Friday, December 14, 2012

Your Turn

Food you refuse to eat.


  1. Mustard. I don't care how fancy it is, I hate the taste and the way it makes my mouth feel.

  2. Acorn squash *shudders*

  3. Olives of any color, shape or form. Aftertaste is disgusting!

  4. Any and all kinds of melon

    Kimchi (smells like feet; tastes like vomit)


    Everything else with relish. :D

  5. liver, asparagus, cooked spinach (raw is ok). There was an ugly incident when I was 5 - Aunt Julie (rest in peace) served me fried liver and cooked spinach for lunch. I refused to eat it. Tears were shed on both sides. Not too crazy about peas either.

  6. I have a long list, but at the top are peaches and mangos and fruit of that nature. Even the artificial flavor makes me come close to vomiting if I taste it.

  7. Meatloaf. Italian food. Gelfite.

  8. Cilantro!! It tastes like awful awful soap!

  9. Chicken feet, or cream of mushroom soup (barf!!)

  10. Chicken feet, or cream of mushroom soup (barf!!)

  11. Cilantro makes me projectile vomit. It smells and tastes like cat urine.

  12. Vicky if you were able to eat Kimchi after smelling it, you are brave.

    1. I love it! Acquired taste... :-)

  13. I am an adventurous eater and like just about anything except olives and coconut. Fresh off the tree coconut I can do, but the flakes of coconut in candy bars grosses me out.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I do not get the cilantro thing. My husband hates it, his brother hates it and I had no idea it was a "thing" but it is. I love cilantro, the smell, the flavor and yet it's really controversial.

  16. Grapefruit.

    I'll try anything once, but after having tried grapefruit I don't understand why it is considered fit for human consumption.

  17. Christopher Cruz, interesting fact about cilantro: Something about that plant fucks with most people's minds and it makes them think it tastes like soap.

    1. It is BEYOND gross. I can see the soap thing, but it still reminds me of cat pee!!!

  18. Peas. It's damn near the only veggie I won't eat.

  19. Raisins and dried coconut.

  20. Actually any dried fruit at all. I hate the texture.

  21. For those that hate cilantro, I learned last week that there is a specific gene that some people have that actually makes cilantro taste like soap. So, you are NOT crazy, it's in your genes!

    1. A-ha!!! So it's genetic!!! I'm still crazy, though...

  22. That *is* weird about cilantro! I think it's the best thing ever. I LOVE the smell, I could seriously wear it as perfume! Apparently that would gross out a lot of people! Haha

  23. Oh, crazy @Audrey! Thanks for that!

  24. Cauliflower and brussel sprouts! Disgusting!

  25. @Audrey, I've heard that! Crazy. @JSierra, agreed on the gelfite. What's not appealing about fish in a jar?

  26. i eat cilantro right off the plant (we grow it in the summer)... delicious. actually, i like any and all plants.

    interesting about the soap-tasting gene...

  27. peas. NO! and creamed peas in worse. what in the world is THAT!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I remember when I was in Venezuela, we were eating breakfast and I kept thinking somebody had spilt dishsoap in the eggs.

  30. Weird about genes against Cilantro...I find it tastes like soap, but am trying to like it in small quantities.

    I won't eat 'wild' meat, such as Deer, Elk etc. Strictly beef, chicken, pork and fish. Seems hypocrtical, but it mentally grosses me out.

  31. Chilie, no. For the love of GOD don't eat it. It's revolting!!!!

  32. Peas and asparagus. Truly two of the most vile things ever created v

  33. I never heard about the gene that makes stuff taste like soap - sometimes with romano cheese I think I taste soap. Is that the same thing?

  34. I love kimchee, but it smells up my fridge. That doesn't always stop me, however.

    Foods I won't eat: asparagus (omg, any food that makes your pee smell should be banned)
    Durian fruit
    Cooked tomatoes -- why ruin a perfectly good tomato by heating it?!

  35. Mangos. Disgusting. Ew.

  36. Totally true about cilantro-I LOVE it. My mom hates it, and she'll eat anything.
    One thing I hate is butternut squash. I call it nutterbutt squash because it stinks so bad.

  37. Anything fake blue like those nasty blue raspberry stuff or blue lollipops yuck! Shellfish because of allergic reaction can't even stand to smell it, oh and I have the soapy cilantro gene too so that just gags me.

  38. Anyone ever try Vegemite? Ick

  39. @ SusanB - it's a chemical in cilantro. Not sure if that same chemical is in Romano cheese.

    Put me on the I love cilantro bus! I think it makes everything taste better.

  40. Tomatoes. Absolutely minging.

  41. Hahaha, Elizabeth, I love Vegemite!

  42. No tenticles(is that how u spell it)

    Squid or Octopus or Ginger

  43. Spinach, eggplant, and mayo.

  44. Blech I hate cilantro. To the point where I cannot eat anything that has cilantro in it. And in South Texas that means I miss out on a lot.

    @Kelsey I have never tried it but seeing those fluffy white fish flakes disintegrating and bobbing around in a glass jar I decided it was probably something I should never eat. Same goes with sardines.

  45. Dried coconut flakes and liver

  46. Weirdly, I love Blue Cheese. Love love love it. But I Have heard that almost everyone else hates it.

  47. I had no idea.

  48. Worstcompany, I would tell you about a restaurant in South Korea, but I'm afraid you'd vomit.

    Me, that combination is making me cringe, lol.

  49. Onions! When I was a kid, my mom cured my pneumonia with an old folk remedy - 1 T of onion juice mixed with 1 tsp of sugar. I guess it worked because I lived, but I *despise* onions. I only use them in my cooking if they're cooked down (like pasta sauce or salsa).

    And oysters, because I don't eat sea boogers.

    Other than that, I'll pretty much try anything at least once. I thought I'd hate calamari, but omg, it is so good!

  50. Cooked spinach, meat, salmon & shiitake mushrooms. Yuck! Oh, and caviar, too. Barf. I know there are more, but my brain is fried today.

    1. Also, caramelized onions. They're so slimy & gross!

  51. DBZee, I couldn't eat oysters anymore after the last ones I had tasted like jizz.


  52. Has anyone tried lutefisk (the dish, not the cdan reader, lol). I hear it's like vaseline.

    When I first tried cilantro, it tasted like soap to me, but after that, I loved it.

    I think brussel sprouts have the same chemical that makes them taste bad, but thank God, I don't have that gene :)

    I refuse to eat any organ meat or offal. And how can people eat tongue??? ewwww

  53. Veal. That's just wrong to eat a baby.

  54. coconut - the texture, taste, and smell

    cucmbers and melon - i hate the smell and the taste. awhile ago bath & body works had a cucumber melon lotion and my sister kept trying to get me to use it. blech.

  55. Blue cheese is my most favorite dressing in the world! And how can so many people hate olives? Olives are amazing! Lol

  56. Vicki, I haven't even had breakfast yet!

    I forgot organ meat - no, I won't eat tongue or liver. A friend once dared me to try head cheese and I agreed only if I could puke in his shoes afterward. He withdrew the dare. :b

  57. I won't touch lima beans or calves liver.
    My mother is to blame for the liver hatred though...seriously, when growing up and she'd fix it for dinner, by the time it hit the plate you could honestly sole a shoe with it. We caused a serious uptick in Heinz stock whenever we were served it...which might go a long way towards explaining why I'm not a big fan of ketchup.
    The lima hatred? Can't explain, don't care, just avoid at all costs. Absolutely positively can't stand 'em.

  58. I will not eat Miracle Whip. It's mayo or nothing. And Miracle Whip is not mayo.

  59. Unknown, that made me lol. You should put that on a shirt and sell it.

  60. Seafood and mushrooms

    I'm also not a fan of mustard or Swiss cheese but ill tolerate it if there's nothing else.

  61. Sweetbreads, rocky mountain oysters or any other organs. No veal either.

  62. Cindy, I have (of course!) and it's NASTY.

    I am kind of a picky eater though. The list of things I won't put in my mouth is too long to put here.

  63. Olives. Brussel sprouts. (gagging) Cooked spinach, but raw is okay.

    Weirdly...for years and years, I would only eat onions if they were grilled and on a hot dog. When I was a kid, my Mom would make me a separate salad, because I would spend an hour picking out every single piece of onion. Flash forward to 2012...I am craving onions! I've even eaten onion sandwiches: thinly sliced, with mayo, salt and pepper. Crazy!

    Oh...most fish. If I eat it, it's heavily and ridiculously seasoned.

  64. I cannot stomach mayo. If I smell it I literally gag. My daughter loves it on her ham sandwich and I have to hold my breath, plus if the knife won't rinse off I leave it for someone else to deal with. I hate it to the bone.

  65. I love Miracle Whip. To me mayo has absolutely no taste. It's just wet.

  66. Reeses, I love you and your ph-word, but I may have to come over to your house and beat you with onions for that sandwich image!

    Not something I absolutely wouldn't eat, but I don't like mayo. The texture is unpleasant.

    Lamb and veal, don't eat. I had a lamb gyro once and it was all gristly and that Williams & Ree song kept running through my head. No baby animals digested here.

  67. I will not eat crawfish! The lil eyes just kill me, the fact that you have to crack their lil head open, just ewww.

  68.'s the oddest thing! I posted something about the samich on Phacebook (!!)) and people who know me were like "WTF?" cuz I'm known for my hatred for onions. Someone then told me that it could be something to do with my liver!

    I also will never eat baby animals. I have a tough, tough time cooking meat; I've let it go bad cuz I can't bring myself to cook it. I feel sooooo much guilt for loving meat. I've never tried to go vegetarian, though I think about it more and more.

    Love mayo!!

  69. Bell peppers. I f'ing HATE bell peppers. All colors.

    No I cannot pick them out - they have already taste-tainted my sad food.

  70. Most any kind of squash.... Shudder....

  71. I can not stand pea's, lima beans, Oxtail soup and veal.

    Prefer cold water Salmon, Buffalo, free range chicken.

  72. About cilantro - it's an enzyme missing from your mouth that makes you hate it.

    I guess that could be genetic (?).

    I think cilantro is yummy but bell peppers suck balls.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. No creamed veggies. Creamed spinach, creamed corn. No mushy veggies. Peas, lima beans.

  75. Lima beans!

    (love cilantro, though. I make a hell of a yummy pico de gallo.)

  76. Also i do not like tomatoes. I can eat a tomato. pasta sauce but i can't eat it on a burger, sandwich or anything like that. In other words raw tomatoes.

  77. I don't eat meat or fish, and I can't stand broccoli. I don't eat eggs or drink milk either but that's due to allergy.

  78. Balut and testicles.

  79. Ok, here goes:

    Love cilantro
    No babies (lamb, veal) or organ meat
    Dislike mangos and papayas

    Everything else is all systems go! And I love onions, too, Reeses. Onion sandwiches are a staple of farm families, at least my mom's and father-in-law's families. Onion, mayo,salt and pepper on two slices of white bread - giddyup, that's good eatin!

  80. @Reno: currently I have three kinds of olives and two types of bleu cheese dressing in my fridge. ITA with you!

  81. @Em, I'm coming over for salad and cocktails tonight!

  82. No organ meat or testis for me. Also no okra, gorbanzo beans, lima beans, avacadoes, kiwis, and way too many other things for me to name. I am a picky eater but I'm much better than I used to be.

  83. I will never, ever EVER eat rabbit. I have two house bunnies and could never imagine eating one of their kind.

    I don't eat a lot of meat to begin with, but would add organ meats and parts to the do not eat list.

    My family makes a traditional dish that consists of pigs feet in a garlicky-gelatin mixture. It's gross looking and something that I've never tried and never will!

  84. I can't understand the veg or lima bean hate. I could eat my weight in lima beans.

    Even when I ate meat, I wouldn't eat organ meat. It always felt, for lack of a better word, disrespectful.

  85. I hate corn with a vengeance. I have a very sweet tooth but I find tinned corn just nauseating.
    I d also avoid asparagus for its after effect. I feel robbed of my identity when my pee has this awful smell.
    Also, tripes, intestines, chicken feet ...

    I love kimchi but I wouldn t keep it at home.

  86. Cucumbers, licorice and candy corn. Candy corn is vile glop. When you go trick-or-treating in hell, every house hands out candy corn.

  87. Woohoo @Reno! I'm only three states away! If you get in the car now, you may hit Chico by bedtime, and then... :-/

    (I'll make a martini and a salad in your honor, how's that?)

  88. Mammals, Birds, Fish, Octopus (they're so intelligent) or Squid (same reason), Reptiles, Snails, Crabs, Lobster, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Okra, Brussels Sprouts, Bean Sprouts, Melons (any kind), green beans, asparagus, onions, zucchini, most squash, yoghurt, eggs, milk + milk products, gelatin, marshmallows (or anything w/gelatin in it), and much more than I can think of now. While living in Scotland, my boyfriend's family unanimously voted me "Fussiest Eater in Scotland". But then again, they eat some funky stuff (haggis). I've always been picky and anti-meat, even as a young child- hated it. Being vegan works for me!

  89. No, Angus, that's Tootsie Rolls. I hate Tootsie Rolls!

  90. I LOVE cilantro, any kind of olives and bleu cheese.

    I won't eat baby animals, meat on the bone (I feel like a canibal!) Chicken thighs, celery, mushrooms or bananas. Lime koolaid makes me hurl.

  91. Cream spinach. Can't even have it at the table.

  92. mayo- that shit is nasty as fuck.

    egg nog (eggs in general don't eat) is like a cold c*m shot in your mouth. Sprinkled with nutmeg.

    1. @jax - maybe that's why I love egg nog. Lol

    2. @ seachica bwahahahahahaa lol

  93. @rejected, come on over for the party!

    I forgot to say that I occasionally eat meat, but can't/won't eat it off the bone, like you. It freaks me out. I remember loving fried chicken as a kid, nope, can't do that anymore.

  94. onions, tomatoes , every pepper, goat cheese

  95. Organ meat
    Sweet Potatoes/yams

    Can I come to Chico? I am only 3 hours away and I love olives and blue cheese dressing and cilantro.

  96. I like cilantro too, especially on Indian food. Acquired taste though, I didn't like it when I lived there.

    I won't eat shellfish or snails, especially raw (that goes for any raw fish or meat dish too). I hate the texture. Don't like liver either.

  97. Seafood and Fish, Meat and Chicken - I gradually lost my appetite for it, don't know why. Never did like fish.

  98. Fish eggs, head cheese, pig's feet, yoghurt, brains, tripe, KYs. There are probably more, but those are definitely on my list of "I'd starve to death before I'd eat that crap" list.

  99. Also, I forgot sushi. I truly hate the raw fish, the seaweed & the flavor of the rice.

  100. Ya, I never eat baby animals either.

  101. Tofu. Soy makes me bloat like a balloon. Somehow I can get away with soy sauce though, it just makes my stomach a little upset.

  102. Love Vegemite. Freaking love it. Did you know that Vegemite made in New Zealand is a little bit different than the Vegemite made in Australia? And that there was a factory fire in NZ and the shortage of Vegemite was a national issue that even the Prime Minister weighed in on? Personally, I completely understand...

    1. NZ makes marmite - its kind of a 'thing' in that you either like marmite or vegimite.

      Personally I like marmite, and am waiting (along with thousands of others) for the factory to be rebuilt so I can get me some more. It's SO good in a sandwich with cottage cheese and lettuce.

      Vegimite tastes like balls. Marmite forever!

    2. NZ makes marmite - its kind of a 'thing' in that you either like marmite or vegimite.

      Personally I like marmite, and am waiting (along with thousands of others) for the factory to be rebuilt so I can get me some more. It's SO good in a sandwich with cottage cheese and lettuce.

      Vegimite tastes like balls. Marmite forever!

  103. Eel.

    And I think that's it. I love all the weird stuff that a lot of folks don' cheese, anchovies, black licorice, Vegemite, eggnog, fruitcake...

  104. Fried eggs, white rice and beets.

    The funny thing is, I eat raw fish nearly daily, love menudo, oxtail, tongue, blood sausage and will eat just about anything short of it still living, or being absolutely repulsive looking, like balut. What can I say. I hate bland food.

  105. Coconut. Hate the way it tastes, smells and looks. People have given me foods with miniscule amounts in it and not said anything. It still makes me gag.
    Also curry. Blech.

  106. Sauerkrout (SP?) The look of it kills me - so I cannot even look at it!!!

  107. Ambrosia.

    Canned fruit or veggies.

    Cooked or creamed spinach.

    Egg whites (loooove yolks, though).

    See the common denominator? Slimy, goopy (no pun intended) and NASTY.

  108. Fish, nuts, milk, cream, anything vanilla, mushrooms, eggs, toast, melon, pizza, cereal.

    I used to be vegan to make things event more difficult.

  109. I don't like citrus fruit either, because the membrane got stuck in my teeth/braces years ago. Oh God, that was BAD.

    I also can't stand pulpy orange juice. I love orange juice, but I strain it about a zillion times (even the no-pulp kind) before I drink it.

    I don't like squiggly bits of anything in my food or juice.

  110. Offal, sweetbread, tripe, chicken feet.

    Baby animals or factory farmed meat

  111. Bananas. Just the smell of them alone makes me want to gag.

    1. @faith me too. I can't even have them in the kitchen as the smell is so bad!

  112. I just had to...

    Scrambled eggs.

    My dad cooked them too long, and they tasted like rubber.

    Haven't touched them in 25+ years.

  113. I have some very weird likes that would be hates for some of you...

    Buffalo milk yogurt, fresh mayo, blue cheese, dairy in general, caviar, EGG NOG (homemade doesn't compare to the shit in the store), fried egg yolks...

  114. chicken, turkey, duck, ham, bacon, pork... no birds or pigs for me. If I want meat, I want it nice and red. When I hear "tastes like chicken", that means blech to me.

  115. Coconut
    Blue jello or any blue candy

  116. Peeps...the ones that used to only pop up in yellow at Easter but now taint every holiday. Eww. Ick. Ugh.

  117. Peeps...the ones that used to only pop up in yellow at Easter but now taint every holiday. Eww. Ick. Ugh.

  118. Anonymous1:50 PM

    #1 CELERY hands down!

    #2 im not fuckin with any feet on my plate.. toes, nails, heels, cartilage..the thought of eating feet makes me barf. No liver for me either.

  119. Anonymous1:51 PM

    im on the HATE miracle whip bandwagon too.. i rather eat a dry ass sandwich and choke that have miracle whip

    and RELISH.. sweet relish
    i love pickles, love cucumbers but something abt sweet relish *GAG CITY*

  120. The list would be very, very long. I've been a vegetarian my entire life, and I'm about as picky an eater as a three year old. I do LOVE vegetables and eat a great many of those. Absolutely nothing with a slimy texture, though. Raw spinach yes, wilted, NO!

  121. @ Miranda - Well I think Mirandas are pretty icky!! Hrmph!

    I looooove olives! Especially the green ones. I can eat them right out of the jar and love them in salads. I used to despise cilantro but I adore Indian food so got used to it slowly. I don't like a ton of it in my food but can handle some as a garnish or a reasonable amount of ingredient.

    I won't organ meats. On Top Chef they are always raving about sweetbreads - UGH. I couldn't bring myself to try one. Stuff like chicken legs and pig's feet aren't anything I could eat. My b/f loves lamb but I don't care for it. It tastes... weird.

  122. I live part time in France, and gosh!! Do they like their meat raw. I will never ever eat meat raw or snails raw. Just wrong.

  123. Organs. No liver/pate, kidneys, heart, etc. Disgusting

  124. Meat! Peace train, wanna be vegan over here...;)

  125. Limbo, I meant "pescatarian" not "peace train" baahahaha. Stupid auto-correct.

  126. @supapimp and Spike Gomes I'm with you on balut. And pleasantly surprised to have read balut on this thread :)

  127. Black olivs, thy make me so so very sick, even the tiniest bit.

    I used to hate mustard and throw big fits about it but I tasted it on a burger a few months back and found I quite liked it, I am just a bit embarrassed to admit it now, haha.

  128. Raw people.

    ok,ok, before someone actually believes me, I OBVIOUSLY kidding.
    Though I don't eat cooked or raw people and a bunch of other crap, lol

  129. No animal flesh but I'm veg :) I never ate organ meats.

  130. Sauerkraut
    Avocado (texture is nasty)
    Black licorice

  131. Also cumin and turnip. Gross.

  132. I love cilantro!

    I HATE rootabagas with a white-hot, flaming passion. Most disgusting root vegetable on the face of the Earth. My mom would make us eat them growing up - no dessert until you eat your rootabagas. Holy shit, they're vile.

  133. Deviled eggs! Barf! I've never eaten one because I cannot get past the smell!

    Olives are a close second, waaaaay too salty.

  134. Liver! And green beans. Which is weird, because when I was a kid I had no problem with green beans.

  135. Funny the things other people hate though! I pretty much love all of them!

  136. I love food and will try pretty much anything but raisins disgust me. Barf.

  137. The two grossest foods I have ever tried -- head cheese (it's not cheese! Don't fuck with my head -- or whoever a head it is made out of - like that)

    And jellied eel. That shit stayed in my mouth for a nanosecond before hitting the sidewalk in front of me. There are many things that are good to do with eel, but the British manage to find the absolute worst way to prepare it.

  138. Seafood of any kind. I'm allergic.
    Veal and lamb. I don't eat baby things.
    Okra and turnips (not the greens; I love them). They're icky.

  139. Anonymous5:22 PM

    So many things. Cauliflower. Collard greens. Eggs, except for deviled or crumbled on a salad. Coffee, though I like coffee ice cream. Cooked carrots...raw are fine. Oysters. Pigs' feet. Cooked spinach...again, raw is fine.

    I do love liver though. And especially fried chicken livers.

  140. Liver...any organ meats really:(

  141. I don't eat meat, and hate raw or lightly cooked onions and bell peppers. Love pungent,fermented foods. The tiny silver fish that come on the side with Korean food are terrifying.

  142. Not a fan of capsicum, celery, oysters, salmon, any raw meat, mangos or melons (except watermelon).

    My husband won't eat duck cos he reckons it is too much like a pet. He will eat chicken. The weird part is that he used to have a chicken for a pet... Confuses me every time.

  143. Mayonnaise! I hate it so much I can't even spell it right.

  144. Meat. I haven't touched meat for 30 years. And sushi. When I started eating fish a couple of years ago I totally pigged out on sushi, now I can't even stand the smell of it. Smells like the seal enclosure at the zoo.

  145. I hadn't heard of head cheese. I had to look it up; jellied pigs head no I don't eat that either or black sausage.

  146. Beef tongue, beets, and I can't stand liver, the smell makes me gag. When I was a teenage I worked in a hog processing plant, since then I hate liver..but still love bacon.

  147. Head cheese is disgusting! My grandma used to make it and I was forced to eat my plate of it! YUCK!

    As for other foods, I'm a firm believer (other than the head cheese....although if it's made by a chef perhaps I'll try it again) that if you train yourself to like the food you will.

    For years I hated olives and cilantro and I continued to eat them until I got used to the taste and eventually liked the flavours. It's acquired I suppose. I won't eat any brains, heart or feet of any animal!!

  148. My mom says cilantro tastes like Dawn dish detergent but I really like it! I won't eat:
    Raw tomatoes, organ meats, asparagus, sashimi, grapes and cantaloupe.

    I LOVE olives!!!! Kimchi is good too. I had it on pizza once and it was delicious.

  149. Scallops & olives (texture thing), lamb, hazelnuts and white chocolate because they all taste spoiled to me, foie gras & oysters because they're disgusting. Duck, goose and any game bird. Any fur bearing game animal. Offal except for chicharrones.

  150. Coconut and meat.

  151. Scallops & olives (texture thing), lamb, hazelnuts and white chocolate because they all taste spoiled to me, foie gras & oysters because they're disgusting. Duck, goose and any game bird. Any fur bearing game animal. Offal except for chicharrones.

  152. Liver I hate the way it smells and it tastes horrible. UGH

  153. Raw onion cannot stand it.

  154. Raw onion cannot stand it.

  155. Funny, I too did not like cilantro and have now grown to love it. I won't eat meat and HATE Bacon. Cannot abide lamb or gamey meats. Ugh. Don't eat foul but have been known to nibble on chicken skin. Mainly a pescatarian. And I just made some awesome smoked olives.

    Hands down dislikes :#1lima beans. #2 lemongrass. It tastes like Lemon Pledge dust spray to me.

    And I adore cheeses especially a good bleu and almost every kind of vegetable and actually crave greens.

  156. No baby animals, no organs. I do admit to eating hash with my SC BBQ.

    I will not eat Spam, anchovies, sardines, Fig Newtons, Moon Pies. I've never really been a fan of candy, unless it's chocolate. I hate black licorice or anything tart like Sweet Tarts or Sour Gummies. Blech.

    If cooked the right way, I will pretty much eat and love all veggies with the exception of beets or turnips.

    That is really interesting about the gene w/ the cilantro hate. It is definitely something you either love or hate. My husband hates it and I LOVE IT.

    @jax - Jimmy Fallon hates mayo b/c he thinks it looks like puss, which is a nice visual along with your eggnog cum shot. BLECH!!! :-P

  157. *Veal (boycott)
    *Any fast food but In & Out and Pollo Loco
    *Peas & green beans, unless I grow & pick them myself and eat them immediately
    *Sea urchin (HATE the texture)
    *Nuts or raisins in baked goods (land mines)
    *Marshmallows, including Peeps
    *Candy corn
    *Eggplant (allergic)
    *Milk (intolerance)

  158. Yay, someone else said candycorn! I hate burnt food.

  159. Yay, someone else said candycorn! I hate burnt food.
