Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Blind Items Revealed

February 5, 2009

Been awhile since I did a rock star one. This now married B+ rock star and father with A+ name recognition had a very weird crab obsession. No, not the eating kind. Seems that whenever he went on the road and decided to have some groupie sex, the women he decided to be with had to be completely shaved because he was paranoid about crabs. If she wasn't, she had to right then. Seems he had been the recipient of the infestation not once, but twice and had to do some explaining when he got home from the road.

Rod Stewart (To be clear, this was back in the day, well before he married Penny)


  1. I just cant with these celebs

  2. People still have crabs? Crosses leg

  3. ... and then his stomach was pumped.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @Shakey--that is a really old and false rumor that has been going around for years about a variety of musicians.

  6. So Rod had some 'splainin' to do when he got home. . .

  7. I THINK Shakey knows it's an urban legend and was making a joke. ;-)

  8. Groupie sex with Rod Stewart? I'm vomiting up my fruitcake

  9. Could you just imagine the noises he would male..... Eewwwwww

  10. I saw him on The Today Show this morning...ugh...I can't even imagine ever having sex with him...even back in his hey-day. I think he has a residency here in Las Vegas...I don't know who would pay to go see him! ;-)

  11. @ ReesesPeace, I remember those sweet, sweet days but we all mostly went au natural back then too. Late 70's and early 80's were a lot of fun.

  12. So, did HE shave, too? It's only fair.

  13. Rod Stewart isn't an A-list rocker? My goodness, what does it take?
