Thursday, November 08, 2012

Blind Item #3

This celebrity couple was doomed from the start. This foreign born C lister has learned what every other C lister has learned before her when they date this B list musician who has had some very big hit songs. He is a stage 5 clinger. First dates he talks about marriage and despite his bad boy image, is the most insecure person on the planet and needs constant texting and calls and is terrified of people cheating on him. I also wonder if he is secretly gay and tries to cover that up with his looks and does not know how to interact with women which might be the root of his problems.


  1. John Mayer (sofuckinglame!)

  2. Avril Lavigne for the foreign C?

  3. Stage 5 = maroon 5?

  4. John Mayer came to mind.

    1. Katy Perry isn't foreign born.

  5. No way in hell is John Mayer less than an A list musician. If you can headline an arena tour, you are A list.

  6. Adam Levine generally dates models, Idk what list they are on, but I think Adam is pretty hot and relevant right now so A list.

  7. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Adam Levine isn't gay, he's just a romantic, and a little needy. No Gay man could write " She wiiill be looooovvvvved, she wiiiill be loooooooovvved...." etc. He sings with so much emotion, neediness, sensitivity. I'm usually the first to think someone's in the closet, but with Adam he really comes across as emotional, clingy, needy, loving, desperate, etc. One of the big early hits talked about how he tried to satisfy her ever night, fingertips,etc. No gay man could get those words out.

  8. Just to clarify, I'm not saying this isn't him, although it doesn't sound like it to me. I do think it would be quite funny that in a relationship with Jennifer Aniston, John would be considered the "clingy" one. But honestly, if he isn't an A-list musician than who is?

  9. Lol@carmelite. I thought of JM too but he is more douche than bad boy and as noted above, unfortunately higher than B.

  10. Avril Lavigne and Chad Kroeger. We know that Chad has sucked at least one cock...

  11. I wish I could click on links, I am way too lazy to c/p. Is CK B?

  12. i don't think avril's guy is B. i'd never heard of him or seen him until they hooked up, and nobody likes nickelback so how can he be?

  13. Carmelitelady, you need to rethink what you just said, which is based in some serious stereotype and is just plain silly.

    Cole Porter
    Noel Coward
    Lorenz Hart
    Stephen Sondheim
    Shane Stevens (country, no less)

    All these gay men have written love songs about women.

  14. A young Elton wrote beautiful love songs.

  15. Plus how do we know any of those love songs are in fact about women? They may have been written for a man, replace he with she...
    Still don't think it is Adam Levine though.

  16. Btterella is right. No one wrote more poignant love songs for women than Cole Porter.

  17. bruno mars & rita ora (rita was recently in random photos, iirc)

    sidenote...john mayer is def B, not A anymore. a quickie look into soundscan tells me he peaked in 2003 and 2007...his only arena tour was 'continuum' (ironic name!) from late 2006-feb. 2007. from 2009 to now the number of units moved are so low he's lucky if he can headline a 6,000 seater in the US. in 2009, his euro dates sold 2,000-5,000 seater houses, but arena-sized venues? nope. not here, not anywhere. that's 15,000-25,000 seats. but the boy can dream. he does best when there's a sh*t-ton of other artists on the bill. alone? good luck w/ that.

    1. Not sure about overseas, I only have have N.A. as a reference but his last tour (2010) in the states was an arena tour. Maybe it's like Dave Matthews, where they are really popular in the states and not so much overseas.

  18. Cole Porter was gay? Did not know that. Beautiful love songs.

  19. Barry Manilow has many beautiful love songs that still give me goosebumps when played loud.

  20. Katie Perry isn't C list either. Neither was Jen A. This isn't John Mayer.

  21. Cole Porter swung both ways, but preferred men. I read this as Levine, but I don't think he's gay. Douchy, but not gay.

  22. I had no idea Cole Porter was gay!

    I guess I better get with the program!

  23. @Bitterella.. thanks for sending that. I was thinking the exact same thing. The comment that Adam has to be straight because he wrote, "She will be looooved.." is almost just too ridiculous.

    @Msgirl.. did Elton write any lyrics in his early days? I thought Bernie did all the lyrics. Just wondering.

  24. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Bitterella and Susan B: Very true, alot of great songwriters were or are Gay. George Michael, Freddie Mercury. I didn't even think of them. That's a great point. With Adam, he certainly could be, but something about the emotion combined with the explicit lyrics about satisfying her, touching her(w/ fingertips), the emotion, just seems straight to me. Just my opinion. Oh wait, wasn't he the favorite last week for a blind about Gavin hooking up with an A List supposedly straight front man????? CRAP! The pieces may be falling together. I take back my answer, he certainly could be gay. Score one for the other team. Damn.

  25. @CarmeliteLady - you might want to revisit those opinions on Adam Levine. Sensitive and romantic isn't how I would describe him - at all. More like a cheating man-whore. He's honestly kind of a disgusting pig, IMHO. You read interviews where he says he just loves women and can't seem to help himself, blah blah blah. But in reality, he has no respect for them. Big difference.

  26. This absolutely has to be Avril & Kroeger. It makes complete sense. I also wonder if he's gay.

  27. Kate Hudson and Matthew Bellamy?

  28. Elton John writes music, he rarely writes lyrics.

    I have a friend who went to high school with Adam Levine. He is not a stage 5 clinger. Not at all. (But I still suspect Adam is not afraid to be "sexually adventurous" from time to time).

  29. My ex-boyfriend? But seriously, my guess is Levine.

  30. Dave Matthews is married (and if this were him, the Blind would have mentioned it) and everyone pretty much knows that he has an open mind and wouldn't have any qualms of dipping into the man pool.

  31. if its Adam Levine, he can come be clingy w/ me.......

  32. lol@Jazzy! I was thinking the same thing but MY ex-boyfriend.

  33. Hmm yes forgot they were written by Bernie. Still, he sure does sing them with heart.

  34. I was almost on the Chad/Avril train but per Google, Chad's last GF before Avril is Kristen DeWitte....a "blonde bombshell from Ohio." Although she may be a bombshell they just refer to her as a woman from Ohio so that rules out "all the other C Listers before..."

  35. Adam Levine is A list for sure. I'd say Bruno was A tool. I'd guess Chad, but I'd almost say he was higher than B as well. Haven't they sold a gazillion records?

  36. Crap. A list TOO, not "tool"! I love Bruno!

  37. Stop! Please just stop about Adam Levine! I'm here to set the record straight. My husband is NOT GAY!!!

    Fantasies aside, this is not Adam. He is an A+ list musician, definitely not B. Also I think he's more of a womanizer than anything else. My man doesn't need to be clingy or insecure.

  38. I think it's Adam. Yuck.

  39. Dammit--I love Nickelback!!!!

  40. Also, Adam might just be a sociopath. I dated a very successful sociopath, he told me stories about how he broke up very suddenly with several women because they committed the sin of not paying him enough attention, or some minor transgression where he felt he had to punish them. Seriously insane, but enormously successful so he was very attractive to women.

  41. Jared Leto. Total weirdo. Played a coffee shop and hit on my guy friend. Started dressing like him shortly after. Note the fashion in early 302M and the later.

  42. Adam Levine and John Mayer are A list gossip fodder, not A list musicians. Don't make the mistake of thinking because you read about them alot that they successful in their fields, neither is.

    With that being said, I don't think this is either of them. Realistically it could be any number of musicians. Cee Lo seems like he'd be clingy and he can't be much above B list.

  43. God, I would love to be as unsuccessful as Adam 'I just bought a kick ass new house on the top of some damn hill in Hollywood' Levine.

  44. Gay guys can totally write love songs, it's so weird people would think they can't! I mean, they love, right? Man or woman in sure the feeling is the same. Just change he to she and you're good to go.

  45. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Maybe he is insecure and clingy because he was cheated on before. These attributes don't necessarily mean gay. Poor Guy....

    Levine seems like a good guess.

  46. Stop withthe Adam Levine guesses. It's a waste of time and space. The dude is def A-list and he's not gay...and he def would not be clingy.

  47. Hmm I'm wondering if this is Benji Madden?!

    I reckon he'd be considered B list , he's definitely dated a stream of C list celebs like Sophie Monk (Australian ex-fiancée), Paris Hilton, Holly Madison and current squeeze (for how much longer??)is Eliza Doolittle who's from the UK. His group Good Charlotte have had success with several top 40 hits and he has that bad boy image because of his looks (all the tatts). Does that cover all bases?

  48. Our favorite fake punker Avril and our favorite fake musician Chad Kroeger? This is sooo them!

  49. Off topic but I had to reread the first few posts because Avril Lavine/Adam Levine look and sound so much alike. Imagine the constant tongue twister if they dated.

    I also thought of John Meyer immediately even though I suppose he is A list.
