Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Blind Item #2

This A list mostly movie actress has decided to take a little self-imposed break from her husband. The reason? She caught him with his hands all over a model's breasts two weeks ago. The model was topless. Oh, and they were kissing too. And a little groping. Way past canoodling.


  1. Anyone?
    Because MD had a real swing back in his step at the Oscars, and it wasn't swinging toward his wife.

  2. Ewwwwww, uncomfortable scene.

  3. The wording reminds me of dialogue from "A Fish Called Wanda", so I'm changing to Jamie Lee Curtis & C. Guest. You know JLC's man has to be a breast enthusiast, shit!

  4. Anne Hathaway is in the DM, on her own and having lunch with a male friend.

  5. Unless the model was male, Anne Hathaway doesn't have to worry about her husband.

  6. @Karen, ooooh burn! Lol her husband does look trapped in the closet. I always thought it was just me thinking the worst.


  7. Someone like Julianne Moore or Cate Blanchett? Just throwing out some married A listers.

  8. Hahaha, @Libby - loved A Fish Called Wanda!

  9. I'm thinking that, whoever it is, her husband is not famous in his own right, because Enty doesn't bother to describe him...so that would rule out CZJ/Michael Douglas (although @ Libby, I totally agree with your observation about them -- I thought the same thing!!)

  10. How did I not know Jamie Lee Curtis was married to Christopher Guest??

  11. tealily---Wouldn't they be the coolest friends to have? Imagine the dinner parties, their circle...WOW! I wish I could get Parker Posey to come to MY house.

  12. In which case, Cate Blanchett is a great guess. He is a troll, speaking superficially.

  13. @libby, please invite me if you get Parker Posey to come to dinner. She's my imaginary BFF. I'd like to have the following as well: Sandra Bernhardt, Isaac Mizrahi, Mark Ruffalo (my imaginary husband), Jennifer Coolidge, and the fun BFF trio of Anderson Cooper/Andy Cohen, and Kelly Ripa (OK, she can bring her husband along if he wears only a Speedo). Doesn't that sound like a hoot?

  14. Carey Mulligan? I can see Marcus Mumford doing something like this, what with the "rock 'n roll posh farmers playing banjos lifestyle" he leads.

  15. I will FIGHT you for Ruffalo. Ha!

  16. I feel like the hub is a nobody. Reese Witherspoon?

  17. Or Natalie Portman? Her hub seems like a jackass.

  18. Dude gets caught with his hand in (on) the cookie jar. Wife says fine, I will leave you with your cookies for a few weeks to teach you a lesson. Dude thinks shazaam! Free cookies for two weeks! WTF is she thinking.

  19. Oh, forgot to mention, it is probably easier for a bi/gay man to sleep with Anne Hathaway. I can't see her poster on any teenage boy's wall.

  20. AnnE Hate-Away's hub, Adam Shulman is described as an Actor and JEWELRY DESIGNER. If that ain't a primo combo for dude-fancying, I don't know what is!

  21. AnnE's husband has kind eyes. Sad, SAD eyes, but kind. After all the shit she must have put him through during awards' season, he deserves a little fun.

  22. Naomi isn't married

  23. Naomi isn't married

  24. Julia Roberts. Karma can be a BITCH!

  25. I think Natalie Portman's been spending time in LA and I thought I read the hubby had a project in Paris. Lots of models in Paris for Fashion Week.

    Plus, he seems like a douche.

  26. Anonymous11:49 AM

    A List Mostly Movie Actress with a cheating man? Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber. Were they at fashion week? has she been papped alone?
