Thursday, November 08, 2012

George Clooney's Sister Speaks

In a very refreshing interview, George Clooney's older sister spoke to the NY Daily News. Two things I got from the interview. George Clooney is not going to marry Stacy Keibler and George isn't gay. George's sister also says that she e-mails her brother frequently but is afraid to have his phone number in case she loses her phone. She also does not like to ask him anything too personal because she is afraid of accidentally repeating it to someone. They see each other once a year, and that he sends gifts to his nieces and nephews. She does not like going to Hollywood because it is too overwhelming and prefers living in Kentucky right down the street from her parents.


  1. That's a woman after my own heart.

  2. Sounds like they're not too close

  3. She sounds smart. I like her from this.

  4. @kats, she does sound smart and it also sounds like they sought her out, not the other way around.

  5. She's afraid of repeating his business to someone but tells a newspaper that he's not gay, will likely not have kids and is no longer the marrying type?

    1. George has told the press, many times, that he doesn't want kids or to be married again. I don't know that he's ever adressed any gay rumors, though.

  6. Good for her! Kentucky is a beautiful state! :)

  7. I think she told them exactly what he wanted her to tell them... ka-ching!

  8. They have very different lives, not all brothers and sisters are that close..
    Her parents are so beautiful, she looks like the odd kid out..

  9. She seems like a nice person that was smart enough to not get manipulated into verbal spewage.

  10. Kind of an interesting relationship.

    But like MISCH said, not all sibs are close.

  11. I don't think George is gay either.. Bi? Maybe .. But gay dudes dont usually hire female escorts and tip well afterwards .. Which is exactly what he did with a female acquaintance of mine three years ago. She said he was distant but kind..

  12. She is a super cool lady! It makes me like the Clooney's more.

  13. She sounds nice but why would she be talking to the NY daily news at all if this is how she feels?

  14. It doesn't sound like they are not close, more like they just prefer to live two totally different lifestyles and accept that about each other.

    I only see my 5 younger siblings about twice a year and it sucks :/

    I find it so refreshing when celeb siblings are totally normal and actually shun fame.

  15. George Clooney appears to be one of those guys who aren't gay per say, they just love themselves so much that no woman is ever good enough for them. I call these guys auto-sexuals.

  16. Aida is an accountant (or was) and I believe she is widowed.

    I'm not close with my only sibling either. I email or talk to her once or twice a year. Not an issue for me. I have friends that I've known since elementary school and those are the people I consider "family".

  17. I'm close to my sibs but we don't feel the need to talk every week. This sister seems perfectly normal to me.

  18. I used to talk to my sister a lot more, then she got married. I still consider her one of my best friends, but I only see her once a year because we live so far apart. I figure down the road when my brother-in-law dies, she and I will get close again--us old ladies sitting in rocking chairs at the old people's home with all the other old ladies. It's sort of the circle of life, really.

  19. I talk to my sister almost daily, and see her often. I could not imagine only seeing her once a year. Different strokes!

  20. Awww, she seems like a sweet lady!

  21. I think she resembles her aunt, Rosemary Clooney.

  22. i get it we're all different, and i'm sure culture comes into play where some it some it's perfectly normal and nbd to be so distant...but that's just-mega sad to me. #donotwant

  23. They do sort of have the same facial features, especially around the eyes....weird. I never knew he had a sister. Just a dad and an Aunt. And a string of girlfriends and several hot, Hollywood A player friends. If I didn't know better, I'd say he was created in the image of the perfect Hollywood playboy. Then the article came out and BAM, he has a sister! Illusion: Shattered. :)

  24. I love my older brother to pieces and we get along great, but I only see him about once a year due to living in different states too. Also, we don't really talk on the phone but once in a blue moon. We are both raising families and go about our own business. Doesn't mean we don't adore each other.

  25. She looks like him so much in the face. She seems really caring for her brother. Wildcats!!!!

  26. She's not one to crave the spotlight. Not everybody does. So what? She is a widower with two children. I saw photos when George was filming the Ides of March. She was there with her children, and her son was an extra in the film. I like how they went for an unflattering photo of her. Real nice. I am sure that if she wanted to see her brother more, it would happen. Also, I still don't understand how a guy who doesn't want to get married is automatically gay. Maybe he doesn't want to shell out half his money in a divorce settlement.

  27. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I never ever believed George C. was gay. I swear the rumors were started by jealous idiot guys on these celeb websites !
    I would love love, to hear more from Alicia about her acquaintance who was an escort and was hired by George ! Now that's some good gossip ! Please ALicia !!

  28. @ Jennifer H

    George has addressed the gay rumors. I think it was Esquire magazine who asked him to respond to someone saying he was "Gay, Gay, Gay." He jokingly said, "No. I'm just gay, gay. The third gay - that was pushing it."

    And in an interview with The Advocate:

    "I think it’s funny, but the last thing you’ll ever see me do is jump up and down, saying, 'These are lies!' That would be unfair and unkind to my good friends in the gay community."

    "I’m not going to let anyone make it seem like being gay is a bad thing. My private life is private, and I’m very happy in it. Who does it hurt if someone thinks I’m gay? I’ll be long dead and there will still be people who say I was gay. I don’t give a sh*t."

  29. Of course, she's a UK fan, which makes her a-ok in my book. GO CATS!

  30. @Halle
    thanks for those quotes. I'm not a fan of his (just don't find him attractive or that good of an actor)
    but that makes it seems like he's a good guy

  31. *seems
    seem daggone it

  32. I grew up in a family of nine, and I couldn't tell you the last time I saw one of my siblings, it's been that long. But then, my family is far more dysfunctional than the Clooneys appear to be.
    It seems like she really cares about her brother and is concerned about his privacy. It's soooo refreshing to see that in a celebrity's family. *Looking at you, Dina Lohan*

  33. I think they sought her out, and she's a very smart cookie by saying what needed to be said to protect her lifestyle. She's less likely to be bothered if people think she doesn't see him, or have his phone number.

    There have been some rather unstable and motivated people who have gone out of their way to learn about George's family & habits in an effort to get to George.

    I met the woman who used to run the now defunct By George! fan site and she said she had so many people in Kentucky and beyond contacting her trying to find out info on the sister & parents. She passed on a lot of the information to the local police, including info on one woman who lives a mere 20 minutes from the family.

    What freaked her out even more is the people who know George, and his family and friends who forwarded really personal information to her about all of them. Without knowing what she would do with it etc.

    Thank goodness she was protective of him and didn't pass on the info or publish it.

    Fun fact: Turns out she used to know him way back in the day. But he knew her under a different name when she was living with a well-known actor at the time.

  34. Forgot to add that the no one made the connection between her former name & current name as being the same person.

  35. I love that Advocate quote. Because the reality is that these people in Hollywood, when they do vehemently shoot down rumors that they are gay, are not helping themselves or the people they know that are gay.

  36. I kinda think this might be a cobbled together interview, something said in passing added to general gossip... if they were interviewing her don't you think they'd have gotten a photo rather than a pap shot?

  37. @ljsmed and akm, fellow Wildcat fans? *high five* we're gonna have another great season! Looking forward to it! :)

  38. I'm more of a UL fan but gotta love the uk pride. You can tell she's his sister, similar faces.
