Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Katy Perry Gives Up On Rihanna Because Of Chris Brown

Katy Perry finally said something to Rihanna about Rihanna's willingness to date/be with/have sex with/never say a bad word against Chris Brown. Apparently Katy Perry has problems with guys who beat women. Since Rihanna has no problems with guys who beat women, the two, who have been bff's for a long time now barely speak. You knew they were never really a good match for each other. Katy Perry will booze it up and makes bad choices when it comes to men (hello John Mayer), but Katy does not stay hammered for what appears to be days on end and as far as I know has never had sex with a guy who beat her to an inch of her life. I think their friendship was more of the type that you see on Real Housewives. Convenient for the season and not much more.


  1. Rihanna is going to end up dead if she's not careful. From him or drugs or both. Sad.

    1. Is he a scumbag? Yes. Beat within an inch of her life? No. Let's be real, we saw the pictures and a split lip and a abrasion on forehead isn't quite death's door... I've seen domestic violence first hand and in no way am I trying to belittle what happened. The new writer for cdan sucks ..

    2. Watch your dangerous words, Peter. I got my ass handed to me by a man and never EVER saw it coming. We didn't see all the photos. We don't need to. She was bitten all over FFS! Your commentary is dangerous and borderline enabling.

      I split with my life and never looked back. It's the mental scars that F you.

      Unfortunately, old girl won't be long for this Earth if she keeps on protecting and defending that sick fuck.

  2. Oh well if rhianna wants to ruin her life with toe-rag brown its her decision.
    I've had friends who went back to abusers time and time again and just will not hear a bad word against them. An apology more then makes up for the broken face especially when drugs are involved apparently.Once a piece of shit always a piece of shit in my opinion.
    Good on katy for cutting her out. Maybe when rhianna has no one left and is beaten and bloodied again she will realise he ain't gonna change.

  3. This really is such a non-story, it's pathetic. I wonder what the angle was in this...Katy needing some 'good friend' attention since no one likes her with John Mayer? Poor Rihanna, her BFF dumped her because she didn't like her guy? Really.

  4. The way I see it, they're both getting pounded by pigs. A tad hypocritical IMO.

  5. I thought their friendship ended when Rihanna missed Katy and Russell's wedding

  6. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Katy Perry just won some points with me.

  7. Anonymous7:43 AM

    @Sarah: I read the same thing. I get the feeling this friendship was one-sided. Katy seemed to actually care, but Rihanna wasn't into it.

  8. I wouldnt turn my back on my friend. Rhi may need a shoulder to cry on someday and Katy may need the same when John takes a dump on her eyelid! Fairweather friends i guess!

  9. I agree with the new writer sucking, @Peter! Not sure Ri was beat to within an inch of her life, though. Not sure it's as superficial as you think, either, though. We don't know what happened, we just saw the pics that were released.

  10. Some people are toxic and you have to cut them loose are they will take you down with them

    I have done it in life, it's not an easy decision but you have to save yourself.

  11. Rihanna seems to only be truly close to her inner circle, who only say yes to her. She has a close friend and a cousin or two that work for her as assistants or something, they go along with the Chris Brown drama and twitter fight his ex for her. I don't even think Jay Z has much pull anymore.

  12. new writer? of FFS get a clue.

    i find it no coincidence that "peter" and "Sillygirl" agree on multiple points here. Brown apologists.

  13. I can't with this story...I just can't.

  14. WTF, @Jax. Brown apologists?!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This is crap. Once again, a Chris Brown pile-on.Matthew Fox got a fraction of negative publicity Brown gets. I'm not a cb apologist, but this isbey. Other actors/musicians/etc get arrested for dv or assault but aren't covered as much.

  17. I'm with you Peter..can we move on from this damn story..that fight happend years ago

  18. @Peter: From what I understand he put her in a choke hold and tried to strangle her while punching the crap out of her, then leaving her on the sidewalk. Violence is violence.

    About the friendship: I always found them a good match since they both seem to have issues with men; Katy looks like she has Florence Nightingale syndrome; trying to save bad boys and Riri has to find back her selfworth.

    *flies away again*


    Matthew Fox gets plenty of disgust directed at him in the posts of his I've read.

  20. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Don't forget that he broke the passenger side window( she was in the passenger seat) by bashing her head in to it. Also he bit her ear off in that fight.
    I agree with you timebob, some people are toxic and you have to cut them loose or they'll bring you down to the bottom with them. Rihanna is now one of those people. Living on the bottom. I hate her music now too. She had a couple of great songs like "Umbrella" and now every song is worse than the last.
    She's so talented and pretty it's such a shame. Get a grip girl and get some healthiness, emotionally, spiritually. Go spend some time in Barbados.

  21. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

    I think we can all agree that Chris Brown, Matthew Fox and every other abuser out there are all terrible and we look to karma to serve justice where we think the system has failed. Chris gets *ahem* "piled on" more b/c he kept his career and Rihanna. It's frustrating to think there will be no karmic retribution for this violent cry-baby.

    Would be nice if Katy left the door open for RiRi to come to her senses. You ever had a friend that you cared for, but they were self-destructive, toxic and resentful of your efforts to "be there" for them? Sometimes you gotta set people free. Doesn't mean you wouldn't welcome them back with open arms. Katy could be a frenemy, for all I know. Or maybe she tried to talk some sense into a beloved friend and got shut out for it.

  22. Im not even gunna say what I want to say, but this, can we PLEASE stop beating this dead horse? Pun 100% intended.
    FFS, they will do what they do they give 0 fucks about what us lowly gossipers think or say.

  23. Anonymous4:31 PM

    @NomNom and @timebob--I know exactly what you mean. I've been there before, and it's an extremely hard decision to just walk away. But in the end, you have to do what's healthiest for you, and you can't help someone who won't help themselves.

  24. Absolutely cut toxic folks out of your life before they take you down with them! I'm sure Katy's door is open to Riri should she get it together. With stories of her drug use I would cut her out too. Always stayed far, far away from needles.

    Why Jay-Z let's either Ri or Fist Brown work now is beyond me. Hope this doesn't come back on Blue Ivy.

  25. They are all disgusting. These celebrities are so fucked up! They make all the fucking good money , while the people who really deserve it get shit. The more fucked up you are the more fucking money you make. I don't feel sorry for Rihanna, if he beats the shit out of her again, she deserves it. Go back to barbedos where you were a prostitute before you became famous! Assholes!

  26. Whoa, italiangal! Now obviously Rihanna is extremely emotionally damaged, but she is still a victim! And no victim deserves to be called names and told she deserved it! Girl needs some SERIOUS help in all facets of her life before she kills herself or someone else kills her, but I feel for her. I also, however, feel for her friends/peers who have no doubt been trying to make her see the error of her ways for a while now, but she seemingly thinks she knows better and continues down her self-destructive path. I've been there! It's super tough trying to stick by someone who throws their life away!
