Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Anne Hathaway Flashes Paps - Devastated

Two nights ago, Anne Hathaway wore her bondage boots to the premiere of Les Miserables in NYC. What she did not wear were panties. Ooops. It was not like her dress was skin tight or see thru, so I'm sure she must like going commando or was in a rush and snapped her fingers when she got in the car and said, "I'm in the car, I'm out of the car, I'm back in the car. Why do I need them." Well, as soon as she got out of the car, the photos were clicking and Anne did not do a very good job of covering up so we know exactly how Anne likes to roll so to speak. Last night she was on Jimmy Fallon and says she is devastated that people saw all of her and that she might as well just have lifted up her dress and given everyone a look. If in doubt, get out of the other side of the car and run around the back of it to the photographers. Or wear panties. Or Spanx. Or pants.


  1. No matter how "on the go" I may be, I always manage to put on underwear. Ridiculous.

  2. She probably didn't want a panty line. I go commando as much as possible myself, and now I hate the feel of panties! Idiot Matt Lauer asked her about it this morning, and she had a classy answer.

  3. OK ladies! We need an unofficial poll. How many of you go commando in fancy dresses? In regular work clothes? Dish it!

    I never have to work bc I work in healthcare. And I don't think I have in fancy dresses either. But on Jammie Sundays, of course no undies.

    I had a roommate once who NEVER wore undies but she was quite the exhibitionist and liked the attention. And liked to talk about it for more attention. I'm sure she would have shown me her wax job if I had let her. Ewww!

  4. Mreh. Don't care.

    if she was that worried about showing the goods she should have worn something under the dress.

  5. Underwear is the first thing I put on, even if I'm running late, there is always clean underwear on me.

    Let this be a lesson learned Anne. And please don't wear those boots again.

  6. Replies
    1. It's on gawker for some reason but it seriously doesn't look like crotch, if you study it. Which I'm assuming you will. :)

  7. That dress is pretty tight around the hips. I wouldn't have worn underwear either if I could see any hint of a panty line.

    Of course, a visible panty line isn't as bad as a pube shot.

  8. FSP, I thought you were a gentleman! And don't get any ideas about next weeks Avi!!!

    1. It's an off day dia.

    2. Haha! I forgive you, FSP!

      Shhh! Don't tell! But I totally went to D-listed to look too! And I don't think it's just her thigh. GF had her very own Brit Brit panty-gate.

  9. The premiere of Les Mis is NOT the appropriate place to go commando. For shame. And that's coming from ME!!!

    1. For shame?? Thanks morality police! Tell me, may I go commando grocery shopping? How about to church? Since I'm not a celeb I can't conflate the holy sanctity of a film premier to my everyday plebe activities...

  10. dis papaya, I pretty much wear underwear 100% of the time (and 99% of the time I wear a bra). But I also shy away from dresses that would show a pantyline because I'm pear-shaped (small on top, bigger on the bottom) and don't want additional emphasis around the hips.

  11. I'd rather have a panty line than some sort of accidental damp spot! Sorry, I KNOW that's so gross, but true!

    1. I'm with you. I had the unfortunate experience of witnessing a damp spot on the back of a friend's skirt. Said friend is known for going commando. I had to whip out the lysol on the chair she was sitting on.

  12. There are types of underwear one can wear that does not show panty lines. It seems to me that everyone in Hollywood either wears Spanx or goes commando. There is no in-between.

    If she is so "demure" to be devastated, she should have thought of that before she went commando. I almost always wear underwear, if I don't, I'm VERY aware of the risk I'm taking.

    I'm just so sick and tired of her and all that is Miserable.

  13. Oh please Anne who cares about you lack of undies...not me

  14. @ FSP, D-Listed has the NSFW pic.

  15. Maybe it's an age thing? I can't imagine a scenario where I'd leave the house without underwear on - aside from a trip to the ER or something like that. But I'm in the over-40 set. Could that be the difference? I truly don't care what others choose to do, but I was definitely raised to wear unders. Hell, I was raised by a woman who won't leave the house without makeup!

    1. I'm under forty, and I'd never go without knickers ugh.
      I also hate thongs.
      I ALSO hate the boots

  16. I'm a woman and I go commando sometimes, but not with skirts or dresses. Too much potential for accidental flashing

    I get not wanting a panty line, but there are options. If you know you're going to be photographed getting out of a car, it's a risk you take and can't be surprised that you get busted without undies.

  17. I haven't worn underwear in years, unless i have a skirt on that's above mid-calf. I don't get why people feel like it's some moral issue. They're hella uncomfortable PLUS extra laundry. Lack of underwear does NOT give anyone the right to take pics of someones crotch and spread the photo around. Privates are called private for a reason and anyone who thinks otherwise is seriously gross.

  18. I can't go commando. In dresses/skirts it creeps me out, because what if I have to sit on a public surface? In jeans it's suuuuuuuuuuper uncomfortable.

    1. Then you're sitting on a public surface with an extra wisp of cotton covering your gens? Doesn't seem like it makes any difference to me.

    2. My best friend always says that. And she gets mad that I go public places without undies. But unless ur doing a split on the bench, then more than likely ur cooch will never touch said bench.

    3. My best friend always says that. And she gets mad that I go public places without undies. But unless ur doing a split on the bench, then more than likely ur cooch will never touch said bench.

  19. Also, I saw that pic of her and I'm pretty sure it's just thigh.

  20. @GemTwist - Make the pic bigger. She keeps a landing strip.

    1. But look at where her knee is! I'm not trying to study the damn thing, it just looks like her thighs are together and the camera flash created the illusion of pubes . But what do I know, it took me days to figure out that Rhianna/Chris Brown couch picture.

    2. I concur with Amber. Landing Strip!


  21. I only started going commando in my late 40s. So I don't wear dresses above the knee. Once you start you never want to wear those undies again!

    1. Do you know that I have days like that too. But when my PRE TWEENER daughter and I get dressed in the same b room, locker room ans she asks me, in a real load voice ''Mom, Ew where's your panties?" I.DO want her to wear undergarments!
      do I sound like Prudie Prudester? : O

  22. 100% of the time i am underwear'd and have the same mindset as Sarah

  23. Anonymous7:50 AM


  24. I can totally see why she'd skip undies in that tight gown. It would ruin the lines. I personally wear them all the time, but I can't wear gowns like that, I'm way too curvy.

  25. I ALWAYS wear underwear when I go out. No matter what.

    But what I really came to say is that I looooove Anne Hathaway. I know she's cheesy and annoying at times and try-hard... but for some reason I just love her. I know I'm in the minority here lol.

  26. Also, you can barely see anything at all in the pic.

  27. I can totally see why she'd skip undies in that tight gown. It would ruin the lines. I personally wear them all the time, but I can't wear gowns like that, I'm way too curvy.

  28. It seems like every time I go commando I get my period, so yeah, I always wear underwear. They even make ones that prevent VPL.

  29. Vicki! That sounds messy ;)

  30. Panties all day long. No panties at night over here.
    The only time I left with them and didn't return with them was at a anniversary dinner. They were safetly placed in mr. Della's pocket!

    I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who want to see too-toos, but I'm sure Anne's too-too isn't high on any "must see" list. I will pass every time on crotch shots- not my thing.

    I used to like her but I m starting to understand the Anne haters out there. Starting to not like her very much myself.

  31. Anonymous8:03 AM

    I never wear undies to bed. Occasionally i will go out without them if I am staying local and coming right back.

  32. I had to start wearing panties to bed. When I got my dog, he'd always curl up with my butt and it was awkward. Hah.

  33. It was a career/publicity move. Come on.....

  34. i dont like to wear panties. Only on certain times of the month or when im wearing jeans. Panties r hella umcomfortable on me! I dont do it for attention most people dont know! Lol

  35. @glitter: no need to show her vagina at a premiere to win an Oscar

  36. SHe could of found panties that didn't show. Who in their right mind would go out commando knowing that all of those cameras would be going off. Not like it was her 1st red carpet. What's with those boots anyway? Looks like a modern day forrest gump. Run Forrest, run!

  37. The dress looks tight and satiny, she probably was afraid of lines. I wear underwear but I'm not wearing dresses like that. It's no big deal.

  38. The sad thing is, many movie stars have been going commando for decades, but it's just the paps had the decency not to publish those photos. They do now because apparently people want to see someone else's coochie. It's more of a sad commentary on society than the people who leave their panties at home.

  39. I only wear thongs. Trust me, there's thong underwear for ALMOST ANY DRESS. I know exactly what's in my lingerie drawer that wouldn't have been visible with what she's wearing. This whole upskirt thing drives me nuts. If you're dumb enough to go without underwear, don't whine about the upskirt shot. Her "devastated" quote is killing me.

  40. I'd probably wear underwear in the shower if it was appropriate. I'm a demure and modest flower.
    I would be devestated if everyone saw my landing strip too. I don't think she did that intentionally. Say what you will about her nerdiness and theater geek persona but Lindsay, Paris, Britney she's not.

  41. Hasn't she shown the goods before in a movie? I don't think she has the right to cry about it - she is pretty smart and savvy. Wear underwear if you expect to be photographed getting out of a car at the premiere of your movie.

  42. someone mentioned earlier that she wasn't really showing anything so I did a mini study (yeah, I need to reorientate my life jejej) and I dont think she's showing anything
    its a weird posture but her legs are together and she's not showing anything
    they are selling smoke and mirrors

  43. Commando full time, my boyfriend is also commando. But then we both love hot springs that is clothing optional.

  44. I am fully on board with all those going commando. It's not unsanitary to do, and panties are an additional layer I simply find uncomfortable. (Don't get me started on butt floss.)

    Anne's outfit was far more embarrassing than the (barely) flash of her goods. Loved the boots, but the Hefty Dress? I don't care if it had Tom Ford's name on it - it was a WREQ.

  45. I always always always wear underwear. I've had four kids, none of them c-sections. Shit can get crazy down there. And the fact that nearly every time I sneeze I piss myself a little is just the beginning.

    I also always wear a bra, even to bed. I feel uncomfortable without it. Despite having four children, my breasts don't sag much at all. I don't think it's coincidence. ;)

    1. @chopchop - ha! You made me laugh, but girl, those are secrets we don't tell the gals who haven't had kids yet. The world's population would dwindle significantly if we told all the post-partum gruesome truths. It's totally worth it, of course, but shit does in fact get crazy down there!!

    2. Chop chop- you are hilarious my dear. That made me lol.

  46. Meh. Whatever. I don't see the big deal. I rarely go commando but have occasionally when wearing a very form-fitting dress in which even the best seamless thong can be seen. NBD.

  47. I'm with Sarah. There are *fluids* down there, people. I would rather have them on my underwear than my clothes. Ick. There are enough styles of panties that leave no line now that I wouldn't ever feel the need to go commando.

  48. I feel Anne's flashing was planned. A little scandal helps publicity. She wants attention and she is now gettin it even more.

  49. Ladies, when exiting a car while wearing a skirt, swing BOTH legs out at the same time. No one will know the color of your panties (if any).

  50. To me, the boots and dress are horrible.

  51. Ha, publicity stunt. Anne's dress/sack wasn't going to show VPL. And there are so many solutions to VPL now, everything from thongs to seamless panties and those lacey things that don't have elastic bands. Besides, who would "forget" to wear underwear in the winter, or on the red carpet? When you have a whole team of stylists putting you together, it's unlikely any of you would casually forget something like panties.

    Anne's smart, she knows she could do with a little more sex appeal. And it's hard to believe that she would be very embarrassed, Anne doesn't have a problem going nude on film, so I guess that bit is just so people keep talking about the incident. All in all, I guess it's a decent PR play.

  52. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I'm way too curvey to go without my undies so I'm having a hard time judging her. However I do agree there is a certain risk you take by not wearing underwear with that type of dress.

  53. Ok - I'm digging up a story to shed some insight on why Ann may have gone commando (since I haven't seen anyone bring up this theory)

    Think late 90's: I had a couple long black bias cut skirts I would wear to work with tank tops and addidas (90's I said!! And it was a casual work environment). I would go sans undies on the days I wore my long skirts because it gave me an extra sexy pep in my step, but no one had ANY idea and it was a little joke to myself. If I had to "give the sexy" in photos at a premiere, I would probably do the same thing. If you look at the dress, it doesn't seem like there would be any chance of a coochie flash. I think she is embarrassed, and I feel badly for her

    P.S. The Les Mis previews always make me cry (I have never seen the play)

  54. 'devastated' = what a load of crap. she knew exactly what she was doing. if *i*, regular joe citizen, have access to seamless sheer nude or colored panties and thongs, then i'm pretty damn certain she does too. besides, look at the dress from the back and all indications it didn't require commando. she just wanted to let us know she doesn't brazilian.

  55. I HATE undies! Only time I wear them are to church. And to my moms house. She can ALWAYS tell. Lol

  56. I may be high, but the more I look at them, the more I'm certain I am in love with those boots.

    1. GemTwist - me too! I am falling in love with them? Why? Is it subliminal messaging?

      They are totally strange looking! But the more I see them the more I want to try them on. Then buy a motorcycle and then a whip! Oh no!!! What's happening?!?


  57. There are so many underwear options today that even the silly women who fret over panty lines (BFD - people know you wear panties? Either your outfit is too tight or the material is too thin) can find something that will not show. I've never got the hand-wringing over VPL. My sister used to freak out over that and she either wore pantyhose or went commando. Yuck.

    Going commando isn't for me. Panties aren't generally worn to hide one's stuff, but for sanitary reasons and I want that material between me and my clothes or any other surfaces.

    I do confess to not wearing bras in the evening, but only at home. Bras, unlike panties, aren't worn for sanitary reasons, but to support the girls and (mostly) keep the poky nipples from showing.

  58. Nothing wrong with going commando but a lady used to know how to get out of a car without showing anything. I think the studios used to give lessons on things like that.

  59. @chopchop, you're making me nervous, I'm preggo with our first. You mean I'm going to continue peeing when I sneeze even AFTER I squeeze this kid out?!

    When I was younger, and dating my now hubby, I always wore thongs. But now, all these years later, it's full-butt undies all the time. Soma has some really great no-VPL undies that I am in LOVE with. But I also don't dress the way I did at 19, so there's less need for me to have undies that leave little to the imagination. :)

    If I wear a gown, I always have Spanx or a slip underneath...something. It's like I've morphed into my grandmother. I friggin' love slips. Gah! I'm not even 30 yet.

  60. In bed- fully on nude
    In public- most of the time I have some undies and a bra on. If I have an oversized sweatshirt on than no bra.
    In the summer I am either commando or have bathing suit
    Bottoms on. In the winter underwear unless I am in pajamas.

  61. Poor girl. She did a good job of keeping her knees together to exit the car, but the slit in the dress was so high, there was definitely a bikini wax flash. I don't think it was on purpose.

  62. I always wear undrwear but there are so many different types. Aren't thongs so you don't show a panty line? With those bright lights dresses become sheer and i wouldn't chance it.

  63. Unfortunately post menopause no more discharge, at least for me. So commando is fine.

  64. When celebrities say they are "devastated" over a public fallout from their own ridiculously stupid mistake (think Kristen Stewart's response to her affair being photographed), do they expect people to feel sorry for them? "Aww, poor Anne Hathaway. She didn't wear underwear and everyone saw her privates." Seriously, there are things that deserve compassion and sympathy in this world, and there are not. This type of thing falls under the latter!

  65. Dia - commando pretty much 24/7

    I wear mostly yoga pants during the day so no need for panty lines and when I wear dresses usually I'm wearing tights so again no need. The only exception is summer here when I'm tightless and wearing a dress.. Then I can be bothered to wear a pair of panties. My bf thinks its adorable when I do since it's such a rarity lol!

  66. @cornbread - KEGELS. Now and after. Things will return to normal, just give it time.

    Personally, I like undergarments of all varieties and wear them assuming I'm going to have my clothes cut off in an ER- they are clean, and match. I'm sure the boot maker is pleased everyone is talking about Anne's parts vs. those hideous shoes. WTF-if Rachel Zoe told her to wear that they should cease being friends immediately.

  67. Btw I freaking loooooooove those boots! And not just because I did Domme work.. Ok maybe just because of that but I LOVE them lol !

  68. When I was younger and my SO and I were alone at home panties were optional.

    That said I would never go out in public with no undies on. Women are not built like men and, well, our lady parts work differently. It's just unsanitary to me.

    Men like John Hamm can go commando when they want because their male parts work differently.

    And yeah I'm in the over 40 set.

    BTW the boots are horrid and so is the gown. If she wanted to she could've found panties that wouldn't create a panty line.

  69. did it once, and having my bf find out was kind of the point. who cares. i've seen female parts before. parts is parts. (unless maybe they are on momma june).

  70. I think the only issue here is that the photo was published. She wasn't posing naked, she didn't sign off for her private parts to be splashed all over. Isn't this illegal? I don't think she did this deliberately, I feel sorry for her.

    I wear undies when out, but no undies when I have my pyjamas or nightie on and when it is warm I sleep nude.

  71. I feel really bad for the guys that have read to the end of the comments. LOL

    1. Amber, it has been interesting.

    2. Amber, I think this is one of the best threads we've had, lol.

    3. This has been wicked fun!

  72. She only went commando bc Mario needed to borrow her panties.

  73. @chopchop, that was fantastic!

    All undies, all the time (well, except while sleeping). College boyfriend convinced me to try commando for a week and it was so spectacularly uncomfortable that I broke up with him and commando the next week. (Well, that wasn't the only reason but hey, there are coincidences, right?)

    Tried a g-string once and promptly threw it away. Nope, I'm a comfort girl and if my pantyline is so annoying, stop looking at it.

  74. Or, "ladies," don't stick a leg out of the car then swing out. Put your knees together, swing them out, stand up. Much easier, dignified and for those of us with back problems, easier on the back and joints.

  75. I'm in the super minority here and glad to be:
    I love that outfit, the combo of the dress and shoes is awesome haute couture without being completely outrageous and Anne rocked it with her short hair and red lipstick.

    I love Anne, and I am so looking forward to seeing her in Les Mis. I've been hearing about her and this movie from someone associated with the production since about the second week of filming and I am so excited I nabbed an invite to an early screening. I love Les Mis. Read the first part of the script the other night, had to force myself to stop and not ruin it before I saw it.

    I hope she wins the Oscar, but if she doesn't it won't affect my life in any way. She had her legs together in the shot that I saw, you can barely see a tiny bit of pubic hair, and that's it. It's no big deal, I'll track down a clip to see if she really said she was 'devastated'.

    As for underwear, there are times when I go without it, just depends what I'm wearing. But I'm very conscious of it on those days and I'm usually pretty careful. I've seen lots of seamless panties and things that claim to not show, but they all do, especially on a curvy woman like me. And thongs show, I've seen many a woman with a very obvious line across their hips, pointing to their cracks. No thanks. (I'm 46)

    1. FS, I think the thong VPL is even worse than the full butt VPL! One of my peeves. Too Jerry Springer for my taste.

  76. 1. Always commando over here. Undies are uncomfortable and I hate them all. It started when I was fat and they didn't fit right unless I bought granny panties. Now, I find them uncomfortable and unnecessary.

    2. LOL@ people saying it's just thigh in the pic. The pic I saw showed a landing strip. Do you not think it's possible that due to the number of paps at a huge movie premiere, perhaps there is more than one pic angle floating around?

    3. There isn't anything unsanitary about going commando unless your kitten drools.

    4. She did it on purpose of course so she could have a non-scandal poor Anne story to talk about in interviews, since we're all tired of hearing about her weight loss and how she wants a baby. She needed to be interesting. I don't love her, but she's smart.

  77. You need to be driven to an event in an SUV so that you can gracefully step out of the vehicle, if you're going to wear no underwear with a skirt. Also, wow. You might want to reevaluate your priorities, too.

  78. I used to wear thongs all the time until I got married and then decided that VPL in moderation was fine. Regular undies are way more comfy.

    As for Anne, I believe her when she says she was embarrassed. That dress was right off of the runway and I'm sure she (or her stylist) didn't want to "compromise" the look with panty lines. The upskirt shot isn't THAT scandalous--not even close to the shit Lohan has pulled. I've never recovered from seeing that photo of Lindsey's jay-jay as she was stepping out of a boat in Italy--blech.

  79. Late to this party but have been going commando under pants since 2000. Love it and don't know if I will ever wear underwear with pants ever again.
    However I always wear underwear with dresses, skirts and shorts, unless I am wearing tights.

    I don't find Anne dislike-able. I also don't think she did it on purpose. She doesn't strike me as a stunt queen and seems to do publicity the old fashioned way - appearances and interviews.

  80. @GemTwist, if that's a thigh, Anne has a spare vajajay on it! haha
    @Mai Tai, loved the church comment!!
    ok no judgement or shame at all... i wear underwear all the time but now i am curious - occasional or full commando ladies, please do share, i totally want to know!! is it a comfort thing? spill!!

  81. I hate bras. Especially with bigger boobs it makes it uncomfortable. It comes off right when I get home

    I wear undies during the day and night unless I'm w my boyfriend. Then it's clothing optional. But yes, fluid leakage is the big reason

    1. I'm with you on the bra thing, Amy. When I get home, I'm stripping on my way to the bedroom, where my coveted yoga pants and tank await. It's like a trail left for a little Corporate Hansel and Gretel from the front door to the closet.

      Underwire was invented by a saddist, right?

  82. ~oh and to be fair I have seen pictures of paps while they were themselves taking pictures of actresses arriving at a red carpet event - it was brutal and frankly kind of looked like some were sticking their lenses up there on purpose... you cannot take a kitty shot unless you are crouching and shooting upwards..

  83. I never wear panties unless I am wearing a dress/skirt of any length

  84. The only time I don't have underpants on is when I'm in the shower.

  85. I think the dress would have worked without the garbage bag cape on it.

    And it's none of your damn business if I do or do not wear undies!! I was raised a lady, and we won't discuss unmentionables. :)

  86. Jeepers, such a debate! I'm a guy so what do I know, my junk is convex and could get caught in a thresher if not harnessed. That being said, I know a lady doctor--very, very pretty--who goes commando quite a lot, so the hygiene issue is perhaps overstated. Then again, I've been married and been the one doing the laundry, so I can appreciate the, uh, menses issue.

    But what about the convenience aspect? The lovely Ms. Hathaway did just get married, I believe. There have been times, more than once, when the chica gracing my arm at the time has chosen to go commando sheerly for the lack of impediment. Or, to quote one fine lady, as she tossed her panties in a corner, "Why should I put these on when you're going to take them off me in half an hour?"

  87. I don't care what other people do and am not judging anyone's choices but I personally don't like to go without underwear. I live to be fully clothed at all times, like long sleeves, floor length skirt kind of covered. I'd honestly wear a hijab and sunglasses 24/7 if I thought I could get away with it. So yeah I like underwear. And yes I am a prude, I'm cool with it and no, I don't care how anyone else dresses or undresses. Do your thang people but if you leave a snail trail please be courteous and wipe it up.

  88. She must have lost a bet and was probably trying to divert attention from those hideous boots she was forced to wear.

  89. I second the hygiene issue .. Or the lack there of one.. If I needed a guard I'd rock the undies .. And I for sure have a couple pairs of period panties .. But 27 days of the month I'm rocking commando. No judgement on those who don't but I don't know how you can handle it! The only amendment to my rule is boy booty shorts for bedtime.. They don't stay on long because they drive my partner crazy ( with passion!) but I love to rock them .. Super sexy time!

  90. Oh boo hoo. This should be the worst thing that ever happens to any of us. I believe Barbara 'WaWa' said something quite similar this AM, Enty.

  91. Her dress allowed room for a thong and she is so skinny it would not have been either visible or uncomfortable. At all. I m a thong addict here and I know how these work.
    Stunt, trying to be sexy without losing her "nice girl" image.

  92. To each her own on the undies-no undies debate, really. It all boils down to a matter of personal comfort. HOWEVER, all this talk reminded me of one customer horror story I read some time ago about a woman who tried on a pair of jeans, liked the fit, and purchased them. Later, imagine the utter mortification of poor woman when, upon turning the new jeans inside out to launder them, that there was a distinct, unmistakable 'snail trail' on the crotch.

    Good god, I swear I couldn't buy new clothes in months after reading that.

    So yeah, since realizing that piece of grossness, unless I can absolutely trust someone to know her cycle like atomic clockwork while going commando - more so when trying on clothes in a store - I just can't get behind the no undies in public concept.

  93. Oh, and the dried trail wasn't hers if that's what you were wondering.

  94. Her outfit was so hideous that the flashing only improved upon it.

    And yeah, I know it was an accident.

  95. Totally a PR stunt to try to appear sexy after the whole emaciated Les Mis husband loves her, I can't stand her.

  96. I wear a bra 24/7 to keep the girls protected. (I went from a trainer to C in 2 months, one horrible summer)For down below, commando Unless I'm buying clothes,or the dress is above the knee and when visiting/sleepovers at other's homes. (Nobody wants a flash a' my cookies when I stagger into an unfamiliar kitchen looking for coffee. Stupid belts :))

  97. What’s ridiculous is that Anne was already caught out “going commando” a few weeks ago at the Tokyo premiere – cameras caught sight of her bare bottom when she turned around for a backside shot and lo and behold he skirt backslit was slightly open (pics on Google). That skirt was loose and full so no “tight skirt” excuse there. There was press on it then why didn’t she begin to wear panties going forward at least in public?

    Hate to sound like “oh she planned it” but it’s suspicious.

  98. If she isn't completely shaved, wouldn't that be as likely to show under the dress as a thong would? I call b.s. as well.

  99. @cornbread: I had three children in less than four years and then I had another one after I was (the horror!) 35. It was the fourth child that did it, I swear. :-) But I love Miss Isla more than I ever thought I would. Also: I'm lazy. And I never do my kegels. So learn from my mistakes, New Momma, and enjoy your pregnancy! Motherhood is amazing.

  100. Underwear serves a hygenic purpose and I think it's pretty disgusting that some of you are regularly going commando. Fucking ew. I guess you don't mind your lady juices ending up inthe crotch of your pants, jeans, leggings, rolling down your leg....*pukes* Hope I don't have to sit down after you.

  101. Underwear serves a hygenic purpose and I think it's pretty disgusting that some of you are regularly going commando. Fucking ew. I guess you don't mind your lady juices ending up inthe crotch of your pants, jeans, leggings, rolling down your leg....*pukes* Hope I don't have to sit down after you.

  102. For anyone who watched Rachel Zoe's show like I did, you know that she has always used a "red carpet kit" for her clients. It contained pasties (sp), chicken cutlets, double stick tape AND a seamless thong. Do you really believe Anne's "devastation"? This is "Jazz Hands" Hathaway, everything with her is extremely calculated. Plus she's a Scorpio, still waters run deep...controlled and kinky.

  103. I seen the pic it was nothing compared to the Britney Spears & Paris Hilton flash. Least with those ones you could actually see some labia. And this reminds me of my sister in law at a family xmas party going commando and I caught a flash of her Vag, while I was taking pics of everybody at the party. I never said anything to her, but thought it was really weird when her then 8 yr old son would always be peaking under his mothers skirt and she would get mad at him throughout the night.

  104. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Oh please, she knew damn well. Do you really think anyone in the public eye would forget for a second that millions of pics are being taken from every angle? This was calculated.
