Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Officially Says See Ya To Shawn Holley

Next Wednesday Lindsay Lohan has to appear in court. Not by her side will be Shawn Holley after Shawn was officially dumped by Lindsay. Because her NY lawyer is not licensed to practice in California he had to get a sponsor. Instead of going with someone who could be effective, the guy got Lindsay Berger Sacks who spends most of her time dining out with her friends and then talking about it at her dinner club. Oh, and she has not practiced law in almost 20 years. Another great choice Lindsay. Holy f**k. Just when you think Lindsay could not do anything more stupid than what she did last, she really finds a way to top herself. Next week's hearing is going to be must see tv even if it only lasts a few minutes.


  1. just put her in a cell and throw away the key already.

  2. The addendum to this is that Lohan BEGGED Holley to come back, and Holley said "SEE YA!" and is filing papers to be removed from the case before the 30th. This is gonna get gooooooooooood...

  3. Lest we forget she owes $300K in legal fees to Holley.

  4. So excited for next Wednesday!!! I think her new legal strategy should be to sing "Confessions of a Broken Heart" in open court

    1. @VIP - ha ha! Great visual there. Can you imagine?

    2. Remember that show Cop Rock? Didn't they break into musical numbers right in the jury box and stuff? That's the kind of visual I'm picturing over here.

    3. OMG Fru, just when I couldn't love you any more...

  5. Amber, I love it!!!

    I especially love this super flattering pic of LiLo. The poofiness of her cheeks. The awkward girafe legs. Where does Enty find all the gems?

    BTW - another faker going down!!! Devilish Dia is just beside herself.

    1. @dia- Looks like we're thinking the same lol.

  6. Yup, I've got the popcorn out for this too. Can't wait to see this moron locked up and out of our lives for a while.

  7. She's going down (on her new prison Mama).
    Wtf is happening in that pic? Looks like she's about to break her face.

  8. This picture is just too funny! Was she shooting a scene or was this just her falling because she is so unstable?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This is probably the best thing that has happened to her. Hopefully she will now be put in jail and will dry out a bit. I doubt it will humble her, though.

  11. (Wasn't 'Father to Daughter' what kept her so real & good at acting* a scene in which she got yelled at & knocked down?)


  12. Enty, I just appreciate you continuing to use this pictures in your Lilo rotation. There are a few classics - I'm thinking of the recent one where her right eye was at half staff - that are simply go-tos for any Lilo story.

  13. This may just about be the only person who actually said  NO to Lindsay in years. Bravo Shawn.

  14. Gross. She's barely a step up from Octomom. And now, I retire from commenting on Firecrotch posts, because thinking about this meritless bitch is doing my head in.

  15. If I get some free time, I may make a youtube video of all the best Lohan pictures. Too bad Prince won't let anyone post his music on YT, because "Baby I'm A Star" would be perfect.

    1. @ Amber - maybe if you email him with your brilliant idea, he'll grand you a waiver!!

    2. Amber I think Darling Nikki would be more appropriate ;)

  16. If she gets locked up, she gonna spend the whole time in the infirmary w/ withdrawals from booze, smokes, coke, pills, etc, etc.

  17. I'm still sad she won't be on Dancing with the Stars, even for just the one week she would have lasted.

  18. I love this pic so much

  19. If you photoshop out that thing she's tripping over, doesn't she look like that "I'm 50" lady from SNL? Wasn't that Molly Shannon--'I can bend, and stretch'--and always seemed totally wasted?

    1. libby, do yourself a favor and google up some of those Molly Shannon clips - I'm dying over here, because I can't think of the character's name - but anyway, you'll be rolling around laughing your ass off. Oh my good God, they're funny!

    2. Sally O'Malley! :)

  20. The pic looks as if Lindsey has a really bad case of the Charlestons.

    Finally a lawyer who is less than vigilant! This is just what Lindsey needs, to slow her down, and finally maybe get some help.

  21. I hope she gets shanked in a prison riot.

  22. "bad case of the Charlestons"

    I am cracking up. Tuxedo Cat, that is brilliant.

  23. I don't know that jail will help her. Look at Cameron Douglas - he's still using in prison.

  24. So her new CA sponsor lawyer became a lawyer in 1994 and by 1996 was already inactive. Smart Lindsay real smart. Shawn Holley must be loving this.

  25. You know - that girl never had a chance with the parents she had and what I believe is irrefutable evidence of severe mental illness. I want to see her thrown in jail for the simple reason that nothing else will get through to her but knowing that most likely she'll use the time to hone her skills at being a criminal. I don't understand being glad or happy to see someone self destruct in this way. It's unseemly, even if she deserves what's about to land on top of her.

  26. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Hahahahhahaha @ Tuxedo Cat. Love it.

  27. This has to be about money, my best friend is a criminal lawyer and she says getting drugs in prison is easy....

  28. If there was justice, Michael and Dina would be the ones thrown in jail for child abuse. They used Lindsay (and now, presumably Ali) to line their pockets and give them a lifestyle they wanted without earning it.

    These children have no stable foundation on which to build their lives. As a result, they are unable to resist these temptations, unable to take responsibility and unable to correct their course.

    Lindsay needs to go to jail. She needs psychiatric help. She needs to remove herself from the users and parasites in her life. That being said, she's gone to jail and received psychiatric help neither of which made any difference. I keep hoping she'll have a Robert Downey Jr. moment, but so far, it hasn't come.

    The best thing that could happen right now, is that nobody in the entertainment/fashion business employs her, nobody takes her picture for the gossip rags, nobody gives her money, nobody pays her way out of trouble. That won't happen while she is still breathing and can make someone money. They will pick her bones clean and then on to the next.

  29. This is pretty bad. She needs prison. A long prison sentence. And she needs that same deal that one celeb rehab chick had where the judge said," obviously you are not able to live infront of a camera so if you do any media, you're going to be violating your parole."

    She needs to be forced to spend a couple years sober and out of trouble. Insane.

  30. @Maximus I agree, however, a good lawyer might argue that the judge was deny her the ability to make a living. I can't think of anything else Lindsay could do. Well, she apparently did well with that morgue thing...

  31. @libby: "I'm 50! I like to kick... and stretch... and KICK! I'M 50!"

  32. OT - Kim Basinger looks beautiful in the DM today. She's 59. Her neck looks 59, but maybe that's an indication she has been to the plastic surgeon too often.

  33. Dammit! Now I need to watch those videos!

    Thanks Frufra and Libby and Em! Every minute spent laughing is a good minute.

    Putting on my rolling around on the floor laughing pants so I dont chafe my bum! Thanks for the heads up Fru ;)

  34. The over-forty brain at work: just remembered - it's Sally O'Malley - she likes to kick, stretch, and kick!

  35. Snorted coffee out of my nose @ "bad case of te charlestons"

  36. my apologies to those who feel sorry for her, but i do not.

    she's an adult. i know many people with shitty parents who are not liars, always blaming their problems on somebody else. they are not thieves and cheaters either. they don't refuse to learn from their mistakes. they don't become whores for money. they don't spend money they don't have on shit they don't need.

    come on now. you just can't blame everything that's wrong with her on mom and dad. at some point, she has to be the one responsible.

  37. You have to youtube the Sally O'Malley skit where she is working at the Bada Bing from the Soprano's
    it is comedy GOLD!! She is wearing her super sexy Desert Rose outfit!!! Hilarious!!!

  38. When this new lawyer gets her put in jail or something else Lindsay doesn't like, then she'll sue the new lawyer for legal malpractice. Another cash flow problem solved!

  39. I've had Sally O'Malley on the brain since Jodie Foster referenced her on the Golden Globes! A classic!

    Poor Shawn, now she'll have Lindsay stalking her and blaming her for the inevitable failure of these lawyers. Because the lawyers fault of she goes down, not hers for breaking the law!

  40. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Do not pass go, do not collect $200

  41. Tuxedo Cat ftw.

    I wonder if Lilo will continue to be a hot train wreck for us to wonder at for the next twenty years. I wonder if Robert Downey Jr. ever looks at her and thinks, "You stupid moron."

    1. I second that, RQ -- Tuxedo Cat wins - you are splitting our sides, TC!

  42. Rocket Queen: I'm guessing that, since he's Been There and Done That, RDJ would be more compassionate than that...but I wouldn't be surprised if there's some head-shaking and loud sighing going on. Getting clean and sober is always a bitch, but for it to have any chance of success the person in question has to want to clean up and be willing to admit that yes, they do have a problem; he was willing and able to do both, but Lilo? Not so much...

    I don't wish her dead, and I'd be very happy for her if she finally got her shit together, but right now I don't see it happening, and what I mainly want is for her to just go away and stay out of the news for a while. *sigh*

  43. Look at her face. Look at her f*cking FACE! She looks like a cracky hamster storing crack rocks for the winter.

    I can't wait for her to go to prison.

    I will make myself a Lindsay Lohan cocktail to celebrate (redheaded slut shot with a splash of Coke)

  44. Holly will take lilo back but only when she gets paid and only after making her suffer. The question is could karma finally dish linds a big platter of "just desserts"

  45. She refuses to accept responsibility for her actions. She could get out of her issues by just going into full rehab but she won't do it. She refuses to do something good for herself because so far no one is willing to really punish her. She is surrounded by people who tell her what she wants to hear. If Lawanda Watkins did everything Lindsay did she would be serving 10-15 years.

  46. Another site says Holley fired Lindsay...and that she was dumped by the guy from The Wanted...also that she was dealing to him...

  47. I'm with nanners & Unknown. Throw this trick in the clink. The epitome of entitlement & self-indulgence. If she were the average Joe/Jane or Lawanda/LeRoy, she'd have been in year 8 of her sentence.

  48. @Fru - They did the same thing in that Dancer In The Dark movie starring Bjork. In her imagination everyone just burst into a Busby-Berkeley song and dance number in the courtroom. Lindsay will so out of it she'll jump up on the table to try to dance.

    1. @JBE - well, I've never heard of this Bjork movie, but it sounds like gold! Anytime folks burst into song, movie magic is made!

      Hey, kids, let's put on a show!!

  49. For those who asked, this picture is from the set of 'Liz & Dick.'

  50. (Which she filmed completely sober, of course.)

  51. I sometimes believe that all the work Lindsay did to her face isn't regular plastic surgery, but secret, kangaroo-style pouches, made for smuggling drugs into jail!

  52. Why oh why couldn't her court case be held on Tuesday instead of Wednesday? (insert obvious joke here)

  53. Ikr. Sunnie. I have court Wedneday and although it's against my douchebag ex, if rather watch Lindsay and mark heller make asses out of theselces
