Friday, February 22, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

The scariest photobomb of all time gets the top spot.
Courteney Cox has been looking really good lately.
Emma Stone all bundled up.
Gerard Butler shows off some skills he has picked up.
The dolphin really would have liked Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell to spring for the supersized fish bonus pack.
Jennifer Hudson shows off her teeth.
Kelly Rowland and Naomi Campbell.
Jennifer Lopez would like you to believe she made these cupcakes.
Jamie Pressley at an event last night.
If you took two Snookis and stood them on top of each other, I'm not sure if they would add up to a Roger Murdock.


  1. If Goldie and Russell break up. Love this Dead. its DEAD!

  2. Snooki and Jwowwwwww just shouldn't be famous. Yuck.

    Those cupcakes look good. Too bad I'm on a diet.

    Courteney Cox has been looking like the joker lately.

    Emma Stone just isn't pretty to me. I think it's the always tired eyes.

  3. I've been watching Cougar Town and I do not hate it as much as I used to. Busy is growing on me as well. I saw her mortified episode and she and I are a lot alike. Sorry for the former hate Busy!!

  4. If by scariest you mean awesome-est, I agree.

    Either I need my eyes checked or Kurt needs a new hairstyle. I totally thought that was The Hoff at first. Although, that may be because Goldie is totally unrecognizable these days.

  5. I hate clowns!

    JLo please, I know you had the nanny whip those up.

    Kelly and Naomi look fabulous.

  6. I totally thought Kurt was Kris Kristoferson! I got a little excited! I love him!!!

    1. @Jessi, I thought the same and I love Kris too :)

  7. I like JWoww's skirt. I feel dirty now.

    Jamie Pressley looks amazing!

    Emma Stone is so cute.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hey, wait a minute! I know you! You're Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. You play basketball for the Los Angeles Lakers!

    I'm sorry son, but you must have me confused with someone else. My name is Roger Murdock. I'm the co-pilot.

    Love Airplane!!!

  10. That photobomb was SUPER creepy!!!

  11. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Kelly Rowland must be tiny! Her waist looks super small and she's standing next to Naomi Campbell for god's sake!

    Clowns scare me too. "It" terrified me when I was younger, still now I won't watch it. I love Tim Curry but shit he's scary in that.

  12. Why does every cute redhead in Hollywood eventually go blonde?

  13. NO way is that Goldie Hawn. If it is, she's WAY unrecognizable. Wow.

    1. Yes!! I thought that as well. Thought there was no way that could be Goldie unless she had serious work done on her face. Kurt looks like Kenny Rogers. Yes, I went there.

    2. I didn't recognize Goldie. But, she looked happy!

  14. Seachica - Emma is naturally a blonde, not a redhead.

  15. I disagree about Courtney Cox looking good. She has messed up her beautiful face. :(

    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight J Lo. You made them. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

  16. Courtney is really scary!

  17. Is that Demi Moore behind Courtney Cox? Or just some look-alike, like Kyle Richards?

  18. swimming with dolphins? I have zero respect and as celebs, they should be embarrassed to take part.

    Isn't Jlo actually a good cook? I remember watching a show once where she showed her fried chicken recipe in her own kitchen. Also, those cupcakes aren't exactly professional looking, so it's possible. Maybe they're for Casper's big boy bday party?

  19. It's possible JLo really did make those cupcakes--if you take a good look, they definitely weren't cranked out by a professional baker (the icing job is a dead giveaway). Admittedly, it's also entirely likely that someone else in the household made them, but it's not outside the realm of possibility that she actually tied on an apron.

  20. Robin, it is all about image. ESPECIALLY with J Lo.

  21. @Sugar, thank you for clearing that up for me. I was about to yell at Enty.

  22. The reason why they look so sloppy is because Casper and the other kids were allowed to ice them.

  23. I had to click and make it bigger but it IS Goldie Hawn. I think Kurt Russel just looks like an older version of himself but Goldie, why?!

    I wish celebrities would consult a normal, non-famous person before they get surgeried and injected with stuff.

    "Do you think I should plump up my lips and cheeks, maybe get rid of these wrinkles?"

    No, no you should not.

  24. The clown pic is terrifying.

  25. My best friend's husband was on a business trip in LA a few years ago at a restaurant and he sat at the next table from Goldie Hawn and Meg Ryan. He said that they looked terrible in person.

  26. OMG IT'S BACK!!!! I'm not scared of too many things (heights and idiot drivers) but the clown in IT freaked me out so much, I can't even look at Ronald McDonald without shuddering.

    I'm not going to make Gerard joke. Nope. Not going to.

    Goldie looks like she's had some work done, but ah well. Love her. Overboard!

    Ugh, more bondage shoes.

    I totally believe JLo made those cupcakes. Remember the pic she tweeted of their kitchen all messy and looking like someone actually cooked in it? (Thanksgiving?) Not professionally iced, yes.

    Wasn't Jaime P the guess for a blind about a b- actress hitting the skids? I loved her in Earl.

    "Here's a story - once upon a time, Randy shut up. The end. It had a slow start but I liked the middle."

    1. @prolixe, Re: JLo. I think this is the picture
      you're talking about and that's Jessica Alba making use of her kitchen.

      I know it doesn't take a rocket scientist to bake cupcakes but I have a hard time believing JLo doesn't have people doing everything for her.

    2. @lotta, you're right, that's the one. D'oh me!

  27. I finally have an excuse to tell my Kurt Russell story! He was in my town for a charity golf tournament and a young boy asked him to autograph his baseball cap. Kurt took the hat and threw it into the crowd without signing it and walked away. I've hated him ever since.

    1. Betty Boop, well now I don't like him either.

    2. The truth comes out about yet another celebrity douchebag. And now he's a hasbeen. Karma's a bitch.

  28. I don't know how shit like Whitney lasts, but My Name is Earl got cancelled.

    It isn't difficult to make cupcakes. Follow the directions on the box, voila.

  29. @Betty Boop - Terrible!!

    I've seen a few celebrities in person but don't approach them, I clam up and also I feel like they probably want their space when they're at places like the airport.

    I used to shout "Hey Gary" at our Premier when I would see him at football games, but he was cool. And not really a celebrity unless you're a Canadian politics fan.

  30. Enty has my favorite couple, Goldie and Kurt. Don't care what they look like just luv them.
    Kelly and Naomi, I see you beautiful women.
    Like Emma as a red head better.

  31. I don't think that is Goldie. The woman in this photo looks completely different to a picture I saw of Goldie a couple of days ago in the Daily Mail. Granted she was all dolled up in that picture and in this one it doesn't look like the woman isn't wearing any make-up, but I still think it isn't Goldie.

  32. I take it back - I've just seen these pics on the DM. It really is her.

  33. I haven't liked Goldie Hawn ever since she did an interview in which she said she doesn't mind if kurt cheats on her. She has all these nasty ideas about how men can't help themselves and they need to roam free and sow their wild oats and all that kind of crap. Kate Hudson has parroted this shit in her own interviews so I guess she learned from Mommy.

    The clown photo bomb is fantastic and I love it!

  34. I think Enty started pounding the margaritas a few days too early if he thinks Courtney Cox has been looking good lately! Her face is frozen in a perpetual expression of surprise, and her lips look like she's been sucking on a puffer fish.

  35. Enty only compliments the looks of actresses in their mid 40's to mid 60's. Every middle aged actress looks "amazing".

  36. Naomi and Kelly look amazing:-)

  37. Hey @Maja! Jennifer stole your look!

  38. Kurt Russell looks like Kris Kristopherson..sp...

  39. Kurt Russell looks like Kris Kristopherson..sp...

  40. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Holy shit goldie!

  41. @lazyday
    I challenge your theory! He said it about Busy Phillips once as well :)

    (They really need to have a CDAN trivia pub night)

  42. Betty Boop: Thanks for the story. Now we can all hate him. That just sounds horribly cruel to me! And yeah, that's Goldie.

    I know she's a natural blonde but I like Emma Stone as a red head too. Now hearing about how paranoid she is makes me think differently of her.

    Thanks Sugar..I didn't understand the reference at all.

  43. isn't anyone else going to comment on the gerard butler comment???

    is that a reveal?

  44. Maybe J.Lo is angling for a job on 2 Broke Girls.

  45. Gerard Butler acknowledged in a few interviews, before he became really famous, that he is bisexual.

  46. Sunny. " CDAN trivia pub night " , hilarious idea:)

  47. Betty Boop WTF! I never was a fan of Kurt before but I sure as hell don't like him now!

  48. Photo bomb.the girl on the left with the satan eyes scares me as much as the clown :)

  49. That is Goldie who is just looking her age because she is not all done up - she is proof that makeup and hair can do wonders - most of us don't look hot with no makeup and wet hair only Sports Illustrated models

  50. The interview with GB saying he was bisexual was attributed to Movieline Magazine who said no such interview ever took place, according to his fans that interview only ever showed up at one message board so you know it was fake otherwise every media outlet would have jumped on it esp since it was around the time of his 300 fame

    doesn't mean he might not be bisexual but that's the story there

  51. Mr Babo met Goldie Hawn 6/7 years ago at an Oberoy Hotel in New Delhi. They bonded in an empty bar in a boring hotel over a Martini. She was fun and charming (he was his usual best).

    He also had drinks on a long haul flight with Cate Blanchett (she was funny too). He also witnessed firsthand that Posh does not behave like a diva in front of adversity.

    And that when Naomi Watts and Nicole Kidman are in the same room, Naomi Watts looks better. That s all the dirt gossip I can muster here at home.

    As for me, I read stuff on the Interwebs (and I also managed to wrestle off from him that The Rock had the most perfect skin and a roving eye for the ladies)

  52. I don t wholeheartedly agree with Goldie Hawn s views on faithfulness, but it seems as it has worked for her ...

  53. OMG that clown photobomb!!! That is TERRIFYING. If I took a picture, and saw that shit in the background, I would FREAK. It's like they're being haunted by It from that Stephen King movie :(

    Jennifer Hudson looks really pretty. I always think she's pretty. And Kelly and Naomi look like sisters.

    Did anyone else notice JLO's solid gold oven fixtures?? That is some crazy shiz. Not necessarily surprising as it's JLO but crazy nonetheless.

  54. @Babo, what does Mr. Babo do? No names, of course, but roughly.... I don't want to call you out, I'm just curious as to how he has access to celebs?
    That being said, I saw Jim Belushi, Dan Ackroyd and John Goodman at Superbowl 1997. Belushi was a JERK and the other two were just as sweet as pie. I'm just an average Silly Girl, though, so there's no real celeb connection.

  55. That doesn't even look like Goldie in the pic with Kurt Russell. What happened?
