Friday, February 01, 2013

That Is A Really Long Kiss

Dear godaddy. I volunteer for next year.


  1. I only thought of ORBIT when I finish the video.

    Kid is leaving the dream

  2. LMAO I hope they paid Bar A HELLUVA lot of money for this, lol

  3. It's the guy that's been in every movie ever! He's like a cult favorite.

  4. The whole hullabloo on one of the morning shows made me think that it would be much more than it was, unless that's the abridged version. But, that's the version on the GoDaddy website, so maybe they are holding it back for the game?

    Or maybe we Americans are even more repressed than I (and Bar) think.

  5. Has anyone see that VW Jamaican superbowl commercial? I loved it and apparently so did Jamaicans.

  6. Lotta, it's a great commercial, so of course some moron has to decide it's racist. Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ can this country not laugh at ANYTHING anymore??

  7. @Cindy, I know right? Everything will have to come with a disclaimer for those who offend easily before you know it.

  8. Oh my gosh he was on the Today show this morning and he is adorable. They Skyped in Bar and she said "I want the world to know he is a great kisser" or something to that effect-it was hilarious!

  9. Oh my god it's that guy! I love him, he's been in so many awesome things and he always just sits there but he's always memorable. Probably the face combined with the hair haha but that's okay, I just love the fact that he seems confident and really is rocking that ginger thing he's got going on.

    Also, daaaaaamn! I salute the kid

  10. Enty, if you want to be in the next commercial you're going to have to fight me for it!

  11. It's the wet kissing sounds and the length of the kiss that make this work. Fun commercial!

  12. They were on the "Today" show this morning and Bar asked if he could hear her during the interview ( She was in Tel Aviv) and he said yes, and she then preceded to state he was a REALLY REALLY GOOD KISSER! I thought it was pretty cool :)

  13. FOUND HIM!

  14. I can smell the Spaghettios in his breath from here.

  15. Damn, he's living the dream. Go baby!
