Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

I felt so bad about Busy Phillips being second yesterday that I gave her the top spot today.
Christian Bale is still recovering from his accident.
Claire Danes about to take it all off for Elle. Or putting it on.
Speaking of taking it off, I'm shocked that Courtney Stodden has been 18 and still has not posed naked for a magazine yet or started an adult website.
The cast of Django Unchained with Quentin in Paris.
Emily Blunt and John Krasinski arrive in new York.
Jenna Dewan starting to show a little baby bump.
Jane Seymour looking amazing.
Katie Holmes as the face of Bobbi Brown. Hey, it is a paycheck.
Kim Kardashian in Miami.
Mariah Carey in a bikini in Australia.


  1. Breathe out Mariah, quick!!

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM


  2. Mariah is so sucking it in...she looks like she's saying "take the damn picture already" thru her teeth

  3. Stodden looks terrible - not just her normal, skanky terrible, but sick/druggie terrible.

  4. I'm convinced! Jane Seymour drinks virgin blood. Or pays her plastic surgeon in it...

    Mimi for the blind? Get off off them pills girl! They the devil

  5. Kim's pants melted into the sunlight on the sidewalk when I first saw the picture. For a moment, I thought my wishes had come true and she was actually starting to disappear. I have never been more disappointed to realise the truth.

  6. Whoa, either Mimi was wearing extremely unflattering dresses for the Christmas tree lighting just last month, or like Jax said...

  7. Agree, her stomach does look tucked.

  8. Was that pic taken after Claire Danes had the baby? If so she looks terribly skinny so soon.

    Katie looks nice but they definitely photoshopped her arm, it looks odd.

    1. It was before I believe, if you look closely you can see her stomach hanging over the back of the couch. Just a well placed arm makes it look like a shadow.

  9. Busy is such a stupid name. I should rename myself Slow in protest.

    Christian Bale is so yum.

    How did bland Katie Holmes land a modeling job? Why aren't models doing these jobs?

    I take great delight in seeing Kim K's fat ass squeezed into white pants. Also, her sunglasses look ridiKulous.

  10. Awww, thanks Lotta. Now that's all I can see. Katie's weird looking arm.

  11. Wow, Katie looks beautiful. That interview with Mariah & Bwabwa Walters last night was the stuff diva dreams are made of. Classic!

  12. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Sucking it in for all shes worth with an obviously lipo'd tummy I might add. Katie's boring. Ugh with the Kim K/Beyonce/Leanne top knot/bun thing, it looks hideous, I wouldn't even wash my dog in that hairstyle. After it was sprayed by a skunk. Would never. Absolutely hideous.

  13. I recently watched the episode of B* in Apt 23 where Busy Phillips made an appearance. I have no idea who she is, but she was kind of b* to JvdB in that scene. Huh.

    Love Kerry Washington, hate that dress.

    Wow, Dr Quinn!

    Katie looks very pretty, except for the giant jumble of knotted necklaces. I hate when they cover necks and clavicles with jumbles - simple is so much better.

    KK: Do you see what I see? Well, with my amazing new sunglasses, courtesy of the paps, you can see my world!

  14. Shit, Mariah should just admit to the tummy tuck - she carried twins, for God's sake!

  15. Katie Holmes looks like the glamorous Kelly Garrett here. I love it!

    Strangers are constantly telling my husband he looks like Christian Bale. He pretends not to like it, but he has been known to call me when it happens. So far, I find it endearing but I'll keep you posted

  16. Holy camel toe, Courtney. And those boots, wtf? I notice she and Grandpa Husband aren't hanging all over each other.

  17. Mariah's belly button looks like a tummy tuck belly button.

    Also, that picture of Katie looks soooo photoshopped!! UGH.

  18. Mariah definitely had some procedure on her stomach. She looks good though. As long as it makes her feel confident and she doesn't look like a freak good for her.

    The guy behind Kim K looks like he's trying to hold in the barfs.

  19. God Jane Seymore is gorgeous!!! The woman is amazingly stunning. I want to be like her when I grow up.

  20. Busy is her childhood nickname that just stuck. Her real name is Elizabeth. The only reason I know this is because I IMDB'd her after thinking the same thing.

  21. Just watched Django Unchained last night and da-yum it was a good movie. Quentin is a kook but he sure knows how to make a great movie, and Christopher Waltz is the shit

  22. Busy!!!!! The only interesting person in the entire lineup!!!

  23. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Does anyone else wonder if more celebs do the faux baby bump and secretly have a surrogate? While Danes clearly has a disguised bump in the above photo, so many stars snap back into pre-baby shape seemingly overnight that it seems unnatural.

  24. The pictures on my phone are really small yet I can still see Courtney's camel toe.

  25. I'm embarrassed for a society where someone like Courtney Stodden feels they need to hang on to some slovenly excuse for a male in order to get in the spotlight. You see it all the time - beautiful women with utter slobs. Dog forbid if this happens vice-versa. People go OFF.

    Mariah's plastic surgeon is getting phone calls for appointments as I type.

  26. I love Busy! She's my favorite on "Cougar Town".

  27. I actually saw Courtney Stodden and Doug at my local Rite Aid last week. Was pretty weird, she was actually dressed like in the photos. Tight red dress, and lucite stripper heels, all while waiting for the next cashier.

    1. I couldn't imagine seeing her in real life, did she look really old?

    2. Please tell me that she fell down wearing those crazy heels...

    3. I saw her like two years ago when she first "came out" and she's super gross in person too

  28. @Mhdz

    Hey, I always dress for the drugstore, don't you?

  29. @curlyhairslacker She didn't look like a teenager, I'll tell you that. Definitely projects "used up". But even when she's just standing there perfectly still it's like she's posing. Was pretty mind-blowing.

  30. @Mhdz, it must have been weird seeing that human lizard in person.

    Kim K, go away!!!!

    Mariah and Jane Seymour look great. Obviously Mariah had a tummy tuck, good for her

  31. @Tuxedo Cat Hahahaha! Can't say that I do, my balance isn't good enough for stripper heels.

  32. @All About Eve: It was pretty surreal.

  33. Guess Kim got that stupid bun idea from beyonce

  34. @Della: Not while I was there.

  35. I think Katie looks pretty amazing here.

    Jane Seymore is stunning.

  36. I love Busy Phillips. Sent her a tweet about how much I loved her Mortified Session and she tweeted me back!

    HIghly recommend Mortified Sessions in general and hers specifically.

  37. i always thougth Ellie was Older than Dakota.

    I dont understand why mariah holding her breath. she has nice body.


  38. Katie looks nice here, but in real life she looks messy and haggard. Not sure if that's the image I'd want for my company.

    Mimi's belly button looks like its on a tummy tuck. Can't fault here. I had twins years ago and could still use one. If only she would admit it. No shame. Twins do a number on you.

  39. Katie looks gorgeous here. Jane Seymour too. I thought Mariah looked great, then I realized it probably was a tummy tuck. She still looks great and that's the first nice thing I've ever said about her.

  40. Why does the cast picture of Django Unchained look like an exhibit at Madame Tussauds wax museum?
    Mariah's picture is either photoshopped or she's sucking in. I haven't seen her that small since Vision of Love was released.

  41. I vote for photoshopped on Mariah. If not, then she should tan the rest of her body - not just her middle. Looks like a totally different person.

  42. I vote for photoshopped on Mariah. If not, then she should tan the rest of her body - not just her middle. Looks like a totally different person.

  43. I vote for photoshopped on Mariah. If not, then she should tan the rest of her body - not just her middle. Looks like a totally different person.

  44. I vote for photoshopped on Mariah. If not, then she should tan the rest of her body - not just her middle. Looks like a totally different person.

  45. I vote for photoshopped on Mariah. If not, then she should tan the rest of her body - not just her middle. Looks like a totally different person.

  46. "CamColty said...
    The pictures on my phone are really small yet I can still see Courtney's camel toe."

    I'm giggling out loud!

    I actually think Katie looks très chic in that photo. The arm is ridiculous, but her face is subtly gorgeous. I've decided to give her a break. She's a young woman, making the best of life, and I'd be FAR harsher on her if all she did was shop and spa. At least her daughter is growing up with a primary carer who doesn't teach that it's enough to live off somebody else's earnings.

    Although, damn. I reckon she earned it being married to Freakishly Tiny Tom. I've been reading John Sweeney's new exposè on the 'church' of Scientology (The Church of Fear) and, my God, that is one crazy, scary, paranoid bunch of bullies.

  47. Happy for Mariah!! She seems like a good mom too

  48. What is Janes secret? Good lord that woman is breathtaking!

  49. Hello, I am a new commenter here. I just want to say hi to everyone!

  50. Welcome, @Kat!
    My husband pointed out Courtney's camel toe. Then he googled her and I spent about an hour saying, 'Yes, she was 17 in that picture.' 'No, I'm not kidding'. 'Yes, that old guy is her husband'. 'Yes, the authorities knew about this.' Damn, that woman exhausted me.

  51. Does no one else think Jane Seymour looks like a booblehead?

  52. HA! I meant bobblehead!
