Friday, February 08, 2013

Your Turn

What is on your bucket list?


  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    1. GO to Vegas....

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      2. Hawaii....
      3. White water rafting.....again.
      4. Sky diving....

  2. Liam Neeson. Oh wait, it's says "what," not "who"...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I want to hike the Inca Trail in Peru with my best friend (my old travel partner in crime)

    1. I've been to Macchu Picchu, it was astounding , we got the train then walked cos we're lazy.
      It was really cheap too, but bloody cold x

  5. To try several new sports each month. Got a fitness freak to join my semi couch potato butt in this endeavor so I'm really looking forward to it. He's agreed to most everything except sky diving. I've got to find someone else for that...

  6. To travel to Pennsylvania and see the real Punxsutawney Phil on Groundhogs Day ( its a weird thing I know )

    Celebrate Halloween in Salem,Mass and and honor all of my fallen sisters who were murdered by the church

    Machu Picchu

    Base camp at Everest - I have no desire to scale the mountain let alone summit but I would love to travel to its base and soak in all that majesty!

    After I complete nursing school to volunteer for two years with relief orgs before returning to graduate school

    1. I wud love to see Puunxatony Phil ( can't spell) on ground hog day!

  7. Go to New York
    Go to London
    Thats about it oh wait... Turn Kevin Spacey straight and have him fall in love with me.

  8. Europe, Jamaica, run a full Marathon.

    1. Jamaica is worth every penny.

    2. Best of luck! A FULL marathon?! Oy vay!

  9. Visit every state and do a cross-country road trip.

    Finish writing a novel--even if it never gets published. I've started a million stories, but never finished.

  10. Horseback riding (and checking this one off starting Monday, when I spend a week at a dude ranch.)
    Finding out my genetic history. (Since I'm adopted that one's kind of a bitch)

    Sure there's more, but for spur of the moment, that's what I got.

  11. Go to Ireland and England. I also want to go to where The Lost Boys of the Allegheny were found...they're related to me and ever since I first heard the story as a little girl, I've always wanted to to go.

    Mardi Gras.

    1. Yay, come to England. I live in Leamington Spa near where Shakespeare lived, it's very pretty x

  12. Travel to Spain to see my favorite painting and the entire reason I became interested in art; Francisco Goya's Saturn Devouring his Son, it's stunning and breath taking. That would cross two things off the list since Ive never flown anywhere.

    Also, Id like to participate in an Open Mic night. I love making people laugh, its seriously an addiction. Id love to make a room full of strangers laugh.

    1. That's very cool x

    2. If you are ever in NYC, there are always open mic nights especially in Astoria for comedians, singers, poets, etc.

    3. You'd be amazing, RCB!!!

    4. I lived in Madrid my junior year of college and spent quite a bit of time at the Prado. That painting is pretty spectacular. :)

  13. Go to London, see a Broadway show, run in the Goofy challenge at Disney

  14. To go to the New Year's Day Concert in Vienna!

  15. Travel to Hawaii, Australia, Paris, NZ and Jamaica. See the last 12 states on my list. Sky dive. Swim with the dolphins. Move to Seaside, FL. Watch my daughters grow. Be a good parent. Spend the next 70 years with my husband (God willing). I guess those last 3 aren't real bucket list items, but they are things I want to accomplish.

  16. Oh- and open a bakery/restaurant.

    1. Blimey,
      You had better get cracking x

    2. Vicki E, that made me laugh - Robot, get to it!!

  17. Get on Jeopardy! as a contestant, and wreak havoc on Alex Trebek's finely-tuned disposition.

  18. I would one day hope to get to DC, NYC and take a family trip with my kids (Something I've never done). Living till I'm 80 would be nice too!

  19. Fortunately I have done most of my bucket list: I wanted to travel the world and I've already been to 33 countries; there's only a couple left I want to go to now.

  20. @ comma chaser - yes! You could be like Norm McDonald on the Jeopardy SNL skit and insist he call you Terd Ferguson and answer all the questions with an insult to his mother.

  21. Pay off all my debts.

    Have a Victorian Tea Party.

    Go to England.

    Update my Spanish speaking skills and learn French.

  22. @ Alicia. Not kidding here, you are already in the ballpark.

  23. Im with you, @Merlin. I wanna have a lot of free time to learn how to really ride horses. Fast. None of that trotting stuff.

  24. Go to every baseball park in the country.

    @Comma Chaser - Already been on Jeopardy

    1. That's my number 1 as well. Brother and te bed friends, Winnebago and 40 days to hit all 32 parks.

  25. -Visit all 50 states-I'm about halfway there

    -Run a half marathon in less than 2 hours

  26. 1. Make out with an Elvis impersonator
    2. learn to rollerskate
    3. party in Vegas
    4. Travel to Japan
    5. Travel to Greece
    6. Have a kid or adopt or foster (someday)
    7. try a standup comedy act
    8. write and publish a book
    9. own a home (preferrably in Texas)

    In the last few years I've dyed my hair blue, been to Italy, been to the Detroit Electronic Music Festival, and been to Burning Man. Been lucky to travel Europe, Hawaii, other places too.

  27. Eat sushi in Japan
    Go on a cruise to Alaska
    See the Great Wall in China
    Go on an African Safari
    Ride zip lines in Costa Rica
    See the northern lights
    Become a Mommy

  28. nothing. i have been so busy getting away from the freak that is my ex, and the kids, that there isn't one! when i read this it made me feel a little sad. but, i can't come up with anything i feel like i HAVE to do. just happy and appreciative that we are safe and well :)

  29. See the Northern lights, my husband and I went to Iceland a few years ago, and spent a VERY cold few hours ontop of a mountain... Did not see a flipping thing ugh

  30. Travel all of Europe, and maybe live there someday.

    Be the subject of a blind item involving Hugh Jackman and Clive Owen and hotel bathrobes.

    Win the lottery, put enough away to live on for the rest of my life, and then go on a massive philanthropy spree donating money to charity groups in the name of a*holes. (Like $5k to AIDS Awareness in the name of Fred Phelps, $5k to NOW in the name of Donald Trump, $5k to Planned Parenthood for Rush Limbaugh.) I love me a side dish of revenge!

  31. Me, that's sweet - contentment is nothing to be ashamed of. I was just thinking the same thing - nothing springs to mind for me, and for that I am grateful. I'm living the dream every day right where I am :-).

  32. Honestly not a damn a thing.

  33. It was very beautiful though

  34. Travel to Ireland, see a manatee in the wild, meet many of my newly found relatives.

  35. I really want to have grandkids more than anything. My kids are all in school now, so it's probably not happening this year.

    I want to live in Europe for a year, which is very do-able. We do a lot of traveling, and places at the top of my list are the pyramids and Brazil.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. And I want to become fluent in Spanish. I just realized my apology for speaking poorly in Spanish has been incorrect all these years. It's NOT lo siento porque hablo malo? Oops!! (Can a Spanish speaker please correct me until I order my Rosetta Stone?)

    I will also need to become conversational in Italian, for when I buy my winery in Tuscanny. Boom! Bucket list item #3

  38. Meet you, Enty. I can keep my mouth shut, I promise. =)

  39. Pretty lucky - I've done most of mine and been to and/or lived in some of the most interesting cities in the world - Paris, Vegas, London, New York, Dubai, and just became a mom. I've always wanted to go to Hawaii, Africa and now I really want to go to Thailand. So I guess that's it?

  40. Like RQ, I've been fortunate to have lived in and/or visited most of the places I've really wanted to, born and raised in NY, college in New Orleans and Madrid, live in Los Angeles now. In recent years, I've been to Australia, New Zealand, Argentina and Peru. I still want to go to Africa and Asia (especially Thailand). Apparently RQ and I share a brain. :)

    I'd like to go sky diving I think...maybe do improv comedy, visit northern Europe and meet more of my CDaN friends. :)

  41. you know,as I get older, I dont really have one anymore. Anything I thought I wanted to do I have lost interest. I'm just happy doing what Im doing.

  42. Visit Puma Punku and Easter Island.

  43. I just want to have dinner with Bette Midler!

  44. Bunny hop across Europe

    Retire early

    Have enough extra financially to be able to snowbird, do loads of travel, donate to the charities I am passionate about, and be a blessing for my kids (not a liability like it seems many people my age are setting up to be)

  45. Ok, I'm all, "I don't have a bucket list", blah, blah, blah, but I have to say that Taracu, I'm adopting your list, K??

  46. To keep travelling.
    To not become frail, not so much a bucket list but a choice. It gets me out of bed to the gym and cleaning my house & keeping my mind active.
    To finish the novel I started.

  47. I want to see a moose in the wild and hear it bleat.

    Retire in France and become a perfumerie tour guide as my retirement job.

    There's more but these are 2 that are imperative.

  48. Space. I want to go to space. If you throw in Robert Downey Jr or David Tennant as company all the better, but I just want to go to space.

  49. Banging Robert Downey Jr. Hey a girl can dream.

  50. @Munch I'll beam RDJ up to you when I'm done with him

  51. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil!

  52. To bang Jason Momoa until his pelvis breaks :)

  53. Hugh Jackman? :)
    Seriously, to go to Ireland and trace my grandfathers roots. He had to leave Ireland after the Easter Rebellion and we know very little about his past.

  54. Make out with Brandon Flowers. Hang out with Bill Murray and have laughing attack. A successful usage of polyamorous at a dinner party.

  55. See the Northern and/or Southern lights. Get to Papua New Guinea, travel down the Amazon, sing o. Americas Got Talent and knock it out the ballpark like that British lady, go on tour and get acting roles. Lotta unfulfilled dreams there.

  56. @Rangeman, I like the way you think! ;)

  57. --Experiencing the Surrealistic grandeur of La Sagrada Familia finished as Gaudi intended.

    --Discussing with Ian Holm what it was like to play Lenny in the original staging of The Homecoming.

    --Playing sevens against Lomu.

    --Hearing Hawking describe his concept of the Unified Field Theory.

    ...And a hug from my kids, and I'd be good to go.

  58. See a UFO. I've worked for an org that studied them, but I'd actually like to see one. I'm talking full blown spaceship. I'd ask them to take me away, but saw that horrible "Twilight Zone" episode and don't want to be served anytime soon.

  59. Taking my entire family to Europe and visiting as many historical sites as possible. Seeing Phil Collins in concert (he's no longer touring so that's not gonna happen boo). Go to Africa and see as many animals up close as I can. Meet founding members of the Vidocq society and pick their brains for days. Write and publish my own work.

  60. MadLyb-I am terrified of UFO's/aliens. Like one of my biggest fears of all times. I just have this feeling they will not be coming in peace. Maybe I've seen Signs too many times.

    1. Jess, my son thinks the same way; that aliens wldnt come in peace. I however cant wait!!!! I wld love it !

  61. @Mad Lyb
    You just mentioning The Twilight Zone reminds me of the creepy stewardess/nurse who says "Room for one more, honey" before the airplane takes off and explodes. Did you see that one? It's one of those things that's burned on my brain from childhood. When given the opportunity to tell somebody there is room for one more, I will always say in my monotone voice "Room for one more, honey". It amuses me (only)

  62. I want to go to Great Britain, Italy, France and New Zealand. The last because I've got friends there. Great to see them, and it's a beautiful country.

  63. I did one of those DNA tests to find out exactly what I was. 54 % Irish, 10 % Black, 10 % Native American, 16 % Scandnivian and 10 % English. Can not spell today. On my list is learn how to ride horses again. I have seen the Northern Lights and I swear I heard strange music while I watched and saw them 2 nights in a row. Fantastic Colors. I have seen a UFO twice and it was so shocking the first time I was frozen in place watching. The 2nd time I was with my husband and we watched it for 1/2 hour. So, the bucket list is learn to ride again and spend the whole summer living next to Lake Michigan and hearing the waves at night.

  64. I want to get abducted by aliens then share my story on coast to coast while touring the UFO circuit across the nation!

  65. in two years we going to Europe buying a van and visit all the countries I dreamed of seeing. also visit the Orkney Island to see where my 6-grandfather came from and a small coastal city in France and trace the other side of our mixed family history, I would love to see both g-kids graduate from university and learn how to play cocaine on a les Paul and then do a pilgrimage...

  66. My bucket's got a hole in it...

  67. I'm actually pretty happy. I'd like to be around long enough to have grandchildren, too. I used to be one of those 'never going to have kids' people.

    @old ;ady

    That would be a really interesting test to get done. Hope things are peaceful with your visits.

  68. send in my pic to reader pics
