Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Your Turn

The biggest "chick flick" of all time. I'm talking about something that guys have to be bribed to see. Titanic is a good choice, but Steel Magnolias is a better choice.


  1. Terms of Endearment or The Notebook.

  2. Troop Beverly Hills

  3. legally blonde.

    twilight (any)

    1. In exchange for agreeing that the husband could buy another motorcycle, he had to see the third twilight with me. He got the better deal, at least we rode together to and from the movie.

  4. I don't watch Chick Flicks. I would have to be bribed to watch them.
    I saw Dirty Dancing, but I was 12.

  5. Shallow Hal. Goopster was pretty big in that.

  6. The Notebook gets my vote. Ryan and Rachel, those were the days :)

  7. Steel Magnolias was my first thought, Terms of Endearment or Fried Green Tomatoes too... *sigh* chick flick binge!!!

  8. *gasp* @vip how DARE I leave out Beaches!

    1. @Dishtlk LOL! I was just thinking "how DARE I leave out Fried Green Tomatoes!"

      "Face it girls, I'm older and I have more insurance" :)

  9. Fried Green Tomatoes, Bridges of Madison County, The Notebook

  10. Gone with the Wind (especially because it's almost 4 hours long).

  11. "Dirty Dancing", "Pretty Woman"

  12. Pride and Prejudice, BBC version (Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy). Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley second.

    1. I've been a lurker for some time but never posted. However, I had to respond to this because the BBC movie is my favorite!!!!! My hubby's never made it all the way through without falling asleep though!
      And hi everyone! I love reading yalls posts!

    2. I've been a lurker for some time but never posted. However, I had to respond to this because the BBC movie is my favorite!!!!! My hubby's never made it all the way through without falling asleep though!
      And hi everyone! I love reading yalls posts!

    3. @Ms Cool Yes to the BBC P&P! And Sense and Sensibility (Emma Thompson version), when Alan Richtman is carrying a sopping wet Kate Winslet back to the house.

      You guys are making me want to go home and have a movie marathon :)

    4. Definitely BBC version of Pride and Prejudice. I don't know a straight man alive that would be willing to sit through all 6 hours with me, not even knowing he will get some good lovin' afterward

  13. young-chick flick: never been kissed

  14. The "Kill Bills".

    1. Ah yes MadLyb, They are good chick Flicks.
      I do like Death Proof too. Those girls kick ass.

  15. Beaches, I lose it everytime Bette's character turns to the camera as if looking at Barbra Hershey's character and realizes that she has died

    1. Me too!! I know it's coming, but I'm never ready for it!

  16. The Notebook or Beaches..2 of my faves lol

  17. Grease ---Mr. Soho flat out refuses
    16 candles

  18. Without question - Beaches.

  19. The Notebook or Pretty Woman.

  20. I am not a chick flick person but something I would have to pay a dude to watch would either be Twilight or that new Safe Haven movie. Or Burlesque.

  21. On a rainy day chick flick level - Beaches
    On a make-her-panties-drop level - The Notebook

    1. @Rain- Lmao at your descriptions. It's true though.

  22. Not a big fan of chick flicks either. In fact, I don't watch daytime TV, soaps, or anything that's geared towards women. I prefer watching things like Adventure Time or Regular Show with my kids. LOL

  23. I should amend my last movies by saying that I'm more of an action flick type of gal and Casino Royale works as a chick flick.

  24. Replies
    1. Hi! Guess I'm no officially part of the family instead of just a lurker! :)

  25. Brothers McMullen may not really be a chick flick, but most guys may not want to sit through it. My husband certainly won't.

  26. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Fried Green Goddamned Tomatoes. Ugh. The bad guy gets cooked and fed to the goofy-looking lawman investigating the bad guy's disappearance. That's some vindictive shit right there, some Titus Andronicus stuff. Whew. Me no like...

  27. It helps to read the entire question. It think you'd have to pay a guy to watch the "Sex in the City" movies.

  28. It helps to be able to spell, too.

  29. Anonymous10:27 AM

    <<<<<<<<<< Steel Magnolias!!!!!

  30. Since they haven't been said, that "traveling pants" movie, Joy Luck Club, and that Parker Posey movie, ummmmm ...Broken English. (thank u imdb)

  31. Joy Luck Club, Affair to Remember

  32. @It's just U, Death Proof is one of my favorites!!

    @everyone who said "Pretty Woman": one time I was hanging out with my girlfriends while their husbands were downstairs watching TV. It turned out that they were watching Pretty Woman because "nothing else was on." And they said that Richard Gere was such a great guy because he didn't make her do anything on the first night--we laughed at them and explained that the TV version goes to commercial as she gets on her knees to service him. They were aghast.

    1. @Karen, LOL that's a great story. I love how the "nothing else was on" excuse comes in like they weren't a tiny bit curious.

  33. Oh man, Jim beat me to it!

  34. I'm surprised no one said...Magic Mike. Not necessarily a chick flick but I know our movie theater was filled with women and the occasional significant other who was either dragged/drugged/or bribed into going to see it.

  35. Gone With the Wind
    The Notebook
    Steel Magnolias
    (None of which I mind watching btw... but I have to have a towel handy for Notebook)

  36. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion!!

  37. The Women (1939) the original chick flick.

  38. Sense and Sensibility - Alan Rickman, Hugh Laurie, young Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet... It's perfection, but it's also Jane Austen and straight men are allergic to her, for the most part.

  39. Since Beaches has been mentioned, I will go with Ice Castles.

  40. Anonymous10:35 AM

    .....Troy ( on mute)..

    1. YES! So much hawtness in one movie.

  41. Beaches wins by a mile....lol

    Bull Durham is about BASEBALL. Guys can sit through it!

  42. Anonymous10:36 AM

    If men were really smart they'd ENCOURAGE US TO WATCH CHICK FLICKS, because what do they do? They make us cry, they make us think about love, true love, feelings, passion, the heart, all of which lead straight to the bed. I can't think of anything less sexy than an explosion laden/shoot em up/loud/noisy/bloody/gritty/screaming/violence laden horror fest that are most guy movies. I'm not turned on by watching a man be in control and in charge, blowing things up. I like Pretty Woman/Notebook/Fried Green Tomatoes type stuff that make you think about wouldn't it be great to be taken care of, to be loved like that, cherished like that, I love my man, etc. Wake up Guys!

  43. Steel Magnolias may be a chick flick but it's one of the funniest movies of all time - Shirley McClain and Olympia Dukakis are hilarious in that movie.

  44. I'm thinking 27 Dresses for sure

  45. Bull Durham is a chick flick about a guy and a girl chasing each other. A League of Their Own is a movie about baseball.

    1. @Darkmyst LMAO!

      Come to think of it, I own Bull Durham, but not A League of Their Own. Oops.

  46. For the Dutch, Germans, Belgians among us... Sisi!!!

  47. Steel Magnolias, Term of Endearment, Pretty Woman, Sleepless in Seattle, The Notebook, Dirty Dancing. There's too many!

  48. Ah yes, the 1995 BBC Pride and Prejudice (accept no substitutes) and its modern counterpart, Bridget Jones' Diary. Which, incidentally, are two of my very fave things to watch and both have Colin Firth playing Darcy. (Not a coincidence.)

  49. Bridget Jones.

    Steel Mags was boring as fuck.

  50. Clueless, Pretty Woman and definitely Gone With the Wind.

  51. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Romance, singing and dancing....triple threat to their manhood!!!!
    Or maybe Funny Girl.

  52. Beaches.

    Evil, evil movie. *reaching for tissues*

  53. Anonymous10:46 AM

    If we' re going for funny, then, Parenthood...

  54. Replies
    1. LOL
      The thought of poor Telly Savalas all alone on Watch while the others got to enjoy the "ladies" made me yearn to comfort him o-0

  55. Snapdragon said Bridget Jones- in addition to the numerous mentioned above that immediately went to the top of my list.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. @urban chaos: SLIGHTLY off-topic, but, new Bridget book this year!

  58. The Notebook
    Steel Magnolias

    That there is the trifecta of chick flicks......

    Now, Magic Mike - I think my honey will watch that only to see me dancing during "Pony" LOL!

  59. 16 CANDLES
    Jake Ryan!

  60. Love stories aren't chick flicks because men fall in love too. Fried Green Tomatoes, Beaches, Steel Magnolias.... Movies about women bonding, those are what I think of as chick flicks & I have no interest in watching them.

  61. Hmmm, I like all your choices but my husband can actually sit and watch most of these movies, he's not American I think that might have something to do with it, but the one he can't sit thru would be Gone with the wind. It's one of my favorites but he doesn't like to watch it with me so I think that's the ultimate chick flick that even my open minded husband can not watch.

  62. Not the biggest but should be on the top 10 list is Mystic Pizza. An old boyfriend who I was with for quite a while refused to see chick flicks with me after seeing that. And he was usually pretty easygoing about going to see them prior to seeing Mystic Pizza

  63. The English Patient. Little Women. Pride And Prejudice. W.E. Eat,Pray,Love.

  64. Beaches.

    I've seen the first 2/3 of the movie about 100 times, but the minute Hillary gets sick and they play "I Think It's Going To Rain Today", I have to turn it off. Unless I'm in the mood for a very, very ugly cry.

  65. @VIP omg, every time i get frustrated in a parking lot i ALWAYS think, "TAWANDA!!!"

    I do know plenty of guys who appreciate the brilliance of Clueless... I'm also noticing a serious lack of NEW movies in the mix here... just sayin'.

    But there will be hell to pay if ANY of the aforementioned films are re-made... HELL I SAY!!!

  66. Also "The Glory of Love" is amazing... Does everyone remember baby Mayim Bialik as a young Bette Midler!!!???? EEEEE!!!

    Sorry I can't make it a hyperlink... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_2PAwX86m4

  67. Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants!

  68. Thanks Snapdragon! Good to know.

  69. serendipity. I can get my hubby to watch the notebook or titanic but there's no way he'll sit through serendipity.

  70. Only one answer. A Room With A View.

  71. Steel Vaginas... Oh my God! When Virgina Hertz died from an angry hymen there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

  72. Bridget Jones...the first one

  73. Idk about chick flicks, but sometimes i have to practically stand in my head to get mr liddy to watch certain movies, and then when he does, hes like wow, that was good! Happened with Green Mile, Hildago, and shawshank to name a few. That can be annoying too.

  74. As MadLyb mentioned earlier, I don't think a lot of you are totally reading the question.

    Kill Bills and Buffy literally kick ass. Thelma and Louise is not far from that. Clueless, 16 Candles, Romy and Michelle are funny movies with cute chicks. Bull Durham has baseball and Susan Sarandon. Rhett Butler tells it like it is, and Mammy actually rules the house and is the best side eye commenter ftw. All of these movies I sit.through and enjoy for various reasons.

    Movies that I have never seen and you would have to bribe me with a naked massage and a b.j. would be:
    Notebook, Fried Green Tomatoes, Any Pride and Prejudice, Sex and the City, Joy Luck Club or anything along those lines. Those kinds are ultimate chick flicks.

    I also will never understand any film where the main female character needs a man to empower, take care of, or define a woman. Twilight anything is the worst and Pretty Woman hovers around that ballpark as well.
    As the father of a toddler girl, I don't want her to watch those eventually unless I am there to explain to her why I don't think they are good role models for young women. We will then watch Harry Potter as better examples of strong female characters. For Lawdy - Dorothy in Wizard of Oz is more proactive and self sufficient!

  75. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I wouldn't know, the most 'chick flick' movie I like is True Romance!

  76. The Notebook with my future husband, Ryan Gosling! :)

  77. Pride and Prejudice 2005 version. I only wish it was as long as the 1995 version. The casting is perfection. I know I will get flamed for this, so I'm going to cut and run: I think Matthew Macfadyen was a much better Darcy than Colin Firth.


  78. Anything related to 19th century English literature! As others have said BBC Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility...

    Funny story, my now husband bought me DVDs of the BBC of P&P, Little Women, and another chick flick as a birthday gift when we were dating.

    He didn't know where they were at the store and when he asked where to find them.

    After he gave me the gift he said, if we break up that's the way I'm going to pick up women. I could have gotten the numbers of any of the staff. He said it was an unknown secret way to pick up women!

  79. I don't put Bull Durham in the same chick-flick class as Beaches, but here's my favorite line...

    mmmm...a young Kevin Costner in Bull Durham..."I like long, slow, deep, soft wet kisses that last all night..."

    Yup, me too, Kevin!

  80. Most of my favourites have been mentioned, but I'd like to add Desperately Seeking Susan, and Mermaids.


  82. The Brave; hey that was a good animation about a brave little girl.

    1. @nevermindthat
      Good one I haven't seen yet. But sounds like a good future firm for.my daughter.

  83. I cry like a baby every time I watch Steel Magnolias. FWIW A River Runs Through It has the same effect on me.

    1. Love river runs through it. Love it.

  84. @Mango: FLAME! NOOOO! (j/k -- you're entitled to your opinion, even if it is the wrong one! :D :) )

    Did y'all know? Clueless is merely Jane Austen's Emma in modern wrapping.

  85. The Notebook. Sensitive, sexy Noah taking care of his lady love, til the bittersweet end.

  86. For something more contemporary:

    The Jane Austen Book Club
    Country Strong (because I was bawled watching it)

    Oh, and To Gillian on her 37th Birthday. Love that movie, but never been able to get a man to watch it :)

  87. The Notebook and Twilight

  88. Another vote for Beaches!

  89. Pretty Woman, definitely.

  90. It is a truth universally known that Bridget Jones' Diary is the ultimate chick flick.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. To me, A River Runs Through It seems slightly more like a guy movie. I cry like hell when I watch it too. I lost a brother to alcoholism.

  93. I don't like chick flicks. I haven't seen Bridesmaids either. The closest I come to it is Tootsie. It's my husband's favorite movie though, so he watches it with me. I love Big too.

  94. Another vote for Beaches

  95. The English Patient

    My husband still makes disparaging remarks about it.

  96. I don't really enjoy chick flicks, but I would have to pay my hubby to go see a costume drama with me, I think, he detests them.

  97. @Xander Dyle I agree with everything you said. I have 2 daughters and I intend to raise them where Ripley and Sarah Connor are the kind of women you want to watch in movies, who take charge and kick ass.
    I have never seen The Notebook, Beaches, Steel Magnolias, Bridget Jones or any such 'chick flicks' mentioned in this thread. I have seen Pride and Prejudice and Gone with the wind, but they are about as girly as I get.
    I don't like them and I won't watch them.
    I reckon you and my husband would get on pretty well. He wants to raise our girls the same way too.

  98. 300. You either have to be a chick or a gay guy to enjoy that movie.

  99. Terms of Endearment, most Woody Allen movies from the 80's, Anything with Meryl Streep or Diane Keaton or Meg Ryan.

  100. Thelma and Louise. I'm Thelma and my bestie is Louise. ;)

  101. Notebook. The Last Song. Anything from that shitty author basically.

  102. Clueless, SATC, all Jane Austen adaptations. Never heard of Beaches, have to look into that! Could be if the title is translated into something totally different and stupid like "Summer of Dreams" in my language. I really hate it when they do that!

  103. "On a make-her-panties-drop level - The Notebook"

    Right, I'll file that in my dating tips somewhere between opening doors, complimenting her shoes and being the first one to offer oral sex.

    Luckily, none of my girlfriends or my ex ever even tried to drag me to see any of the top picks. I do remember this one chick whose idea of a first-date movie was Secretary.

    1. @B Profane - I also dated someone like that. Sadly, it didn't work out because try as I might I just couldn't get turned on by inflicting intense physical pain on someone. No matter how much they got off on it.

  104. First Wives Club, Boys on the Side and that western movie with the gorgeous and ever young Madeleine Stowe and Andie McDowell.

  105. Shag...FTW If you haven't seen it ladies, DO!!!!

  106. Oh, oh, I do remember one: Bride & Prejudice. That was the second-date flick with one chica of particularly fond memory. It was actually my idea to see it, me being a literary type, but I think I scored some girl-points with her for picking a kinda chick-flick.

  107. The Notebook was the first time I saw my ex BF cry and then he said"I will always read to you." Made me cry too.

    A million years ago I rented A Chorus Line on VHS and watched it non-stop until it had to go back to the video store. The ex hubs wouldn't watch a minute and finally had to ask me to stop singing "let me dance for you, let me try"

    Good times.

  108. Love Actually
    Valley Girl
    Bridget Jones' Diary
    Legally Blonde
    Girls Just Want to Have Fun
    First Wives Club
    When Harry Met Sally

  109. I agree with all your choices but at least those are Good movies. I still owe 'your choice' kinky sex for "Ironman". What a piece of Garbage! Luckily, I broke up with him before I had to follow through. :)

  110. I'll only see "chick flicks" if they have humor (Bridget Jones Diary, e.g.). I'd rather see sci-fi or suspense movies.
    That said, Terms of Endearment is deffo a chick flick.

  111. Being a guy, the only chick flick I'll watch with my wife is Love Actually. don't know why but I love that movie.

  112. Definitely not the Notebook. My bf loves it, as does one of my male coworkers and several other guys I know. If you are going for something they will NOT watch, but women might like...how about Shelter? ;)

  113. While at the Dirty Dancing festival last summer, they told us it had been named the most beloved chick flick in some poll, so ill go with that even though I know a lot of dudes like it.

    My husband likes a lot of these named (are you kidding me with Bull Durham?? He made me watch that!). He refuses to watch Sex and the City or anything Twilight related but I think that's more about crap movies than chick flicks.

    @bekH - LOVE that movie!

  114. Magic Mike...my dh will watch anything, he's seen more chick flicks than me, but he won't watch this one. My friend was watching it in the theatre and when the movie started, she heard th guy in front of her say to his girlfriend "this isn't Madagascar 3?" lolol

  115. If anyone likes the pony scene in magic mike, go download Daniel Wesley's version of Pony. Way. Way. Sexier version of the song, but I'm not a big R&B fan.
