Saturday, March 23, 2013

Blind Item #1

It was probably not a good idea for this former B+/A- list mostly movie actress who is now a shell of that person to start dating her current boyfriend. Our actress has always had a hard time saying no to drugs and since her boyfriend is all about heroin, this will probably not turn out well. Our actress has only ever snorted it. He prefers needles. Will she?


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Lindsay doesn't like men unless they are paying for it, therefore she doesn't have any steady boyfriends, plus given the fact that if she's allowed to choose for herself her most serious relationship was with a woman. I'm guessing this is Britney? Or Xtina?

    1. they aren't actresses.....or at the very least, aren't known as actresses.
      Otherwise, I could totally see it being Xtina!!

  2. It's an actress, not a singer. Keira Knightly is in the DM, but she is engaged, right?

  3. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Tara Reid?

  4. uh, any of them? seriously what else do we have to go off of other then the B+/A- list status... they all like drugs!
    Heather Graham?

    1. Agreed Kristin. That and her former status and all these can't be Lindsay. Don't have access to the DM today.

  5. Lindsay's in the DM with her new boyfriend who looks kinda junkie-ish

    1. @PARangers- I just saw that, she looks all kinds of dirty with her bewbs swinging in the breeze.

  6. I also think Kirsten. A Lindsay Lohan boyfriend only lasts as long as the money is good and the tone of the writing feels sorry for the actress, while Enty can't stand the Lohan circus.

  7. I wonder if "shell of her former self" refers to a dramatic physical change as well as a psychological one. Christina Ricci looks totally emaciated lately and she's had issues with loser/douchey boyfriends before.

  8. Enty puts Lindsay at D-list now (is there an F-list? Please?), so not her. I hope not Christina Ricci, I loved little Miz Addams. :/ She looked so sad and scary in the randoms yesterday.

  9. NVM forgot Winona use to inject---so I guess

  10. Yes I saw that photo of Christina Ricci it was frightening, definitely looked strung out.

  11. I don't see the difference whether you snort it or inject it; heroin is still heroin and still has the same effect.It still doesn't make her any "less" of a user.

  12. There is a significant difference between snorting and shooting. Yes, one is still a user, but the deleterious effects and the mainline high of shooting is wildly dangerous. As to who this is, I think it is Kate Boswell, although I don't think she was ever an A (except for her role in Superman).

  13. Yeah, I going with Tara Reid. But does she even have a bf right now?

  14. Ricci is a good guess. So is Greene, since she weighs 2 lbs.

  15. Anonymous11:26 AM

    whats the difference between snorting and needle?
    is the high faster?

  16. Does Demi Moore have a new BF?

  17. Nudibelle - The high is faster and more intense. When you snort, alot of it gets filtered by your lung systems before it gets into your bloodstream.

    When you inject, it's raw. Makes it a better rush, but it also makes it more addictive and the crash is harder.

  18. Anyone that does smack deserves what they get. Their family and non junkie friends do not deserve it.

  19. I don't know why but Christina Ricci has always (at least since she started going nude in movies) looked like a junkie to me

  20. I tend to be more sympathetic to anyone that does heroin, crack or meth cause more often than not, there's some deep psychological problems associated with their use. People who do coke often have more money than sense, so I have no time for them.

  21. Tara Ried was NEVER Bt/A- list. EVER EVER EVER.

  22. I thought Demi but don't know if she has a new boyfriend.

  23. Does Amanda bynes have a new bf? Anyway, it's a sad blind :(

  24. Does Amanda bynes have a new bf? Anyway, it's a sad blind :(

  25. Snorting or insufflation allows the body to absorb drugs through the mucous membranes more slowly. You don't get a 100% absorption. Injecting it can be more intense.

    Vaporizing the heroin on foil or a special device puts the smoke into the lungs and then it is absorbed fairly quickly into the bloodstream, but just a little less efficiently than slamming.

    The personalities of heroin addicts are often unpleasant for me to be around. There is also something in me that can't tolerate boozers, with their "I feel sick" and crying jags and all those self-pitying tantrums. Give me a crackhead or meth freak any day! Heck, even a pothead is more fun than an opiate user.

  26. Ricci. She's been looking a hot mess lately. Head looks waaaay to big for her body.
