Friday, February 22, 2013

Random Photos Part Two

Katie Holmes is back in Los Angeles. Oh, how I would love it if she would stop by the basement for a cocktail.
Kate Moss and Rihanna canoodle for V Magazine.
Katherine Webb does some stretching. You know it is important before jumping feet first off a diving board to do a proper amount of stretching.
Kim Zolciak shows potential big papas that she has lost all her baby weight.
Alyssa Milano at a fundraiser for Haiti.
Monica Cruz and her baby bump.
Hello Anna Paquin.
Why yes, I am talking to you.
Oh yeah, that whole husband thing. My bad.


  1. AAhhhhh Kim! She looks so scary

  2. Don't know who Kim Zolciak is but she looks horrible. Too much plastic...

  3. Rihanna is trash.

    Alyssa Milano has always annoyed me. However, I liked her in Fear, the best worst movie ever made.

    Kim Z just made me lose my lunch.

    Katie Holmes looks terrible as usual.

    1. Fear is one of my favourite movies. Totally underrated

    2. @gmg, I love Fear, Reese had such a cute baby face!

    3. @Green I disagree. I think Katie looks pretty her.

      I love fear. Everytime i hear wild horse I think Marky mark hand all up on reese on that roller coaster.

    4. Yes to all of the above re Fear. Marky Mark was such a badass in that movie. I used to think the guy who played Reese's dad was hot.

    5. @greenmountaingal, that guy was the original chief on CSI I believe and he was foxy.

      I liked Fear but Reese's best movie has to be Freeway, favorite line: Look who got hit with the ugly stick! Lol

  4. Why does Anna look so weird?
    Oh Kim....

  5. And there's Anna...

  6. Your woman is up in the pics today, FSP!

  7. @Flirty, I think it's her eyebrows. They are too thin.

    1. @Lotta: that and her head looks like a block of wood with that hairstyle. So does her husband.

    2. @Flirty, yeah I don't really like when people do that Mystique hairstyle either.

  8. Who owns the extra hand in the pic of Rhianna & Kate??

    1. Where's the extra hand? I've looked over and over but I don't see it!

    2. Rihanna's right arm is out of the frame but her hand is over her tat

    3. Nevemind ! Hahaha that's Kate moss's leg. I'm looking at this from my phone and without my glasses. Tricky tricky

    4. Lol Kate's skinny calf does look like an arm now that you mention it.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I don't think Kim "lost" the baby weight.... She know's exactly where she left it - and so does her surgeon

  11. I wouldn't mind it if Katie stopped by my basement either. I'm sure it's nicer than the one Tom kept her chained up in.


  12. @jaded: looks like her surgeon put it all in her lips. *Shudder*

    Anna could use a sandwich. She looks bobblehead-ish. People always seem to lose a bit extra after a baby in Hollywood.

    Yes, Katherine Webb is attractive. She just seems a bit bland...and she looks like she had quite a lot of work done. Anyone notice that the really big stars (not talking about the reality bunch) all have a very individual look?

  13. @ jsierra. my fav movie/tv website has Joan of Arcadia seasons 1 and 2. enjoy!

  14. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Stop it Kim......TMI

  15. Why are we supposed to give a damn about monica cruz - is she famous aside from her sister? Also - Anna pacquin has always bugged me, she looks bad in those pics...

  16. Fear is a great movie!
    I loved watching Marky Mark punch himself in the chest over and over again.
    David and Nicole 4 EVA!

    1. Yes! And when Marky Mark killed Reese's male BFF - yikes! Why was Alyssa Milano hooking up with MM's greasy friend? He was so gross!

  17. @Hairy I didn't even think to look there! Thanks!

  18. Anna Paquin has lost SO MUCH weight. Her cheeks are all sunken in. Sad.

  19. Anna Paquin looks terrible!! She's always had an athletic frame, and i've always admired her body. what is going on now!? she's turned into a bobble head. EAT SOME FOOD.

  20. The creepy extra hand in the V cover just makes me think even more that Rhi is an alien... You'd have to break bones in multiple places for that one to work!

  21. Katie's jumper looks like it's about to slip off her nips.

    My husband is going to masturbate to that V cover when I'm not looking.

    Anna Paquin's dress is weird but cool.

  22. I was wondering what appendage was where as well- ipad viewing here.

    And KimZ, is she still on tv? Cause she's all kinds of disgusting looking. And to think she claims to be how old?

  23. Lol I love fear too. My favorite scene is towards the end when mark talks to the dad through the door peep hole and then he shouts "let me in the house" that scene always cracks me up. Alyssa milano was awesome in that movie too.

  24. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I love Anna and Stephen Moyer as a couple- the idea that Anna is cheating gives me the sads

  25. How can Suri be so well-dressed and Katie wearing this nonsense?

    Does V stand for Vampire now? Creepy cover.

    I don't know who Kim Z is, but girl, no. Just no.

    Terrible photos of Anna, I was hoping it was just angle until the last one.

    (Also, Enty, if this is the blind reveal, way to be subtle.)

  26. Did Katie get a double mastectomy recently?

  27. In the books, Sookie Stackhouse is extremely curvy. Paquin looks like a bobblehead. I hate when actresses get popular, they lose a shitload of weight. It does not look good!

  28. Re: the naked Rihanna and Kate Moss cover. I think it's sad that this is 2013 and celebs are still doing the "Look how shocking it is that we're the same sex and posing like we might be lovers! Aren't we edgy?" thing. How '90s. We know you two are not gay so quit this offensive shit.

  29. How is the picture offensive? They are modeling, playing a role essentially. I see nothing wrong with two straight women in a photo that may portray them as lesbians. It's part of the job.

  30. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Kim K, meet Monica Cruz. Monica Cruz, meet......actually...don't dirty yourself with that....

  31. I actually kind of like Katie's retro 70's outfit.

  32. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Kim face yoawzas Smh

  33. Anna looks annoyed standing next to her hubby.

    That Kin chick looks Naaaasssstty...pity the baby.

    Kate and Rhianna..really! what a joke.

  34. Rihanna and Kate Moss? It's like old trash and new trash are hanging out. I've never found Anna Paquin even remotely attractive. She is fug and just gets more so as time goes by.

  35. @pugglewug
    I don't think it's offensive to lesbians, but I think it could be annoying to lesbians when straight women act gay to get attention

    I have now looked at this Anna P photos 7 times. She's beautiful! She's hideous! Stunning! What is up with her makeup? My eyes and brain are throwing fistacuffs

    Confession! I have seen a couple episodes of Denise Richard's old reality show, and Katherine Webb's photo with tousled curls reminds me of Denise insisting on having her hair blown dry and curled even though the photoshoot was underwater. I would love to know what's going on the set of this diving show (oh wait, no I don't. Doh!)

  36. I still only see 4 hands. Rhi's around Kat's waist and over her thigh and Kate's on Rhi's thigh and over her shoulder. What am I missing here?

    Katie's outfit is doing her no favors. At all!

    Oh Kim could you do your lips just a little more?

    Seriously though, now that I am older all my pictures show how much my upper lip has disappeared. I can see where the trout pout might come in handy but lawd gawd almighty, these ladies must really be overboard in real life!

  37. @Sunny, I see your point. I was speaking solely of modeling and photos. Hell, I'm straight and get annoyed when two drunk chicks makeout to look sexy around men. Thank god me and my friends are getting older. Years ago, one posted some "sexy lesbian" drunk pictures on Facebook that made me want to drive to their house and smack them upside the head. They have since been deleted, thank god.

  38. @PuggleWug, I think it's offensive because it insinuates that being gay is something that has shock value. The media/public should be over that kind of thinking in this day and age. This is not like when Cindy Crawford was shaving K.T. Lang on a magazine cover...I mean when was that, in 1992? Shocking then, okay, but shouldn't be now.

  39. Oh, okay. Your point being made in your original comment totally flew over my head. I do see what you mean. It is usually women in the pictures as well.

  40. WTH happened to Katie Holmes' bosom? That jumpsuit isn't doing her any favors, I tell you that.

  41. So I looked up their ages... to me, Kim's face work makes her look 52. ALYSSA MILANO IS 6 YEARS OLDER THAN HER and looks at least 15 years younger!

    Tip: Don't get work done in your friggin 30's. Once you hit your 50's, take things in small doses, oy.

  42. I like Katie's outfit but it doesn't look good on her for some reason.

    Anna is looking very skinny but I can't hate on her too much, she's Sookeeehh

  43. Anna Paquin is not hot.

    Something about her husband's demeanor makes me want to fight him

  44. Ever since Fly Away home Anna Paquin can do no wrong in my eyes. She is like the cooler older sister I never had. Or met.

  45. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Paquin's got to get the answer to the blind yesterday, re: the one big role starlet cheating with someone almost in front of her husband at work. She looks absolutely miserable guilty and he looks oblivious and happy.

  46. Anonymous8:01 AM

    got to be the answer

  47. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Kims Zolciak's face! The stuff of nightmares, wax work nightmares, those lips are approaching Lisa Rinna territory. A little teeny bit of plastic surgery is ok, but don't do every procedure and fad that's out there. It looks like Goldie jumped on the chipmunk cheek bandwagon. I hate that look. It's like their hiding sunflower seeds in their faces for later.

  48. Good to see that Kate Moss is still keeping up with the latest trends in sluttiness
