Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Elle Fanning towers over her older sister Dakota in Korea.
Evan Rachel Wood shooting her new movie.
Emma Stone at the premiere of Gangster Squad.
Ryan Gosling chose to take his mom instead of Eva Mendes.
Josh Brolin out of jail and on the arm of Sean Penn.
Giovanni Ribisi was there.
And Nick Nolte was there, but couldn't wait to get to bed.
Long time no see Danny Masterson.
Even Russell Brand was there.


  1. The Fannings look very pretty, but also like the creepy twins from The Shining.

    Ryan Gosling looks like an idiot hipster.

    I don't find Emma Stone attractive at all. She and Danny Masterson both look like they could use a good night's sleep.

    Brolin and Penn look like the date rape duo.

    I like Giovanni Ribisi.

  2. Apparently Ryan's mom is wearing Eva Mendes' clothes in that pic.

    Giovanni Ribisi cleans up nice. He's so underrated.

  3. Oh Emma. What happened?!

  4. Anonymous12:22 PM

    One Brolin and Penn, double douche sandwich! Look at how sunburnt penn is. Two: Nolte wearing p.j's and a bathrobe? Priceless. Working my way up here... Elle Fanning needs to look on hiding her sister envy and work more on that fake movie star, "I'm sooooo happy, rich and famous weee! " smile. I'm glad that Jamie Bell and Evan Rachel Wood got married, they look well matched, and I'm glad to see that she's put on some love weight. She doesn't look so hungry and bitchy. Emma Stone: I always think of Jim Carry now for his loverant to her, but I do hope that she stops losing weight, she looks like she could live on my dashboard being a bobblehead. She's so cute, humble and pretty, she's my favorite of all the actresses out there right now, welll maybe a toss up between her and Allison Hannigan. They're both real seeming, self effacing, humble, normal, and seem like decent, kind people. All the rest of em, couldn't care less.

  5. Wow, Emma Stone looks very different. I loved her in Crazy Stupid Love, this look is rather artificial, almost Barbie-ish.

    I adore Ryan G, but that suit and shoes, not so much. His mom's coat is fun!

    Giovanni gives me the creeps, don't know why.

    Aw, Nick Nolte! He looks like Santa Claus! :(

  6. Emma- EAT SOMETHING! Dayum.

    1. No sh!t! What's the deal? She used to look healthy.

  7. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Oh one more thing, glad to see Russell Brand back to his usual happy jubilant self after the Perry Tornado, who'd half thought she'd be hanging out with John " David Duke" Mayer for so long? I think Russell was the sane one in that relationship.

  8. Russell Brand looks great!

  9. Don't know what's up with his blazer/pants combo, but I so would with Danny Masterson. I just can't help it - he's cool! (In my little dream scenario, he's not lifelong CO$, either - it's my fantasy!)

  10. So, Gosling for the dude shagging his co-star with momma in the other room?

  11. Nick Nolte effortlessly bringing the crazy! GOD BLESS HIM!

  12. We all just assume Penn stinks, right?

  13. Evan Rachel Wood looks preggo...

  14. Evan Rachel Wood looks preggo...

  15. That's quite a row of skeezy men for different reasons. Yuck.
    I like Emma's gown.

  16. On another site you can see a litle stain on Nolte's bath robe.

  17. I love Emma Stone, but my first thought when I saw that picture is that her necklace weighs more than she does.

  18. I hate that shade of blonde on Emma, completely washes her out. She should go strawberry or golden blonde.

    Ryan's suit resembles a baby's diaper after Indian food. I'm sorry, I know he loves his mom, but having Eva as his errand girl while he goes out with his mom, really? Ryan, your Scorpio tendencies are showing. Eva, he's not marrying you, move on.

  19. I think Ryan and Eva are over....

  20. I am so disappointed in Emma Stone's evolution in Hollywood- loved her before, can't even stand to look at her now, let alone watch one of her movies.

  21. Ryan! Stop fighting the hot with those goofy threads. That poopoo shade of brown is making me nervous!

    I was just thinking how pretty Evan Rachel Wood is here, and how much she reminds me of Abbie Cornish. Can one of you super sleuths remind me of a blind recently about the next up and coming actress and she just seemed to disappear. Could it be Abbie?

  22. SCRATCH THE ABBIE THING! She's got tons of stuff in preproduction

  23. I don't think that Nolte is wearing a robe or jammies. I just think he's got a coat over his clothes and didn't take a better look at how he looked..Prolly drunk.

    Lovin' Emma's outfit.

    Elle Fanning looks very sad. Wasn't there a possible blind about her conflicted sexuality?

    Giovanni Ribisi is such an excellent actor. Cannot believe he's a Scientologist. Hey where's his wife?

  24. Somebody please give Emma a friggin' cheeseburger!

  25. God that Russell Brand is one pretty dude. YUM. *brows head in shame*

  26. Why is Elle standing like that?

  27. Those Fanning girls have the worst taste in shoes. Just ew.

    Way to class it up at the premiere Sean Penn, I feel like you and Nolte are having a hobo-fashion off.

    Gosling should just show up at everything shirtless, it would make my year.

  28. Is it possible that I am the only woman alive who does not find Ryan Gosling attractive, like, in the least?

    I don't get his appeal! To me, he has a rather unattractively long face with a looooong nose and close-set, slopey little eyes. Just so goofy looking.

    And when I see that younger fanning girl all that springs to mind is her annoying lisp.

    (yes, I'm just a ball of sunshine today!)

    1. I'm right there with you! I do not understand his supposed sex appeal at all. I just don't get it.

    2. Anonymous6:09 PM

      I don't find Ryan Gosling remotely attractive... most of it is because he seems one part fake hipster, one part overrated hot jerk everyone knew in HS.

  29. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Nice to see the Gorton's Fisherman getting out and about!

  30. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Many of the actors in this lineup look like Greasers. And I don't mean the cool kind who attended Rydell High. They look like they are allergic to good hygiene practices. Bet those paparazzi following them use a telephoto lens. Ick!

  31. I dont care whatya think. I love Nick Nolte

  32. Emma Stone looks like Nicole Richie

  33. Ugh, I hate knowing that Eddie Vedder is chummy with Sean :(

    Big fan of both Evan and Giovanni! Both very talented.

    Yep, I think Russell is hot...

  34. Emma Stone looks like she is slowly morphing into Nicole Kidnan, but I still lover her.

    I heart Dakota Fanning! She always seems so classy and poised and intelligent.

  35. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Nick Nolte looks like he wandered away from the home in his pajamas and bathrobe and randomly shuffled into a red carpet event.
    Sean Penn looks like HELL, too!

  36. This movie looks like a hot mess

  37. Russell Brand looks spiffy.

  38. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Emma just doesn't look right . The choice of colors

    Brolin an Penn, no good can come from that

    I'm also not on the Ryan gosling bandwagon, doesnt do it for me I think him an Eva over with too

  39. Russell Brand does clean up well - he looks spotless. I knew there was a hottie in there somewhere.

    @Alicia I hope Mrs. Ribisi isn't with Shelly.

  40. where is mrs. giovanni ribisi?

  41. @Frufra, I have always had a thing for Danny Masterson. I never understood why Donna wanted Eric on That 70's Show rather than Hyde.

  42. I think Russell is totally sexy, even in his little booties.

    I actually think Emma looks quite pretty.

  43. I always thought Ella fanning was older than Dakota.

    Emma needs to eat

  44. Anonymous6:11 PM

    If Russell cut his hair and shaved, mother of WOW he would be gorgeous. That isn't his appeal, though, and I adore him all the more for it.

  45. Wow, those Fanning girls are very shiny - what's up with that? Powder puff, please...

  46. Emma Stone use to be so pretty and natural looking. Now she is just another Hollywood skeletor.

  47. @yeahwhatever, I don't get the Ryan love either. His hipster shtick is a major turn off too.

    Sean Penn needs to soak in the tub for a few days. I bet he smells awful.

  48. Was Gangster Squad part-funded by Scientology? How many Co$ members do I see in the photos?
