Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wife Has Sex With Adopted Son - Both Plot Death Of Dad/Husband

Police in Las Vegas have charged Amy Pearson with attempted murder. Her adopted son is being charged with the same crime. The pair, who were also having sex were trying to kill dad/husband because the pair wanted his insurance money. Also charged was Amy's brother. No word on whether she was having sex with him too. An attempt was made to kill the dad/husband and he was shot, but managed to survive.


  1. Are we sure she's not from FL?

  2. I'm so watching this when it becomes a Lifetime movie!!

  3. These two have to be on something. They have no pupils - opiates?

    1. Good catch Sunny.

    2. Yes Sunny their pupils are pinned to the maximum....could be the booking lights but I think there are pharmaceuticals at work here.

      Oh and Sunny, we forever love you!

  4. Ouch goheels. I live in FL and would never, lol.

    How do some people collectively manage to go so far off the deep end of life? smh

    1. Aw Phoenix, I was just joking bc Enty always posts the funny stories like this from FL. :). I know there are plenty of wonderful people there, like you!

  5. Vegas attracts the crazy people. My aunt moved there in the early 90s and she is so beyond insane and so is her son. They won't leave.

    I think because it doesn't get very cold there, people are more apt to go out and do stuff. That's what my cousin tells me. He's trying to become a director of porn but his criminal background won't let him. Who knew porn had standards?

  6. Let's put up more serious articles, like the one about the old man commentator talking about Miss Alabama and how hot she is.

  7. I think Vegas has the same problem Florida has - a large transient population.

  8. @rej - I've always heard that the mental health of people who live in places that have more seasons is better, on average. I can't cite any studies or anything, but it would make sense. Think about it like if you were in solitary confinement and couldn't interact with anyone and nothing around you changes ever. A lot of people would totally lose it.

    @crila - She came out yesterday and said that ESPN should not've apologized for Musberger and that she and her friend were flattered. I thought that was a nice way to handle it!

  9. @Sunny & FSP - I think you're right. Heroin does that, and that seems to be the hot thing right now.

  10. LOL. I was waiting for a joke about Alabama/Florida. Sigh.

  11. You can live forever and never run out of bizzare crackpot stories.

  12. @VIPblonde-Donna Mills will play her in the movie.

    1. @Cheryl Yes! And Jack Scalia for the husband
      she is trying to kill

    2. Unless Jack Scalia is stuck in jail. Then we need. rob Lowe!

  13. @auntliddy: One thing I always tell younger people I work with is, "If you keep your eyes open, there's no end to the weird shit you keep seeing!"

  14. Or the small pupils could be a result of bright light in their eyes causing the pupils on contract. Science!

  15. *to contract - not "on contract"


  16. @goheels - I literally thought the same thing haha! I guess Vegas is giving FL a much needed break from crazy news stories.

  17. Seriously, how depraved are some people? How low will some people stoop?

  18. If any drug I'd think something more like coke or maybe meth. They look too alert to be using opiates.

  19. Yeah my first thought was that Meth was involved.

  20. This is going to make a great episode on 48 hrs mysteries or Dateline.

    Glad the Dad survived.

  21. @goheels, I knew that. I just had to roll my eyes a bit and snicker too ;)

  22. For just a minute, I thought that was Farrah Fawcett when she played Diane Downs!

    A good friend of mine lives in Las Vegas, and she says the people there are normal or nuts, not much in between. We joke that there's a reason Stephen King made Vegas the place all the bad guys went to after the super-flu (The Stand).

  23. She's smiling in her mug shot. There's something very wrong with people who smile in their mug shot photos.

    Then again, there's something very wrong with people WHO ATTEMPT MURDER!!!

    @ Cheryl - Donna Mills is a little long in the tooth for this role. I'm thinking... Jennie Garth? Yes! Jennie Garth is the new Donna Mills!

  24. @Mango Something about her irks me. If we're going old school 90210, I can totally see Shannen Doherty pulling this off! Or Tori Spelling, but only if Dean McDermott plays the adopted son! LOL

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Lc
    The feeling is mutual!! And thank you :)

  27. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Adventures in idiocy

  28. Vegas is very similar to Florida in terms of shit like this. It is VERY SEEDY. My eyes were opened wide when my parents retired there. I got my mother the fuck out after she was widowed.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. @Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors, the whole state of Florida is not very seedy. Like anywhere else, there are good areas and bad, and you get what you pay for. It sounds to me like your parent's move wasn't very well thought out.

  31. Mother of The Year - Right there folks ...same category as the mom and daughter sex tag team !

  32. Las Vegas was created by mobsters to launder drug and prostitution cash through gambling. Today, its main industries continue to be tourists drawn by gambling, prostitution, alcohol sales and, one supposes, an occasional show with live tigers or Celine Dion, or chance to eat a cheap breakfast. So why is it surprising that people drawn to all of that would be greedy sex-fiends?
