Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Dina Lohan Rambling

When she appeared on Dr. Phil, Dina Lohan said the fact that she was drunk was just a one time thing and that she wanted another chance to prove that she could conduct an interview without looking like an idiot. When the paps caught up with her at the Grove after she had a few drinks she should have remembered her Dr. Phil lesson and just kept her mouth shut. Listen to the photographer kiss her butt to get her to keep talking. Can you imagine when she and Lindsay are both drunk together? It must be the sloppiest mess of all time.


  1. Do you think when she says she wants to "adopt" those little girls, she means she wants to abduct and groom them for prostitution? It'll be like Taken, but instead of Paris, Liam Neeson just has to find them on Long Island.

    1. @Amber, that's where I went too. I like how that little girl didn't want anything to do with her cocaine infested hands being on her.

  2. That tiny child has far more sense than her mother, she wants nothing to do with that crazy B.

  3. For a PimpMama, she seems quite nice. Part and parcel of procuring new stock?

  4. My favorite part was the pics the photographer took at the very end!!

  5. If I had a child, Dina is the LAST person I would let babysit. Are you dodging me? I'd never see them again unless it was in the pages of a tabloid!

    1. Kidding, not dodging. Bloody phone!!!

    2. No I like dodging lol

  6. I have lost all faith in humanity.

  7. I wonder what her handler was scolding her for at the very end. You hear Dina saying 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't know...'

  8. Unfortunatly that child will now have to be deloused and quarantined for 48 hours.

  9. Save the chillies!!! I hope that mother didn't get advice on how to pimp out her daughter. o_O

  10. Such a shame that's she's such a mess, cos she is a very beautiful woman indeed.

  11. @Christopher Cruz, I kinda like "Are you dodging me?" :)

  12. that little kid has a great sixth sense for DANGER

  13. Dina was playing for the camera. That was bunk.

  14. auntliddy for the win here! Poor children.

  15. Oh so now she admits she's drunk. She's such a fucking lying loser. No wonder her kids are a mess.

  16. She sounds just like Rachael Ray. ~bizarre~

  17. This is what Lindsay, and her sister, etc., think is normal!

  18. Lindsay is a clone of Dina , and that is not a compliment. It's unbelievable how stupid she is and how self entitled she is That's a bad combination. She sounds like she's smoked two packs a day and her hair looks like straw. Is she wearing enough mascara? Will she ever dress her age? I doubt it.. JUST UGH!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. lc - it was one of the photographers, not dina.

  21. Funny that the little girl wasn't having any of it! I didn't know why the mom was fawning over her, wanting a pic with her-really?

    And who was the chick with Dina? She looked embarrassed to be there.

  22. came here to echo disco: the ending "i'm sorry" is a photog, prob was blocking someone else's photograph... why does anyone even care that this woman is at a mall?!

    take MY picture! geez.

  23. That Dr. Phil interview was GOLD. Gold, I tell you.

  24. What? Dina admitted to being drunk during the Dr. Phil interview?? I hadn't heard that she admitted it, but she sure was woozy.

  25. Who was the lady with Dina? A handler?

    I still haven't watched the whole Dr. Phil interview yet b/c I loathe the man.
