Friday, December 14, 2012

Jovan Belcher Killed His Girlfriend Because She Said He Was Not The Father Of Her Baby

The NY Post is reporting today that the reason Kansas City Chiefs player Jovan Belcher killed his girlfriend before killing himself was that she told him that he was not the father of her baby. Jovan's mother was present in the house when the fight happened and heard it happen and the nine gunshots before he fled the house. The couple had been in therapy and receiving financial and couples counseling.


  1. Um, wasn't he with another woman the night before he killed her? What a stand up guy, killing the mother of his (and yes I said HIS) 3 month old baby.
    IF (big if, it's his mother who is saying this) she said it, it was probably out of spite and anger that he came home smelling of skank.

    Way to go media, make her out to be the bad guy.

  2. Well, they have to. He was a professional athlete. It's always the woman's fault. /sarcasm

  3. Aaaaand this story has already been refuted by the Kansas City police department.

    And the source is the the New York Post.

    So...grain of salt. Grain of salt.

  4. They had an argument about his paternity ,he had doubt on his paternity.
    I see nothing in the article saying that his girlfriend said him he was not the father

  5. He had doubt because HE was out fooling around.

  6. There are paternity tests. When ex mil started making comments i told her she was more than welcome to pay for the test. Offer is still open. When you have a doubt. Settle it and then stfu.

  7. ABLake- my thoughts exactly. RIP to her, and RIP to the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre :'(

  8. Indeed cine, what a sad day this has turned out to be:(



  10. I thought he shot her because she was creepin with Trey Song? I wonder if he is the father?

  11. Stupid NFL! I hate them. They are trying to weasel their way out of paying the little girl. This is exactly why this is coming out now.

  12. An acquantaince was in a long relationship with a guy who dumped her right before Valentine's day. She went out with friends to a "forget Valentine's day" party at a bar and ended up going home with another guy, who she continued to see/sleep with over the next couple weeks. End of February comes, she finds out she's pregnant, less than two weeks into her fling, but he's a nice guy, better than the guy who dumped her anyway. The rebound guy then becomes her boyfriend and they move in together and plan a life together around this baby. Baby was born 20 days "early" at over 9 lbs. Am I the only one who thinks the kid might have the ex as a bio-dad? Does it matter? Chances are a person who has random sex has had sex before, and any sex can lead to pregnancy, so you have to assume that possibility, that you may not be the only person who was in that "window of opportunity" in the beginning of a relationship. If they love each other now, regardless of what prompted the love, then they can be their own little family, and true paternity of the child would only matter in a medical situation.

    I think the same thing here. If she maybe technically became pregnant before him, but had been with him since before she even knew she was pregnant and had been faithful to him since she and he started sleeping together, then it's "his" kid whether or not he donated the DNA. Accept your situation and build your life based on it, not what you wish you could change.
    And if HE was not being faithful now, when they have a kid, then what right did he have to be angry that she may not hsve been faithful a year ago, before they'd entwined their lives?
    But regardless: It's too bad his anger led to their deaths.

  13. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Roid Rage and emotional immaturity. Man the fuck up.

  14. Hell, I thought 100% of NFL players got a paternity test after the cord was cut.

  15. It sounds to me like she wanted out, and was hoping if he thought he wasn't the father he would let her go and she could be rid of him and have the baby for herself.........RlIP

  16. It sounds to me like she wanted out, and was hoping if he thought he wasn't the father he would let her go and she could be rid of him and have the baby for herself.........RlIP
