Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Blind Item #1

This Teen Mom dad has been sleeping with his daughter's best friend for the past year. Hey at least he waited until she turned 18. The daughter just found out very recently.


  1. OMG, is this Randy (Chelsea's dad)?! Hahahahahahahaha

    1. @VIP - My first thought, too. She's the only one who actually has her father involved, if I'm not mistaken.

  2. So glad i don't watch that shit.

  3. trash trash trash

  4. So glad I don't watch either. Reiterating how much I hate most reality tv.

  5. Papa Randilicous! You dirty man.

  6. So he waited till she turned 18 and it's been going on a year. Aren't all the ~official Teen Moms well over 19 by now? I mean I guess someone's best friend could be much younger, but idk about this one.
    I just want it to be Farrah's dad, because I love it when she screams at him. "OKAY, MICHAAEELLLLLLLL."

    1. Hahaha! I was thinking her too, but she doesn't have any friends.

    2. Lol at both of you!

  7. Randy is a sugar daddy now...

  8. Replies
    1. I just spit the sip of coffee I was taking out!!!

    2. I just spit the sip of coffee I was taking out!!!

  9. oh man, I hope it's not Randy.... he seems like the only normal parent in all of the shows.

  10. Anonymous7:49 AM

    If they get married-she'll be Teen Grandma!

  11. @warecat LMFAO at no-friends Farrah!

    Good for Randy! He deserves something good for having to put up with Chelsea's crap all the time

  12. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Hey old guys need love too, but not with 18 year old girls! Gross.

  13. Warecat - too funny. I would totally not put something like this past Butch but I think he's in prison still.

  14. Randy has a wife - http://www.crushable.com/2011/04/19/other-stuff/chelsea-houskas-stepmom-rita-thinks-chelsea-is-a-good-mom/

  15. Pretty sure that doesn't matter to a certain type of guy, Sparkwee...

  16. Its not Randy so lets quit defaming his character.

  17. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Bristol Palin's dad?

  18. This is just gross. It can really only be one of three dad's that are involved with their kids on the show.


    Oh and Leah's step-dad is pretty involved.

    1. Good Lord, I guess I never realized that out of season after season only 3 had fathers present. Wow.

  19. My first thought was Randy simply bc he is the only dad on the show really.

  20. Randy seems like a really nice guy, but he spoils Chelsea WAY too much. He pretty much pays for everything. If he has a wife I hope it isn't him.

  21. Good old South Dakota.

  22. I never watch Teen Mom so I dont know

  23. @Seward, the first bunch of girls that did the 16 & Pregnant and then went on to Teen Mom are about 20 now. And LMAO at "Okay MICHAAEELLLLLL". He is a big possibility because as weird as it was, weren't Farrah's parents divorced even though they seemed to live together? I don't know.

  24. I had to reread this a few times because I was reading it as the baby's dad and I was like how does a two year old have a best friend over 18? Between Enty's writing and my confusion I got a good laugh from this blind.

  25. Not too many blinds shock me anymore but this blind still has my head spinning. This is totally chelsea's dad. He's single, rich and had to sit on the sideline for years while chelsea's hot friends skimped around him. Whoever the friend is she probably wants him to give her everything like he does for chelsea.

  26. Randy is married so I hope it's not him! They showed his wife last night. Of course they are a year behind.

  27. Yes Randy is married to Rita. She has an online store that he promotes on Twitter all of the time.

  28. Ok so here they all are (yes I know it's shameful to know this much about teen mom):

    Farrah- step-dad only, probably not him bc she doesn't seem to have many friends, not likely
    Caitlin- dad lives in Florida and they aren't close, not likely
    Amber- dad is not active on show and I don't think they really have a relationship, not likely
    Maci- close to her family and has a lot of friends, married, still a possibility

    Kailyn- has no relationship with her dad, not likely
    Jenelle- has no relationship with her dad, not likely
    Leah- close to her step-dad, has friends, maybe
    Chelsea- very close to her dad, has a lot of friends, seems kind of arrogant IMO, maybe

    I think good ole Randy is our best bet (married or not).

    On another note, only 2 of the girls have close relationships with their biological fathers.... Daddy's are important to girls, y'all! So thankful I have an incredible one!

  29. @MAC: haha, I had the exact same thing!!

  30. Farrah's dad Michael is her biological dad. She calls him Michael because she is a mega-bitch. Amber's dad was on a couple of episodes but ia terminally ill I believe so I'm sure he is out od the running for this prestigious title. I hate to admit that I think it is Randy.

  31. All the original teen mom girls are 21. The 2nd generation are all 20 turning 21. I find it difficult to believe that any of them has an 18 year old BFF. Actually Chelsea's BFF had a kid about a year ago, and she is 20.

    So, I don't really believe this blind.
