Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Goopster Needs To Find The Real World - $450K For Essentials

You know what is really sad about Gwyneth Paltrow's continued decline into Marie Antoinette land? A few things really. She is probably turning her kids into spoiled brats with eating disorders. It also shows that she does not listen to anyone in the world over the past few years who have told her to dial things back a bit so that she can be more liked by people not in the 1%. She has ignored them all and if anything, has gone even more to the edge and showed that she only really likes you or wants to know you if you are rich. Secretly I think she looks down on Jay-Z and Beyonce because they did not grow up rich. Same with Chris martin. They are acceptable though because, well, they are famous and no one wants to hang out with her anyway. One time the Goopster hung out with Cameron Diaz in the last year. Show me any other photo where Gwyneth was out with anyone other than Jay-Z and Beyonce. You can't because no one likes her. In her latest newsletter she advises people that they have to spend $450K on their spring clothes. These are your essentials. These are not even luxuries. If you don't have these, you are dead to her. Oh good. I was wondering what I would need to do to be dead to her.


  1. Rachel Zoe she is not. Aside from being horribly overpriced, the outfits aren't even good!

  2. She panders to the 1% they can afford it or I would like to think she is showing things to the everyday woman to find inspiration on their budget

    1. The only inspiration a woman, or young girls/impressionable young women,could get from those pics, is as a goal for their Pro-Ana scrapbook. Those clothes are hideous, and don't even don't make sense in relation to each other, much less when she "shares" when she thinks they should be worn.A $1,500 ball gowny skirt to hang casually w/ your friends at home? Or, tiny gold lame diaper shorts for casual luncheons? JFC, she needs not one seat, but a whole damn row. All she is, is a walking headcase with eating disorders who shares that delusion with the peons. Cant wait for the Apple Martin tell all!

  3. That's more than my HOUSE costs! Is she for REAL?

  4. She just needs to get lost.

  5. I'm offended by all the hideous outfits I just saw after clicking on that link. I feel dirtier than I did after googling ass to ass.

    1. ethorn, I can't bring myself to google that phrase, but I have no idea what it means. Can you explain it in delicate terms? When I google something, I see ads related to that search on every site for the next week. What kind of ads have you been getting? Yikes.

    2. @WUWT-Umm, it's 2 girls (or guys too I guess) using a double ended dildo. I usually look stuff up on my phone, I don't get ads but I can imagine the ones you get after googling the terms brought up here.

    3. @WUWT- Did you see about pegging in the Rihanna post? Lol

  6. Michael K did a hilarious bit on this regarding the $1600 ball gown skirt you can wear to relax at home with your friends (no really).

  7. And just think, my unemployed ass is just happy that I get to splurge $20 on payless shoes.

  8. What number is her readership on GOOP? How many people actually follow her for this to even affect? I get the absurdity and how it can make news and maybe it's all just a rouse for publicity? Cause I just can't fathom how a supposed intelligent woman like herself doesn't realize that these recommendations are setting her up for an SNL skit. It just doesn't all add up.

  9. I'm waiting for the tell all book little Apple will write in 20 years :)

    1. Just naming her Apple warrants a tell all.

    2. mommie dearest part 2

    3. A My Name is Apple
      My husband's name is Angst
      I come from an Annoying Mother
      And I like... well food for one thing because my stupid self centered assh**me Mother starved me throughout my childhood.

  10. I love that it starts by saying "back by popular request"

  11. It must be nice to be that detached from reality. I have to get legless drunk before I can!! And it doesn't cost €450 either!

  12. I wish someone would call her out on this nonsense... $450 shorts? $1600 for a skirt??? That's great that she can afford it, however there are way way better ways to spend money. I wonder if she donates at all. Think of all the starving or sick children that don't have $450 shorts...

    1. @ J Sara said:
      "however there are way way better ways to spend money. I wonder if she donates at all. Think of all the starving or sick children that don't have $450 shorts... "

      The CDaN community has had a situation with one of our own this week. I'm making clicky links for all the weekend readers who might miss the story in all the posts from last week:
      Click here for the original story of IDoTheRobot’s nephew Ben.
      Click here for the follow up regarding T-Shirts and donations.
      Click here to order shirts.
      (make sure you turn the "Content Filter" on the left to "Off" to see or order "Ass to Ass" or "Burrito Whore".
      Thanks to everyone who has turned this into a positive heart warming community here at CDaN this week!

    2. Thanks for the update Xander!

    3. Xander, great job!
      There are visitors on this site today that are seeking out "Where's Shelly?" T shirts:)

    4. Thanks for explaining. I was wondering how to find those shirts.

    5. @Xander, thanks for posting the links, I'm just catching up on this. What a tragedy. I'll be ordering more than one.

    6. @Xander, this is terrific. All of you guys are awesome.

  13. Ugh. Her opinion is as welcome to me as is ass warts.

  14. Ugh. Her opinion is as welcome to me as is ass warts.

  15. There's a special place in hell for bitches like her

  16. @sinpiggyspin, me too.

    I would totally understand if these were glorious items that are timeless. However, I scrolled through her must haves and couldn't believe my eyes. It truly is atrocious. The majority of these items you could get at Target or H&M on clearance if you want to emulate her look. And poor thing. Those awkward poses and dark under eye circles don't help her cause either.

  17. C*U*Next*Tuesday!!!!!

  18. The really annoying thing is that I'll bet she gets all these clothes for absolutely nothing, just to promote them on her blog.

    1. Or worst of all, she probably gets PAID to promote them.

  19. ...girlfriend probably paid $0 for these. The more money you have, the more you get for free!

  20. Huh. Not one person has used the go to word for Gwyneth: insufferable. I do believe the use of that word has become commonplace and even overused due to this twat. She wasn't even THAT rich growing up. She just loves having her nose in the air. And, she is dumber than a box of rocks.

  21. The clothes are fucking fug to begin with. Hunter, I laughed my ass off when reading Michael K's take on this. Especially the bit with Chris Martin holed up in a cheap motel, eating twinkies out of spite. This woman is clueless, it's just sad.

  22. Jamie2, I think you hit the nail on the head. She is basically an infomercial for really rich people, which makes her snobbery all the more delusional. I can't believe I am about to write this, but Martha Stewart aimed for the masses because she worked out that you will get rich off the 99%. She made herself available to the 1% via catering & weddings.

  23. @ Jaime2 and Kaltes, I think you are right. It annoys me too.

  24. Maybe the whole thing is some sort of super in joke? I dont why anyone pays any attention to her anyway.

  25. Anyone who wears this to the Oscars should not be dispensing fashion tips

    1. Slouching+saggy boobs=disaster.
      Lena Dunham should take note.

  26. to buy goop's leftovers click below:

  27. I usee to think she was showing pieces to inspire as well. Then i saw her essentials had a $90 white t shirt. Everyone knows what a damn white t shirt is. That's an asshole move that you really need to be out of touch to make. Bitch needs some $5000 smelling salts to wake her ass up.

  28. I just went to her site, and girlfriend cannot pose. She's been in numerous magazines looking great, but in these photos, she's just slouching with some creepy grin on her face. I'm not going to buy overpriced, flower patterned, baggy pants by Chloe. I can find that fugly shit at garage sales for two bucks.

  29. That is one fugly outfit, VIP!

    Yeah, she gets her clothes for free or next to nothing. She really is a pretentious, insufferable twunt.

  30. "Back by popular request" - I believe it. Look at the Pioneer Woman. She can plop hamburger, fried onions and cream of mushroom soup together and 18k people will call it a masterpiece. The cult of personality should not be taken lightly.

  31. Omg, the Pioneer Woman has to be one of the most boring people on those cooking shows.

    1. I watch for shots of her husband.

  32. Certainly she has to hear the criticism leveled at her. And I understood it that people in H' wd DID like her. Seems like everyone says how sweet she is. Was that all PR bullshit?

    And yeah, those outfits are fug.

  33. This is one actress I REALLY can't stand! Ugh! She's not even good! Nothing even remotely likable about her.

  34. What did Chris Martin see in her? I wonder how much twisted a reality she must be feeding her children.

  35. I still find it hard to believe she's Blythe Danner's daughter except for the physical resemblance she has none of her mothers grace.

  36. I'm not sure if she was as smug back when they got together, train. I used to find her likable. Now it's his "meh".

    1. Did not mean to put his in that last sentence. Oops!

  37. Yes, she auctions off clothes for charity that she paid zero for, and takes a tax write off for it. I'm waiting for her to follow mama -ian's lead and start her own church.

  38. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Yay!!! I'm dead to her!!
    She's trying to hobnob with the rich, she's looking for an invite to the Queen's garden party, she couldnt give a shit if honey boo boo's family wants to have her over for sketti and costco cake. She's trying to make a name for herself amongst the uber rich. She'd use us as human toilet paper if she could. Now, NNIM, with the "but Gwyneth is a nice girl, no she's not, IM, she's a spoiled, snotty, rich bitch that will kiss YOUR ass because you're a rich movie star, don't confuse someone who's nice to YOU as someone who's nice in general."

  39. Anonymous10:03 AM

    God she looks hungry, skinny, empty, and sad in that post pic. Can't even muster a smile dear? that calorically depleted?

  40. Saw a great picture of Chris Martin and the kids walking around London eating potato chips. He looked so gleeful it made me like him again.

  41. Oddly enough, my spring wardrobe budget is exactly $45.00. So as long as Goopy doesn't see that decimal point.......

  42. Calling Sunny and Lola... Come in Sunny and Lola. Any thoughts from Team Goopster?

    Ummm. Well. AnnE is looking better and better!

    I win! I win! ;)

  43. Heinous outfits, despicable prices, and one delusional woman... @vip did you see the pic of jlaw in the DM today? Her hair reminds me of your pic. jlaw in the DM

  44. That is one fug dress she is wearing in the posted picture, so I am not certain that Goopy would be that much of an inspiration for me fashion wise.

  45. @feraltart: Glad you pointed out Martha Stewart--yes, she can be a bit full of herself sometimes, but she didn't start out with a silver spoon in her mouth, and she's made a point of providing reasonably-priced home goods of decent quality (no, they're not high-end, but they work well enough overall; wish I had one of those robin's-egg-blue enameled dutch ovens...*sigh*). I looked at the clothes here to see if one could do the usual "get inspiration from the higher-end lines and translate that to one's own budget" deal, but I'm not convinced you can find a lot of those items for less, and even if you can, quality may be an issue, w/the cut-rate items looking awfully cheap & shoddy in comparison to the expensive ones.

    She's a decent actress, and I'm sure she can be a nice person, or at least isn't intentionally behaving badly, but She Just Doesn't Get It, does she? *shakes head*

  46. I don't find her relevant in any way

  47. Well, I like her. I'll hang with Gwyneth any day.

  48. I've always liked Gwenyth. (ducks at the rocks thrown)

    Yes, she's snobby and pretentious, but there are worse sins out there. Honestly, in a culture that worships trash like the Kardashians, goop looks like freakin' Princess Grace. I read her newsletter and wad really unimpressed with most of her fashion picks for spring, but how is what she is pushing in her newsletter any different than what Anna Wintour puts in Vogue? A lot of it is overly expensive or overly ridiculous for most people to wear to work everyday.

    I will say that I do like how she supports quality clothing over mass produced crap. If that $90 t-shirt lasts season after season and looks great, it's a better investment than a $10 t-shirt that fades after one season and needs to be replaced every year.

    1. @Lee Tanner
      I agree with everything you said. (ducking myself)

  49. Thanks, Gwennie. I will look forward to purging myself of cheap clothes and food. Now let's hang. We can trade recipes for desserts made of lettuce and air.

  50. Enty is totally using the Goopster for clicks because he knows she gets our knickers in a twist and the comments will explode. But, I will play along anyway.

    I just looked at those outfits and it’s blatantly obvious that she’s catering to the strivers and wannabe’s. Folks that can legitimately afford Alexander McQueen and Stella aren’t getting lifestyle advice from Goop and they sure as hell aren’t buying this stuff off the rack or on-line. All of you fashionistas know that by the time trends get filtered down to us they are already over. Anyone who is anyone already bought this fugly crap last year and has moved on to the next.

    The posers who can’t reeaally afford this stuff are her base. Well, until Daddy gets pushed into early retirement or hubby gets downsized or you get laid off and your credit cards get maxed out. Would any of those situations be a life changer for you? If so, then YOU CAN’T AFFORD CHLOE.

    Don’t be fooled, the posers love all of the Goop hate. Just makes them feel special.

    1. Good point about living beyond your means. If I want to buy a luxury brand it is after the bills are paid, the savings and 401k are paid, and I've saved up and probably bought it on sale!

  51. @Sunny @Lola My team around anywhere?

    1. @Reno - Didn't mean to leave you out of the Goop Club. Since Sunny and Lola have abandoned you today, feel free to join me at the AnnE table in the caf. There are plenty of seats left ;)

      I'm wearing my headgear and an AnnE forever T-shirt!

    2. I'm a Goop lover too Reno:) I actually just watched Shakespeare In Love with the Mr last night! I miss the old days pre-Goop when Gwenny was just a macro-biotic actress .. Oh my goodness I love her onscreen!!

    3. Can I sit at your table too? I also heart AnnE--I watch Devil Wears Prada about once a month and I loved her in Brokeback, Becomming Jane, and Love and Other Drugs

    4. Lee Tanner - of course! The more the merrier!!!

      I must admit I used to love The Goopster back in the early days. I think Sliding Doors was my fav. Then she won the Oscar and her dad died and she went cray. Now I can't relate. I want her butt though. However, not willing to give up my cake to get it!

      Did someone say cake?

    5. @dia, I'll join you too, now that awards season is over and she won her Oscar I think she'll be back to normal and she's a good actress. Go AnnE!

  52. Can y'all imagine if Angelina Jolie had a website and promote this kinda stuff? The gossip world would explode. I know she's not everyone's favorite but I do prefer her Good Samaritan volunteering over Gwyneth's sneering at us poor people. Oh Gwynnie, why you try so hard?

  53. Anonymous11:34 AM

    well i like her. i think shes always been like this. wasnt like she started out wearing gap and philosophy perfumes and shopping at pathmark
    shes a rich bitch never hid it

    she was fuckin brad pitt for godsakes lol

  54. She's just making outfits out of things for sale on Net-A-Porter, where is the hate for them? Or the designers that make this stuff and put such ridiculous price points on them? It does not cost $800 to make a $1600 skirt. Yes, she's out of touch but isn't the entire world of high fashion out of touch?

  55. Marie Antoinette supposedly said, "Let them eat cake".

    Gwynnie would not let us have any cake.

    1. Thanks for that laugh Momster!

      "Let them lick mint leaves." soundsmore like it.

    2. Maybe she'd let us have gluten free cake?

    3. Does gluten free mean I can eat the whole thing? Without the shame afterward? Oh who am I kidding, the shame will be there anyway. When I go to the mirror and scream "bad little piggy!" at my reflection. Mmmm, cake.

  56. Hi dia. Not sure if I can sit at the AnnE table, I think sitting with Goop is way pushing it. But for you I might. Maybe. ;)

  57. Woohoo Alicia! #Teamgoop lives!

  58. In the insightful words of Bugs Bunny...What a maroon!

  59. Well, in this hifalutin twat's stratosphere you know you can only be seen in each of these items only once. Ain't nobody got time for that much shopping.

  60. And here I am trying to round up $50 to get an NES/SNES/Genesis clone. Let alone half a million bucks for clothes. Although I did splurge for a $5 Iron Man 2 shirt (I hope she enjoyed the penny she got from me).

    I hate to say this because I seriously love the character and thing Him.........I mean Robert Downey Jr is awesome in the role, but I think as long as Goopy here is playing Pepper Potts (who is supposed to be a red head or brunette, not blonde) we should refuse to see Iron man 3.

  61. Why did Kevin Bacon get suckered by Madoff and not this dunce. She seems like the type that would be very susceptible to an "I'm smarter than everyone else" ponzi investment scam.

    1. Count - Gwyneth is Mensa smart. She's smarter than the whole of CDaN put together ;)

    2. @dia papaya: thanks for clarifying that. I have friends and co-workers who are Mensa smart. Most of them are lovely people but they are not street smart. Also, the ones with foul personalities have the double whammy of being socially aware.

  62. That's ok. She's been dead to me for the last 15-16 years.

  63. Do tudo, do tudo, hey everybody. Just thought I'd wander in. . . :)

    Number 1. Team Lee Tanner. Like/dislike whoever you want, but I find it so strange that this woman seems to conjure up more hate then idiots like the vile Kardashians, Teen Moms who don't give a shit about their kids/sobriety and all the other talentless reality folks. Those are the turkeys that give me Hulk-like rage.

    GP may be out of touch, but who cares?? She's well-spoken and speaks both Spanish and French fluently. Not exactly vapid territory, in my opinion. And I have seen a lot of friends get nutty once they had kids. No chemicals in the house, all organic non-processed foods etc. I really think she's trying her best to be a good Mom, and I like that

    Xander's next t-shirt: Team Gwyneth (membership 5 and counting)

  64. I just thought of someone: Posh Spice. She’s a balls-out lemon face praying mantis with food issues, a crazy expensive clothing line that she DESIGNS (not simply endorses/links to) and she gets nowhere near the amount of hate that Goopy does. Posh & Becks have just as much if not more $$ than Goop & Martin and they definitely have the same sized egos. Posh probably has 2 sticks up her butt and she could give rat’s ass if anyone likes her or if she relates. She’s unapologetic (why should she be? They earned every penny) and she’s 100% honest about it. Bitch hasn’t cracked a smile in public in months. She’s just trotting around in stilettos, getting colonics, eating 3-4 frozen grapes a day and making money. But Posh doesn’t push my buttons at all. Maybe people respond to/respect her authenticity?

    I wonder if those 2 couples are friends? Do they hang out? I’m too lazy to Google. I was going to say that Goop could learn something about branding from Posh but I just remembered that Goop needs us to see her movies. She could also be doing some climbing of her own. Back when she and Madonna were BFF’s taking yoga, drinking afternoon tea with their British husbands and hoping some of that “stature” would rub off on them, it was ridick.

    She claims that she isn’t, but Goopy is trying too hard to please everyone and she’s shooting herself in the foot. No need to apologize. Be yourself, Gwennie!

    1. I think Posh got a break after she took her fake bewbs out. She used to get a lot of hate and mockery (especially from Michael K) when she was stick thin with twin bowling balls on her chest.

  65. I love that my post makes a point to say Number 1. . . but then forgot to make subsequent points.

    Watch yo back!

    I'm so glad you updated the weekend crew. Thank you again for working so hard to get this together

  66. It's posts like these that i actually think Enty is female.

  67. Sunny! I am watching... And you better be watching yours!!!

    After we rumble, can we relax with some organic nitrate-free wine? That would be delish! I'll bring over my Big Joe glass!

    1. Yeah wine! I'll bring a bottle and Big Carl!

  68. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I just did my spring/summer budget (they're pretty much the same season here in texas!)And its at $1200 with a lot of nice stuff that I will probably wait until it goes on sale and get for about $900. If have a couch day tomorrow I might do a spring preview for the 99% if do I'll post a pinerest link on this thread. Fuck GOOP that shit is way too expensive I thought the cutest thing on her site was the jcrew necklace!

  69. When I worked retail at Nordstrom ill let you in on a secret, for those who don't already know, nords always does their markdowns on Mondays! I would always try everything on, then wait for it to go on sale, if they don't have the item in your size they can do a search of the company inventory and order it and ship it to you for free, so go see what fits you then wait for it to go on sale, everything does eventually at some point :)

  70. WTF is with that shorts outfit??? Cropped tops do NOT belong on anyone over 30, no matter how damn skinny you are.

  71. I'm no Gwyneth fan but everyone knows that the point of photo spreads is inspiration, not imitation. It's not about buying those pieces; it's about using the pieces as a springboard for your own look (and at your own priceline).

    If you're going to bitch about fashion spreads and their real-world costs, then it better be a regular feature and not just a one-off to shoot arrows at a very easy target.

  72. I think she has issues......

  73. I think she has issues......

  74. I am sitting here luxuriating in my $15 shirt from Urban Planet and enjoying all of these lovely comments.

    I love how Anna Nonymous put it - from now I I will mentally call her the Calorically Depleted Goop.

    Thanks for the tips about Nordstroms, PrimaDiva!

  75. Ditto Ethorne's comments. I'm ashamed I just up'd her web traffic. At least the increase will point to CDAN!

  76. Ditto Ethorne's comments. I'm ashamed I just up'd her web traffic. At least the increase will point to CDAN!

  77. I don't really like the goopster, but what is worse than her pretentiousness is other peoples envy....which really comes out when she gets posted on this site. Green doesn't look good on some of you.......Yeah, you aren't rich... but that is no ones fault but your own (and my own-cause Im not either-but not going to hate on those that are-would do better to emulate them)

  78. i hate this dress on her. also, i second the eating disorder comment. those poor kids.

  79. I don't think it is envy. She has a lifestyle website site that only fits a certain life (a rich one), despite the fact that the majority of fans who read it are "poors" like you and me. She is pretentious as all get out, and lacks any self awareness. I find it sad.

  80. so great...she's on facebook. goop. peoples comments include ".please write for those of us inside the recession" and "Sure, I'll just sell my house so I can buy one of your "must-have" outfits" haha
    here's the link

  81. In Goop's defense (Holy crap, NEVER in my wildest dreams did I think I would EVER write those words!) she did once say, "I am who I am. I can't pretend to be somebody who makes $25,000 a year."
    You know, kind of like your or I can't pretend to know what it's like to be able to fly, or to be a unicorn. *eye roll*

    @ VIP - Goop wore that dress to the Oscars the year the The Royal Tenenbaums was nominated and I'll never forget because one snarky commentator said her breasts looked like two chicken cutlets. ZING!

    1. But isn't it an actor's job to pretend?

  82. Goopster fans unite!

    She is who she is and much like Anne (and for that matter Taylor), in a world that celebrates trash like the Kardashians Chris Brown...where fashion magazines tell you you can never be pretty enough or thin enough and where society tells you that you an have it all (and if you don't there is something wrong with you), I'm not sure why these women are the target of society's hatred.

    What is Gwenyth really, other than everything society tells women every day they SHOULD be? She's rich, she's thin, she's super mom, she's an entrepreneur (of sorts), she's a career woman...and she gets vilified for it because she hasn't been "likeable" enough (and Anne wants success to much) while meeting what society demands of women? You see it all of the time, we demand women be 100 different things but them tear them down when they try to conform to those expectations.

    Gwenyth (and Anne) aside it saddens me how we tear women (who really, have done nothing to harm anyone...ahem, Lindsey) down especially when we just don't ever do the same to men.

  83. She's just putting together some outfits as inspiration. Net-A-Porter is high end so, yeah it costs a lot. The editorials in Vogue and Harper's Bazaar are well out of my price range too but I still like looking at them. It's just a bit of fun. No one is saying you HAVE to spend all that money.

  84. And to agree with Jessie, I'm not sure what the big difference between what she has on her site and a vogue, bazaar, wwd, etc. spread on "What to Wear Now" or "Springs Must Haves" etc. are. Many people (including, I would guess, at least a few here) read those magazines yet can't afford the high end designer wear they show.

    I would also suspect that she actually DOES get people who say things like, "I love your style...I wish you had a tutorial on your style I could look at." (obvs not anyone Here though).

  85. I don't hate her, nor do I begrudge her being born rich. She is a product of her upbringing, at least she isn't advocating furs or solid gold or diamond encrusted baby accessories. To me she doesn't come across haughty or spoilt, a little naive maybe but that's hardly a character fault. I don't think she deserves the vitriol.

  86. I think she is fucking intolerable.

  87. I've said it before but I don't hate her. I didn't like what I saw on the website but I don't hate her. I sometimes get the sense from the comments made that she's obligated to the public. She's not. She doesn't owe me anything any more than I owe her anything. She's created a website she enjoys and that people find useful.

    I also get the sense that people are jealous and turning a critical eye onto themselves. The world is full of intelligent, hardworking, beautiful women who aren't millionaires or six-figurenaires. And that's okay. You make the decisions that are best for you at the moment and hopefully lead to a happy, fulfilling life.

    Finally, I think that Gwyneth has raised so much ire because she appears (for the most part) not to be moved by public opinion. That bothers people because you can't shame her into "balancing the scales". There's no satisfaction there . You can't bully her into destructive behavior or donating her wealth to charity or any number of activities that satisfy us. Gwyneth leads the life she wants to lead and I'm sure she is surrounded by people who love her.

  88. One final note until the next Goop Sucks posts. . .

    I have a good friend who is a Mom blogger. She opened my eyes to the 10,000 other Mom blogger sites out there, and there are countless ones that show us mere mortals how to eat well on a budget, dress well on a budget, where the latest sales are etc. Why does GP have to pretend to be on a budget? She has money, there are people out there who have money (and not just the 1%) and her blog is actually beautifully laid out.

    I think the reason I get so uh, involved in this topic is because I LOATHE the reality star/rewarding bad behavior culture so prevalent in the U.S. Please, for the love of God - channel this hate for GP and get some of this horeshit off the air. I don't want my kids growing up thinking the more they fuck up the more popular they will be.

    (Pre-coffee rant. It really is nothing directed at Goop haters. I just want everyone to hate reality tv as much as I do so that maybe it will go away)

  89. sunny, great idea!

    xander, Goop Sucks t shirts:)

    Just kidding....

  90. I think Goop is relinquishing her power by constantly seeking our approval. Who cares what we think? Yesterday was the first time that I’ve clicked on her site in over a year and no one forced my hand, I wanted to see what was going on. It’s obvious that she’s not everyone’s cup of tea, maybe she should just “do her thang” and stop looking back at us for the thumbs up?

    On second thought, if she did that she’d have to stop making movies or at least stop doing press for them. Maybe it’s the movie biz’s bogus accessibility requirement that’s tripping her up? If she stopped acting and went off into oblivion focusing on Goop I bet no one would bat an eye. Pretty soon most of us would stop drinking the hater-ade.

    Yes, I agree that the K’s and the Teen Moms need to go away immediately. Unfortunately, their base is young impressionable girls who watch those vapid re-runs over & over and drive up the ratings. Ugh.

  91. Ha ha, Agent!! I think it would be Xander's hottest item!

    Just as a reminder, I think today is the final day for 1/2 the t-shirt proceeds to go toward I Do the Robot's sister Carol (unless it was extended and I didn't see the message). I really did need t-shirts for running/gym, so I just bought my 3rd today. Please please please if you are considering buying a t-shirt, pull the trigger today.
    I just got the I heart Enty t-shirt in royal blue. I think it's going to be really cute in that color combo :)

  92. I think she's well aware that people don't like her.When she puts stupid crap like this on her blog, she can tell herself that people are jealous of her cause she's rich, instead of thinking maybe she's acting like a cunt.

  93. Anonymous3:34 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I have done a blog entry and pinterest page called "Spring and Summer Wardrobe for the 99%" if youre interested the link for the blog is Katydid 99%

    The link for the Pinterest is Katydid Pinterest

    I would suggest checking out the blog though I tried to put some cost saving tips in there and some lists of basics to work from. Hopefully it"s helpful to someone out there.

    Nothing on the Blog or Pinterest page is over $200.00 and most things are under $100.00

    I'll try and post tomorrow too in case I'm too late on this thread.

  95. @Katydid: it says I don't have access to check it out? :/

  96. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Sorry Meanie, this is my first time doing it and probably messed it up somehow.I had the privacy turned on on Blogger. It should work now. You can click on my profile and the link for the blog is there and inside the blog is a link to the pinterest page.
    Thanks for checking it out! I've never done anything like this before.....

  97. Very nice, Katydid!! I wish you the best of luck, hon!! =)

  98. I'm not SUPER-Team Goopster, but I get GOOP. Some of the recipes and entertaining ideas are pretty cool. I thought some of the spring clothes were kind of cute, too. But what do I know? I live in Margaritaville tees and jeans. ;-)

    I also think that her clothing/travel/decorating/what-have-you just shows me what the hip stuff looks like, so I can get whatever I can afford that's stylish like that at Kohl's or Goodwill or wherever.

    Not a lot of hate for her here. I truly think she means well. *shrug*
