Friday, December 14, 2012

Karrueche Tran Watched Chris Brown Have Sex With French Reality Star

French reality star, Ayem Nour (left) has given an interview to Ooops Magazine in France and says that when Chris was in town for his Paris concerts she brought along a girlfriend to his hotel room who was passed to one of other Chris's people for sex and that she and Chris partied and then had sex while Karrueche Tran was in the same room. She does not say if Tran joined in but did call her a fun girl and that she has never bothered Ayem before when she has had sex with Chris and that she is a "nice girl too" So, basically despite Chris Brown bring an a-hole of biblical proportions, women are willing to throw themselves at him to have sex and to sacrifice friends to other random strangers so they can have sex with Chris.


  1. What kind of f*cking life is this??!!

  2. Gross!!! They're all gonna end up with SuperAIDS.

  3. Mouth vomit!!!! Yuck!

  4. Talking about these women as if they are on a superior echelon of being in comparison to Chris Brown is ... I don't know words bad enough for that. These aren't really classy or intelligent women, out to make the world a better place, are they.

  5. So, basically despite Chris Brown bring an a-hole of biblical proportions, women are willing to throw themselves at him to have sex and to sacrifice friends to other random strangers so they can have sex with Chris.

    Yes. He's rich/famous. Most women would too if they could.

  6. ICK NAST, sigh. Self Respect isn't a given anymore.

  7. "Somewhere they're four terrible fathers I wanna thank for this night" -Ted

  8. All jokes aside, girls are CRAY CRAY for this douche. On his last Australian tour, girls were holding up signs saying things like HIT ME CHRIS and SOCK IT TO ME. I am NOT kidding.

  9. @Christopher Cruz...that is so incredibly sad. :/ Self-respect, please, women! I'm not into slut-shaming, as I've had a few slutty periods in my life: protection is key! I hope body condoms were used.

  10. Ummmm....Chris? No, most women would NOT thrown themselves at Chris Brown. There will always be women who are immature or who have personal issues who will be willing but please do not throw a "most women" blanket over all of us because of a few sad little creatures.

  11. They probably get all their drugs and booze paid trips, etc.

    I hope they have face helmets though, bc I don't think Chris Brown would appreciate it if he caught them with someone else...

  12. Groupies have always been around behaving like this. We just didn't have the internet bringing it to us on a daily basis. But please do not classify "most women" as fitting in this group, Chris @8:14.

  13. Hoes will be hoes!

  14. Gore Vidal noted in the 80s that the two highest-rated sexual fantasies/activities were oral sex and having sex with someone famous. (So getting a blowjob from Barbara Bush would be every man's paradise, he added.)

  15. Ick. Famewhores will ride a nasty dick to get their 15 minutes in the spotlight. But what's Rih Rih's excuse? Cannot understand.

  16. Hey, Chris @ 8:14, we all know most guys named Chris would do this, right?

    Way to represent!

  17. I don't understand: is Karreuche a country or someones name? Because in my head this reads like a transvestite from some random country is watching CB have sex.

  18. in france,OOPS is known to make up some scoops with the french TV real starlets

  19. Yes and he knows how to find dummies willing to put up with anything. Kangaroo does it for publicity. She wants her name out there. Rihanna does it because she is ghetto no mattter how many millions of dollars she has.Whatever, these two are tripping over themselves to prove they are the "cool" girlfriend. I guess right now karaoke is winning. Not going to bother scrolling up to get her name right. Dizzy bitches.

  20. Karrueche? is probably bi and into the whole party scene. Obviously, she must be into it if she's with the 'Difficult brown.'

    As for the Chris above? Plenty of girls and women have a heck of a lot more self respect than this- but their morals aren't gossip worthy so it isn't talked about. Let's hope you never have a daughter with your oh so enlightened point of view though..or a wife.

  21. I think Tran was a paid deal to throw us off the scent of Rhianna and him. I bet he's bankrolling her clothing line.

    I think Enty is right, they've been together the WHOLE time.

  22. Jax, the "scent?" I'm sure you meant the "stench" :)

  23. How rich do you people think Chirs Brown is? Just curious.

  24. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I love it, @ Alma: Karaoke Tran she will forever be to me. I don't buy the idea that this was a set up. He's not that smart, and his publicists aren't either. He's just a manwhore. As many men will tell you frankly that at that stage of their lives they would have loved to have been, if they had the chance. These are young kids who spent their teens in the entertainment industry. Neither of them were ever told no, or that's not appropriate, or act your age, or just grow up. It has always been sure anything you want anytime and human beings are your plaything, why would we expect them to act any different. And when money, fame and drugs are at the top of someone's priority list, then having sex to achieve those aims is a small price to pay. I can't live without my self respect, but it appears there are many other women who feel that it is a fair trade for fame/money/drugs.

  25. Wow, that chick on the left is a wreck. Yikes.

  26. Trust the readers of CDAN to attack Chris Brown. His sex life is no different than the general population. Wow a groupie that hangs around despite being cheating on repeatedly. That sums up all of Aerosmith right there. I sense alot of racial hostility that many of you refuse to admit.

    Charlie Sheen can shoot his ex wife and yet he gets a pass. How many apologies does Chris need to make before you guys stop with the insults?

  27. @ FalseProfit - I was wondering the same thing. Does he have enough money to bankroll anything? I hope not.

  28. no i meant scent. Degrading a woman about the smell of her vagina isn't my style.

    1. not surprising.

    2. Jax hole "the scent of Rhianna and him" - your words = is a stench. Get off your vagina horse.

  29. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Dang so much for the phrase "DON'T KISS AND TELL".. but lol at the part were Karrueche watched i thought she was trying to get him back?.. Well since it's not RiRi she doesn't care! Or maybe its the money he's sporting her with.. hmmm!!

  30. Fek- delusional much? no one gives a fucking rat's ass what colour an abuser is you fucking shit disturber.

    Need a fucking reminder?

  31. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Dang so much for the phrase "DON'T KISS AND TELL".. but lol at the part were Karrueche watched i thought she was trying to get him back?.. Well since it's not RiRi she doesn't care! Or maybe its the money he's sporting her with.. hmmm!!

  32. And I'm sure this is a point of pride for her...

  33. Fek - Charlie Sheen is consistently mocked here, what are you talking about? Not this site's fault he is constantly being given hit TV shows.

  34. Anonymous2:00 PM

    damn it i would love to have male groupies

  35. Dickmatized. I don't know how he does it but Fist Brown has dickmatized Karrueche and Rhianna

  36. All jokes aside, girls are CRAY CRAY for this douche. On his last Australian tour, girls were holding up signs saying things like HIT ME CHRIS and SOCK IT TO ME. I am NOT kidding.

    8:18 AM
    Thatz is so fucked up!!!
    Funny as hell but fucked up!!

  37. Fek- delusional much? no one gives a fucking rat's ass what colour an abuser is you fucking shit disturber.

    Need a fucking reminder?

    11:48 AM

    Go pull up Sheen's rap over the last 10-15 years.Pay to attention to the charges of abuse towards women ranging from his ex-wives,his girlfriends,escorts,hookers,etc.

    Go ask Travolta's wife,Kelly Preston about her time with Sheen.

  38. Trust the readers of CDAN to attack Chris Brown. His sex life is no different than the general population. Wow a groupie that hangs around despite being cheating on repeatedly. That sums up all of Aerosmith right there. I sense alot of racial hostility that many of you refuse to admit.

    Charlie Sheen can shoot his ex wife and yet he gets a pass. How many apologies does Chris need to make before you guys stop with the insults?

    11:24 AM

    Of course there's an double edge sword.
    It doesn't matter how wayward their children act,white folks will always hold their kids before they hold anyone else's.

    1. @just curious, I don't agree that Sheen, Ryan O'Neil, Polanski are given a 'pass' by CDaN folk at all. Chris Brown's winning personality, and those horrendous photos we all saw, are the reason he is still dispised, not his ethnicity.

      Clearly you don't agree with that, message received, but I'd suggest that if you go through life assuming that everyone's motivations are based on their ethnicity and culture, then that is what you will always find.

    2. Speaking as an African American I agree with @Akita. There is enough racism out there to find us. We don't need to go looking for it. I've seen almost every celebrity bashed on here for something. If you don't like what people say about him, don't read it.

    3. Sorry auto correct, Alita

  39. Right Harvey! Just saying karaoke makes me want to smile. That would be a fun name.

    Fek. Charlie Sheen is a joke. Quite a few of us poke fun at his dumbass. I never watched 2 and a half men because it's just horrible. There are many other douches who treat women badly but chris brown seems to lack the basic social skills to help his own image move forward and evolve. From doing bad interviews and throwing chairs around to tattoos in poor taste. Any other jackass would at least feign humility but not brrrreeezy.

  40. Ingrid Superstar said...
    Fek - Charlie Sheen is consistently mocked here, what are you talking about? Not this site's fault he is constantly being given hit TV shows.

    12:32 PM
    Sheen is also given kudos on this site for doing public stunts by Enty and a LOT of the other posters on this site.Chris brown does charitable acts as well but its' never documented on here.

    Just be honest with yourself,if you treated Charlie Sheen like you did Chris Brown,he WOULDN't even have a show!!!
    BTw,this site has given plenty of attention to Charlie's show just by mentioning it on several occasions.I'm sure the attention brings in the casual viewer to Sheen's program.
    Never heard anyone boycotting Sheen or the wimmin's group staging protests.
    Same thing with Sean Penn,that fool got an Academy award...standing ovation but no boycotts from the wimmins.

  41. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Wanna chime in on the Chris brown situation. Its important for Chris to remember to focus on his own redemption. Its in bad taste to whine about how easy someone else's road to redemption was. Its only been a few years since the incident with rhianna. Chris has exploded since then (GMA meltdown) not a good look. He needs to humble himself and try to GAIN total public approval. EXPECTING makes u seem insincere and arrogant. Volunteer somewhere. Get involved with projects that help victims. Go to therapy and blog about your progress. I can't imagine his PEOPLE didn't suggest some thing similar. I don't understand why he (his fans) want to recruit sheen "supporters". That not really his demographic. Why whine to them?

  42. @ 6:49

    I agree but I think Chris has given up trying to redeem himself in the eyes of people.I can see him with this "me against the world" attitude with 2 middle fingers up.I don't wanna see Chris at a Charity or relief campaign jocking for camera time so the world can see the good he's doing like the Lohans and Sheens of the world.
    I'm believer in 2nd chances especially with young cats.Too many brothas in prison right now because they can't control their anger.
    I wished Chris didn't even fuck with Rihanna.No woman or pussy is worth your livelyhood but part of me likes the idea that he's fucking his "victim" just as a FUCK YOU to the hippocrites DV adovcates who throw salt on Chris but will trip over their own feet just to get a picture with Sheen,Penn,Brolin and those other pink dicks who love talking with their hands and fists.

    1. Yeah cause its Rihanna's fault she got hit. Her throat got in the way of his hands and her face his fists? Sad day when a man can't just sling his fists around someone's face and that face get in the way on purpose. Generalizations make people sound stupid. How about lumping everyone on here into the same category, why don't you be the INTELLIGENT voice of change in this world and advocate for ALL men to step up and be MEN.

    2. @Shakira I think this one might be a losing battle. Anyone that thinks it's great for an abuse victim to go back to their abuser because it will 'stick it' to what they perceive to be 'the opposing' group in some way, is a complete moron. This shtick is just absurd.

  43. What the hell is a Karachuie Tran anyway??
