Friday, January 25, 2013

Ashton Kutcher Is Steve Jobs


  1. Is it too late to break all 10 of the scriptwriter's typing fingers? I've never seen such self-conscious dialogue outside of an Aaron Sorkin project.

  2. I see only see Ashton, not Jobs.

  3. I think he *looks* a lot like Steve Jobs, but as soon as he opens his mouth, all I hear is Kelso.

  4. I adore Steve Jobs, Ashton not so much. I think the voice is throwing me, but if you have watched any of the old interviews that Jobs did in the late 80s, the dialog doesn't seem too far fetched to me...he was always talking about his place in history and what he was bringing to the world.

  5. Of COURSE Ashton would be all over this role. I think he probably thinks he and Jobs have a lot in common, being tech GIANTS and all. /eyeroll

  6. Ashton Kutchner, as a malignant narcissist with a robust substance abuse history. That'll be a stretch!

  7. Yeah still sounds like Kelso.

  8. He was really good in the Butterfly Effect. I will give him a chance in this role.

  9. His physicality is akin to a performer in Planet of The Apes. He should stick to camera commercials.

  10. I won't pay to see it. But if it pops up on the tube someday, I'll give it a chance.

  11. I don't watch anything with him in by choice. So unless I'm tied up in a room with a bootleg copy of this
    "Kelso Gets a Job" thing I won't see it or him thankfully.

  12. Ashton Kutcher is also an asshole, but don't let that distract you.

  13. Hmph. I can almost smell the anticipation through the TCP packets....

    Look, whatever Jobs was, that hagiography of tech epiphany, even by Hollywood standards, is not correct. If someone deserves that kind of lionization, it's Bob Noyce, not Jobs. And I'm talking as someone who saw early '80x86 chip layouts on the wall. Jobs didn't even know what an "operating system" was at that time. (Gates, sad to say, actually did, which just makes the ongoing crime against humanity of an OS that he inflicted upon civilization even worse.)

    For the last time, I'm telling you: Steve Jobs was not a tech genius. I've read Strindberg and Boleslavsky, and also learned to code out of Kernighan & Ritchie. I studied with...well, ain't gonna say. I've also actually worked with old school SRI guys. I mean, I get it, you think your iPhones are so ooh-wee cool. Which iOS is, except that it's not an open OS, which should really bother prating, poser auteurs...but I digress.

    The average industry scriptwriter could not pour piss out of a boot. I can quote Scorsese shot-frame for shot-frame, and I've coded in Ada and Lisp. Those schmucks could electrocute themselves with a AAA battery on an Easter Sunday.

    Nice set dressing with the Pinto though.

    1. @B Profane, I love this entire post. I am sure you have seen the documentary series from the 90s chronicling the rise of the PC. There were interviews in there with all the players and this was before the second coming of Jobs and Apple. Steve Jobs came across as a bully and a bitter egomaniac. So while I say I adore him above, it is more from an appreciation of how he was able to package the hype and 'rise from the ashes'. I would not have ever wanted to work for or with him.

    2. Wow, what an excellent post. (You sound a lot like my dad, an old school programmer). I want to research your comments now to learn more.

  14. I was half expecting Berta to walk by with a load of laundry and Alan to pop up with a fart joke. Oh wait, that wasn't a promo for next week's episode of Two and a Half Men? Sorry....

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Cameron Crowe was dead right. Ashton needs acting lessons.

  17. An egotistical asshole whose only concern is for himself and his place in the world? I think it's perfect for Ashton.

  18. B. Profane:

    Do you have a beard and suspenders?

    1. Spike, Yale Graduate school, if I recall correctly.

  19. Anonymous12:47 PM

    he will always be dumb kelso

  20. Ho boy. That was BAAAAAD, and not in a good way. :(

  21. Ashton Kutcher's future biography: "Killing Kelso".

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Anonymous9:18 AM

    This movie is happening now because i phones and ipods are very successful, wait until the next big company/tech gadget and then there will be another big ego worshipping movie about what a huge innovator the dead founder was. Snore.
