Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Channing Tatum Is People's Sexiest Man Alive - Ryan Gosling Screwed Again

When I heard the news yesterday that Channing Tatum was going to be named The Sexiest Man Alive by Kneepads, I asked around the office and everyone thought Channing has a great body, but that by far the sexier person between Channing and Ryan Gosling is Ryan Gosling. The most common comment about Channing was that if you were at a bar and could not hear anything that anyone was saying and Channing Tatum had his shirt off that he would win, but that if you were having dinner in a quiet place and clothes were on, that there is no way anyone would pick Channing. Apparently Channing's publicists convinced Kneepads though, so it is another runner up kind of year for Ryan Gosling.


  1. I have a feeling Ryan Gosling is just fine with their choice

  2. Ryan Gosling is not cute for me at all. Dont really understand the hype about him at all. Channing is superhot and the guy has mooooves!

  3. He was really funny in the 21 Jump Street movie, and to me funny equals sexiness. And he isn't that bad to look at. Good choice!

  4. He was so hot in Dear John. I like both men, they're both sexy in a different way.

  5. Channing seems like a nice enough guy and it's not that I'm rooting for him to fail. But let's face it, he sort of has to ride the SMA title and similar other press bumps in order to keep a career.

    Gosling, on the other hand, only ever has to rely on his talent. That he's also smoking hot is just a cherry on top of the package.

    In 10 years, where do you think each of them will be? Exactly.

  6. To me, Channing Tatum has whatever the male-equivalent is to a butter-face.

  7. I'd agree that he may be one of the sexiest mouth breathers alive. I just can't with this guy.

  8. He's, like and merely Okay actor.
    But egads-- he kinda looks like a mongoloid in the face area.

  9. Tatum screams GAY PORNSTAR to me-like, I can't look at him w out picturing him in the middle of a hardcore gay gangbang...is that "sexy"? It involves A LOT of sex.

  10. Ick boo. Neither Tatum nor Gosling do it for me. Gosling reminds me of the kid you were friends with growing up that was allergic to everything and whose mom would never let him do anything because he might get hurt - even if it's Nerf darts - and he kinda smells a little like pee and applesauce.

  11. I don't get it. See nothing hot about Channing... nor Ryan, actually. Might be showing my age, but I'd give it to Mark Harmon again. Hotter with age. :)

    1. Yesss! Love Mark Harmon. So sexy!

    2. I totally agree. He might be close to my parents' age, but he has always been one of my biggest crushes.

  12. Anonymous6:41 AM

    They are very different men, marginally attractive in their own way.

    Hugh Jackman on the other hand...

  13. I'm with you Amber all the way.

    Couldn't agree more, Agent**It!

  14. I don't find Channing the slightest bit attractive.
    Hey, Ryan, if you're upset about this and need to talk, call me.

  15. You guys crack me up! I'm a Gosling fan. Yum! He can come Hey Girl me anytime.

    1. I love the "Hey Girls"! I think Gosling is pretty dreamy. Especially with the uke!

  16. @rejectedcarebear - we saw that movie last weekend - he was really funny! And yeah, funny = sexy to me every time.

  17. I barely know who Channing is. I used to love People with scandalous gossip(ok maybe they weren't that scandalous, but I felt they used to be better) and the old National Enquirer, the Bigfoot and alien stories were quite fun. Now it's just generic crappy gossip.

  18. Well honestly I wouldn't kick either one out of my bed.

  19. They both have nice bodies but goofy-looking faces.. neither do it for me.

  20. @amber 'pee and applesauce' LMAOOOOOOOO. I can't stop laughing that whole paragraph was brilliant and I LIKE gosling. I think he's hot. But that was beyond hilarious. Nerf balls! Lmaooooo

  21. Ryan Gosling doesn't do much for me and Channing's just not my type- esp from the neck up.

  22. I must be getting old, I don't even know who this kid is. And I don't think he's all that hot. Whatever happened to the guys like Patrick Dempsey, Mark Harmon, Tom Selleck, etc. That tall, dark and handsome, guys' guy. THAT is sexy.

  23. Anonymous7:01 AM

    @Amber, spot on description! Love it.

  24. Who the f votes for these guys?!?
    Viggo is sexiest imo

  25. i know i'm old but if this guy is what qualifies as hot these days, i'm GLAD i'm old. his neck's bigger than his head, he has liver lips and he's just creepy as fuck to me.

  26. @silly girl - Now you're talking! They still are some seriously hot guys!

  27. Flesh colored lips.

  28. Did someone say Tom Selleck? Viggo? Hugh Jackman? :panty creamers:

    Jon Hamm and Daniel Craig do it for me too.

  29. @ Silly girl- Joe Manganiello- he is tall dark handsome and built like a battleship!

    1. Now you are talking!!!! Omg... Pant, pant, pant....puts tongue back in mouth;-)

  30. SusanB- i also watched it this weekend! I was surprised at how funny he was.

    Amber- perfect description of Gosling!

  31. ChannIng is the male Kate Upton: hot body, great self-promotion skills, not much else.

  32. Last year I read that Gosling didn't get it because he said NO, not because they didn't vote for him. Think about it. The spread they do for the Sexiest Man Alive each year is EMBARRASSING.

  33. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Channing has had a banner year with three of his movies making over $100M each at the domestic box office. At least I can understand the pick. It's better than Bradley
    Cooper from last year. And Channing doesn't seem to take himself too seriously, so he's OK in my book.

    Gosling is sneaky hot. A combination of decent looks and sheer persona.

    Nothing wrong with who you named, Silly Girl, but none of them are high-profile enough these days.

  34. @Layna Day

    I LOVE your description of Ryan G. Sneaky hot!! When he first came on to the scene, I didn't get it. But then I saw how charming he is - that kid is smooth! Very sexy in Crazy Stupid Love and The Ides of March

    *wolf whistles, eyes bugging out, heart jumping in and out of my chest, and whatever other cartoon actions that can depict my lust for Ryan*

  35. @Agent
    Shemar!!! He is DEFINITELY the sexiest man alive! My oldest that lives in TX loves watching Crimininal Minds. I think that show is creepy, but Shemar helps me get through it :)

  36. yeah, the title is not quite accurate. more like, most f*ckable, hottest bod(?) i think channing is smokin, but he's probably not someone i'd want to have dinner or a conversation with. crude but true.

  37. i think the title is just about pure lust. Sexy does not have to equal smart so why not magic mike! If u can play a stripper in a movie u gots some moxy! Lol

  38. beady eyes just can't get past it

  39. I cannot even begin to comprehend all the Gosling lust. He's absolutely a great actor, and he's cute in his own way. But Sexiest Man Alive? Not even close. CT is a far better choice for this (and for that matter, so was BC last year).

  40. or maybe people mag picked him because he had some good box office movies this year like the vow, 21 jump street & magic mike

  41. This is so subjective. To me, Matt Bomer is the sexiest man alive.

  42. He can get it, but he can never, ever speak! Lol

  43. Channing Tatum does not do it for me at all. Tom Hiddleston on th other hand... Now he embodies sexiness. Intelligence, charm, good looks.. That voice his eyes oh.. is it hot in here??

  44. Brain dead counts as alive to People?

  45. Ryan Gosling is Screwed Again. He Turn is Down Last year. Im sure he would this year too.

    II;m okay with this choice. Man You were right.] He not the sexiest celeb but he sure damn the nicest one out there. I never forget when I met him when he was promoting Magic Mike and his handlers were trying to push him away from his fan but he just kept ignoring his team and telling them to relax and kept sign and talking to his fans. I'm just saying that I think it is was well deserve because sexy isn't all about looks but personality. From what I heard and saw he just the must humble, hardest working guy in industry.

    I Hope Hollywood doesnt change him.

    I also find funny not to long ago in interview he said he He doesnt understand sexiest man alive.


  46. Channing has a derp face. Ryan is ok, but not worth hanging his posters on the wall for my 13 year inner self.

  47. Total butterface. Or would it be "butthimface"?

  48. If they want to go the Magic Mike route, I would much rather vote for Matt Bomer or Joe Manganiello! Yum!

  49. Oh Amber I Lol'd so hard I partially spit out my tea!

    Sam Rockwell for sexiest man.. It will never happen but I'm sure many share my sentiments!

  50. Daniel Craig is still doing it for me. Can't wait for Skyfall. However, I kind of have the hots for Channing. He is totally against my type (I think) but I think he is adorable. Ryan Gosling does nothing for me. Looks too much like an ex-boyfriend.

  51. *bitchy alert*

    Tatum has a weird face imo; he looks botoxed. Kinda like Stallone, like his lips can't move. Hard to explain, but it just looks weird.

  52. @DearErin: I vote ManJello! woohooo

  53. I agree with Amber. I just don't find Gosling attractive. Every time I see him, I see one of those videos Enty shows of a 10 year-old Gosling moonwalking.

    I don't get the Tatum love, either, although he did a credible job on SNL when he was a guest host last year.

  54. Such a partronize "honor", doesnt even mean anything.

  55. Really, people? All I have to say is this: Chris Hemsworth. Holding his baby.

    And I'm a straight dude.

    Though Shemar Moore should for sure be in the running.

  56. @Lucas, that's cute, 'And I'm a straight dude.'.....

    1. I'm just saying that it is so obvious that even a straight guy can see it. Although if I were propositioned by Mr. Thor I might be flexible on that straight thing.

    2. I do agree Thor can give me his hammer..... Tehehe...

  57. Channing is what I would call hot. Ryan is smoldering. Like a sexy confidence or something. Subtle sexiness. Either way, I like both. Prefer Ryan buy I'm not complaining.

  58. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Channing seems nice enough, and humble enough, which don't get me wrong is great. He's got a nice body and he's a great dancer, but he's just a bit, vanilla. But Gosling's got that amazingly sweet, sensitive man thing going on. He looks like he'd hold you, spoon you, cuddle you, look deep into your eyes, talk about how much he loves his dog and his Mom, listen intently to you, have deep interesting things to say. Le Sigh.

  59. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Viggo's my pic out of all of them.

  60. This is all about PR. Who ever wants the title and will pay gets it.

    I like both Gosling and Tatum. Tatum and wife are animal folk so they're both OK by me, and I love me some George Gosling (Ryan's dog).

  61. Neither Channing Tatum or Ryan Gosling do it for me. But, Sexiest Man Alive really isn't about looks or talent, is it? More like PR. And acknowledgement that Tatum had a big year this year. Believe me, when Gosling has 3 movies that gross 100 million or more in a year, he will People's Sexiest Man Alive.

  62. I have to say that Tatum is a good sport and makes a...ummm...pretty girl as evident by the HILARIOUS skit he did on Jimmy Fallon called EW! If you haven't seen the vid, please Google it. Funny stuff!

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Ill take both. I'm not fussed. Way better than Bradley cooper. Don't know what they were thinking with him

  65. @hothotheat: Very true. Especially evident when Olivia Munn won hottest woman of the year last year (for CQ I believe?). Of coooooooourse she is hotter than supermodels, beautiful actresses and comedians. Uhuh, surrrre!
    *yeah I hate that girl, very obvious I guess, but come on..*

  66. As if sexiest isn't Chris Hemsworth? Tall, massive, rugged and that super deep Australian accent.

  67. Ryan did had good year last year but he turned down people. So be went to second runner up Bradley Cooper.

    @Lucas. Tatum and Chris Hemsworth have the same agent so at the end of the day shes win. Matter a fact she hould win best agent because those two boys are doing good

  68. Ryan G. is a man and a half! He isn't very photogenic, but in action he is just the sexiest. He definitely has that je ne sais quoi thing for me.

    I've loved him since Breaker High.

  69. I'm way late to this thread so I probably won't get any replies, but -

    I curious as to what evidence people are using to conclude Tatum is some kind of caveman idiot. Is it that tall and muscled must = stupid? Because in every interview I've seen with him, he's come across as articulate, funny, and charming. Definitely a sexy combo.

  70. Pretty sure I'm the only one here who digs gosling because of Breaker High...

  71. Pretty sure I'm the only one here who digs gosling because of Breaker High...

  72. Thor!!!! Thor!!! Thor!!!
