Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Your Turn

Regular television watching tonight or election results?


  1. Probably flipping back and forth - I have so many shows on my DVR to catch up on. I do statistical stuff during the day, then have grad school at night (to get my masters in statistics), so sometimes it's nice to shut some of that stuff off when i get home for the night.

  2. Catching up on my DVR queue and tuning in to live TV to (hopefully) find out the results before I go to bed.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Results...but by the time I get home from sports pictures tonight (who schedules this?!?!) the race will likely have been decided.

  5. I'll look at results online because I'm going to still be at work by the time that they announce (big project, probably going to be here 8am-12am or later).

  6. Both because I have so much stuff on my DVR that I need to see soon.

  7. probably a little of both.

  8. NBA will be dominating our TV tonight. May pop over to watch results during breaks!

  9. Neither.. We are moving in to our new shwanky pad so it'll be Spotify for us all night long.

  10. Going to watch the results at the local bar and then finish them up at home.

    I am a political junkie to the max.

  11. Watching result coverage makes me antsy. I'll probably catch up on shows on demand.

  12. I doubt this will be decided tonight. I'll be checking for the results in the morning. This might be another Bush v. Gore situation. In Columbus, Ohio, attorneys for both parties are already camped out waiting to file challenges with the State Supreme Court if things don't go their way.

  13. Watching regular tv. i live on the east coast, so id rather watch hardcore pawn until the west coast tallies are done.

  14. Agree with Nolachickee I get too antsy watching the results too. I am going to Barnes and Noble, find some good reads and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist

  15. Last night's "The Voice," then over to MSNBC. I like to squint while I'm watching Steve Schmidt and picture Woody Harrelson ("Game Change")

  16. don't want to watch the returns, I'm so nervous about the election, going to turn off the TV, shut down the kindle and read a paperback.


  17. DVD, The Matrix probably.

  18. I don't have any TV shows on tonight and why would I watch the American election?

  19. I'm working... so within the restraints of the Internet monitoring system at work I'll be following the election results. (I get 10 minute bites for a total of 60 minutes in a 24 hour period).
    Thankfully, I have a smartphone so I'm not completely cut off. I just have to go to Timbuktu to get a decent signal.

  20. election results... while perusing my celeb gossip websites on my ipad to keep me from going too crazy with all the political chit chat


    I'm so nervous and I'm NOT EVEN AMERICAN

  22. Election results!!! Its like Christmas!! U dont know what you're gonna get!!

  23. Regular TV, although I might check the poll online. I can't stand listening to all of the crap that fills results coverage in between the updates.

  24. Actually both and doing so at the gym. Hardcore multitasking for me tonight!

  25. Election results, but I'm so nervous!

  26. I don't watch anything on Tuesday nights anyway.

    I'm in the middle of writing a novel, so I'll probably slap on the headphones, crank up the classical music, try to write a couple thousand words, and check the election coverage when I come up for air.

  27. Halo 4

    Em! I posted about t-shirts! I saw you say you hadn't been on FB in a while and thought I'd let you know.

  28. Plus... if you're watching "live" (not dvr) television they'll have the results scrolling at the bottom of the screen anyway, right?

  29. Election Day is totally one of my fave days of the year. I will be all over the election results/news once I'm done working at 8:30, eat dinner and get the baby settled down for the night. Can not wait.

  30. I'll be shocked if this is decided tonight....

    1. Me too. Prob be at least til monday.

  31. Regular - que sera, sera. No point agonizing over it once my vote has been cast.

  32. Election results, our late prime minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau once said living next door to America was compatible to a mouse sleeping next to an elephant - so of course I am going to watch what the neighbors are doing tonight

  33. Thank the flying spaghetti monster for TiVo.

    I also just started watching Sherlock on Netflix so I am finding it hard to find time for anything until I finish all the episodes.
    Definitely agree with others who don't see the appeal of Benedict Cumberbatch. There is an attractive quality but it just doesn't work for me.

    Now Dr. Watson on the other hand...

  34. MSNBC til they shut it down at around 3 am.

  35. No election coverage for me. I work in a political office and when I get off tonight it's the last thing I want to think of. I voted already and it isn't going to change anything if I watch or I don't. I will wait until the winners are announced and then either be happy or cry.

    Plus I have a date tonight so who cares! :)

  36. @Disco - thanks! Yes, been away, avoiding the political posts. I actually LIKE my FB friends, and they're allowed their opinions... not going to un-friend someone due to their political leanings, but I'm ALL DONE hearing about it. Will go back tomorrow. And YES, dammit, SHIRTS! Loved the interview, btw, nice to see Mr. Disco :)

  37. @Disco - PS - downloaded Arkham City two days ago ('cuz I already beat Arkham Asylum), we've been playing the hell out of that. Yesterday got the fright of my life when a shark flew at me out of a frozen pool of water. R beat him down :)

  38. Not sure what I will be watching.

    Like MM said, once you cast your vote, why agonize over it.

    Maybe I will reload my Sims 3 game, gotta get ready for Seasons to come out ;)

  39. My Keeping Up Appearances and Are You Being Served DvDs. (I'm an Anglophile.)

  40. DVR, Basketball games. Maybe flip over and see a little bit of Brian Williams but that is all.

  41. Neither. In class.

  42. I will try to not watch the returns--they get me stressed out--but I know I will probably not be able to stick to that.

    Such an important day--and the whole thing makes me anxious.

  43. I'll be reading with the election on in the background.

  44. Election results, praying for Romney and Scott Brown victories.

    With some flipping to SVU, of course.

  45. Since there are no hockey games to watch ... election results.

  46. @Em - That interview was PAINFUL! You've got Mr. Disco on the right who goes on and on about the wrong topic and then the business partner on the left who won't stop rocking in his chair and can barely get 3 words out. I was DYING. That interview being remotely watchable is a complete testament to that reporter's editing skills. As soon as he left everyone agreed that I'll be doing the interviews form now on. lol

    I'm still addicted to Borderlands 2 but Halo 4 is now going to take precedence. And good on R for killing the fucking ice shark!

  47. MSNBC all the way...Go Obama...

  48. Disco - I thought the interviewer was the worst part, myself.

    The branding was fantastic. Wait, what's your logo look like again? I can't remember... ;)

  49. Results with a Sons of Anarchy break.

  50. have a developmental psych class, but I'll have my eyes on the iphone...

  51. I'll watch Netflix until I can't stand it (probably right after the polls close) and switch on the TV. It's just like an accident -- I don't want to watch but I just. can't. stop.

  52. Sons of Anarchy tonight with election results before and after. I think it will be done by 8 pm. I think a lot of people will be surprised. Just a wish.

  53. Flipping back and forth.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Anonymous2:19 PM

    TV. I'm sure I'll have my laptop and be unable to escape the results anyway. I watched in order to make my decision, now that I've voted it's just masochism!

  56. @C.L.Russell - Great taste. I'm thinking about rewatching "BlackAdder" again for the umpteenth time. Or perhaps some other BBC thing I've never seen, like "Pride and Prejudice." Shocking that a Colin Firth fan has never taken the six hours to watch it, isn't it?

  57. American Horror Story. Been saving it for tonight.

  58. @AKM- you'll LOOOOVE the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice if you're a Colin Firth fan! It's my favorite:) I also suggest checking out Lost in Austin...cool concept. Modern women swapping lives with E Bennet.

  59. Election results on Fox News. I love election night and make a big drunkfest out of it!

  60. Election results with friends. It's my first US election and I'm really excited, despite not being able to vote. I am in California so hope we see the results before bed.

  61. Sons of Anarchy. After that, the only coverage I'll watch is Jon Stewart & Stephen Colbert's live coverage. Until at least 10pm CST, there's no point in keeping my stomach in knots! Looking for a little humor in my election coverage. :)

    SIDENOTE: While watching Obama's acception speech in '08, I wept... and my dog peed in my lap. Good times!

  62. I'll be splitting my attention between CDAN and election. Brian Williams is trying so hard to maintain his composure and its hilarious. I'm hoping for mayhem as the night goes on. Meanwhile, Chuck Todd is trying not to crap himself in excitment over his giant monitor/tablet thingy. I heart live television!

  63. @mrswife I now have Vanilla Ice on my IJ 'keep my composure when it's time to get loose, magneTIZED by the mic while I kick my juice'

  64. Turner Classic Movies for me tonight! I will go back and forth!

  65. Anonymous7:36 PM

    I don't have cable or an antenna, so I'm surfing the Internet (mostly CDaN) while keeping online news open in other tabs. I like to monitor different sites and see how their tallies differ. I tend to prefer those who are more cautious in calling electoral votes.

  66. Anonymous7:50 PM


  67. I didn't vote...but I was glued to the election coverage til 1a.m.
