Thursday, November 01, 2012

Michael Lohan Takes Credit For Octomom Rehab

Michael Lohan is now considering himself a self styled intervention expert. He says that he has performed 25 interventions in the past year and none have involved himself. Too bad. Even though he could not get Lindsay  Lohan into treatment, Michael proved he is not a quitter. Much like how he constantly violated restraining orders, and got himself arrested, Michael was determined to find a D list celebrity who needed his help. Michael told TMZ that he succeeded when he heard that Octomom needed rehab. So, of course he arranged it all and will only take a 30% cut of all future earnings and first dibs on being director of her next porn. Why can't he just have the quiet satisfaction of knowing he helped someone? Why does he need to publicize it and sell his story and do everything possible to annoy the people who call this planet home?


  1. Why?
    Lets go with the simplest explanation.
    He's scum.

  2. Please please please let them date! Then Enty will get a whole book deal bc it won't all fit on CDaN!

  3. Anyone else wonder what it was like for Michael and Dina in the early years? When did everything go south? Was it doomed from the start? Why am I thinking about this?

  4. Vera- I like to think that they're very alike and it wasn't until Lindsay started getting really big that they both wanted the kid's money and instead of staying a functioning dysfunctional family, they made a huge deal about everything. I am still holding out hope for those two crazy kids to get back together personally.

  5. Listen, those see through mesh shirts arent going to sell themselves, all right?

  6. What a self-important turd...

  7. Meant to add that because mesh shirts dont pay for themselves someone is gonna have to provide the revenue for Michael to purchase his haute couture clothing. And this week it's Octomom's turn to take one for the team so Michael can continue to outfit himself in luxury.

  8. Someone needs to do a narcissist intervention on him.

  9. He reminds me of the Situation (in every way)

  10. Is there rehab for being a fame-whore?

  11. " I am still holding out hope for those two crazy kids to get back together personally."

    more celebrity boxing, I hope.

  12. If anyone is entitled to need drugs, I'd say it is Octomom--anyone with 14 little kids would probably need some xanax for goodness sake. She sure acts like she's on something--very hyperactive--so I'm glad she's seening someone to get some help.

    Lohan is a tool. Is he on some kind of commission for recruiting for the rehab places?

  13. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Forgive my neverending armchair psychiatry: but I really think that he's hyperactive. As in having clinical Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The kids that were candidates for Ritalin are the kids that are like mini versions of Daddy Lohan. I've known a few ADHD cases, and was thought to be A.D.D myself, (which is totally different, but in the same category of attention issues) and he's definitely got all the symptoms. No impulse control, going a mile a minute, seemingly on cocaine or meth. But when you give someone like that a dose of stimulants, such as Ritalin or Adderall, etc. they fall asleep, slow down, act normal, etc. It's a case of being "wired backwards".

  14. Because he's a Narcissist

  15. @ Vera L
    Excellent point there. In the Lohan family saga, there s a great novel.
    Only if Brett Easton Ellis does not write it (he used to be very good at the depiction of dereliction but I did not like his tweet to complain about Lindsay being late, it was so low...)

  16. Why? Because he's a dick. Simple.

  17. Oh come on now. D list? That's being kind. She's more like a X list celebrity for her stripper stunt.

  18. I doubt he even had anything to do with her intervention..Call went something like this: Nadia, Michael Lohan..Look I know you're stuggling for money and fame and tired of the kids..One word Rehab! Look what it's done for_____________ (fill in blank). I'll be you manager and handle all communication while you're there..20%.

  19. this is such a case of those try to clean up someone else's house but aren't capable of cleaning their own. michael lohan needs to sit down.

  20. Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, Lohans gotta get their name in print. We are the problem here.

  21. Too bad he doesn't want to take any credit for helping to turn LL into the mess we see today

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  24. The update is that after papa Lohan told TMZ and took all the credit, Nadya's rep told them that papa Lohan's story was a lie and that they only called him to get the number for a rehab facility and next thing you know he's all like 'I saved her life'. Tool!
