Friday, February 22, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today.

Mario Lopez takes his wife out for the first time since announcing she is expecting their second child.
Mia Wasikowska in Korea. She always looks like she is ready to do ballet.
Peter Facinelli tries to explain the periodic table.
Think about Rose McGowan and look at her now. She needs to delete her plastic surgeon's number from speed dial.
Salma Hayek and family are back in LA after their three straight fashion weeks
Adrienne Maloof really wants us to know she is dating Sean Stewart.
It is Dr. Wiz Khalifa to you.
Uma Thurman out supporting her dad for a Tibet House benefit.
Vanessa Hudgens asks for a pair of scissors. Wants to do a Lindsay and cut the dress.


  1. Mario and his wife look like siblings....

  2. That's Mia Wasikowska?! Wow she looks so different with the Anna Wintour bob.

    Rose McGown gets a pass from me because I was reminded the other day about Jawbreaker.

    Maybe Hudgens thought if she held up the skirt she wouldn't blend into the red carpet so much.

    1. @lotta I kill Liz. I kill the teen dream. Deal with it. I won the dvd and im not ashamed.

  3. Congrats to Wiz on his baby boy Sebastian!

    Rose- your face melted.

    I like Mia W. Good actress and seems classy.

  4. That is not Rose way!

    Mario Lopez's wife was a total bitchy pain in the neck on Cake Boss, but he's such a cheating scumbag. So, get that money, girl!

    I like Mia W's dress.

    That's a cute picture of Wiz Khalifa.

    Peter Facinelli is hot. Kelly Taylor is not.

  5. Does anyone know if amber had a c section ? I just remember an interview where she was going on about having the baby "naturally"

  6. I know it's evil free february, but y'all have GOT to go look at the peplum pants pics on DM.

    I remember an interview that Rose gave back in the late 90s about how women should mess with their face or wear too much makeup. Yeah...

    1. disco, their headline says it all "A fright in frills!" OMG that was funny/awful.

    2. @disco, so worth the visit. Yikes!

    3. Anonymous4:12 PM

      I saw it on Dlisted and was tempted to post here two. Michael K's comment sums it up. Made my Friday!

    4. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Sorry forgot I was on mobile site. This is referring to discoflux's suggestion to check out pics of certain skank at DM they're at Dlisted too. I hope Enty posts them on March 1st just for the hell of it

    5. @disco WTF??? Does she look in the mirror before she leaves the house?? She has made some bad fashion choices recently but this is hands down the worst. Holy sh!t! She looks horrendous!

  7. Rose McGowan, being a blonde is not good for her.

    Isn't Sean S. a bum???

    Uma unrecognizable...

  8. Cam- I think it was her intention to have a natural birth but the baby had other ideas.

  9. Replies
    1. That's what *I* said to myself.

    2. @chris She was so flawless in Jawbreaker. the hell lead to this

  10. We, anyone see the pic if Mario & Adrienne kissing for charity? She looks like she's trying to tongue the eff out of him.

    Why does Rose keep trying to look 70 years old?

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Yes I saw it. I wish I could "unsee" it. It's gross. He gives method willies. Even back when he was on SBTB he gave me the skeeves.

  11. @disco

    Those pants are truly awful. Don't women realize peplum is supposed to give women that look like string beans, hips? It's supposed to give you curves, not subdue them.

    Michael K said it best "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH"

  12. Golly I sure do hate Peter Facinelli. His eyes are dark and soulless.

  13. Rose McGowan's face and hair are truly frightening.

  14. Rose McGowan must be a sad person.

  15. OMG those pics were so totally worth looking at! I am so excited to see pics another month from now, and another.. and another... .BWA HA HA HA!!!!

    Rose McGowan used to be so pretty! :(

  16. You're welcome, folks.

  17. Rose McGowan looks like an older, more botched version of Ashley Judd!!

    And salma and her H can go to as many shows as they want- they certainly have the disposable income for it.

    Ms. Maloof-just stop it!!!

    1. @urbanchaos - was coming here to post the same thing. Rose is looking more and more like Ashley Judd's little sister and I mean in the bad plastic surgery not a compliment kind of way.

      Oh Rose! I loved you Charmed. Go back to dark hair and rock it out! You are fab!

  18. Sorry but Salma looks Jaundiced! :/

  19. Holy cow, Rose McGowan! That's crazy!

    Still loving Charlize.

    Vanessa doesn't need scissors to fug that dress up.

  20. Maybe Mia W IS always ready for ballet.

  21. I find Salma's husband sooooo sexy hot.

  22. Uma should lose the surgeon's number, too. It looks like she got the bland special. Her face was so unique.

  23. Oh My God!

    I had to spell it out when I saw Rose M. Child you need Jesus.

  24. Oh, I almost forgot...

  25. Salma's little girl is a doll.

  26. Rose is morphing into Kylie Minogue

  27. I saw those pants earlier today as well and I was like WTF? They are beyond hideous.

    I think Vanessa Hudgens has some gorgeous legs.

    Rose? Is that you? Would have never guessed. Has anyone seen Lil Kim lately? Horror of horrors! That woman is completely shocking now. Step away from the surgery ladies!

    1. OMG yes Lil Kim!!! She looks like a 60 year old Asian lady. Crossed with a cat. It is scary.

  28. I had to break the evil free feb as well to go check out those pics.
    Omfg, they remind me of an SNL sketch about an ass pregnancy.

  29. I saw the pictures and that situation is not looking pretty at all and it's only been three or four months! Yikes!

  30. What the H-E-double hockeysticks happened to Rose McGowan! Holy shit!

  31. holy cow - i thought Rose McGowan was Cathy Moriarity!
