Friday, February 08, 2013

Four For Friday - He Will Destroy You

Today is Friday so that means announcement day. I will be posting all weekend and on Sunday afternoon sometime I will put up a Grammy post so everyone can discuss the fashion and the awards if you so choose. Tomorrow I will be revealing a blind item or two or three from the archives. For those of you in the Northeast, I hope you are all hunkered down with bacon and booze and firewood. If you are so inclined, I would love for you to follow me on Twitter where I try to post things I don't always post here and try to find the perfect Florida story. If you want to follow me I am @entylawyer

This A list celebrity and reality star is married. He holds a very powerful position and lately he seems to relish finding out information about various women and then using that information as trade bait. He will make their lives miserable unless they have sex with him. His wife has been long relegated to showing up only at events that he cannot explain away. He has not divorced her simply because he knows he would marry again and have to go through dating and paying for a wedding and he just at this point in his life is enjoying blackmail and extortion. There is one person though who has started fighting back and sending e-mails to people with details and photos and trying to build a record to use against the A lister in court. She has been sending it out because she honestly fears for her life sometimes and it is still being used by the A lister. In her e-mails she documents where and when each meeting happened and she has been able to find two other women he has also threatened. They are scared to come forward but the woman at least has their names. She tried following one of the women for awhile to see if she could take photos but said it was a mess and she sucks at it. The woman she tried to follow is a former B-/C+ list singer/celebrity who has some financial problems and the A lister helped her out and then demanded sex. The celebrity complied and in the process the A lister learned even more and has been demanding sex more frequently.


  1. I wish harvey weinstein was a reality star -- this so seems like him.

  2. Question: why are these still called "Four for Friday" when there are no longer four items? I miss the four items.

  3. Agreed, Dana. No sense in the title for the sake of it. I WANT 4!

  4. I can see this being the Donald. Creep.

  5. There's not a secret in the world that could be exposed that would make me sleep with Trump

  6. Oh i dunno Alicia, if I could prove, by sleeping with him, that he really was 1/2 orangataun, then I'd probably do it.

    1. Ahhh!!! Best laugh of the day - thank you!!! :D

  7. Donald Trump. The girl who is trying to fight back could be the Miss America contestant he sued for 5 million. The B/C lister- Aubrey O Day, she was on the Apprentice right?

    1. @rejectedcarebear exactly what I was thinking!

  8. @Alicia Agreed x10!!!! I just threw up in my mouth a little picturing what his "o" face must look like

    1. This is why god created doggy style.

      Kidding! :)

  9. Lol @fijigirl!!!

    And yeah @rcb agree with the other people you picked as well.

  10. Hahahaha fijigirl - I was thinking I would go along with it just far enough to rip that thing off of his head and take a few pics of my own!

  11. Damn rcb, you're good.

  12. Could the fourth person in this Four For Friday be Donald's wife? I don't know her name, but I'd assume she's at least a minor celebrity in the New York world.

  13. The Four for Friday would include guessing the women. My pick would be either Tia Carrere or T-Boz for the singer. Miss USA is a great guess for one of the other women-I was thinking Brande Roderick or Carol Alt

  14. How about Gordon Ramsey? Trump probably has more access to down-on-their-luck celebs, but Ramsey is kinda intimidating.

  15. I don't want to live in a world where Donald Trump is considered an A List celebrity.

  16. While I was waiting for the page to load, I wondered what kind of dramatic title the post would have. My first thought was "He Destroyed Her" so I'm absolutely tickled that I came so close.

  17. Melania Trump is his wife.

  18. Howard Stern. He can make a celebrity's life miserable by constantly slamming them, as he has done to Chevy Chase, Bon Jovi and Rosie. His wife has the mind of a 10 year old and it would be easy to fool her, just send her to another red carpet event or hand her the AmexBlack card. He has to be sick of his vapid sjhow horse by now, but too cheap to pay her off and try again.

  19. Oh jeez, it's not Howard Stern. *rolls eyes*

  20. NO way is this Howard Stern. He is such a neurotic and germaphobe. Trump? Yes-I could see him doing this. Heard him on the radio (Howard Stern Show in fact) gushing about how all the women in beauty contestants were the most beautiful in the world and today's celebrities and actresses were ugly.

  21. On board with the Trump guess. Also, I read that Lilo was trying to "negotiate" a sweet deal on an apartment in a Trump building in NYC. Could she be the C list celebrity/singer?

  22. Donald Trump is also well known to be a germophobe. I just don't see this being him, for a lot of reasons. I see this being somebody a LOT sleazier.

  23. Sleazier than Trump? ~blink~

  24. @NaughtyNurse:

    I see this being somebody a LOT sleazier [than Donald Trump.]

    That your mind can even hold such a conception, that such a thing, such a batrachian, Lovecraftian evil from befor the dawn of time, could even exist, makes me fear you.

  25. Ok. I'm going to vomit, shower about twelve times, and then see if someone will give me some electric shock therapy so I can try to forget the image of Donald Trump having sex.

  26. Sounds like my boss...tells everyone it's cheaper to stay married. Yes, he's all class.

  27. It used to be Full Frontal Friday, so for me anything is better than that.

  28. Russell Simmons?

  29. First thought was Donald Trump

  30. I hope this is Trump and he gets busted. He's a douche who needs to learn to keep his opinions to himself.

  31. i hope donald trump doesnt catch wind of this blind (assuming that it is him), bc if so, you may have ruined this woman's chance at stopping his behavior.

    this is why i sometimes doubt these blinds are true.

  32. T-Boz is a former B/C singer who has filed for bankruptcy. I stand by my guess. She is very attractive, and I remember Trump was impressed with her work ethic and manners on the show.

  33. i hate trump. he's just a bully. can youimagine if someone tried this shit with one of his daughters?

  34. No way is this Trump. He is a germophobe too - I have a little inside knowledge there from a job I once had, and I dealt with him a bit too during that job. Trump would rather die than have sex with Aubrey ODay or Lindsay Lohan. No way is this him. If it's meant to be him, then it's a fake blind. I'm not saying he's above getting info on people, but no way would he have sex with a bunch of starlet/models. Not his MO.

  35. I dont know if is donald trump but I hope some one take shit on top of his hair

  36. Howard Stern may have a big mouth but he is not a nasty person..

  37. @Dana - Because Fucked up For Friday may be closer to the truth but it's too good a band name to waste?

  38. Anonymous1:51 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. no guess on the blind...I just wanted to give a storm report from NYC (Long Island, really)...I'm hunkered down with my bacon and scotch...scotch, scotch, scotch...I love scotch...

    what movie??????

    1. Lendo: Listening to NPR talk about how bad the wind is already. Stay safe and warm! Nothing to compare to youse guys but it's cold here in NORCAL too.

    2. Lendo
      Anchorman!! Love that movie

  40. Lendo do you have Netflix? Check out American Horror Story if you haven't already!

  41. The only people who ever guess Howard Stern for these types of blinds are clearly people who never listen to him or know anything about him.

  42. Donald Trump. He belongs in prison. In a Turkish prison.

  43. Lendo, my neighbor! I am hunkered down in Westchester with my bacon, but I opted for vodka. I'm a rebel like that.

  44. @MadLyb, better a Chinese prison, it would be the worst thing for him because he hates China

    @ Lendo, I'm down in Staten Island trying to stay warm and not look out the window

  45. Yep, sounds like The Donald.

  46. I can't imagine any secret that would be worse than having sex with Donald "Orangutan" Trump.

  47. Germiphobes... I've known a few, and they're the first ones ready to get down and nasty when it comes to sexy-time.

  48. I say we do away with Four for Friday and bring back Full Frontal Fridays.

  49. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I can definitely see Simon Cowell doing this.

  50. IT's not Trump. Everyone knows he has whores, including his wife. Do you think he needs to beg women into bed? If they're around him, they will be like flies on stink, because well, he does stink like $hit.

  51. The only other person who fits the descriptive part of this item is Mark Cuban. But I think it's Trump
