Friday, December 14, 2012

Four For Friday

Today is Friday. Thank goodness because I need to get some serious weekend drink on. This weekday drink has not been enough this week. Anyway, I wanted to remind you there are just 18 more days until Reveal Day. That is January 1st. I realize that in Australia it is on January 2, but, hopefully you are better at the whole time change calculation thing than I am. I will be here all weekend blogging and tomorrow I will have a reveal or two. Oh, today I had a blind item on twitter that I did not have here and if I get to 20,000 followers I will have a big reveal like I did when I hit 10,000 followers. You can follow me @entylawyer

#1 - This B- list all television actress now says she n longer speaks to two of her more famous co-stars because she overheard them using a racial slur to discuss her.

#2 - This A list celebrity with A++ list name recognition says that she is uncomfortable around white people. Huh?

#3 - This B+ all movie actress who sometimes flirts with A list said she always thought her ex-husband was gay because he always wanted the lights off and only ever had sex if he could have her butt. Yep. They did manage to make child(ren) so guess it was not everytime.

#4 - This foreign born actress and singer who is starting to make a name for herself has been sharing a hotel room for the past two weeks with this former A list celebrity who is now more famous for his offspring.


  1. #1 Eva, Marcia, Teri

  2. #2 Angelina Jolie.

  3. 1. I don't think Marcia would be that way, but I got nothin'.
    2. Angelina
    3 and 4 can't wait for your great guesses!

  4. #1 - Naya Rivera
    #4 - Bruce Jenner and ?

  5. 1. Lucy Liu
    2. Lady Gaga
    3. Winslet
    4. Cotillard

    1. Lol at Winslet & all butt sex. But ya never know!

    2. Yes, Winslet. This is a perfect description for her.

  6. It sounds like #2 is white, haven't all of Angie's partners been white though?

  7. for all of you disliking the new add.
    In firefox install ad-blocker. that would not be enough.

    go mouse over the player. upper right corner a small "block" will appear.

    click on that and manually block that. if enough will do that, the next ad-block actualisation will include that for everybody.

    just block them manually one by one, or the frame if you get that option.

    be happy


  8. Slightly O/T: It's weird for me to think that Enty could rack up 20,000 followers, because we seem like such a tight little group here... how many people comment every day? Doesn't seem like that many. I forget that people read and don't comment. I remember when I didn't comment (I was afraid to, it was a tough crowd!).

    Also: Ida Blankenship, Sue Ellen M., Dixie (sorta, I know YOU'RE out there), RocketQueen, and Rita, you are missed.

    1. I read this site for 3 years before i posted

    2. Long time reader. Posted once :) I really miss those listed too! Especially Rita. You are all a witty bunch. I enjoy the comments more than most stories. Love reader photos!! xoxo from KW for now

    3. i don't comment everyday but i read all the stories every day

    4. I read this blog for a whole year before I commented. This is a tough,yet accepting crowd. I don't comment a lot because a. I don't know the answer & go with the popular guess & b. By the time I read these it feels too late to comment.

    5. I, too read for ages before commenting, very intimidated as everyone was so witty and I not so much :)

      And I'm terrible at blinds!

    6. I've been reading for over a year and rarely comment because everything I plan to say has already been said.

    7. I read every story and comment everyday and this is my first posted comment :) Been here for 2 years!

    8. Another looong time reader/very infrequent poster. I catch up on the site every evening, and it's hard to contribute anything original at that point!! Yall do some amazing sleuthing!

    9. EmEyeKay:
      I'm a little odd sometimes about keeping track of things, and one day I decided to keep track of how many people posted on the site. In ONE DAY, I had 399 user-names typed onto an excel I gave up on that project. (I had been planning to keep track of when each person last posted, so we'd notice when they disappeared (like anita_mark appears to have), whether or not I usually agree with them and random/relevant info like "might be from Minnesota," "cancer survivor," or "elderly dog is sick." When I realized I had almost 400 names in 6 hours, I reconsidered.)

  9. I immediately thought of Rashida Jones for #1 but no one on Parks & Rec would do that.

    #2 sounds like Madonna for the "huh?" tag at the end. Angie is not a celebrity, she's an A+ actress.

    #3: I hate to even think this, but the lights out and from behind reminds me of Brokeback Mountain, where the character could only be with his wife if it was from behind, and they had a daughter together. Hugh & Michelle? No, no, no. But maybe someone involved there...

    #4: I got nothing. Not Bruce Jenner, he's never been A list anything.

  10. Em, doesn't he mean Twitter followers, though? There might be more there than here?

    I miss those folks, too! :-)

  11. EmKayKay, as with other on-line communities I've been part of, people come and go, and just a small core group stays on from the beginning to the end. I've been mostly lurking since maybe 2007, I think.

  12. @AKM - still, the numbers blow my mind. When I come here I feel like I'm walking into my favorite coffee shop and greeting friends. His numbers turn it into a football stadium.

  13. @Holiday, have always loved your name. It's a DK reference, right? Or are you just funny on your own?

  14. @ DBZ - Sorry, but Bruce Jenner was A++ athlete.

  15. #3--Has to have had just one child with her ex. What woman would put up with an all-anal sex life long enough to have more than one kid?

  16. I think 4 could be Jenner. He was a gold medal winning Olympian before he became pimp mama's bitch. Not sure who the actress/singer is.

  17. Maybe #2 is the Goopster. Remember when she made the mistake of tweeting a racial slur while at the Jay Z and Kanye concert? Classic Goopy!

    1. She didn't tweet a racial slur. She was just making a play of words based on the name of their song.

  18. 2 could be fat Kim because I don't think she considers herself white.

  19. Agreed with Audrey - Jenner was A+++ athlete and now is A++ loser thanks to his wife.

  20. @Lynn Cloud--She tweeted that word as part of a song by Kanye/Jay-Z. Not the same thing. And her husband is white.

  21. #4 is totally Bruce Jenner. Not sure of the girl. Someone LA based...

  22. goop alleged "racial slur" was to cite the title of their song. it was misinterpreted in context. besides she was boinking jz a while ago... so not her.

  23. Lucy Liu isn't all television.

  24. EmEyeKay, a ton of people read and don't comment simply because of the middle school drama that often erupts in here.
    It's great that it's such a 'tight knit group' but those of us sitting at the other lunch tables don't want to get involved in cat fights when someone thinks someone else is trying to steal their thunder (or boyfriend)

    The only guess I have for this is Oprah for #2. Can't think of anyone else off the top of my head that would have A++ name rec and is a celeb (not actress, celeb)

  25. #2 - Gina Gershon said that on Chelsea Lately a few weeks ago, but I don't think she's A or A++.

  26. @ABlake: you're welcome at my lunch table anytime. It's a big one. Tons of space, and room for all :) As a matter of fact, I've been thinking about having lunch in the gym. More room there.

  27. ^but you can't kiss my boyfriend.

  28. Oh, I completely forgot about Jenner's athletic career! Apparently overshadowed by his reality tv personality.

    Please tell me I am not the only person who absolutely despises the Kardashians trying to change every word that starts with a C to a K. What's next, Kardashian Kollege?

  29. EmKayKay - I feel like it's a small group too but HELLO BIG HUGE WORLD - apparently not. :)

  30. Holla back, @Dixie! Hi, @hunter! (Where you been?)

  31. #2 is DEFINITELY Jada Pinkett Smith, whether or not she's the answer to this blind or not. She was a well-known racist at our fine arts high school, and even did an interview with Vogue and mentioned she didn't like working with white actors. Can you imagine the fallout if a WHITE actress had said that? But somehow she keeps getting away with being nasty to people like that ALL her life. And though she's from Baltimore, she's never been poor or had to suffer any real hardship.

  32. @EmKay, I was surprised to see 20,000 twitter followers too! That's a LOT of people...who has time for all that twittering? I like to digest my gossip, not get it on the fly like that!

  33. #1 Jessica szohr?

  34. @Suileabháin not cool of her... that makes me think of her in a different light.

    1. no idea
    2. could be someone trolling (i.e. morrissey)
    3. no idea, but it could be many people, as apparently it is a very popular preference for dudes.
    4. for giggles.... rita ora and bruce jenner.

  35. @EmEyeKay - Can I kiss your boyfriend?

  36. I guess Reese Witherspoon or Sandra Bullock for #2...LOL!


    But here, pull up a chair! ;)

  38. @emeyekay....ditto on sue ellen, rocketqueen and others...I used to lurk as well...

  39. I'm surprised no one has guessed Nicole Kidman & Tom Cruise for #3 - or is she permanent A list because of the Oscar?

  40. #1--I think the Eva L guess is pretty good. Lucy Liu is always working, has that new show, and isn't all-movie.

    #2--I think it's Kim K, she's such a dingus.

    #3--LOVING the Winslet guess. Sam Mendes--weren't there recent rumors about him & an actor? An Enty blind, even. And Kate is definitely salty enough to admit this bit o' TMI.

    #4--Def. Jenner. Key is who's the singer? I hope she's super-hot, 25, blonde or Asian or Latina or something that Kris can never be (anything to dig at that woman, sorry).
    I hope Bruce can get at least his girls to college. One can dream.

    1. I'm sure they'll spend some time in frat houses and dorm rooms but Kardashians going to Kollege would be a Katastrophe!

  41. @judith - what children did tom manage to have with kidman?

    maybe the katie holmes guess was in your mind??? she is more of a B actress anyway

  42. @DBZee I'm glad you backtracked on your guess for #1 or I'd have had something to say! ;)

  43. Lurked for about 3 years now I'd say. I have to admit, I like the board now with the current crew of people posting. With some of the others I'd log in and see at least one melt down per day. Which is not entertaining when you are looking for an amusing escape. Enjoying the posts so much more now.

    1. @lurky loo, I agree, I feel more comfortable posting now than I did before

  44. Also--Judith, no one is permanent A-list because of an Oscar, FYI.


    Mira Sorvino
    Cuba Gooding, Jr.
    Melissa Leo
    Adrian Brody
    Roberto Begnini (sp?)
    Linda Hunt

    And on and on and on...

    But they're A-list in my heart, many of them. Just not for blind purposes.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Blogger dragon said...

    2 has to be someone white. since the hate. I say Goop since she loves hangin with Us blacks lol

    What is reveal day? Like he reveals 1 big bomb shell?

    1. No, he reveals like 20 blinds! It happens on January 1st and July 4th. It's an all day extravaganza and he also posts hundreds of reader photos that people send in. It is our most holy of holy days on CDAN. I believe he starts at 9am PST, so plan on being daytime drunk and enjoy ;)

  47. I lurk more than post. One of the first times I commented, one of the long time posters followed my post with a grumble about the damn newbies chasing everyone away and how the site wasn't the same. It can be a little intimidating to post here, lol.

  48. Deal Em! :) I really appreciate you taking that as lighthearted as I intended (rereading it I was thinking, well that came across as bitchy)

    I saw an interview with Jada years ago. She was talking about how when she was a teenager a thug robbed her and held a gun to her face, then said "You're to fine to kill" and ran off.
    She later found out he had killed other folks after robbing them.

    Aside from that and the fact that her kids seem like brats, I don't know anything else about her

    *secretly passes note to sally so she will give it to rusty and he will give it to Em's bf

  49. @dragon, it's an all-day thing, and it's FUN. Happens twice a year.

  50. Is Carly Rae Jepson or whatever her name is, from Canada?

  51. Dragon - he reveals blinds from July until now, every 15 minutes, all day. He does it ever Jan 1, and every 4th of July.

  52. ABlake, dammit, leave my BF alone! ;) We're engaged now! There's no going back!


  53. #4 is Bruce Jenner and Rita Ora, who dated his step son. Apparently she's going to act in an upcoming Fast And Furious movie...

  54. @Carolyn,

    Glad to see you post despite your bad experience. JMHO, this board can seem like it has its share of school yard bullies but if you hang in there, they fade over time. I do prefer the times when it seems like newbies or lurkers are posting more. I don't like the times when you get one or two really vocal people on here causing a ton of drama. We are all on here for the same escape from the every day pressures of life ;>.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Please don't go anywhere Carolyn. As Em said, there really is room for all.
    Don't listen to the bitter ones who think they 'own' the blog because 'I've been here since 1966, when we had to walk in the snow UPHILL in order to draw water from the well in order to fuel the machine that made the internet work'

    Because we all have snowshoes now;) Jump on in, the water's fine.

  57. Okay Em, will do.
    He kept talking about how much he loves you anyway:D
    Congrats on the engagement!!

    I'm actually digging the guy I'm seeing, so I guess I'll settle.


    Still wondering about the foreign born singer. Adele has already made a name for herself and seems like she and her husband and doing fine. Shakira has been around too long to 'just be making a name for herself'.
    Hahaha, though wouldn't it be funny if it was "looks like a girl" Beiber? (okay yeah, I know it's not but he still looks like a girl)

  58. Anyone want to see RDJ open a time capsule this Saturday?

    Please check out this incredible telethon streaming online or in person in Los Angeles and donate to a fantastic cinematic cause!

  59. I lurk a lot too, mostly because y'all have guessed 'em all before i get here. I haven't seen much of the in-fighting of the days of yore, lately. Mebbe they all fucked off someplace else.

    I find it hard to see Jenner pulling anything. But this woman must be a real derp to shack up with him knowing all the baggage that comes with that package.

    #3 - This sounds to me like someone older... they've been apart for a long time or something. I'd go with Barbara Bain & Martin Landau but she's way too classy for that.

  60. I have to go for the day, so to all lurkers, readers, commenters, etc... have a great Friday, and I'll see you in the gym, Monday, for lunch!

    (someone should bring some incense tho)

  61. Unknown, GOOP was bonking JZ? Did Beyonce know? Details, please.

  62. I hope at least one of these gets revealed.

  63. #2 - Oprah. She's an obvious racist.

  64. I thought Halle Berry for #2, especially since her baby daddy is white.

  65. Heh, Gabby, I could totally see Rashida showing a racist the back side of her hand.

  66. @Marybel

    How is Oprah a racist? Do you seriously believe that? She is friends with, and has had all shades of the rainbow on her show in a positive way. What the hell?

  67. I've been a daily lurker since 2006. I rarely post myself though. By the way, can someone please post the twitter reveal?

  68. Yeah, Carolyn, don't let the Lunchroom Queens drive you away. They don't run the school!

    @ Unknown - OMG! More about Goop and Jay-Z! Wouldn't Beyonce knife that bitch? Or hire someone else to do it? You know, like she hired someone else to birth that baby?

  69. Another mostly lurker, since the Timmy Shimmy blind. I always get to the party too late. I usually catch up on the CDaN day before bed.

  70. @EmEyeKay, really? No kissing the boyfriend?? Ok, I guess I can live with that, lol

    I don't usually have time to post so I don't post as much as I wish, but I also feel sometimes "left out" too, either because I'm never here or it is because it's "let's pick on the foreigner kid" type of thing, lol

  71. Hahaha, Lunchroom Queens makes me think of that scene from Mean Girls where everyone turns into wild animals! Regina George is the best b*tch name ever.

    I was a drama geek in high school and we always ate lunch on the stage. We'd do stupid stuff like make everyone speak in Shakespearean or whatever play we were doing for the entire lunch period. It's hard to be snotty when you're singing Sweeney Todd lyrics over the cafeteria's mystery meat!

  72. I'm new too. I like CDAN bc it has lots of blind items, and because most of the posters seem really nice.

    Much as I like the blind items, I'm terrible at them. Racism and cruelty really irks me.

    I'm pretty much at a table by myself most of the time, but that's all right.

  73. 1) Chandra Wilson?

  74. @Carte Blanche, I had to google the Timmy/Shimmy thing and holy cow - that is one intense comment thread. Wow.

  75. I've been posting here since 1966 and I say the more the merrier.

  76. I lurk a lot too. I've been so busy getting ready to welcome our new daughter and chase around Piper that by the time I get on, it's late (just like now!) and I figure my comments don't matter by then.

    Anywho, congrats Em on the engagement! Have you set a date yet?

    Love to everyone, it's been a tough day.

  77. #2 - Oprah.
    Not necessarily in a "I hate them, they suck" racist way, but maybe in a cultural way. Yeah, she's spent her life interviewing all kinds of people, but it's one thing to be interviewing, vs. hanging out with people. Like me, I can go up to strangers, talk to them and take a photo, but if I'm not shooting, I get a lot more shy.

  78. what about billy ray cyrus for #4? he's living off of miley's coattails now, and was former A list celeb...

  79. I thought Ozzy for number 4.

  80. I mostly lurk here, occasionally comment. Mostly because I'm usually reading at this time of day (8PM) and most of the "conversations" have taken places far earlier.
    Anyway, I was totally thinking Bruce Jenner for #4. How young ARE you people that you don't know he was once the world's most famous athlete? He was the Michael Phelps of his day! But I do like saycheese's billy ray guess... he totally fits, but I don't now who the singer he shacked up with would be!

  81. I was a longtime lurker & I only recently started posting. This is hands down my favorite gossip blog. I also love all of my fellow posters - you guys are awesome! Sometimes I say mean & snarky things about celebs, but I'm just expressing my opinion & not trying to be offensive. Anyway, hope you're all having a fantastic weekend!

  82. @WUWT? Amazing commitment to this lovely little site. My favorite moments are when Himmmm, pops in makes a mind altering comment then disappears and the personal touching moments we have shared, births, the passing of a loved one,marriages, grand kids, dogs, cats, your turn, and of course watching those grand battles. I would name a few but I don't want to stir the still waters. ;p :()

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. Please let us know more about Goop and JZ!

  86. I like that reveal day is on January 2 for us Australians! January 2 should be a quiet day, what better than to sit down and reveal-read! I know that is what I'll be up to, until I get reveal fatigue :)

  87. many thanks Unknown!

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. @WUWT?, jeez, you're at least very brave for doing that, what a work! Though I must say it would've been really interesting to know all that stuff :)

  90. I've been lurking for 4-5? years. I don't read the posts until I'm cozy in bed and even then not every day. I usually end up blowing my eyes out reading days at once. I basically started posting for my own amusement.

  91. I rarely post, and I use different ID's on Facebook and Twitter. I have ended up in arguments with some of the past posters who thought they owned the blog...Anyways by the time I figure out who it is, it's already been guessed, so I just read everybody elses posts....I've been lurking for about 4 years now...

  92. redronnie and White lilly:
    Just to clarify, I STARTED to keep track, but I abandoned the project. Like EmEyeKay said, I thought this felt like a medium sized community, and thought that I COULD keep track. When I had 400 names in a matter of hours, it occurred to me that Enty had 10 or 20 thousand twitter followers. I realized the list would be nearly endless, or at least the work to maintain it would be, so I guess all I ended up with was a list of people who posted on one day (no, I don't remember the date). FYI, both of you did. Just for an example of the expansiveness of the list, here are the "A" names that day:
    All about Eve
    altar boy
    Amy in MI
    Amy Scott
    Angela Rynan

  93. @ WUWT? wow, imagine if you had gotten all the names. That, alone, is a lot of people. And I must confess that I remember seeing maybe 6 or 7 of that list.
    Maybe the people who posts on a regular basis would be reduced to what, a hundred? Plus the people who read all the time too but just doesn't post, around more 200? I may be completely off that though, lol

  94. Uh. I don't think Oprah is the racist in #2. She dated John Tesh in the 80's. John. Freaking. Tesh. JOHN TESH. The whitest, blondest, blandest, most piano playing, easy-listening-loving dude ever. EVER.

    You can't date that guy and be uncomfortable around white people. Nope. Sorry. Not scientifically possible.

    He is the WHITEST (substitute for Fairest) of them all.

  95. But can someone please repost the twitter reveal??

  96. I hopped over here after the tragic dismissal of Ted Casablanca. I read daily, but I rarely comment (I read via GoogleReader, so I don't even always come onto the page directly). I'm sure there are tons of readers here that browse guesses, but don't guess themselves. It doesn't always seem worthwhile to comment if you don't have a new idea to contribute to the discussion.

  97. I seriously want to see a photo of John Tesh and Oprah canoodling. Thank you, Bond Girl, for the morning giggle!

  98. I'm thinking Oprah for #2.

  99. Now the Ouija Board is spelling S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

  100. #4- Jenner for the boyfriend

  101. I don't think it's Oprah. She blazed a trail for women as well as women of color, the backlash she got in the beginning and probably had to deal with behind the scenes is probably more sexist and racist than we can imagine...

    I think the "huh" kinda hints that whoever think this either a. has a child with a white man, or b. is the product of a biracial relationship and maybe grew up around a lot of white someone like Halle Berry makes sense...

  102. Awesome for some of you who started tracking the users! I've wondered about it, seems like there are about 2 dozen regular posters, and them BAM! they're gone! I love that someone said they were taking 'notes' about each poster. That's a great way to remember everyone. I should do that for my family, actually...maybe it would make Christmas shopping easier! LOVE to see so many posters. I don't like the all-bitchy, all the time, posters, but I do like the freedom to vent a little when necessary.
