell the page to a company looking for exposure.

    I'll have to find the link.

  12. Cute! Kids and kittens to together...

  13. really cute kids, love that little girl.

  14. That little girl is sooo adorable!! ALMOST makes me want one.

  15. cc423- made me LOL, i felt the same way

  16. Awww that girl is so precious!!

  17. Precious! I'm not a kid person, either, but those two are darling. And throw in a cat?! My head might explode from cuteness.

  18. Yay! I did my part to help these kids! Yes, pics of them with the kitteh, please!

  19. If you google search for Hairy Pawturr you can get to the mom's Facebook page, where she has pics of the kitty. -It's safe to do, the search (surprisingly) did not lead me to any inappropriate websites.

    What a lucky cat! Going from a shelter to a family that is clearly loving and happy.

    The shelter they got it from looks awesome, btw. Apparently they are the oldest no kill shelter in the country.

  20. omg...that baby is adorable...things like this soften my hardened heart...and of course my own catties and ratties and blue tongue...

  21. These two are beyond cute!!!:)

  22. I love it! I wonder if my boyfriend will make the same agreement with me - I REALLY want a puppy!
