Friday, November 16, 2012

Blind Item #4

This C+/B- list actress should be way more famous than she is. Hit television shows and huge, monster hit movies, but still not really reaching a level of fame you would expect. Most of it is her own doing though. The actress, who is gay, and not really closeted, but not open either, just likes living a very private life. She says that most people know she is gay, but when she got what she considers her big break, the director didn't think she could be sexy heterosexually since she was gay so he told her to prove it to him. They were at lunch, sitting across from each other in a booth. She came over to his side of the table, whispered in his ear, and then proceeded to manually stimulate him until completion while at the same time whispering in his ear. She got the part and has played some very sexy heterosexual women ever since.


  1. Lucy Liu popped into my mind. Love her. Too bad she felt she had to do this whoever she is.

  2. Michelle Rodriguez

  3. LOL cdanluva. Like the guess, Skittle!

  4. Michelle Rodriguez

    1. Excrpt there is nothing subtle about michele.

  5. She sounds like a slut. I could cure her of that with a little acupuncture and a lot of Reiki!

  6. What sexy women has Michelle Rodriguez played?

    I like the Lucy Liu guess. She has been in a ton of stuff, but hasn't quite hit the big time

  7. I was thinking Michelle too.

  8. John Travolta. Gurl Please

  9. I like the Lucy Liu guess, but cdanluva has the best line!

  10. Am I having a brain fart or was Lucy Liu the suspected answer to the blind about sleeping with her brother and sister in law?

  11. Lucy Liu is stunning, I think I have a girl crush on her.

  12. And if it's Lucy Liu, did she give David Kelley a handy or some knee pit action?

  13. I thought Michelle Rodriguez too but here big break was Girl Fight and that was directed by a woman!

    I guess zoe zaldana?

  14. I was thinking Michelle, too. Never saw it, but was she supposed to be sexy in fast and the Furious?

  15. @Michelle, that's totally who came to mind, but I couldn't remember her name...I never can and I've always liked her...for her heterosexual womaness...

    Bt what's her back story?

  16. I think Lucy Liu too. Charlie's Angels and Kill Bill movies; Ally McBeal, Southland and that new show Elementary plus like 80 million other things. Maybe the director was Jospeh McGinty Nichol from the first Charlie's Angels movie which was released in 2000. Lucy had been on tons of TV and had small movie parts but that was her first major (and sexy) movie role. She got Ally McBeal after that.

  17. Maybe it's because she's not as famous as she should be like the blind says but what sexy roles had Lucy Lui played?

  18. *Joseph (McG)
    Plus Michelle Rodriguez is sooooo butch acting!!! I think this person is more ambiguous. Sticking with Lucy for this one.

  19. But maybe the director was McG for Charlie's Angels

  20. Just to be different, going with amber heard. just cant picture lucy lui like that...

  21. The Lucy guess is perfect! Sexy in Kill Bill, Se7en, can't think what else. I think she's incredibly sexy. I really like her. Too bad she had to do that. I know she does work with sex trafficking. I think she's beautiful, also smart.

    Michelle doesn't play sexy

  22. What hit television shows has Lucy Lui been in? Ally McBeal is all I got. And she was not in Se7en. Kill Bill, yes, Kung Fu Panda, yes. I wouldn't say anything else she's been in have been monster hits.

  23. I don't think it's Lucy Lui unless she's bi. She was revealed in a blind item of Enty's where she was sleeping with Ben McKenzie during "Southland." Or am I not remembering correctly?

  24. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I'm liking Michelle Rodriguez for this. Alot of guys go gaga for tough, butchy, bad ass hetero seeming women. Which lebians/bi women play so well. Angelina Jolie anyone? There's no reason for Michelle to have anything less than an A+ career. I can easily see her as a female action star. She just needs some elocution lessons to get rid of that barrio accent to be truly A+/Worldmarketable. Just my opinion. She's just a liiiitle too gritty right now. It plays fine in a supporting role, but in a lead???? eh, iffy.

  25. I don't see how this could be Lucy or Amber, simply because they are sexy as hell, and if men thought of them getting with other women it would just make them more appealing. It almost has to be a butch girl like Michelle in my opinion.

  26. This also is someone who has had hit shows and movies, and Michelle was on Lost and did Avatar, one of the biggest grossing movies ever.

  27. While I like the Lucy Lui guess; I read the subject of the blind being a little more low profile.

  28. Lucy Liu has been doing bit parts on television since the early 90s and had a 22-episode run on Rhea Perlman's sitcom "Pearl" in '96-97. As for the movie thing, it could have been sooner than "Charlie's Angels" - she went nude on-screen as a stripper in John Irvin's 1997 "City of Industry"

  29. I think Lucy Lui is one of the most prominent Asian American Actresses working today, (which is probably more a comment on POC in Hollywood, but i digress.) so this part,"but still not really reaching a level of fame you would expect." throws off that guess for me.
    Wasn't Michelle Rodriguez also in Avatar?

  30. Michelle Rodriguez has very vehemently denied she's lesbian. That sounds pretty "closeted" to me.

  31. amber heard had a long term, public girlfriend, they have been photographed together. that doesn't fit with the "..not open either, just likes living a very private life."

    michelle r. is more tom-boyish to me, not "very heterosexual."

    carla g is a great guess. she was awesome in sucker punch.

  32. "barrio accent" ???? seriously?!!

  33. Sorry, Lucy was in Lucky Number Seven, not Se7en - I always get those 2 mixed up!

  34. Carla Gugino is in a long term relationship with director Sebastian Gutierrez. Not her.

    Among the actresses to consider, Ellen Page did a few TV shows early in her career (but no big hit), was in an X-Men movie and Inception, and the breakout part could be Juno.
    Clea DuVall was in The Faculty, Zodiac and Argo, also in Carnivale on HBO and Heroes on NBC. But she never had any breakout part.

  35. I'm gonna toss Ellen Page out there.

  36. Has anyone ever found Michelle Rodriguez sexy in anything?

  37. ditto on Ellen Page.

    Quirky, yes. Sexy, no.

  38. I'm thinking Christina Ricci. Does she have a boyfriend? I just think the "monster hit movies" is a big clue. She starred in Monster with Charlize Theron, and was also a 'monster' in the Addams Family, wasn't she?

  39. I had Girl crush on Michelle on the fast and the furious. the 1st one.

  40. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Michelle is gay. years ago I was at a jarule concert. she was with her girlfriend in seats right In front of me. they were touching and kissing allll night. we were shocked . very very open Abt it

  41. Kristin Davis. This blind fits her to a T.

  42. Michelle Rodriguez has said she likes "sausage", clearly indicating that at the very least she is bisexual. She also cleans up very sexy, so I don't think it is her. No way is this Lucy Liu...she's scorching hot and so is Theron.

    I can't believe Juno would give a hand job to get a part.

  43. Guess I'm the only one who thinks Queen Latifah. She got her start on Living Single and had her own talk show. She's also been in several movies, including two block busters (Chicago, Hairspray). As far as sexy, she's played leading roles in a few romantic comedies.

  44. I don't think Michelle Rodriguez has ever played a sexy hetero woman! Total butch/bitch all the way!
