Friday, December 14, 2012

Blind Item #3

"Want to know the real reason we split? Missionary for month after month gets really old. Oh, and the screaming if her hand made contact with my p**is. She probably would have gone into shock if I asked her to use her mouth." A+ all movie actor discussing his former girlfriend who is an A list all movie actress.


  1. Sounds like Brad and Gwennie

  2. Sad. Girl, if you don't like touching a penis, you shouldn't be riding one.

    Oh idea who this is.

  3. Ben Affleck explaining to Barbara Walters why he dumped J.Lo for her most fascinating people show.

    In all seriousness it could be anyone.

  4. Unless there's a timeframe for the break-up, this could be many.

  5. Hate to be Debby Downer but in case you're not watching the news, there was a shooting at an elementary school in mewtown connecticut an hour ago. I don't want to repeat anything unconfirmed but it's not dedicate if it was 1 or 2 shooters, one is dead definitely. The principal is dead. Kids were seen bloody, I assume reports on the children's health will be withheld longer than the adults. There's a horrible photo of a class of children holding hands being led my teachers out of the building all crying. FBI, swat teams r looking for the second shooter. My town sent police and swat bc there's just one town between us. The school is up to 4th grade so that's like 5-9 years old.

    1. Ive been watching as well. What kind of sick person tries to shoot up an elementary school?!?

    2. Thanks for the info kats. My kids get to watch pbs in the morning for a bit so online is how i get news. This is horrible.

  6. My cousin's kids went to that school, Kats (they're both college-age now), and I'm hoping no one they knew was there. So sad.

    1. Oh wow @stew that's awful. I'm guessing it's a different principal but remember in elementary school te principal was such a friendly face? Different than in highschool. You're not in CT too are you?

  7. kats - I saw that on the news, I can't believe it. I'm even more distressed because the kids are so young, and scarred for life.

    1. Yeah that's what I was thinking @ms. I'm so sorry to post this here but I figured I'm getting the news instantly since I'm here I thought I should share. I usually would have put this in "your turn" but it's too early

    2. @kats! When I woke up this morning it was headline news! So terrible the children were so young!

      My prayers are with all the families

  8. Tears in my eyes as I read about yet another school shooting. Peace and love out to Connecticut.

  9. Oh dear Lord. Thanks for the news Kats. My prayers are with everyone.

    WTF is wrong with the world?

  10. Holy crap, my co-worker (British) just turned to me and asked, "What is it with this country?!" and informed me of the shooting.

    Thanks for the update Katsm0711.

  11. @katsm.. I'm watching that on the news now and my goodness it is a K-4th grade school. Poor babies, they must be so scared. Why do these shootings always occur in clusters? The one in Ohio was not even a week ago!

  12. That's really horrible. My thoughts & prayers go out to everyone affected.

  13. it's Gwinneth Paltrow who dumped Ben Affleck

    Pitt/Aniston? i know they were married and she's a tv star
    Tom Cruise/Nicole Kidman? i know i know
    Matt damon/Winona ryder?
    Johnny Depp/Winona Ryder?


  14. I fu*king hate cowards. How dare they do this to innocent little ones. May the shooter(s) die a long & hurtful death. Cowards.

  15. No, katsm. I'm originally from Greenwich but moved to the suburbs of Cleveland, OH (actually, I live about 15 mins. from Chardon, where there was the high school shooting last winter) about 8 years ago. Seems no place is safe. Hell, my oldest kids had a bomb threat at their school last month. It's not safe anywhere, I guess. :\

  16. A guy in China attacked a bunch of kids and teachers with a knife at a kindergarten today.


    1. @vicki I owe u an apology. When I read what u said about the Chinese kindergarten stabbings I thought u were annoyed that I posted OT about something so awful but I wasn't sure if u were kidding or not. I'm glad I gave u the benefit of the doubt (kept my mouth shut) bc I see now that it really happened. What a fucking day.

  17. What the ? I swear I never believed in psychological testing for kids in school and then treatment...but I'm beginning to think early intervention might save us a lot of heartache...
    Imagine if they had gotten to some of these troubled children before they become deeply troubled adults...

  18. Oh my goodness! My ex-boyfriend's parents live there. His dad is a VP at a school in Greenwich and his mom substitute teaches. I hope that she wasn't at that school. :(

  19. Jesus. Thanks Kats for the update, this is terrible but I would much rather know, than not.

    I am all for owning guns, but with responsibility. This terrifies me, that one day someone will snap. When I was in high school this boy brought a gun to school with the intentions of going on a rampage. His best friend found out and they got into an argument outside the cafe. The gun went off and shot the potential shooter in the head, killing him. In front of the windows of the cafe when it was full with students.

    If you ever feel like doing anything to harm yourself or others, talk to someone. There are tons of supportive people on this website alone that would gladly help and listen.

  20. The whole thing is crazy. Two gunmen.
    And re: the blind, Bradley Cooper and Renee Z

  21. To add even more of a downer issue... it sounds like the actress may have had some abuse issues if she is that penis-phobic/peenphobic/phallophobic (can I trademark that word?)

    I'd guess Zellwegger for female star...

  22. Tom Cruise and Penelope Cruz

    Hahahaha. He would be the one screaming.

  23. Bradley Cooper was on Nip/Tuck so it can't be him.

  24. Fiji, I think it actually is phallophobic. But I like peenophobic.

  25. OK, just for laughs how about Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds?

  26. I f**king hate these people that shoot up kids!! Sorry I have three in school right now and I just want to go and hug them! Prayers to all involved.

  27. I'm thinking perhaps it was some crazed guy going after his ex who works there and just went after everyone he saw after he got her. Just a guess.

    I just don't understand this. When I went to school (50s-60s) guns were much easier to get (this was way before the Brady bill, etc) but you never heard about stuff like this. I know it's easy to blame guns, but it just seems like people are just more soulless, more heartless, more brutal. Just more hate in general. I don't remember my parents ever having to tell me what to do if I see someone with a gun. Watch out for strangers trying to lure me, sure, they warned me about that, but no one EVER was taught what to do if they saw someone with a gun. It just wasn't an issue, at least where I lived. Society just seems to be getting more and more evil. Ethics and morality seem to be disappearing. Just one person's opinion.

    1. Soulless sums it up.

    2. I agree completely. Aren't literacy rates going down? It honestly dies feel like a more dangerous world. I don't recall school shootings happening so often. In the past fifteen years, things like this seem to be happening more often.

  28. Also news is dispersed immediately these days. If this had happened in the 50s or 60s, you wouldn't hear about it until the evening papers or news programs.

    But I agree. There's no ethics or morals anymore. They actually teach ethics and morality in schools in other countries. And guess what, much lower crime rates. It is possible to teach both without bringing religion into it.

  29. Thought, prayer, love go out to all involved with this pointless shooting. I dont even know whst to say except its well known people snap around the holidays. But no one knows why.

  30. Not Jen/Brad, they split while married, not dating.

  31. This is just so crazy....the shooter hit some of the kids, and there are fatalities ....
    My mom talks about walking home from school on the day President Kennedy was shot, she was 6 or 7...and how the streets were empty not a person or a sound...

    I think there are some very sick people walking among us who can snap at any time...

  32. All these shootings make me sick. I wish the news wouldn't report on these pyschopaths. That's what they want. How about we dedicate all the coverage to the victims? Prayers and thoughts out to all the families affected and the community in CT. It's one thing when it's at a mall or high school(not that they are any better) but these are babies. Now they are scarred for life cause some asshole decide lets go shoot up a elementary school.

  33. oh god, at least 1 kid dead....others wounded. At times like this I wish I believed in hell....

  34. Tell me again exactly WHY we need to have guns? Really. They do NOTHING good and lots of harm. God Bless those poor childen and the families involved. Tragic. Stop making guns. Stop allowing people to have them. What a concept. Waiting for the wrath of gun supporters.

    1. Here I am @lynette. It's not guns it's a lack of help for mental illness and people being taught that they are more important than others. If you take away guns we will just see more bombings which I find more scary. Guns are not the only way to kill people.

    2. When guns are not available then we see car bombs and acid being thrown at people. We need to look at why people have the urge to hurt a child or group of people. Start recognizing the signs. Even if we rid the world of all guns, machetes and stones people will find a way. There have been guns far longer than this trend of school shootings we have been seeing.

    3. I was supposed to say like in the middle east where firearms are not as easily available.

    4. I heart you @alma

    5. Look at the China tragedy today, a guy with a knife killing children and adults. The root of the problem is mental illness. Taking away guns is a temporary bandaid.

  35. Oh my god, now they're saying 12 are dead. Lynette, I totally agree with you.

  36. They just reported on the news the the gunman is likely a parent of one of the students...
    this just gets worse and worse...

  37. What a heart breaks for all those affected. So senseless.

    SusanB, I agree with you...there's definitely a lack of morality and ethics today. It frightens me.

    A few years ago, we had a shooter at a local daycare. He was after his ex-wife (daycare employee); shot and killed her in front of other employees and children. It was horrific. He still hasn't gone to trial yet.

  38. Shootings in malls, movie theaters and schools? WHY the hell won't htese sick fvcks just take themselves out? o better yet, take down a group of pedophiles.

    I just can't. Those innocent babies are now scarred for life.

  39. Before everything get CDAN hell around here.

    If you're going to have a discussion about guns, please be civil. Don't be a dick.

  40. Cooper and Zellwig

  41. I support it because I think it is unfair to take away the ability to protect yourself, and your family. Just like I think it is unfair that someone else gets to decide who I get to love, and someone else gets to decide what I do with my body. I don't support the wackos who run around shooting people, who honestly does? Guns are powerful, powerful things and a lot of responsibility comes with owning one. But the right to protect yourself is one that no one should have taken away.

    I'm 23 years old, female, the mirror doesn't break when I look at it and am an average size medium. I live alone and am often coming home late at night in a city that lives right above the poverty line. I drive a fairly nice, new car. I am a target. And you can bet your ass that I am going to carry a licensed hand gun in my purse. One that I have registered and thoroughly understand.

    1. @js I'm debating between pepper spray and a taser now just bc I don't think I could handle the responsibility of a gun but I'm not against them.

  42. I still think Cooper is GAY

  43. Sick in bed and so not seeing any actual "news" until I read that here.
    Thanks you guys... Because somehow coming from here it's more like being told by friends rather than sensationalist "news" outlets.
    I'm heartbroken and afraid to go read the details now. Any adult who could shoot a child isn't a human being at all... They just look like it on the outside.
    Prayers for all those affected. Wishing my own was home from school just now so I could hug her.

  44. i get abusive asshole, not gay from him.

  45. Why would she even want to have sex if she won't even touch a peen and is that grossed out by them? Weird.

  46. @MISCH Wet Hot American Summer anyone? I am with you on that one.

  47. @MISCH - I remember when JFK was killed - I was 12 at the time. I remember the neighborhood was quiet for DAYS after - I went to Catholic school at the time, and we were all so proud a Catholic was president - that was the only time I saw nuns cry. Just an awful time, and hope I never see a president assassinated again (not that I want ANY murders, but you know what I mean).

    I also understand how single women feel - I was single for quite some time and remember how I planned shopping, etc around whether it would be dark or not, or watching out at all times who was around me in public, even in the daytime (and I was no great beauty, either)and worrying about walking into my empty house at night, worrying about every noise I heard. The older I get it seems the worse people get. Some days (like today) I just don't want to leave the house. This is just heartbreaking about those children.

  48. I just got on here, hadn't even looked at the news yet! This is so to find the news....thanks for sharing, you guys are the best.

  49. 9 adults, 18 kids were killed? The newscasters I'm watching are struggling to keep it together.

  50. ditto to @jsierra and @katsm. the 2nd amendment is very important. and i know in my state, you have to be examined by a psychologist and pass and show the note in order to get your license.

    a humorous little quote: "when asked about women owning guns, all rapists were opposed to it."

    RIP to all the innocent lives lost... this is a tragedy.

  51. My phone just said AP is reporting 27 dead with 18 children. This is unbelievable.

  52. My mother is of SusanB and Vicki's generation (I'm guessing) and she feels the exact same way. on more than one occasion recently she has said people just aren't "nice" anymore and the general feeling is so much meaner, nastier and hateful.

  53. and shooting small children....I just can't fathom it.

  54. OMG! I know it's part of our constitution and friends and family agree with guns but I think they're too powerful now. Then Vicki reminds us that people who want to kill will use any weapon.(jeebus how many rocks get thrown in the poorer countries?) Can we blame it on mental illness not being treated..You betcha.Can we blame the # dead on the type of gun..I think so.

    Matt Damon and Minnie Driver just to be different

  55. The world is a dangerous place...a few years ago my parents closest friends daughter went out to pick up milk and eggs at a convenience store in Florida where she lived....they never saw or heard from her body...nothing..just her car in the parking lot...

    I walked to school on my own, but if I have a child you can bet I'll be there up and back...

    As far as people being mean, yes also selfish and entitled ....I saw how some people behaved during Hurricane Sandy...and there is an age gap, we have raised a spoiled selfish generation ...

  56. also, if you want to research gun control, look at chicago. has the most regulation and gun control in place -- and the gun violence is through the roof.

    if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns.

  57. How do you get to be A list without touching a penis or two? I'm confused...

  58. Sherry said "Can we blame the # dead on the type of gun...I think so." THIS. How people don't understand the correlation between the TYPE of gun and the number of people someone can kill in a matter of minutes absolutely BAFFLES my mind.

  59. I was going to say GOOP for the blind, but then I remembered she had 'give Brad BJ' in her diary when it was stolen. I think it was Brad. I don't think she could get away with that married to a rock star, either.

    It would be someone very inexperienced and / or selfish. Lots of selfish actresses, not so sure about inexperienced though.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. @ MISCH
    That's my worst nightmare. I'm so paranoid about that happening, that among my friends, I'm known as the overly cautious one. It doesn't stop me from living my life. I've travelled through England, France & Spain alone, but I'm very aware of what is going on around me. If I'm alone on a dark, deserted street, I walk down the middle of it. A cop taught me that. It gives you more time to react if someone wants to snatch you. And they have to come out of the shadows of trees or whatever to do so, and will probably take a pass.

  62. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I'm guessing Gwen and Brad for this one, since she's so neurotic. As far as the shooting, you all are right, a human that shoots a child is not a human, they're a monster. Guns are dangerous, but I fear for our freedom and liberty after the patriot act, and feel that our guns are one of the things that help keep us independent and free. I don't feel that I can rely on the police or the government if things get really out of control in an emergency situations like looting, home invasion or rape. I have a friend of a friend who was the victim of a home invasion/robbery who also didn't "believe" in guns,and this happened in the city I live in: The forty year old father was tied up, robbed, and his 18 year old daughter was raped and beaten by two men in front of him while he was helplessly tied up and gagged. High minded ideals, and wishing that we could live in a world without owning a personal gun is wonderful, but as one poster noted, when you live in a bad neighborhood, and you're a target, yours and your family's safety come first. Period. Bowling for Columbine was a great movie about gun ownership and school shootings, and talked alot about Americans being overly paranoid. I do agree on that, but also feel that if someone is going to shoot a bunch of innocent children at a school then that person is psychotic, shouldn't be free and shouldn't have access to even plastic dinnerware for their own and the public's safety, let alone guns. Rant over.

  63. @ katsm0711
    Pepper spray won't work in the cold. Be careful with any weapon. It can give you a false sense of security, and it can be used against you.

    1. Pepper spray does work in the cold.

  64. I agree - ASSAULT weapons are still legal wtf.

  65. Know when I decided to get a gun? About 5 -6 years ago, there was a shooting in a mall in the midwest and the next Sunday there was a shooting in a church! I thought if I can't shop or worship without worrying about getting shot, it's time to be able to defend myself. So I got a handgun, go to the range 2-3 times a year and practice close-up shooting (I am neither a sniper nor a free-lance police officer). They may still get me but at least I feel I have a chance to fight back before I go down. The shooting at that Oregon mall this week - I still would have hid unless I thought I had a clear shot at him - and now all the crazies are wearing body armor - so who knows what to do? Every situation is different.

    If we could go back in time and make it illegal for anyone to own guns, it might work but let's face it, you can't unring that bell. If they made gun ownership illegal tomorrow you think criminals would turn in their guns? No, it would be the poor shlubs like you and me that would turn them in.

    It's time for more education, both in gun safety, but more importantly, in morality and ethics. Why it's WRONG to shoot and steal and rape. There are too many people alive now who really don't understand the difference between right and wrong - you have to start teaching this early in life - short of a major religious conversion, a 30 or 40 year old isn't suddenly learn morality. I don't understand why this is even debatable.

    Sorry for the rant, but I'm just sick of people.

  66. Terrible tragedy, saying prayers for everyone involved.

    I wish they would start doing mandatory psychological testing on children from early elementary school before they learn to hide their problems....

  67. I just watched the local press conference and NOTHING is confirmed as far as deaths and injuries. They even said that the AP was posting false numbers as confirmed. I'm going to watch other things now and go back to the news later when they might have the truth figured out.

  68. Tuxedo, as someone who has taught and worked in schools for more than a decade, parents don't want to hear that their child is troubled. I've seen parents hire a lawyer rather than get Jr tested by a psychologist.

    Terribly upset about the events of today. Terribly.

  69. Just want to say

    a) I also have "give Brad BJ" in my diary, with a glitter heart

    b) Hugs to the state of connecticut

    c) Understand both sides of the gun control debate but I never think about anything but families when this shit happens

  70. Lyle Lovett Julia Roberts

  71. @Kats that is how I feel. Guns scare me, they are so powerful and you can't run from them or dodge a bullet like you can other weapons. But at the same time, when my life is concerned I would rather be safe than sorry.

    I sucks that we have to think about these things and have these conversations.

  72. Aside from the gun argument, all, if not most, of the shooting spree shooters from the last 20 years have been men in their late teens/20s. Why is this demographic so dangerous?

  73. A) Gun ownership becoming illegal is not even close to a possibility.

    B) Guns from decades ago probably did not include 'easy add-on fire ## rounds in ## seconds' assault options that I'm certain many manufacturers now cater to. "We don't make those--other firms make those and the owners modify these on their own."

    C) NRA opposes any gun REGULATION, which is all I have wanted, and is all that most who oppose gun violence want. i.e. Make it illegal to make or sell assault options to non-law enforcement or defense. Require both a background check and a waiting period.

    Regulations could certainly help, IF they were national. But thanks to the NRA "They'll never take our guns away (even though they've never threatened to....)", we cannot get reasonable regulations.

  74. Gun control will only happen when it happens to the top 1% children. $$$ talks. 'Nuff said

  75. I just saw that one of his parents was found dead in their New Jersey home today as well.
    The school sent out an automated phone call telling all the parents in the district that there was a shooting in the school. I cannot imagine getting that phone call.

    I can't stop watching the news coverage. I don't want to stop watching, I feel like I owe it to these sweet children to devote all of me to them right now.

    Over 100 rounds fired. This is chilling.
    I don't believe in God or Heaven but right now all I am imagining is those kids being welcomed and hugged, comforted as angel arms wrap around them. That is all I can think about.

  76. Closer to 30 dead. OMG. My heart goes out to them. And what a grim, bleak Christmas the surviving children will have.

  77. Look who's on fB:

  78. I can barely concentrate thinking about those poor kids and the families of those who were killed. I can't even begin to think of how you could possibly heal from something like this. My heart goes out to them.

  79. @Skittle - Completely agree!

    Over the last couple of years, I have changed my mind about guns being legal and now agree with the 2nd Amendment. That said, NO civilian needs to own an assault rifle or be able to shoot 10 or more rounds without changing the clip.

  80. Tight hugs for my CDAN'ers. God, my heart hurts. I'm off to bed with my kitties. Sending peace and love. <3

  81. How is it even possible?

    There are crazies everywhere but the lack of gun controls in the US has been a major catalyst in these random psycho shootings and the number of casualties they cause.

    Today, if you tried to regulate firearms possession in the US, you d only get this as T.E. Cuz said "if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns." It s definitely out of control, it is spreading all over the world (see Mexico) and there s no solution.

    Thank you NRA and gun freaks. Thank you.

    PS. in 2009, another crazy young man went on a killing rampage in a kindergarten in Belgium, my home country. A similar scenario.
    He killed only (and I am ashamed to use this word in this context, please don t take it as insensitivity) two babies and a nurse.
    This crazy madman only had knives. That s where gun control could make a difference.

  82. From Jezebel:
    NBC News is confirming that one shooter, gained access into Sandy Hook Elementary because his mother was the kindergarten teacher there. He opened fire in the school's office, before entering his mother's classroom, where he killed her, and then opened fire on her young students.

    1. Just be careful bc NBC already reported wrong info. I heard the mom is dead too but I heard she was found in her home in Jersey. If u can watch that's local discussing the images from their helicopter. Cable news only reports hearsay until Anderson arrives on scene. I'm watching parents being allowed in the school to get their kids. So the school is clear, no idea how many dead but the principal and psychologist and who knows how many kids dead at this point.

  83. Sorry, they've taken his page down already.

  84. From his twitter feed, it sounds like his girlfriend broke up with him and he's battled depression recently.

  85. Has this guy been confirmed as the killer? If not, please don't distribute his name. If he is innocent, that would be a tragic mistake

    When will people realize that we need better support for mental illness in our society. I'm sick and tired of the families of these monsters saying that they knew their son was mentally ubstable. We need to help these monsters or lock them up before it gets to this point.

    1. @sea yeah it's him now his brother is in custody and VERY unconfirmed and possible third shooter but that just seems like they r covering all bases.
      He lived in Hoboken new jersey so a lot is happening there too but the reporter says they aren't allowed to say anything at this time.

    2. Dammit Im so sorry I did what I hate. They are NOT confirming it's his brother. I'm going to be quiet now... Ok this seems real though, the shooter shot and killed himself. Obama is speaking in a minute. Whoever u voted for, he's good at speaking and comforting us

  86. OMG, this is all so disturbing. I need my son to get home from school NOW. I'm trying not to be THAT mom and go get him, but I need to sit here and wait. Patiently. He probably hasn't even heard about this, so it'll just be mom over reacting (we don't live in CT, or anywhere near).
    On a side note, anyone remember the Playboy with Brad Pitt in it?

  87. @Seachica, yes. I found his page earlier today, and as SOON as they announced the confirmation, it was gone.

  88. @Vera

    I wish they could implement a policy where if the child was not tested yearly the child would not attend school...To lawyer up when people are trying to help the child is despicable...

  89. Except in the China incident nobody died - the difference between using an assault weapon and a knife. Still horrifying, but at least those parents can hug their kids tonight :-(

    I totally understand the need for guns, but like Skittle wrote above, why the need for assault weapons? I also agree with the need for better mental health support in this country.

    Been watching/reading the news and crying all day...

  90. My heart goes out to the victims, their families and friends. I think not only mental illness, but having a sense of entitlement is a real problem in our society. We need everyone to understand that you don't always get what you want, that disappointment is part of life, and that there s no excuse for attacking people due to your unhappiness.

  91. CNN is saying Ryan went to the school and killed his mother and then opened fire on her class.

    His brother is found dead in Hoboken. He killed his brother, then went to the school and killed the mother and her students and others.

    His father lives apart from the family and no word yet on him.

  92. Wait: according to some, this is the WRONG GUY. Seachica, you're right. I'm sorry!

    1. EmEyeKay - you are always a class act. Many people would not be able to admit their mistake. It is so easy to rush with info in this situation -- we all are trying to understand what could have caused this. Unfortunately, it is too easy for even professional news organizations to get the early facts wrong c

  93. BBC are saying the father is dead in NJ - nothing about a brother yet. Everything is still so confused.

  94. Oh shit, that Ryan Lanza is not the guy! He's posting on FB that he was at work and it's not him. Poor guy, his face has been all over the Internet today.

    I hope that's not another life ruined...


  95. EmEyeKay, have you seen the article with screen caps of the guy saying it's not him? it's in the comments on enty's status on fb. The actual profile is coming up as an expired link now, he must have deleted it. The fact he was updating shortly before confirms it wasn't him since the shooter is dead in the school.

  96. Yes, I don't get it. Jezebel (not where I go for real news, btw) has screen caps from Ryan's tweets. Said he had to take his FB down. Who knows.

    CNN says his mother was found dead at the school.

  97. We had our holiday party today, but this is what everybody was talking about.

    I wanted to hug every kid I saw.

  98. BBC are showing another update from the police, and changing info now. Still no name change, but they know his mother is definitely dead at the school.

  99. 20 kids dead, 6 adults, the shooter, and a family member.

    I hope the Mayans are right.

  100. Apparently his mom is dead at the school, another relative at his mom's house near the school, yet another relative in Hoboken, NJ (father? brother?)...and his GF (ex-GF?) and another friend are also missing & unaccounted for. If this is all accurate & the GF and friend also turn up dead (which wouldn't be at all surprising, alas), that would bring it up to 30 dead plus the shooter. I just can't...

  101. Here's something interesting. My friend works at a no name cell phone store in Waterbury CT, just over an hour from Newtown. He says they are swamped today with parents buying cells for their kids! Even the activation portal is down every 5 minutes bc I'm sure he's not the only store parents r running to. I always told elderly people to get a cheap phone from AARP at least so if they fall or car breaks down but I guess kids need them for more than texting friends. My iphone never ever leaves me bc if someone breaks in I dont have to find a phone. I guess I'd buy a kid a cell as soon as he won't lose it? Anyone have good safety measures for giving kids a cellphone? I'm not talking about my niece who has an iphone only bc everyone else in middle school does... I mean real honest safety

  102. Here's something interesting. My friend works at a no name cell phone store in Waterbury CT, just over an hour from Newtown. He says they are swamped today with parents buying cells for their kids! Even the activation portal is down every 5 minutes bc I'm sure he's not the only store parents r running to. I always told elderly people to get a cheap phone from AARP at least so if they fall or car breaks down but I guess kids need them for more than texting friends. My iphone never ever leaves me bc if someone breaks in I dont have to find a phone. I guess I'd buy a kid a cell as soon as he won't lose it? Anyone have good safety measures for giving kids a cellphone? I'm not talking about my niece who has an iphone only bc everyone else in middle school does... I mean real honest safety

  103. @kelly ... in my diary you can exchange "Brad" for Viggo...and it says to give my no ego Viggo anything and everything he could ever want...whenever he wants...(if I had a diary)

  104. I am all for gun control. I've always believed that your average idiot on the street does NOT to have access to firearms. That said, my husband leaves me a loaded gun when he goes out of town (we don't have kids). If some f*cker breaks in when I'm home alone--he's toast.

    I'm not sure if gun control will really help these crazy killing rampages. In America, we've had such open access to guns for so long, including automatic weapons, that it makes me wonder if a law will make any real difference. Maybe in a decade or two. For now, though, I strongly believe that we need more access to free mental health services. Such services, which are expensive, are only affordable with health insurance and we all know how well that works. We need the equivalent of walk-in clinics for mental health that offers free or discounted services.

    Like I said, I don't have kids, but my heart is breaking for these poor families who are being told their little kid was murdered while they were at school. F*cking senseless.

  105. Sorry @Vicki! you seem like an old soul

  106. Re: the blind --
    And to this day, if you ask Brad Pitt, he'll happily take that thing out of his pants and show you what Gwyneth gave him. He'll open said thing, his wallet, and show you the BJ's warehouse membership card! LOLOL

    Re: the horrible news today --
    Horrible. We need to come together and figure out what makes a person so angry and full of hate, and do what we can to stop these things from happening.

  107. Not Brad and Gwyneth. She had a fairly substantial part in Glee a couple of years ago.

    Horrific news. We had a similar incident in Scotland years ago, very young children. Peace and love to all.

  108. only in America are people are allowed to own a gun to defend themselves. Yet there are so many senseless killings. its a no no brainer NO GUNS

  109. I remember that incident in Scotland, '97 or '98, IIRC. Andy Murray, now a famous tennis player (won the Olympics and and US Open this year, for the sports un-informed) was in the classroom where it happened, being only 5 or 6 himself at the time. Though to this day he refuses to discuss it publicly.
    Having a kindergartner myself, even thinking about what happened today makes me cry. No one wants to get that call.

  110. Hello friends. I am devastated about the tragic turn of events today. There was a shooting in an Oregon Mall on Tuesday. A 24yo male killed two people and then himself. Three days later we have a more horrible episode involving our innocent children.

    Where are our priorities? People are in despair. What future are we creating for this country? We have pundits and news personalities pointing fingers and trying to lay blame. All we do is argue and fight about who is right. Who is the mightiest? Can we all agree that this is NOT working! So many people are still out of work, losing their homes, struggling with medical debt, student loan debt. When will we start caring about the people of this great nation and working to make it a great country again.

    I believe it is time for a new era. A new age of Solutionism! Let's stop arguing and get things done. Our country is falling apart and we need to be present and acknowledge this fact. Let's all be part of the solution. I want a better world for our children. I know we can do this one person, one smile, one kindness at a time. Love to you all :)

  111. PS - I have borrowed the term Solutionism from another CDaN poster. I hope she doesn't mind. Love to you Sunny Queen!

  112. That was Dunblane, Scotland. That happened in the year after the Port Arthur massacre in Australia. After Port Arthur, the already fairly strong gun control laws in Australia were heightened. Massive public support made this change possible. Based on the comments even just here in CDaN, from what I take to be pretty middle class, average (and, of course, wonderful!) folk, it doesn't seem like there is that strong grassroots support. But maybe in the aftermath America will come together at least to outlaw rapid-fire weapons, and that would be a brilliant thing (in my view). Right now though, my thoughts are with the families of the victims, the local and wider communities. And with the family of the evil SOB that did this - they must also be just rocked to the core now too. Tragedy.

  113. For the blind I'll go for Sean Penn and Scarlett.

    As to the shooting, today's tragedy is not about gun control. There is a mental health crisis in our country and sadly this could easily happen again.

  114. Holy FUCK - They are saying that the deceased kids are STILL laying inside the school. I'm typing this at 9:07pm PST. Jesus... think of the parents!

  115. Piers Whatshisfuckingface called it an "extremely sad day". Under fucking statement much, dickhead?

  116. @mango I like piers for certain things but NOT his opinions on what America "needs" and how taking away our guns is the answer. Anyone is allowed an opinion but he's just so vocal and matter of fact like his idea is the only one in the world that works. I get so irritated. Someone up above said it sorry I'll crash my iphone if I scroll up. If we ban guns, only the sane, honest people who would never e irresponsible with a gun would turn them in leaving only the crazy and dangerous criminals armed bc they would just hide them. It's too late to ban guns so we need a new solution.

  117. The kids in China did NOT die - not one of them. You can run away from a knife-wielding attacker. But those poor kids in CT had no defense against a lunatic with semi-automatic weapons.

    You can't stop the insane but WE can curtail their access to guns meant only for use by the military & police. This wholesale unregulated access to ANYONE in the US has got to stop.

  118. Alita - Very true about the murderer's family, that they must be rocked to the core. His mother worked at the school, but he killed her at her home, then went to the school. He carried his brother's ID, so the brother was named on TV, but was at work in NYC. When he went home, he got arrested, taken in for questioning. The news mentioned the father as in touch with the innocent brother, and it seems like there was more, but I don't remember. Hell, I wish I didn't remember any of the tragedy... wish there was nothing of note to remember, wish that Friday had been a normal day.

  119. First off, gun control aint gomna do a damn thing to curtail lone nut cases from hurting as many people as they can. If you take guns then they gonna use knives or baseball bats or gasoline or bleach & ammonia. You wanna try to regulate potential mental patients, then freshman year of high school every kid in the USA has to under go a through psych eval. If they display over x tendency to hurt others, then they go right into an institution. If they are over z tendency, then they get executed. Everybody willing to sign your kids up for that?

    As for the blind, I have a hard time believing it aint Brad and the Paltrow cunt.

    A lover that doesnt enjoy giving oral is nuts or selfish. If they dont enjoy giving you pleasure in the bedroom, then they probably wont go out of their way for you outside the bedroom. If you are a woman and dont love dick, then you are gay. Same goes for a man and snatch. It is a simple equation that shouldnt be fought.
