Friday, January 25, 2013

Nicole Sullivan Says Celebrity Moms Lie About Baby Weight

Nicole Sullivan is on Cougar Town and I used to love her on King Of Queens and Mad TV. She is currently doing promo work for Jenny Craig. As part of it she says that celebrity baby mamas are lying about how they take off their pregnancy weight and do it to make everyone else feel like idiots or that the celebrity is perfect and other women are not. "I would flip through celeb magazines… and I just couldn't get how these moms like Jessica Alba lost so much weight so quickly - and yet I couldn't.  They all lie and say, 'Oh, I lost the weight running after the kids or breastfeeding.' It's not true."

You don't usually see someone going after the game like that so it is refreshing to see. You get the feeling that everyone on Cougar Town is perfectly willing to speak their mind on any subject you ask them.


  1. I think most of us knew that line was BS. Still, it's good to hear one of their own ratting them out.

  2. You mean to tell me these mommies are sucking the fat out with a visit to the plastic surgeon? *gasp*

    She was great on King of Queens! I still watch it whenever it's on.

  3. My fave is when they do the c-section and tummy tuck simultaneously

    1. Known as a 'mend it like Beckham'

  4. Well NO DUH!

    And the breastfeeding bit....didn't happen for me. Gained weight breastfeeding. My doctor said that when breastfeeding your hormones think you are still pregnant, or something like that.. I may have got the jist wrong, but BF does not help in losing the pounds, at least for me and my friends.

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      I just read your BF comment as your boyfriend opposed to breastfeed lololol

    2. Oh, I LOVE Nicole!

      @VIPBLONDE I do love the c and tuck also, and a little boobie lift after the breast feeding. But what gets my panties all in a bunch is.......drumroll please....THT FAKERS! The "Oh yes, incubated this baby, in MY body. I don'tceven know what the word surrogate means'' *wink wink*.

      I have no problem with surrogates, just admit it! It is really okay. Thes miracle of birth is still an awesome thing. And those newborn little angels are worth it

    3. Glad to know I'm not the only one, Ic. Thought there was something wrong with me for gaining while breast feeding! My doc made me feel that way, too.

    4. I'm breastfeeding and still holding onto last ten pounds.

  5. What is happening with Nicole's hair there? She looks awful and usually she's pretty.

  6. how does she know. i was in my skinny jeans 6 weeks after my first baby. lots of women have an easy time. if you struggled with weight before, chances are you will struggle w/ it after baby.

    1. It just varies from person to person. I was overweight most of my life and only gained 22 pounds while I was pregnant. Ten days after giving birth I had lost 40 pounds. I did not breastfeed. I did eat more balanced during my pregnancy and after I gave birth to help my body recover and I credit that for the great weight loss. My mom was with me and knew how important it was to eat and made sure I did that as well as napped when the baby napped. I think many new moms struggle with healthy eating and sleeping when they have a newborn. Just the lack of sleep alone increases bad hormones that encourages fat retention so it's a bad combo. I'm sure some of these celebrity moms aren't struggling with food or sleep due to nannies and can get back in shape faster.

  7. Anonymous9:31 AM

    That's why I give the duffster props for earning her skinny back!!

  8. And don't forget that most celebs seem to have the baby c-sectioned 4-5 weeks early, where normally most mums put on a little more weight then.
    Whatever else anyone says about Jessica simpson, I don't doubt that her child was full term when she gave birth!
    Risking kids to save your figure!

  9. Refreshing attitude. OT,but also a refreshing point of view:

    1. Love her. I think a lot of people on the outside don't often think about how it is just a job. Like how everyone expects and wants on screen best friends and siblings to be BFFs in real life. They're co-workers that you spend a few months with, maybe a couple of years on TV. Sure, sometimes you can become really close in a short period of time, but how often can you really make that connection that quickly? Of course the stars have to play that up to please the crowd at interviews and the such.

  10. Amen hag - you gotta earn that skinny back!

  11. Exactly but people will still believe that bull. "Oh i just did a little yoga. Uh huh.

  12. Bf worked for me. Lost baby weight 1 week after my daughter and 2 weeks after my son. My stomach was still jiggly but baby weight is not hard to lose for everyone. My second pregnancy ended when I had a stillborn and it took awhile to lose the weight since I obviously couldn't breastfeed and I had other issues to deal with.

  13. Sometimes it is true though, especially if you are young and thin when you get pregnant. I gained 60 lbs with my first and it just freaking magically disappeared, no joke. Not so much with the last one when I was 12 years older and had some extra lbs to start with.

    Good for her though, I think it's refreshing for someone to admit they are working for their body!

  14. I lost 50lbs in 6 weeks from breastfeeding. Honestly, it couldn't have been from anything else because I was in too much pain to even stand, let alone walk, for that time (infected stitches, yum). Everyone's body handles it differently.

  15. Love her and agree with her. For some its a cinch, for others brutal. Kate hudson was very upfront about how much she gained snd worked her ass off to take it off. And she appeared in public and on red carpets while she was still big. I always admired her for that. Go nic, love ya!!

  16. Hate mommy wars. Jessica Alba was pretty honest that she lost the weight through strict diet and exercise. Also she didn't gain a bunch of weight while pregnant in the first place so it was easier to lose it. There are non celeb moms who are genetically blessed and can walk out the hospital in their pre pregnancy jeans while others have a harder time. Pregnant women need to stop comparing themselves to others who are different ages, body types, diets and physical fitness levels. Just figure out what is right for you if you want to lose weight and enjoy your baby.

    1. YES! I lost mine from the first in 3 weeks and the second I could still fit in my normal (low rise) jeans until two weeks before I delivered. Lost that weight in 2 weeks. No breast beeding either. And I'm a low-30s woman from OK. I also have friends who have been similar. It's all about genetics, how you carry, etc.

  17. Every woman is different. With my first child I only gained 25 pounds and lost those pounds fairly quick (less than a month. My second child I gained about 50 pounds and it took me about 6 months to lose the weight. My cousin was wearing her normal clothes after two weeks of giving birth. Also sometimes it does have to do with your age. A very young mother may lose the weight at more of a rapid pace, while a mother who is older may have a tougher time losing it. That's also in everyday life outside of pregnancy. The older you get the harder it is to lose the weight, mostly because you are less active than you were when you were younger. So even though some celebs may lie, there are some that the weight just falls right off. Stop hating Nicole.

  18. Kate Hudson was honest about her weight loss. She probably didn't gain much and worked out for 6 hours a day. I am still trying to lose weight and I just started working out twice a day.

  19. I lost all of the weight within 8 weeks(if that) because I was pretty small to begin with but I breastfed and ate really healthy (no exercise...had no energy for it) but my body just reacted that way. I was very young too (22) that makes a big difference as well. Everyone is different so it's unfair to say that ALL celebs are lying about their weight loss. However, I am sure the majority do fib about their weight loss tactics and probably do crash/fad diets BUT there are some people who can lose it naturally. Trust you get older though, that weight will not come off as easily!! :(

  20. The only thing I'm taking away from this post is that Ent has some friends with loose lips over there at Cougar Town!

  21. One of the celebrity mothers that bugged me the most was Gisele Bundchen. She said that childbirth hadn't hurt a bit. I mean, is she really doing anyone a favour by lying about it? Natural childbirth without anaesthetic and it didn't hurt a bit - yeah, sure.

    It's not very supportive of other women to be so smug, either. It's better to tell the truth. After that, I wouldn't believe a word that comes out of Gisele's mouth.

  22. I was 28 when I had twins. Gained 40 pounds and was back to my normal weight in 2 weeks. My weight was all baby. However, what was left was distributed a bit differently...full hips and a really flabby tummy. Second pregnancy was the same thing, but gained 30 pounds for a single birth. And the curves were redistributed again. And tummy still flabby. I really hate to see the bikini shots with no stretch marks and no hint of sag.

    1. I know right! I am almost my old clothes size but that's not all there is to it. Things have moved around. Stuff has turned mushy in places. If only us normals could get a little tune up. Ha ha

  23. Another thing that bugged me about Gisele. There are women all over the world who give birth with NO anaesthetic, not to mention no doctor, and often have to get up in a few days and go back to work. That is heroic, so effing get over yourself (Gisele).

  24. Bill Lawrence is the creator of Scrubs and Cougar Town and I remember on one of the Scrubs dvds that it was said that they had a "No Asshole" policy on set. I assume that it was before Zach Braff became one.

    Anyway, I get the impression that a lot of the Cougar Town folks are more down-to-earth than some other Hollywood crazies.

  25. I think age has a lot to do with how easy it is to take the weight off afterwards also. I was 36 when I had my little one almost a year ago, and my belly is STILL a mess and I was only able to breastfeed a limited amount (and only for about 5 months) due to my previous breast reduction. I'm still carrying around 15 pounds because I'm too damn tired to work out, I don't have a nanny, and my metabolism isn't what it was when I was in my 20s. So those of you claiming to have snapped right back a couple of weeks later? Good for you. But it doesn't work like that for everyone.

  26. Ask anyone on CougarTown anything?
    What happened to Courtney's face?!

    1. @B626, Bahahahaha!!!!! Aging gracefully she is not. Those horrible lips are all I see.

  27. @tuxedo down with the Giselle hate. I think because her income is based on an image of perfection, she thinks she has to be better than everyone, and somehow in her twisted thinking experiencing pain or receiving help is imperfection. its ludicrous but probably a result of the mommy wars thing. " I gained no weight, used all organic.products and felt no pain coz I'm an earth mother"

  28. So how DO they do it?

    I do know a couple of women, just normal women, who were very thin before their pregnancies, carried their babies like little basketballs, gave birth and were immediately tiny again. For some women it actually does work that way.

    They always seem to be the women who are not only thin, but small breasted as well. Those of us who are well-endowed in the tatas never seem to have it so easy.

  29. Word, @figgy. Word.
    I have a large bust and my belly will never be the same after two kids. It is a sad belly.

  30. Don't feel bad @Renoblondee. I have that sad belly and I've never even been pregnant! ;-P Oh the woes of having an apple shape. On the plus side, my ass and legs are pretty awesome. Just don't look at my flabby straight waist please.

  31. After I had my 3rd and last baby I lost the weight very quickly. It's called the "who the F*ck has time to eat diet.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. The real question is, HOW do they lose the weight that quick??

    1. That's what I'm wondering.........I'm guessing prescription drugs that they use to get skinny in the first place. Adderall, etc.

  34. I didn't gain while breastfeeding but I didn't lose much either (about 4 kgs, I think), because I felt I was STARVING all the time. Over here, they tell you to take your time losing the weight (generally one year to lose it all), especially when you're breastfeeding. Fat cells store toxins as well as fat, and that will get into your breast milk if you lose too much too soon.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Some women do lose the weight easily and good for them. Some celebrity mothers eat healthy, get with their trainers and lose it right away. We all know about the liars though who had the weight sucked out (CZJ reportedly) or used blow (Faith Hill according to several BI) and all the rest who pose on the cover of shape without their belly buttons.

  37. I love Cougar Town and am glad its back. Krista Miller, her husband Bill Lawrence, and Courtney are on Howard Stern a lot and they are great open guests. Busy Phillips replied to my tweet when I congratulated her appearance on the mortified sessions.

    Still have a huge crush on scrubs and am relieved to have cougar town still around

  38. I gained 8 pounds while pregnant and then lost almost 30 over the next year while breastfeeding. Everyone's different. I was at my heaviest due to bad eating habits when I got pregnant though, and all the 180 turn-around in healthy habits did a lot for me.

    And Tuxedo Cat: Gisele might not be lying. I had a home birth too, and it was quick and relatively pain-free. There was only about 20 - 30 minutes of hardcore pain, but the hormonal high was so huge after that I literally almost never remember that pain. I have to consciously remind myself of it. As for the pushing and actual delivery of my daughter? No pain at all, in fact, pushing was a relief

  39. I was one who lost the weight about 2-3 months after my first and ended up being slightly thinner somehow. Two years later with less weight gain, it took a lot longer to go away. Now it's more about my age and shape that just carries the weight differently. I'm healthy and I try to work out when I can, but I got a ton of other of other shit to do first. If I gotta sacrifice something in my day, working out is usually it.

  40. I also get irritated with Gisele. There is something about her that bothers me. She just always seems so smug and uppity. And I've never understood the attraction honestly. Eh just my opinion.

  41. That's right, figgy. Us apples do have some smokin legs and ass! If we can't have the abs, that's something at least. Lol

  42. @Livia

    I know what you're saying (forgetting the pain) but in her interview Gisele said 'no pain' at all. To mean - at any time. You mentioned labour pain, and Gisele said no pain at any time. I am sure glad that worked for you though, you must be a brave soul.

  43. Anonymous12:20 PM

    celebs always try to make you feel like crap. like they have supernatural powers and can go from a size 10 to a size 0 in no time.
    i had my baby 3 yrs ago and my body never returned to the way it was.

  44. I gave birth 7 weeks I've been gaining weight while breast feeding! My appetite is insane right now. However I never gained any weight during my pregnancy, I actually lost weight due to severe morning sickness, so it actually feels good to have the desire to eat again!

  45. My third and final "baby" turns three in a couple of months, and I still have 25 lbs to lose. This gives me a sad. And I do really want to smack the smug off of Giselle's face.

  46. My metabolism came to a grinding halt with the birth of my daughter. I used to eat whatever i wanted and stayed super thin with little to no exercise. I gained 47 lbs in pregnancy and took it off 12 years later in 5 monrhs by pretty much starving myself and exercising daily during a tough time in my life.

  47. I gained 50 with my first and lost 65 with lots of walking and not a whole lot of eating. Gained 40 with my second and 3.5 yrs later still wanting to get that last 5-8. But I found having one kid to be fairly easy and two to be unbelievably tiring.

  48. And (my phone is giving me issues with posting) I love hearing all of your stories. I don't often post comments but I love to read them all. You ladies are awesome!!!

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. I will probably explode if I ever get preggers, karma man. My mom gained almost 90lbs when she was pregnant with me. Poor lady went from 120lbs to 210lbs in 9months.

  51. I was fat before I got pregnant and after, so I don't anything else. I was a lot healthier pregnant though and didn't gain extra weight. I'm with the poster who said everyone is different. That's true and so is every pregnancy.

    I had a fast labor, and I was told that never happens with a first pregnancy. I literally saw my kid's head before the doctor came back into the room.

    I'm with VIP Blond. I think all these c-sections are due to tummy tucks right after. I also think there are a lot of surrogacies we don't hear about or are covered up.

  52. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I think this is awesome of her to say. We all knew it though I think. But it's still nice to hear. Good for her. I always loved her on Mad tv, and I'm so glad that she's successfully transitioned to regular work. I want to hear more from her.

  53. Not just the celebrity moms but celebs in general. They will say they do yoga and walk the dog to stay slim but they really work out 20 hours a week.

  54. good for her, we need more of this.

  55. I add that its also good for celebrities like Kate Hudson that have admitted to starving themselves and working out like crazy.
    At least they dont give false impressions (the breastfeeding BS is too much :P)

    One of my favourite incidents is when Adriana Lima admitted to starving literally for a week before the VS show. It brought a lot of backlash to VS and their "natural, curvy, next door girl image" they want to project, and they made her backtrack :P
