Friday, November 16, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Is Delusional And 50

Lindsay Lohan was on Good Morning America this morning. If you ever are asking yourself whether you should chain smoke cigarettes, just listen to Lindsay for about 30 seconds and you will have your answer. This is the same as almost every other Lindsay interview where she thinks everyone is to blame for all her problems except for herself. The thing I found most crazy and where she was obviously lying is she said that she had never heard that her dad might have fathered a child years ago. Are you kidding? This story has been in the news for years and when the reporter asked about it is the first time she has ever heard of it? This is why you can't believe anything she says or Dina says or Micheal says. She could have said that she didn't know her dad had been discovered to be the dad. That would have been a lie, but believable because it might not have reached her. But claiming she never heard anything about this is a lie which is not only unnecessary but makes everything she ever says most likely false too. After her most recent disasters, she is going to be very lucky to ever get hired for anything ever again. I hate writing anything Lohan twice in a day, but I just don't understand how anyone can be a fan, and really have a tough time understanding how anyone ever hires her.


  1. I suspect she still gets hired because she's a name and a face. Granted, she's known now for infamy more than anything else, but clearly she still generates buzz or she wouldn't be mentioned here and on similar sites as often as she is. And that'll probably continue to be true, no matter how many more outrageous things she does, until the day comes when the press and the public no longer even notice that she exists.

  2. No amusing boobies :(

  3. I actually saw this segment in the morning and man she is looking rough. I was honestly shocked that she even showed up to the interview. She sounds like a completely different person then from her Mean Girls days.

  4. Completely agree with Robert. She brings the cray-cray and controversy and with that comes an avalanche of free publicity. (Once again proving the adage "no such thing as bad publicity as long as they spell your name right")
    Adding Blohan to the cast guarantees your production is going to be talked about. Period.
    Script is crap?
    No money for advertising?
    Quick, send Blohan to that party and alert the paps.

  5. I am also surprised she managed to show up, but shows like GMA aren't going to put her on the spot too much, either.

    To me, she seems void of all emotion and feeling in this interview. If this were a film you were really passionate about, wouldn't that resonate with us when we watch your interview? It's like I'm watching a conversation at the DMV, and Lindsay is moments away from saying, "Can I help the next customer in line?"

    Definitely a far cry from the Mean Girls days.

  6. "After her most recent disasters, she is going to be very lucky to ever get hired for anything ever again."

    How many years have people been saying this about her?

  7. I thought the same thing Lotta. It was around 730-8 and my first thought was, "Wow. Lindsay is awake?" How sad. Hopefully no one ever hires her again. In the interview the reporter mentions that Dick and Liz is getting good reviews. Really? Are any of you guys watching this m

  8. totally believe thisa is the first she heard of it; because she does so many drugs she has no memory of MANY things. is being addicted to fame in the DSM? it certainly should be if it isn't. and i'm betting that being famous from an early age is part of the onset.

  9. ew I bet she has gross hacks in the morning. Id hate to wake up to that every day

  10. Well, her hair color is nice?.....

  11. Hard living will do that. She makes me proud to be middle aged and drug free because I look way better than her. Probably most of us here look way better than her. Sad, but her crazy family and her refusal to take responsibility for her actions are the reason. Also, no one will hold her accountable any time soon.

  12. Her voice sounds terrible from all the drugs she's done.

  13. "I just wanna call my agents and say,just keep me on set, it's safer that way hehe" I bet the lady that owns Liz's stuff doesn't agree.

  14. I watched it.
    Why did she do that to her face?

  15. She'll get hired again. It is ridiculous, but she will.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I know, goes in circles! She's awfully young to be hitting the botox and scalpel. She looks more like a Real Housewife of Long Island.

  18. Ok, just snagged this and had to share:

    The Hollywood Reporter’s Tim Goodman provides the harshest of the lot. Describing the biopic about Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton as “half train wreck, half ‘SNL’ skit,” he flat out calls it “spectacularly bad,” noting that it is “like a high school play” and it “truly drags.” As for Lohan, she is “woeful as Taylor from start to finish” and “there is not one minute in this film where she’s believable.

    1. I love Tim Goodman. He used to write for the SF Chron and was on KFOG. Love any time he calls out Linds on her shit show.

    2. This is why everyone wants to see it!!!!!!! I hope she has her own,"no more wire hangers" moment, lol

    3. Tim goodman is a fantastic writer, miss his column in the Chron, thanks for the heads up on this review, going to read it now!

  19. Lindsay Lohan is Delusional and a Liar.

    Lindsay Lohan is Delusional and a Criminal.

    Lindsay Lohan is Delusional and an International Call Girl, aka Whore.

    Lindsay Lohan is Delusional and Drugged.

    Lindsay Lohan is Delusional and Inexcusable.

    See, if there is one thing that she's good for is easy headlines. I give her credit for being a good cautionary tale/trainwreck.

  20. Anonymous10:04 AM

    @ goes in circles

    seriously. wtf is up with those cheek implants. those are cheek implants, right? her body language. wow.

  21. Penelope
    Yes! The cheeks and the lips.

  22. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I have never even imagined that we can all feel so much loathing for this person. In my mind she's on par with Gary Busey. She's her own worst enemy and has bitten the hand that feeds her too many times. Remember when Britney was at this point in her career three years ago? Where we all hated her, mocked her and were hanging on the edge of our seats for the final trainwreck? I don't want to say I can't wait for her to die. Because then who would we watch like this? Plus she is a human being and all. She's a joke, a punch line, a caricature. I almost feel sorry for her. I do hope she gets it together, the sooner the better. She DOES share alot of things with Liz Taylor. A bloated opinion of herself, complete lack of sense of reality, sense of entitlement, substance abuse, etc. ad nauseum. Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay. Can't our Patron Saint RDJ do anything about this? Alas, no, her denial runs so deep, her dysfunction is so entrenched. She's like a cockroach. If she's survived this long doing what she does, then who knows how much longer this will last. What in the hell else can she do to survive? Hopefully marry some poor unsuspecting rich sucker who will keep her smoking and drinking and pill popping and whoring on the side for many years to come. At which point she will be celebrated for her celebrity upon her death. Zero talent. Zero looks. Zero brains. Zero integrity. Zero work ethic. Yet we still all slow down to rubberneck the wreckage of her once bright stardom. We all know she's a pointless waste, the only one who's laughing is her. She's famous for being famous and fucking up. Pretty much the same with Kardashians. Paris Hilton( shiver) and many others that have come and gone. The circle of skank. She's doomed. Look at dear old mom and dad. I'm amazed we are still talking about her. She looks embarassed though. Like she has an idea that we are all right and that her and her parents are wrong. She just doesn't care enough to pull away from the alcohol, money, jewelry and drugs. What in the hell else would she do to support her habit? This is the best free advertising for her sexual services in the world. Maybe she's not so dumb after all. She knows that her sheiks wouldn't pay one sheckle to bareback her if she were a nobody.


  23. I know you do Enty! I'm making it my personal mission to help heal you of this demon fasciantion. It's like she haunts you :/

    Let me pull out my psychobabble hat and analyse Lohan from Enty's descriptions: This girl has had some do some very bad things to her. She is delusional because she learnt from an early age to deny her reality. By the time she is ready to face those memories, no one will believe her-so why face them? Just keep denying.

    Does she really get SO much work??

  24. Anonymous10:09 AM

    is she going to the same plastic surgeon that madonna is? she's morphing into a cat.

  25. Ohh Cady Heron, please come back to us!

  26. How can anyone believe anything this bitch says anymore? She's a known liar, and she has proven it time and time again,

    If people like Bret Easton Ellis want to hire her, great. But I doubt anyone with A-list projects will. I would imagine the other actors would pitch a fit if she was on set with them.

    She burns bridges with everyone who hires her.

    Still hate her.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Blah, Blah, Blah.

    Interviewer: "Do you still party?"
    Lindsay: "No. I don't party anymore."
    Interviewer: "There are photos of you partying all year long."
    Lindsay: "They're all just jealous."
    Interviewer: "Are you worried what might happen to you from your car crash this past summer."
    Lindsay: "I wasn't driving. The cops are just out to get me."
    Interviewer: "Anything else you'd like to add?"
    Lindsay: "Yes. We have a very important election coming up. I urge everybody to go out and vote for Mitt Romney."
    Interviewer: "Um..Lindsay the election already happened."
    Lindsay: (Stares blankly for a minute.) "It did?"
    Interviewer: "Yes. It was held last week."
    Lindsay: (Really long pause.) "Who won?"

  29. I like her because I keep rooting for her against so much adversity. Yes she is delusional and self important but if the light were to come on, can you imagine what a great inspiration she would be....much like RDJ. I rooted for him over and over again and he made it worth it!

  30. Every time she gets work someone with talent doesn't.
    As for Britney the poor thing is sick, she has a mental illness , and I can't remember one time Brit hurt anyone but herself...can we say the same for this mean spirited bitch ?

  31. I wish she would give one interview where she is completely honest. I think she believes that the public is stupid and spin control will solve all of her problems. This is not 1984 anymore Lindsey, where people had to buy rag mags at the grocery store to get salacious gossip and publicists could fix it all with a People Magazine interview "setting the record straight".

    I hope when she is hard up for cash in 10 or 20 years she writes a tell all, I am sure she has some stories to tell.. But I suppose she'd have to live that long first.

  32. Okay, okay, I hate her and have declared that I'm over her. But I wish she could clean up sometimes. In spite of the thousands of young starlets flinging themselves into the grinding teeth of the fame machine, she really is kinda charming once in a while. Here, she's okay. If she didn't have that voice wrecked by post-coke drip eating away at her vocal chords, she would almost come across as a normal self-centered Hollywood type.

  33. It kinda bugs me when people lump Lindsay, Britney, the Kardashians and Paris Hilton together as if they are all the same. Paris and Kim are the the offspring of wealthy parents who parlayed that status into fame via sex tapes and reality shows--the quintessential famous for doing nothing. Lindsay and Britney garnered fame as performers--famous for doing something. And that something involved work. And between Lindsay and Britney, I don't recall any stories about Britney being incredibly self involved, (move that cone, I'm Lindsay Lohan!)rude, irresponsible, disrespectful or a kleptomaniac.

  34. I think that's alcohol bloat, not fake cheeks. The double chin speaks for itself. She's not overweight, but she's bloated all the time...

    I vote alcohol. As for the lips? FAKEFAKEFAKE

  35. Had no idea coke could mess up a persons voice. Her voice has always been different, but it has gotten bad.

  36. Liz & Dick and her James Peen movie are both going to make a ton of money, because people want to watch the train wreck. That's why she gets hired.

  37. Tigga Please, you know you love her, Ent.

  38. Mooshki is right...I mean, I know I'm going to watch Liz & Dick for the cringe factor alone.

  39. She is currently #8 on's Celebrity Death Pool. The youngest by far, too. Maybe she keeps getting jobs because she buys drugs with her salary and people hiring her have money riding on her demise.

  40. @MISCH I totally agree.

    She had huge talent and potential, and all the factors were against her...

    At least she did something right by going red.

    She makes me rethink my ideas of fixing my facial flaws via surgery....

  41. Her face is jacked and I hate her shoes. And she's COMPLETELY delusional!

  42. Opiates will make your voice all grovely too. Plus it will bloat you up. I am completely convinced that she is hooked on opiates in addition to ingesting any other drugs/alcohol lying around.

  43. she should stop with the lip injections.... can she even drink out of a cup anymore?

  44. Artemis - I totally see that too. I've been noticing that for going on maybe two years? When did you notice ?

    My gf follows Lindsay on instagram .. She so obviously parties. The pic I looked at yesterday was her nude in someone's apartment obviously doing some sort of after hours .. Its laughable how she denies it still

  45. It's the train-wreck factor. It's the same reason Britney Spears is on The X-Factor, even though it's obvious she's medicated to her eyeballs.

    Americans love to see car crashes on the side of the road, and rich, whore-y (Kardashians, all Real Housewives) and/or grotesque (Lohan, Britney, Snooki, Honey Boo Boo's mom) women on their television screens. It's a thing.

  46. Lord, those cheek implants.
