Thursday, February 28, 2013

Girls Gone Wild Has Gone Bankrupt

Girls Gone Wild has filed for bankruptcy. They are trying to make it seem like it is no big deal and compared themselves to General Motors in their press statement. Uh huh. Yeah,. Hundreds of thousands of employees generating billions of dollars of economic stimulus throughout the world or a few guys in a backroom someplace selling videos of girls they got drunk on spring break and convinced them to show their breasts. Oh, and run by one of the most evil guys on the planet who happens to be a sex offender. I would love to see Joe Francis broke. I know this is the company and not him, but one can hope.


  1. Why would anyone care about GGW when they can see tits on the internet for free?

    1. @Amber - Exactly /r/gonewild endorsed by Zack Braff

  2. I received one of the DVDs as a gift from an ex-boss. I think I still have it.

  3. He is such a creepy looking dude; and his company is antiquated...just ask Seth McFarlane

    1. @me. what did seth mcfarland say about joe. What's the scoop.

  4. I am no weeping for shamelessly and disgustingly exploited-while-drunk young adult women everywhere. No I'm not. Eff this POS. Karma.

  5. I second Enty's wishes for this guy.

  6. And he's BFF's with they who shall not be named.

  7. Bad news. This was strictly a legal move to shield him against Steve Wynn's lawsuit and won't hurt him. You can read about it here

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Poetic justice!! HA!

  10. I've never actually heard anything to this effect, but I just have this feeling that Francis is into some really illegal shit. Even more than the despicable ways his company has manipulated and taken advantage of hundreds of women (intoxicated, underage, high, etc = not able to sign a legal agreement). I just wouldn't put anything past this guy. Tax evasion, drug running, bodies in his freezer. Just super slimy.

    I'll never forget, I've seen exactly ten minutes of the Kardashians. Once. By accident. (I watch plenty of questionable programming myself, so I don't judge) And it was JF calling Kris from jail and her feeling soooo bad for the poor widdle guy. Like he was the Rosa Parks of tax evasion. Anyway, right then, I knew. I knew the Kardashian brand was full of shit. You don't keep company like that if you're a decent person. You just don't. And then I just assumed he set up Kim's sex tape deal (which I think was later acknowledged).

    All that to say, fuck this guy.

  11. @Unknown - thanks for the link. Ugh. When my ex and I bought a condo, the builder really F'd everyone over in the building (only 8 units). He threatened all of us that if we sued he'd file for bankruptcy.

  12. Gee, it couldn't happen to a nicer guy...

  13. NomNom83 Francis has a ton of friends in Hollywood not just reality stars but big names like Leo D, Vince Vaughn, and Jenn Aniston.

  14. And Jennifer Anniston and Vince Vaughn are friends with him!

  15. I fucking hate that bad nosejob of his.. And isnt his face, especially mouth just begging to be punched? Do not like this asswad.

  16. Dude, do you really want to mess with Steve Wynn? Francis might be taking a trunk ride to Death Valley real soon.

  17. I could understand him hanging with those "K" people and he was on an ep of The Real Housewives of Miami attending a party at the house of the plastic surgeon, but I could never figure out why real Hollywood A/B actors would even been seen with him, unless it was because he provides drugs. Or has shit on them.

  18. Rapist piece of shit.

    Karma sure sucked when you got raped didn't it, Joey?

  19. It couldn't have happened to a nicer tool.

  20. cant stand this asshole dont care what happens to him Im sure we will all get along fine without his antics.

  21. Anonymous12:32 PM

    OH my God, this just made my YEAR!!!! Joe Francis poor and forced to get women on his looks, charm and personality? BWAhahahahaha times infinity! This is so rich it's got to be fattening!

  22. Anonymous12:34 PM

    he's a sex offender, films under age girls, plies drunk girls with more booze, has no shame, the perviest of the pervs, the skeeziest of the skeeves, there's a reason you get the shivers just looking at his smarmy mug.

  23. @ Lucas - Your clicky didn't work :(

  24. LOL Thanks Lucas!

  25. I try to be helpful :)

  26. hahahhahahahahahahhaa- I hope he gets sued by more and more people, and lives like a pauper for the rest of his life.

    Unfortunately, that will not happen.

  27. Anonymous1:46 PM

    time to sell that cabo house, loser. he strikes me as greasy

  28. Ah .. there IS a god!

  29. @Amber - Playboy, Penthouse, pornstars in general, have all lost tons of money precisely because you can see tits for free on the internet.

    GGW however, are the originators of that, because they don't pay their models.. Just lure them into the truck with candy and stuffed animals.

  30. Sleazy slimeball scuzzbag. I hope he rots.

    And he's friends with Zach Braff? NOOOOOO!!!

    1. @prolixe - I didn't mean to imply he was friends with Zach Braff. I don't know if he is. But Zach Braff linked to the subreddit /r/gonewild on Twitter. And that subreddit has nothing to do with Joe Francis (as far as I know). It's just a place where lots of young women seeking validation post pictures of themselves in various stages of undress and/or sexual activity. And god love 'em for it.

  31. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
