Monday, December 31, 2012

Random Photos Part Four - All Reader Photos



  1. #22, you look amazing! Way to go, girl!!!

  2. #20 - Ironman twice!

    #22 - Great job!

  3. Who's the bubble man?
    I like the candids & the creatives most.

  4. #22 You look awesome! What an inspiration!!

  5. Bravo, #22! Excellent work. =)

  6. I just noticed 22--wowwy. You took 15 years off! Good work!

    Number 1 reminded me....Next time should be an all 'Reader's Cats' photos version.

    'Cause we ALL have catS plural, and many photos of same, and wish to see & remark upon others' cats as well.

  7. "That's the joke"

    --Rainier Wolfcastle

  8. I always wonder if I'm going to recognize anyone in these posts. I often *think* I do, but then ultimately decide that I don't.

  9. @libby - Crap. Does this mean I have to get a cat? Maybe I can borrow my neighbor's two hairless ones.

  10. Is that you, Amber?

  11. Yet again, everyone looks great !!
    #22 way to go !!! Amazing :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @FSP - lol NO! I haven't gone up yet. Who knows, maybe not at all.

  14. #4 I'm almost sure I had that same Lion King outfit! Its bringing back memories of when I was a youngin!

  15. I was too late this year, but I actually know one of the posters here--Juno and her human!

  16. Lovely batch!!! Congrats on the weightloss 22!

  17. Holy cow , 22, that is an inspiration!!

    I want the kitty in 1, love him (the reader is cute too)

    Creepy bubble man is awesome, I love that pic and actually lol'ed at work.

    Also, the love the family pics, want my own set of Dalmatian ears and 12 when are you due?

  18. Great job, #22!! You look. Ahhhhhhmazing!

  19. #5, you are incredibly stunning. Be still my soul.

    #22, I have never seen such a transformation. You have come out of your wilderness to incredibly HOT!

  20. Here's to #22 as well, by the way--congratulations!

  21. Blackxacto and Robert, your avs are distracting me today!

  22. I think photos with cats sounds so good! I'll have to take one when they're both asleep on me because if they're awake, no chance. I was born into cat lady-dom.

  23. #22 is a great photo to inspire people who want to improve their health and fitness for 2013 - well done!

    I lurk here more than I post, but I did send in a reader photo. (#15)

    Thanks to all of you for your entertaining posts all year long - many times a visit to the site and a browse of the comments is all it took to erase a bad day! xo

  24. Oh my...#12 is my husband's submission, and obviously his way of surprising me! We just took this a week ago.

    Jules, we're due April 16th. :)

    #1 - I want to snuggle that sweet widdle guy! Too cute. I agree with libby, we need an all cats post. :)
    #6 - I love your photo, makes me wonder what you were thinking about.
    #9 - You live in my neck of the woods! Well, you attend school in my neck of the woods.
    #22 - That is AWESOME. Congrats to look AMAZING!

    Hi Robot! :)

    1. Congratulations Cornbread you both look so happy

    2. @Cornbread, congrats! that's such a cute idea for a baby photo =)

  25. Cornbread, you two are such a cute couple! Maybe next year we can see baby Cornbread!

    I adore cats as well. I changed my avi to include my little girl. When I lived on my own for the first time, it was my mission to get a kitty. I got incredibly lucky with getting such an awesome one.

    1. Baby corn bread = Corn Muffin? Lol

    2. Baby corn bread = Corn Muffin? Lol

  26. First time poster! Love this site SO much! Happy new year from Australia... And, number #3 is me! :)

  27. Anonymous3:07 PM

    #5 I LOVE your haircolor! It's beautiful!

    #3 What a fun picture! You look really happy.

    #2 Where were you in this picture?

    #13 I'm pretty sure you've sent a picture in before. =)

    1. Indeed, on CDan fan page, the fun one.

  28. Ellehphee, you are too cute, I always wanted to wear a cowboy hat but I am pretty sure I would look ridiculous.

    And llvce, you look like you are having a blast! Welcome to posting! (Like I have any right to welcome anyone, I just started a couple months ago, haha)

  29. Lovely again!

    Congratulations to #22! You're rockin' it, honey!!

    And, yes to cat piccy's next year: I have 3 furbabies and I dearly love all 3 of them!

  30. Cornbread!!! Super sweet picture!

  31. Congrats to you Cornbread! So many CDaN babies this year!

    Wow. So many happy attractive readers. I want to now how bubble man made his pic. It's fun! #22 - such an inspiration!, #9 - congrats on graduation!, #16 - love that fan, great pic of your wedding day!, #20 - I LOVE IRON MAN, #21 - how'd you get your dog to be so still?

  32. Anonymous3:46 PM

    #22!!! amazing!
    every single post has some beautiful readers wow. the retro pics are my fave :P

  33. Everyone looks great. Agree that #3 looks darling! And #22 is amazing! So many clever photos. Decided las time that I need to submit only fun/clever shots. But could not come up with one, so I'm not included this time. :(

  34. Thank you Puggle, smash and dia. :)

    And yes, it seems the CDAN waters are VERY fertile! ;)

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Me, I want to do something clever next time too, but I have to say I'm not all that creative so it'll probably end up being me and a kiddo again.

    Cornbread, beautiful pic, I was totally thinking this will be your last serene Christmas for awhile...amazingly fun, yes...serene, not so much ;)

    Weird question... Do people usually send in their pics every time enty does reader photos or only once a year? I am having such fun with this! I don't want to end up being an attention whore.

  37. I am #21, you can just call me "Juno's human" *L*. The reason I have that goofy look on my face is because I am making sounds to get her to be still (@ Dia) and look into the camera so you can see her different coloured eyes :)

  38. I'm #16. Thanks dia :) I was nervous about sending in a picture but I'm glad I did. One of my resolutions will be to be more active on here and less lurker-ish. I'm just going jump right in.

  39. Jules, I'm semi new to this site, but I thought the reader pictures were only once a year. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong!

    1. Thanks puggle, I know he does them at reveal time in July too, and I'm sure it doesn't matter if you send it in twice a year, I find myself babbling sometimes when I am avoiding work.

  40. Maja and Cactus, you two are beautiful. Love the pup!

  41. #5 love your hair color and you look lovely..

  42. Oh my Xenu--you are all so gorgeous, why would I ever post a photo here?

  43. Juno is a gorgeous dog. Hello Readers!

  44. XD I am #22. I honestly did not expect that reaction, thank you all
    That is a 130 pound weight loss, I lost a whole person :)

  45. Hi Cornbread! Congrats again. You and your sweet husband look so lovely. I spotted you and your mini loaf right away!

    And Maja! You are gorgeous, and your doggie looks like a little lover. Wonderful shot, and not a goofy look to be found

    Elle and cactus
    Cutie pies!!!

    Disco - do I see you?

  46. @LL VCE
    I could not love this photo more! The joyful smile, your freaking amazing hot cha cha dress and the fact you are dancin! I'm a dancin fool!

  47. And Cactus
    This could be the cover of a bridal magazine. You look breathtaking!

  48. @SUNNY haha you are too cute! Life is for dancing... I agree :)

  49. Congrats 22, please link your success story.

  50. Sunny, you're so sweet. The happiness of (finally) getting married is apparent on my face. (we'd been dating 12 years!)

  51. #23 - you are stunning!

    #22 - Congrats on the weight loss! Care to share your journey?

    #19 & #4 - <3 so very sweet

  52. 22, you're an inspiration!

  53. These are all so wonderful!

    No.3 - Too bad you live so far away. I totally wanna hang out with you!

    No.12 - That was pretty great of Santa to bring you a white t-shirt, and put such a nice bow on it! LOL, I tease... congratulations to you both on your bundle of joy to be!

    Loving both 17 and 18!

    No.21, gorgeous gal, and gorgeous doggie! And a heterochromian (suffix?) at that! I met a dog tonight with heterochromia, he looked similar to yours. I wanna pet him!

  54. the bubble man. That was gonna be the cover to my next CD but I chickened out.

    1. Gilbert I love that pix , new CD in 2013 ? Available on your site or where? Do tell. Enquiring minds need to know:) Good luck!

  55. Agent**It:

    It's on iTunes now but will be available in tangible form in about a week thru my website. It's called "Dirty Red Pagan". Which is an anagram of "Andy Partridge".Long story, but if you enjoy pop/soul with good lyrics and melodies, t'will please you.

    1. I'll be checking your web site.Best wishes, sounds exciting,love supporting people who try to make a living out of doing what they love, good for you.

  56. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Wow!! Such sweet, pretty and heart warming pics! You all look great!

  57. Agent**It

    Thank you so much!


    More people like you I hope for.

  58. #19 long time lurker sometimes poster..this is my new name was Mrs. Awesome lol. Hope to comment more in the coming year :-)

  59. Supermom, you have a beautiful family!

    Bring on the reveals!

  60. Anonymous9:01 AM

    #1 I have a cat just like that. My boy is 15lbs.

  61. #3, LOVE your dress.
    #4, too freaking adorable!
    #5, I want to be you!

    Everyone is beautiful and awesome!

  62. #21 is my friend!!! :)

  63. @Maja - Cute pic! I love that you are a dog person now :) Juno is a cutie.
