Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Octomom Open To Making More Porn

Nadya Suleman has said she will not strip again after her Valentine's Day strip fest, but that does not mean she won't make another porno. After winning the best celebrity video at the AVN Awards, Octomom spoke to The Huffington Post and said she thought it was an amazing honor to win the award and that she hopes it will lead to more opportunities. Umm, yeah, in the porn industry. It is not like churches are going to be throwing cash your way to come speak. When asked if she would make another porno, Nadya said, "As of right now, no, but you never know." Translated that means, let me see how big the check is and then of course I will do it because I have no other way to make money and even though I will blow it all on crazy stuff for me, I can say it is going all to my kids and after it is all gone, I will get back on welfare until the next porn comes along or one of my 14 kids can support me. See, how much you can get out of one little sentence.


  1. dfajkl;juiotgjkwl;jgkfl;asjkl;agjl;gjafkjfdkla;uejuhygftrdejjjjjjjjjjjjefgtrfkgftr

    Just wiping the vomit off my keyboard.

  2. Enty I was throwing up all night (every 30 minutes for 12 hours). This is not what I needed to see this morning to feel better!!!!! Yuck.

    1. Goheels, yuk! Bad sushi? Flu? Feel better soon!

    2. I think it's some bug called norovirus. My sister's kids had it last week and we hung out this weekend. My mom, dad and I all got it. :(. I am starting to feel better though - its a short, but violent, bug. Thanks for asking :).

    3. Oh, no, goheels. That's the one going around like wildfire. Take care, and try to stay hydrated. Hope the sunrise welcomed a better 12 hours for you.

    4. Thanks Frufra. I think I am on the way to recovery, fortunately. Eating ice chips now. Next stage is ginger ale. Lol.

  3. So does she keep her porn trophies on the mantle?

  4. Do you think she'll get to make a film with James Deen too? He's kinda hot for a porn guy!

    What did Amy Poehler say at the GGs? No one ever plans to make porn... Hmmmm.

  5. Mmm James Deen, I had such a crush on him until he made that 'movie' with LL.

  6. That picture is hysterical. It has been filtered/softened within an inch of its life in an attempt to make her look even remotely not freakish. Gross. She makes me uncomfortable.

    1. I was thinking the same thing. So gross.

  7. Poor kids. Hope they can find their way in this world without derailing.

  8. @goheels - ahhhhhhhh! I had that a few years ago. I bet your body hurts really bad. Sorry :(

    1. YES entire body aches and my stomach and head kill. But I will take it over being as sick as I was last night!

  9. They had to use a Barbara Walters industrial-sized filter on the camera for her. Damn!

  10. If I were Nadya, I would cut this out and open an account on It can't be any worse than doing porn. Rich guys need love too.

    Get a T-shirt on, and send out a press release that you are ready to settle down. I'm being totally serious here.

  11. Yuck! I just lost my breakfast.

    @TuxedoCat, that's a really good idea. If rich dudes pay top dollar for Blohan, why not Octomom?

  12. No worries Ent, I didn't want to eat that banana anyways.

    Hey, whatever makes her some money to feed those kiddos so that I don't have to.

    Ethorne I sincerely hope she isn't receiving any trophies for her performances. That is almost as gross as the sounds of her diddling her skittle.
    Ew my body is going into convulsions just thinking about her porn lkdffkfkljflkjaklfj

  13. Tuxedo cat - that's a good idea! I'm sure there's a rich guy who would just LOVE the publicity he'd get by hooking up with this idiot.

  14. Tuxedo cat is on fire today!

  15. @RocketQueen

    There's so much gah-worthy material today!

  16. Filter nothing, they shot her through a gym sock.

    Someone please educate me: If she makes, say $20k at some strip club event (total wishful thinking for her, I'm sure) doesn't she have to report that as income and then get that much less aid? Why bother if it's a wash? Or is it extra income that she gets to keep and the State keeps paying her aid anyway?

  17. Ugh! There is no happy ending to the kids in this story.

  18. Anonymous2:55 PM

    its over for this broad
    please take her kids away

  19. @Mango, the presumption is that she would report it - and even if she did, there's about a 6-month backlog on the paperwork to reduce benefits unless there's an investigation (i.e., someone tells the caseworker, who initiates an investigation, files papers, home visits, determination, appeal, and on and on).

    I know someone who went to AVN (and won an award) this year (don't ask). You do get a trophy and it's not a disgusting one like you might think. He put his in a china cabinet in the entertainment room, right by a vase his mom gave him.

  20. @ prolixe - thank you for that. I wouldn't want the kids to suffer but I would report it because I honestly don't think she's capable of managing money appropriately. I also wonder if she is making these attempts at stripping and porn in the hopes that someone with a big pocketbook will take pity, swoop in and bail her out.

  21. I think every man should watch at least one of Nadja Suleman's pr0n videos for two reasons.

    One - For filing away a mental picture when you need to get un-excited very quickly.

    Two - For those times it's OK to be excited, except maybe you don't have any protection. Your lady probably won't get pregnant, but do you really wanna risk it?
