Saturday, February 09, 2013

Coco Has A Sex Tape With AP.9

A few months ago, Coco was caught in some photos that looked like they were way more than your typical meet and greet photos. Coco was seen with AP.9. Coco insisted that nothing had happened, despite AP.9 implying the pair had sex a lot. Ice-T and Coco made up at least a little bit and then everyone promptly forgot about it because our focus can never leave Lindsay Lohan for longer than a second. Now it turns out that AP.9 is selling a sex tape he made between himself and Coco. He apparently is asking $100K for the tape and accompanying photos. That seems low. I don't think the entire world really cares about a Coco sex tape, but there would be enough interest to easily make $100K. With that kind of number, I'm wondering if he really has a sex tape. Coco might have cheated with the guy, especially considering she has never sued, but is she dumb enough to let him make a video?


  1. Nooooooooo! If Ice T and Coco can't make it what hope is there for the rest of us :'(

    1. My thoughts exactly @kpeony! They are a perfect couple and I honestly believe they soulmates.. I don't want to believe it :(

  2. No, she is not dumb enough to do it. Hell, Ice T could write the 100K check just to stop all this mess.

  3. I'm shocked. Honestly I am. *rolls eyes*

  4. "I'd expect this from Bob, but not from you Ritchie!" Oh Coco, how could you be so stupid?!

    1. that movie.
      La la la la bamba

  5. I'm not buying this.

  6. Anonymous9:20 AM

    How could this happen to such a wholesome LADY?

  7. Awwww, I love Ice and Coco T. I hope this isn't true.

  8. I really really hope this isn't true. I've always loved Ice T ( Bodycount in tha hooouuusssse) and I like him and Coco together.
    But... Stranger things have happened.
    Maybe she didn't know he was filming? Or maybe he's full of shit.

  9. Good afternoon, CDAN'ers! =)

    If I was even remotely in the public eye, I'd be super paranoid about the possibility of this happening. Of course, if I were married, I'd like to think I wouldn't be phuqing around on my spouse.

    1. Reeces! the 'ph' is back! Not sure of it was already mentioned :) I kinda missed it :)

  10. Nah this is BS, if it was true we would of heard about it a while ago. That guy is just trying to squeeze another 15 sec of Dlister fame. IMO

  11. Anonymous9:33 AM

    She was dumb enough to let him take those pictures, so yeah she's dumb enough to do a sex tape. Idjit!

  12. She's a stripper for Pete's sake so to cheat on her husband and make a sex tape isn't so hard to believe;it's not exactly a paragon of virtue we're talking about here, folks.

  13. I hope they didn't get Buck Naked and F***!!

    I don't believe this either. Even though I don't watch their show, I do like them together as a couple because they seem like a good team. If this idiot wanted money, I'm sure they have more than enough $ to pay him off.

    I don't know why I like Coco, when all those other ladies make me cringe (The K-ians for example). The heart wants what the heart wants!

  14. It reminds me of Austin Powers 2 when Dr. Evil asks the gov't for $1M and they laugh at him, because he was frozen so long that $1M is nothing.

  15. I don't buy it.

  16. I bet he had sex with a lookalike (somewhat) and is trying to pass it off as Coco, probably no face shots. I like her too, and really hope she didn't do it.

    1. Jess, exactly what i thought!! Great minds,,, lol

  17. Pogue Mahone - you can't possibly be that stupid with Google easily available? She is not a stripper. Not at all. She does a show in Vegas, has a clothing line using real women, and is opening a boutique for dogs.

  18. That pic above has such an intimate feeling. Eyes closed lips in a kissing position. Sexy embrace from behind. I believe they did indeed get buck naked and fucked. And yes, I would totally watch the video.

  19. Damn you Coco! I hope its not true. If so, there is totally a reality show marriage curse.

  20. I just don't believe it. This guy is an absolute lowlife turd.

  21. Cant spt 9 keep his big ass moith shut? Ugh, no class.

  22. I like coco and ice t too. But why is it so hard to believe that she cheated with this guy. Its not like she is so innocent! That pic is pretty intimate to take with another man while married. If she was dumb enough to take these pics im not surprised they made a sex tape.

  23. 100K that is nothing to IceT if he wanted to get that thing off the market. As for Coco being dumb enough .. she always struck me as a Mensa member.


  24. I agree with you Netta, but clearly we are all in denial. Ha ha!

  25. Is she dumb enough? Seriously?

  26. You don't think the same woman who happily posed for pictures with this loser wouldn't be dumb enough to make a video? Let's think about this for juuuuust a second...

  27. As a married woman, I would never take a pic like this with someone other than my hubby. Maybe I'm just not as "friendly" as Coco.

    I can definitely see her making a sex tape with this guy. Not sure why some seem to think she's such an angel.

  28. Blind: I'm just trying not to drop so many EFF bombs. I'm a foul-mouthed wench. LOL (I kinda miss the PH, too!)

    1. Ah fair enough reeces! I have a really bad potty mouth too :)

  29. Haha @ Nellie Reese!

    Every time I see this guy's name, it makes me think of a Kohl's ad.

  30. It was be very hard to get a body double like Coco. She has quite a unique figure.

  31. Ice - I'm here for you. Call me.... **puts on Brazilian Butt Lift DVD and starts sweating**

  32. This mofo trying to ruin my ice and coco. Fuck off ak 9 watever u call itself. This better be pr stunt for their show

  33. I like Coco. She comes off as very down to earth on her show, so I'm surprised at this. Ice T allegedly cheats on her all the time, so....

  34. @_-_=_:

    You totally stole my comment! I was just going to say "Call me, Finn!"

    Back off!

  35. But Coco is such a classy ho! I remember some very sophisticated pics with caution tape around her crack and her titty tuesdays or whatever you call them. Where she tweets a new sophisticated pic almost every week

  36. star magazine bought the photos, they'll be in next weeks magazine

  37. The real question is why do I still know every lyric of Colors? I think I hear it in my head every time I read an Ice T story. God, that was 20 years ago!

  38. That dude is not attractive at all. He is definitely not better looking than Ice (I've met Ice in person and he's a good-looking fellow). It often baffles me who people pick to cheat with, especially if I know what the cuckolded spouse looks like. It seems to be more about attention, isn't it? Not looks so much, is that right? She couldn't have gone for "his wonderful personality" because a "wonderful personality" wouldn't try to sell a sex tape he allegedly made with another dude's wife.

  39. I like Coco and Ice but she's no innocent and that picture is so intimate. I would never pose like that with another man that wasn't my husband.

  40. Ice makes bank on L&O:SVU and could easily write a check for the tape. There's more to this than meets the eye.

    1. If I were Ice, I would not spare her any humiliation. She cheated. Ok, let's see you come up with the cash, coco. Unless that ap guy is after kim kardashian fame

  41. Before her show in Vegas, Coco completely managed Ice's career. She handled the scheduling , money, everything.. I'd hardly call her an idiot. Or a slut because she posed in magazines .. Sheesh people. Talk about slut shaming!

    If she cheated then boo on her.. Ice is a good dude and obviously adores her. That being said people make mistakes and they have been together ten years since she was 23. Maybe she needed to get something out of her system. I like Coco and it doesn't really change my opinion of her. Looks like she's learning her lesson!

  42. I always thought Ice T and Coco seemed like swingers. She is so overly sexualized and he's pretty macho...could totally see them mixing it up. Idk, just an impression I got. Perhaps she started liking things with one of her special friends a little too much???

  43. Well, she does want a baby and Ice hasn't given her one yet. Her biological clock must be ticking over-time. And, they have been married for over 10 years, so she would get half...

  44. If you google the pics you will notice that Coco is wearing 2 different outfits meaning they were hugged up on more than one occasion. I sort of believe the whole sex tape thing or im leaning way towards the left & saying this whole thing is a publicity stunt to get people to go see "Peepshow" there is nothing like a scandal to make the American public like you.

  45. In other news, Rob Gronkowski was offered $3.5 million to do a porn. Now THAT is something I'd like to see!

  46. I believe there's a tape and explicit photos. I believe she's that dumb. She had taken racy photos with a dj in Vegas and he put them up on instagram. He called her out on Twitter for pleading with him in direct messages to delete them. She got a taste of freedom and went buckwild. Maybe their marriage can survive it.

  47. This is so sad! I love Ice and Coco together, plus I really like Ice by himself.

    Question: why are people having sexy times in front of a camera these days??? So dumb!

  48. I've got a distant friend of friend connection to these two. I wouldn't hear any details unless they split - but I'll be keeping my ears open!

  49. This guy is a dead man walking. Ice is the real deal, a true OG. The reason it hasn't happened yet is because Ice or the crew he has lined up for the job is waiting for the chance to cap the guy in the least incriminating way.

    1. And it will be one more on the body count!
      I m still lusting after Ice T...
